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Nombre de documents : 45.

Guadeloupe and Haiti's coffee genetic resources reflect the crop's regional and global history. Millet Claude Patrick, Delahaie Boris, Georget Frederic, Allinne Clémentine, Solano-Sânchez William, Zhang Dapeng, Jeune Wesly, Toniutti Lucile, Poncet Valérie. 2025. Plants, People, Planet, 7 (1) : 245-262.

Contrasted agronomical and physiological responses of five Coffea arabica genotypes under soil water deficit in field conditions. Sarzynski Thuan, Vaast Philippe, Rigal Clément, Marraccini Pierre, Delahaie Boris, Georget Frederic, Nguyen Chang Thi Quynh, Nguyen Hung Phi, Nguyen Hai Thi Thanh, Ngoc Quyen Luu, Ngan Giang Khong, Bossolasco Laurent, Etienne Hervé. 2024. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15, 15 p.

Effects of interspecific grafting of Coffea arabica and elevation on coffee growth, yield, and quality attributes in Costa Rica. Koutouleas Athina, Blunt Conor, Bregar Aljoša, Hansen Jon Kehlet, Ræbild Anders, Etienne Hervé, Georget Frederic. 2023. Scientia Horticulturae, 320:112162, 16 p.

Genetic-environment interactions and climatic variables effect on bean physical characteristics and chemical composition of Coffea arabica. Sarzynski Thuan, Bertrand Benoît, Rigal Clément, Marraccini Pierre, Vaast Philippe, Georget Frederic, Campa Claudine, Abdallah Cécile, Nguyen Thi Quynh Chang, Nguyen Hung Phi, Nguyen Hai Thy Thanh, Ngoc Quyen Luu, Ngan Giang Khong, Viet Thang Vu, Navarini Luciano, Lonzarich Valentina, Bossolasco Laurent, Etienne Hervé. 2023. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 103 : 4692-4703.

Global transcriptome profiling reveals differential regulatory, metabolic and hormonal networks during somatic embryogenesis in Coffea arabica. Awada Rayan, Lepelley Maud, Breton David, Charpagne Aline, Campa Claudine, Berry Victoria, Georget Frederic, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Leran Sophie, Djerrab Doaa, Martinez-Seidel Federico, Descombes Patrick, Crouzillat Dominique, Bertrand Benoît, Etienne Hervé. 2023. BMC Genomics, 24:41, 19 p.

Microscopic analysis of root cellular architecture in different coffee species: a preliminary comparison of the main phenotypical traits in controlled conditions. Crisafulli Paola, Bordeaux Mélanie, Georget Frederic, Lefort Eveline, Leran Sophie, Neumann Kerstin, Navarini Luciano. 2023. In : Book of abstracts of the 29th conference ASIC 2023. ASIC, VAAS. Hanoï : ASIC, p. 129. ASIC Conference on Coffee Science. 29, Hanoï, Viet Nam, 11 Septembre 2023/14 Septembre 2023.

New coffee varieties as a climate adaptation strategy: Empirical evidence from Costa Rica. Kahsay Goytom Abraha, Turreira-Garcia Nerea, Ortiz-Gonzalo Daniel, Georget Frederic, Skovmand Bosselmann Aske. 2023. World Development Sustainability, 2:100046, 10 p.

Plant agronomy, leaf ecophysiology, yield and quality data of interspecific grafted Coffea arabica across an elevation gradient. Koutouleas Athina, Blunt Conor, Bregar Aljoša, Hansen Jon Kehlet, Ræbild Anders, Etienne Hervé, Georget Frederic. 2023. Data in Brief, 50:109560, 11 p.

Enhancing the adoption worldwide of Arabica hybrids through implementation of on-farm trials, transfer of propagation techniques and stakeholder dialog platforms. Etienne Hervé, Georget Frederic, Ruiz Teresa, Bordeaux Mélanie, Leroy Thierry, Penot Eric, Marraccini Pierre, Vaast Philippe, Courtel Philippe, Turreira-Garcia Nerea, Ehabe Ejolle Eugène, Nyambi Gwendoline, Njiayouom Ibrahