
Résultats pour : "micro-organisme du sol"

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Nombre de documents : 83.

Article de revue

Frankia-actinorhizal symbiosis: A non-chemical biological assemblage for enhanced plant growth, nodulation and reclamation of degraded soils. Bhattacharyya Pranaba Nanda, Islam Nazim Forid, Sarma Bhaskar, Nath Bharat Chandra, Tawfeeq Al-Ani Laith Khalil, Lesueur Didier. 2024. Symbiosis, 92 : 1-26.
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From rhizosphere to detritusphere - Soil structure formation driven by plant roots and the interactions with soil biota. Mueller Carsten W., Baumert Vera, Carminati Andrea, Germon Amandine, Holz Maire, Kögel-Knabner Ingrid, Peth Stephan, Schlüter Steffen, Uteau Daniel, Vetterlein Doris, Teixeira Pedro, Vidal Alix. 2024. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 193:109396, 13 p.

Revealing human impact on natural ecosystems through soil bacterial DNA sampled from an archaeological site. Boivin Stéphane, Bourceret Améliia, Maurice Kenji, Laurent-Webb Liam, Figura Tomas, Bourillon Julie, Nespoulous Jérôme, Domergue Odile, Chaintreuil Clémence, Boukcim Hassan, Selosse Marc-André, Fiema Zbigniew, Botte Emmanuel, Nehme Laila, Ducousso Marc. 2024. Environmental Microbiology, 26 (1):e16546, 13 p.

The interactive effect of temperature and fertilizer types determines the dominant microbes in nitrous oxide emissions and the dicyandiamide efficacy in a vegetable soil. Xu Xiaoya, Liu Haiyang, Liu Yaowei, Lesueur Didier, Herrmann Laetitia, Di Hongjie, Tang Caixian, Xu Jianming, Li Yong. 2024. Soil Ecology Letters, 6:230213, 13 p.

No evidence of foliar disease impact on crop root functional strategies and soil microbial communities: what does this mean for organic coffee? Gagliardi Stephanie, Avelino Jacques, Fulthorpe Roberta, de Melo Virginio Filho Elias, Isaac Marney E.. 2023. Oikos, 2023 (1):e08987, 12 p.
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Enrichment in biodiversity and maturation of the soil food web under conservation agriculture is associated with suppression of rice-parasitic nematodes. Masson Anne-Sophie, Vermeire Marie-Liesse, Leng Vira, Simonin Marie, Tivet Florent, Nguyen Thi Hue, Brunel Caroline, Suong Malyna, Kuok Fidero, Moulin Lionel, Bellafiore Stéphane. 2022. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 331:107913, 15 p.

Management of plant beneficial fungal endophytes to improve the performance of agroecological practices. Nasslahsen Bouchra, Prin Yves, Ferhout Hicham, Smouni Abdelaziz, Duponnois Robin. 2022. Journal of Fungi, 8 (10):1087, 15 p.

Towards a microbiota-based understanding of sugarcane health. Sanguin Hervé, Sood Sushma, Tournier Estelle, Julian Charlotte, Fernandez Emmanuel, Mahe Frédéric, Filloux Denis, Daugrois Jean-Heinrich, Roumagnac Philippe, Rott Philippe. 2022. Sugar Journal (June), Résumé : 28-29. ASSCT 2022 Annual Meeting, Bonita Springs, États-Unis, 21 Juin 2022/23 Juin 2022.

The impact of the rice production system (irrigated vs lowland) on root-associated microbiome from farmer's fields in western Burkina Faso. Barro Mariam, Wonni Issa, Simonin Marie, Kassankogno Abalo Itolou, Klonowska Agnieszka, Moulin Lionel, Béna Gilles, Somda Irénée, Brunel Caroline, Tollenaere Charlotte. 2022. FEMS Microbiology, Ecology, 98 (9):fiac085, 17 p.

Modelling the organic evolution of a mediterranean limestone soil under usual cropping of durum wheat and faba bean. Ibrahim Hatem, Gaieb Sinda, Brahim Nadhem, Blavet Didier, Van Den Meersche Karel, Pansu Marc. 2021. Agronomy (Basel), 11 (9), n.spéc. Soil Microbes and Nutrient Recycling in Agroecosystems:1688, 10 p.

Coffee microbiota and its potential use in sustainable crop management. A review. Duong Benoit, Marraccini Pierre, Maeght Jean-Luc, Vaast Philippe, Lebrun Michel, Duponnois Robin. 2020. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4:607935, 31 p.

Soil-microorganism-mediated invasional meltdown in plants. Zhang Zhijie, Liu Yanjie, Brunel Caroline, van Kleunen Mark. 2020. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 4 : 1612-1621.

Towards unraveling macroecological patterns in rhizosphere microbiomes. Brunel Caroline, Pouteau Robin, Dawson Wayne, Pester Michael, Ramirez Kelly S., van Kleunen Mark. 2020. Trends in Plant Science, 25 (10) : 1017-1029.

The belowground bacterial and fungal communities differed in their significance as microbial indicator of Moroccan carob habitats. Khassali Hamza, Baumel Alex, Mahé Frédéric, Tournier Estelle, Tisseyre Pierre, Prin Yves, Ouahmane Lahcen, Sanguin Hervé. 2020. Ecological Indicators, 114:106341, 9 p.
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Microbial enzymatic activities and community-level physiological profiles (CLPP) in subsoil layers are altered by harvest residue management practices in a tropical Eucalyptus grandis plantation. Maillard François, Leduc Valentin, Bach Cyrille, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Dini Andreote Fernando, Saint-André Laurent, Laclau Jean-Paul, Buée Marc, Robin Agnès. 2019. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, 39, n.spéc., Résumé : 659-660. IUFRO World Congress 2019 "Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development". 25, Curitiba, Brésil, 29 Septembre 2019/5 Octobre 2019.

Modelling the continuous exchange of nitrogen between microbial decomposers, the organs and symbionts of plants, soil reserves and the atmosphere. Pansu Marc Antoine, Ibrahim Hatem, Hatira Abdessatar, Brahim Nadhem, Drevon Jean Jacques, Harmand Jean-Michel, Chotte Jean-Luc, Blavet Didier. 2018. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 125 : 185-196.

Attractancy of bacterivorous nematodes to root-adhering soils differs according to rice cultivars. Ranoarisoa Patricia Mahafaka, Blanchart Eric, Vom Brocke Kirsten, Ramanantsoanirina Alain, Sester Mathilde, Plassard Claude, Cournac Laurent, Trap Jean. 2017. Rhizosphere, 3 (Part 1) : 128-131.

Does plant richness alter multitrophic soil food web and promote plant-parasitic nematode regulation in banana agroecosystems? Poeydebat Charlotte, Tixier Philippe, Chabrier Christian, De Lapeyre de Bellaire Luc, Vargas Randall, Daribo Marie Odette, Carval Dominique. 2017. Applied Soil Ecology, 117-118 : 137-146.

Raisonner l'utilisation des légumineuses ligneuses pour réhabiliter des sols dégradés en milieu méditerranéen et tropical. Duponnois Robin, Thioulouse Jean, Baudoin Ezékiel, Le Roux Christine, Galiana Antoine, Prin Yves. 2017. Innovations Agronomiques, 60 : 125-131. Rencontres Francophones sur les Légumineuses. 1, Dijon, France, 31 Mai 2016/1 Juin 2016.

Below ground microbial diversity as influenced by coffee agroforestry systems in the Western Ghats, India. Bagyaraj D.J., Thilagar G., Ravisha C., Kushalappa Cheppudira G., Krishnamurthy K.N., Vaast Philippe. 2015. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 202 : 198-202.

Diversity of decay resistance strategies of durable tropical woods species: Bocoa prouacencsis Aublet, Vouacapoua americana Aublet, Inga alba (Sw.) Wild. Amusant Nadine, Nigg M., Thibaut Bernard, Beauchêne Jacques. 2014. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 94 : 103-108.

Does the addition of labile substrate destabilise old soil organic matter? Derrien Delphine, Plain Caroline, Courty Pierre-Emmanuel, Gelhaye Louisette, Moerdijk-Poortvliet Tanja C.W., Thomas Fabien, Versini Antoine, Zeller Bernd, Koutika Lydie-Stella, Boschker Henricus T.S., Epron Daniel. 2014. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 76 : 149-160.

Pyrosequencing evidences the impact of cropping on soil bacterial and fungal diversity in Laos tropical grassland. Lienhard Pascal, Terrat Sébastien, Chemidlin Prévost-Bouré Nicolas, Nowak Virginie, Régnier Tiffanie, Sayphoummie Sengpanh, Panyasiri Khamkèo, Tivet Florent, Mathieu Olivier, Levêque Jean, Maron Pierre-Alain, Ranjard Lionel. 2014. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 34 (2) : 525-533.

Capacité des sols forestiers tropicaux de Guyane et de la Réunion à dépolluer les bois imprégnés de biocides. Zaremski Alba, Gastonguay Louis, Zaremski Clara, Chaffanel Fanny, Le Floch Gaetan, Beauchêne Jacques. 2013. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (318) : 51-58.

Challenges of formulation and quality of biofertilizers for successful inoculation. Herrmann Laetitia, Lesueur Didier. 2013. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97 (20) : 8859-8873.

Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium in monoculture and intercropped plantations: Evolution of soil and litter microbial and chemical attributes during early stages of plant development. Bini Daniel, Alcantara dos Santos Cristiane, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Bran Nogueira Cardoso Elke Jurandy. 2013. Applied Soil Ecology, 63 : 57-66.

Impacts of land use on soil microbial biomass and soil organic status in Western Cameroon. Fotio Daniel, Simon Serge, Ondo Jean Aubin, Mfopou Mewouo Yvette Clarice, Nguefack Julienne, Njomgang Roseline, Ngueguim Martin, Teguefouet Pierre. 2013. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 3 (1) : 99-111.

L'introduction d'acacias australiens pour réhabiliter des écosystèmes dégradés est-elle dépourvue de risques environnementaux ? Duponnois Robin, Baudoin Ezékiel, Sanguin Hervé, Thioulouse Jean, Le Roux Christine, Tournier Estelle, Galiana Antoine, Prin Yves, Dreyfus Bernard. 2013. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (318) : 59-65.

No-till and cover crops shift soil microbial abundance and diversity in Laos tropical grasslands. Lienhard Pascal, Tivet Florent, Chabanne André, Dequiedt Samuel, Lelièvre Mélanie, Sayphoummie Sengpanh, Leudphanane Bounma, Prévost-Bouré Nicolas Chemidlin, Séguy Lucien, Maron Pierre-Alain, Ranjard Lionel. 2013. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 33 (2) : 375-384.

Unexpected similar stability of soil microbial CO2 respiration in 20-year manured and in unmanured tropical soils. Chotte Jean-Luc, Diouf Mayécor, Assigbetse Komi, Lesueur Didier, Rabary Bodovololona, Sall Saidou. 2013. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 11 (2) : 135-142.

Multivariate analyses in soil microbial ecology: A new paradigm. Thioulouse Jean, Prin Yves, Duponnois Robin. 2012. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 19 (4) : 499-520.

Occurrence and genetic diversity of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in soils of differing chemical characteristics in Kenya. Ndung'u-Magiroi Keziah Wairimu, Herrmann Laetitia, Okalebo John Robert, Othieno Calebo O., Pypers Pieter, Lesueur Didier. 2012. Annals of Microbiology, 62 (3) : 897-904.

Response of native soil microbial functions to the controlled mycorrhization of an exotic tree legume, Acacia holosericea in a Sahelian ecosystem. Bilgo Ablasse, Sangare Sheikh K., Thioulouse Jean, Prin Yves, Hien Victor, Galiana Antoine, Baudoin Ezékiel, Hafidi Mohamed, Bâ Amadou, Duponnois Robin. 2012. Mycorrhiza, 22 (3) : 175-187.

Seasonal changes of bacterial communities in the rhizosphere of Acacia senegal mature trees inoculated with Ensifer strains in Burkina Faso and Niger. Herrmann Laetitia, Sanon Kadidia B., Zoubeirou Alzouma Mayaki, Dianda Mahamadi, Sall Saidou, Thuita Moses, Lesueur Didier. 2012. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 157 : 47-53.

Soil aggregation and total diversity of bacteria and fungi in various tillage systems of sub-humid and semi-arid Kenya. Kihara Job, Martius Christopher, Bationo André, Thuita Moses, Lesueur Didier, Herrmann Laetitia, Amelung W., Vlek Paul L.G.. 2012. Applied Soil Ecology, 58 (1) : 12-20.

Acquisition of phosphorus and other poorly mobile nutrients by roots. Where do plant nutrition models fail? Hinsinger Philippe, Brauman Alain, Devau Nicolas, Gérard Frédéric, Jourdan Christophe, Laclau Jean-Paul, Le Cadre Edith, Jaillard Benoît, Plassard Claude. 2011. Plant and Soil, 348 (1-2) : 29-61.

Effects of organic and inorganic fertilization on soil bacterial and fungal microbial diversity in the Kabete long-term trial, Kenya. Kamaa Mary M., Mburu Harrison N., Blanchart Eric, Chibole Livingstone, Chotte Jean-Luc, Kibunja Catherine N., Lesueur Didier. 2011. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 47 (3) : 315-321.

Grassland management history affects the response of the nematode community to changes in above-ground grazing regime. Villenave Cécile, Saj Stéphane, Attard Eléonore, Klumpp Katja, Le Roux Xavier. 2011. Nematology, 13 (8) : 995-1008.

Additive and interactive effects of functionally dissimilar soil organisms on a grassland plant community. Ladygina Natalia, Henry Frederic, Kant Merijn R., Koller Robert, Reidinger Stefan, Rodriguez Alia, Saj Stéphane, Sonnemann Ilja, Witt Christian, Wurst Susanne. 2010. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 42 : 2266-2275.

Auxin carriers localization drives auxin accumulation in plant cells infected by Frankia in Casuarina glauca actinorhizal nodules. Perrine-Walker Francine, Doumas Patrick, Lucas Mikaël, Vaissayre Virginie, Bauchemin Nicholas, Band Leah, Chopard Jérôme, Crabos Amandine, Conejero Geneviève, Péret Benjamin, King John, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Hocher Valérie, Franche Claudine, Bennett Malcolm J., Tisa Louis, Laplaze Laurent. 2010. Plant Physiology, 154 (3) : 1372-1380.

Influence of long-term organic and mineral fertilization on soil nematofauna when growing Sorghum bicolor in Burkina Faso. Villenave Cécile, Saj Stéphane, Pablo Anne-laure, Sall Saidou, Djigal Djibril, Chotte Jean-Luc, Bonzi Mousa. 2010. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 46 (7) : 659-670.

Effects of living mulches or residue amendments on soil microbial properties in direct seeded cropping systems of Madagascar. Rabary Bodovololona, Sall Saidou, Letourmy Philippe, Husson Olivier, Ralambofetra Eliane, Moussa Narcisse, Chotte Jean-Luc. 2008. Applied Soil Ecology, 39 (2) : 236-243.

Soil-root-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere - a key to understanding and predicting nutrient bioavailability to plants. Hinsinger Philippe, Bravin Matthieu, Devau Nicolas, Gérard Frédéric, Le Cadre Edith, Jaillard Benoît. 2008. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 8 (3) : 39-47. International Symposium of Interactions of Soil Minerals with Organic Components and Microorganisms. 5, Pucon, Chili, 24 Novembre 2008/28 Novembre 2008.

Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis can counterbalance the negative influence of the exotic tree species Eucalyptus camaldulensis on the structure and functioning of soil microbial communities in a sahelian soil. Kisa Marija, Sanson Arsene, Thioulouse Jean, Assigbetse Komi, Sylla Samba, Spichiger Rodolphe, Dieng Lamine, Berthelin Jacques, Prin Yves, Galiana Antoine, Lepage Michel. 2007. FEMS Microbiology, Ecology, 62 (1) : 32-44.

Arbuscular mycorrhizas and ectomycorrhizas of Uapaca bojeri L. (Euphorbiaceae) : Sporophore diversity, patterns of root colonization, and effects on seedling growth and soil microbial catabolic diversity. Ramanankierana Naina, Ducousso Marc, Rakotoarimanga Christophe Nirina, Prin Yves, Thioulouse Jean, Randrianjohany Emile, Ramaroson Luciano, Kisa Marija, Galiana Antoine, Duponnois Robin. 2007. Mycorrhiza, 17 : 195-208.

Responses of soil microbial catabolic diversity to arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation and soil disinfection. Dabire A.P., Hien Victor, Bilgo Ablasse, Kisa Marija, Sangare K.S., Plenchette Christian, Galiana Antoine, Prin Yves, Duponnois Robin. 2007. Mycorrhiza, 17 (6) : 537-545.

Soil functional diversity and P solubilization from rock phosphate after inoculation with native or allochtonous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Ouahmane Lahcen, Thioulouse Jean, Hafidi Mohamed, Prin Yves, Ducousso Marc, Galiana Antoine, Plenchette Christian, Kisa Marija, Duponnois Robin. 2007. Forest Ecology and Management, 241 : 200-208.

Fluorescent pseudomonads occuring in Macrotermes subhyalinus mound structures decrease Cd toxicity and improve its accumulation in sorghum plants. Duponnois Robin, Kisa Marija, Assigbetse Komi, Prin Yves, Thioulouse Jean, Issartel M., Moulin Patricia, Lepage Michel. 2006. Science of the Total Environment, 370 (2-3) : 391-400.

A process-based model of nitrogen cycling in forest plantations. Part I. Structure, calibration and analysis of the decomposition model. Corbeels Marc, McMurtrie Ross E., Pepper David A., O'Connell Anthony M.. 2005. Ecological Modelling, 187 (4) : 426-448.

Changes in nematode communities after manuring in millet fields in Senegal. Villenave Cécile, Bongers Tom, Ekschmitt Klemens, Fernandes Paula, Oliver Robert. 2003. Nematology, 5 (3) : 351-358.


Compêndio de identificação: Problemas agronômicos em algodoeiro e ferramentas de controle. Bélot Jean-Louis (ed.), Vilela Patricia (ed.), Silvie Pierre, Michel Bruno, Gondin Delano M.C., Petit Nicolas, Leroy Thierry, Busarello Giovana D., Thomazoni Danielle, Soria Miguel, Galbieri Rafael, Zambiasi Tatiane Cheila, Cia Edivaldo, Andrade Edson R., De Jesus Rodriguez de la Torre Elio, De Lima Viana Daniela, Soares Carlos Marcelo, Rodrigues Eduardo M., Martin José, Metha Y.R., Santos Braulio A. (collab.), Jorge dos Santos Walter (collab.), Degrande Paulo Eduardo (collab.), Specht A. (collab.), Ferreira Paulo Sergio Fiuza (collab.), Aberlenc Henri-Pierre (collab.), Devare G. (collab.), Maldès Jean-Michel (collab.), Bournier Jean-Paul (collab.), Alves Luis Francisco Angeli (collab.), Bérenger Jean-Michel (collab.), Papierok Bernard (collab.), De Freitas S. (collab.), Loiacono (collab.). 2017. Cuiabá : IMAmt, 304 p. ISBN 978-85-66457-12-4

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Soil biodiversity. Beed Fenton, Dubois Thomas, Coyne Daniel, Lesueur Didier, Ramasamy Srinivasan. 2017. In : Routledge handbook of agricultural biodiversity. Hunter Danny (ed.), Guarino Luigi (ed.), Spillane Charles (ed.), McKoewn Peter C. (ed.). Abingdon : Routledge, 127-144. ISBN 978-0-367-50518-9

Composante biologique de la fertilité du sol. Boyer Johnny, Guibert Hervé. 2016. In : Le cotonnier. Crétenet Michel (ed.), Gourlot Jean-Paul (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 93-97. (Agricultures tropicales en poche) ISBN 978-2-7592-2379-4

Contrôle intégré du flétrissement bactérien (Ralstonia solanacearum) de la pomme de terre dans la région du Vakinankaratra. Rahetlah Volatsara Baholy, Ravelomanantsoa Santatra, Prior Philippe, Rasolomampianina R., Rakotoarimanga Christophe Nirina, Andrianarisoa A.A.B., Andriambeloson O., Raveloson Ravelomanarivo L.H., Razafindraleva H.A., Ralisoa Noroseheno, Andrianarisoa Blandine. 2016. In : Recherche interdisciplinaire pour le développement durable et la biodiversité des espaces ruraux malgaches. Application à différentes thématiques de territoire. Duchaufour Hervé (ed.), Razafimbelo-Andriamifidy Tantely (ed.), Rakotoarisoa Jacqueline (ed.), Ramamonjisoa Bruno (ed.), Rakotondravao. SCAC, PARRUR. Antananarivo : MYE, 169-188.

Impact of roots, microorganisms and microfauna on the fate of soil phosphorus in the rhizosphere. Hinsinger Philippe, Herrmann Laetitia, Lesueur Didier, Robin Agnès, Trap Jean, Waithaisong Kittima, Plassard Claude. 2015. In : Phosphorus metabilism in plants. Plaxton William C. (ed.), Lambers Hans (ed.). Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 377-407. (Annual plant reviews, 48) ISBN 978-1-118-95885-8

Effects of organic and inorganic applications on soil bacterial and fungal microbial communities diversity and impacts of earthworms on microbial diversity in the Kabete long-term trial, Kenya. Kamaa Mary M., Mburu Harrison N., Blanchart Eric, Chibole Livingstone, Chotte Jean-Luc, Kibunja Catherine N., Lesueur Didier. 2012. In : Lessons learned from long-term soil fertility management experiments in Africa. Bationo André (ed.), Waswa Boaz (ed.), Kihara Job (ed.), Adolwa Ivan Solomon (ed.), Vanlauwe Bernard (ed.), Saidou Koala (ed.). Heidelberg : Springer [Allemagne], 121-136. ISBN 978-94-007-2937-7

The Impact of mycorrhizosphere bacterial communities on soil biofunctioning in tropical and mediterranean forest ecosystems. Duponnois Robin, Baudoin Ezékiel, Thioulouse Jean, Hafidi Mohamed, Galiana Antoine, Lebrun Michel, Prin Yves. 2012. In : Bacteria in agrobiology : plant probiotics. Maheshwari Dinesh K. (ed.). Heidelberg : Springer [Allemagne], 79-95. ISBN 978-3-642-27514-2

Collecting symbiotic bacteria and fungi. Herrmann Laetitia, Lesueur Didier, Giamperi F. 2011. In : Collecting Plant Genetic Diversity: Technical Guidelines - 2011 Update. Bioversity International, Rome, Italy. Guarino, L. (ed.), Ramanatha Rao. V. (ed.), Goldberg, E. (ed.). Bioversity International. Rome : Bioversity International, 1-17. ISBN 978-92-9043-922-6

Rhizosphere microbiota interfers with plant-plant interactions. Sanon Arsene, Andrianjaka Z.N., Prin Yves, Bailly R., Thioulouse Jean, Comte Gilles, Duponnois Robin. 2010. In : Rhizosphere: achievements and challenges. Dessaux Yves (ed.), Hinsinger Philippe (ed.), Lemanceau Philippe (ed.). Berlin : Springer [Allemagne], 259-278. (Developments in Plant and Soil Sciences, 104) ISBN 978-90-481-2855-6

Towards the influence of plant-soil-microbes feedbacks on plant biodiversity, grassland variability and productivity. Sanon Arsene, Beguiristain T., Cébron A., Berthelin Jacques, Ndoye Ibrahima, Leyval C., Prin Yves, Galiana Antoine, Baudoin Ezékiel, Duponnois Robin. 2010. In : Grassland biodiversity: habitat types, ecological processes and environmental impacts. Runas Johan (ed.), Dahlgren Theodor (ed.). New York : Nova Science Publishers, 267-301. (Environmental science, engineering and technology series) ISBN 978-1-60876-542-3

Importance of organic matter and biological fertility in coffee soils. Snoeck Didier, Vaast Philippe. 2004. In : Coffee: growing, processing, sustainable production : A guidebook for growers, processors, traders, and researchers. Wintgens Jean Nicolas (ed.). Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 371-383. ISBN 3-527-30731-1

Communication avec actes

Structure du paysage et diversités endogées en forêt guyanaise. Harry Myriam, Abbad Samir, Bousserrhine Noureddine, Célini Léonide, Demanche Christine, Dupont Lise, Garnier-Zarli Evelyne, Gond Valéry, Lavelle Patrick, Leduc Cécilia, Mora Philippe, Rouland Corinne, Roy Virginie, Velasquez Elena. 2006. In : Ecosystèmes tropicaux : actes du 2ème colloque de restituion du programme de recherche, Paris, 7-8 novembre 2006. France-MEDD, ECOFOR. Paris : ECOFOR, 85-93. ISBN 2-914770-12-X Colloque de restitution du programme recherche sur les ecosystèmes tropicaux. 2, Paris, France, 7 Novembre 2006/8 Novembre 2006.

Communication sans actes

Diversité microbienne associée à Quercus suber L. et Acacia decurrens (willd) dans le Parc National d'El-Kala (Nord-Est Algérien). Boudiaf Imene, Le Roux Christine, Beddiar Arifa, Duponnois Robin, Prin Yves. 2011. In : 2ème Rencontre méditerranéenne chercheurs-gestionnaires-industriels : la gestion des subéraies et la qualité du liège, 18-19 octobre 2011, Jijel, Algérie. s.l. : s.n., 1 poster Rencontre méditerranéenne chercheurs-gestionnaires-industriels : la gestion des subéraies et la qualité du liège. 2, Jijel, Algérie, 18 Octobre 2011/19 Octobre 2011.

Analyses des facteurs microbiens régissant le caractère invasif d'Acacia decurrens dans la subéraie du Parc National d'El-Kala (Nord-Est algérien). Boudiaf Imene, Le Roux Christine, Baudoin Ezékiel, Beddiar Arifa, Duponnois Robin, Prin Yves. 2010. In : 1er Congrès International sur les Symbioses Mycorhiziennes Ecosystèmes et Environnement en Milieu Méditerranéen, 11-13/10/2010, Marrakech, Maroc : [Abstracts] = 1er Congrès International Mycorrhizal Symbiosis Ecosystems and Environment of Mediterranean Area. Hafidi Mohamed (ed.), Duponnois Robin (ed.). Université Cadi Ayyad-Faculté des sciences Semlalia. Marrakech : Faculté des Sciences Semlalia, Résumé, 110. Congrès International MYCOMED (Symbioses Mycorhiziennes Ecosystèmes et Environnement en Milieu Méditerranéen). 1, Marrakech, Maroc, 11 Octobre 2010/13 Octobre 2010.

Organic matter and biofunctioning in tropical sandy soils and implication for its management. Blanchart Eric, Albrecht Alain, Bernoux Martial, Brauman Alain, Chotte Jean-Luc, Feller Christian, Ganry Francis, Hien Edmond, et al.. 2007. In : Management of tropical sandy soils for sustainable agriculture : a holistic approach for sustainable development of problem soils in the tropics, 27th November - 2nd December 2005, Khon Kaen, Thailand. Rome : FAO, 224-241. ISBN 978-974-7946-96-3 Proceedings of the International Congress on Management of Tropical Sandy Soils for Sustainable Agriculture, Khon Kaen, Thaïlande, 27 Novembre 2007/2 Décembre 2007.

Vers une gestion agroécologique des SDC horticoles pour réduire l'utilisation des pesticides. Fernandes Paula, Langlais Christian, Vernier Philippe. 2007. In : Rencontres du Cirad 2007 PERSYST Evaluation : Conception des SP, Montpellier, 28 août 2007. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (12 vues) Rencontres du Cirad 2007 PERSYST, Montpellier, France, 28 Août 2007.

Impact d'un apport de compost sur la taille et l'activité de la communauté microbienne du sol. Saison Carine, Degrange Valérie, Oliver Robert, Commeaux Claire, Montange Denis, Le Roux Xavier. 2006. In : Impacts du recyclage des déchets agro-industriels : Actes de l'atelier de clôture de l'ATP, 1-2 juillet 2004. Findeling Antoine (ed.), Marlet Serge (ed.), Montange Denis (ed.), Saint Macary Hervé (ed.). CIRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD, 8 p. Atelier de clôture de l'ATP : Impacts du recyclage des déchets agro-industriels, Montpellier, France, 1 Juillet 2004/2 Juillet 2004.
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Macrofauna pattern in conventional and direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems in North Cameroon. Brévault Thierry, Bikay Simon, Naudin Krishna. 2005. In : 3rd World Congress on Conservation Agriculture : Linking Production, Livelihoods and Conservation, Nairobi, Kenya, 3rd to 7th October 2005. FAO. s.l. : s.n., 7 p. Congrès mondial d'agriculture de conservation. 3, Nairobi, Kenya, 3 Octobre 2005/7 Octobre 2005.

Organic matter and biofunctioning in tropical sandy soils and implications for their management. Blanchart Eric, Albrecht Alain, Bernoux Martial, Brauman Alain, Chotte Jean-Luc, Feller Christian, Ganry Francis, Hien Edmond, Manlay Raphaël, Masse Dominique, Sall Saidou, Villenave Cécile. 2005. In : First International Symposium on the management of tropical sandy soils for Sustainable Agriculture: A holistic approach for sustainable development of problem soils in the tropics, Khon Kaen, Thailand, November 28 to December 2, 2005. IRD. s.l. : s.n., 33 p. International Symposium on the Management of Tropical sandy Soils for Sustainable Agriculture. 1, Khon Kaen, Thaïlande, 28 Novembre 2005/2 Décembre 2005.


Etude des effets des pratiques agricoles sur la diversité des macro-invertébrés du sol et leurs conséquences sur la décomposition de la matière organique : Cas des agroécosystèmes bananiers en Martinique. El Jaouhari Meryem. 2023. Montpellier : Institut Agro Montpellier, 262 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biodiversité, agriculture, alimentation, environnement, terre, eau : Institut Agro Montpellier

Evaluation et gestion des potentialités microbiennes du sol pour l'amélioration de la tolérance du caroubier aux contraintes hydriques. Khassali Hamza. 2020. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 178 p. Thèse de doctorat : Ecophysiologie et adaptation des plantes : Université de Montpellier

Effet des pratiques sylvicoles sur les propriétés chimiques et microbiologiques des sols forestiers : approche multiscalaire en contexte méditerranéen. Brunel Caroline. 2016. Marseille : Aix-Marseille université, 198 p. Thèse de doctorat : Science de l'environnement. Ecologie : Aix-Marseille université

Effets des changements climatiques sur l'activité des organismes du sol et la décomposition des litières en milieu méditerranéen. Coulis Mathieu. 2013. Montpellier : Université Montpellier 2, 199 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie des populations et écologie : Université Montpellier 2

Evaluation agroécologique de systèmes de culture en zone tropicale humide : Cas de la mise en valeur agricole d'une savane herbacée acide (Plaine des Jarres, Laos). Lienhard Pascal. 2013. Dijon : Université de Bourgogne, 197 p. Thèse de doctorat : Agroécologie. Ecologie microbienne : Université de Bourgogne

Origine et mécanismes de dispersion des populations de Phytophthora megakarya, pathogène du cacaoyer au Cameroun. Mfegue Crescence Virginie. 2012. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 186 p. Thèse de doctorat : Systèmes intégrés en biologie, agronomie, géosciences, hydrosciences et environnement. Spécialité Biologie intégrative des plantes : Montpellier SupAgro Centre international d'études supérieures en sciences agronomiques

Effets des modes de gestion des terres en zone sahélienne sur les termes et l'évolution de leur bilan organique et biologique : conséquences pour une production céréalière soutenue - Cas du Sénégal. Fernandes Paula. 1999. Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy : INPL, 148 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences agronomiques : Institut national polytechnique de Lorraine


Le microbiote des plantes : un ménage à trois milliards ? Roumagnac Philippe. 2017. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 49 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Université de Montpellier

Article de site web

Optimize the plant microbiota to increase plant growth and health. Barret M., Dufour Philippe, Durand-Tardif Mylène, Mariadassou M., Mougel Christophe, Perez P., Roumagnac Philippe, Sanguin Hervé, Steinberg Christian, Szambien M.. 2019. Paris : GIS Biotechnologies Vertes, 12 p.

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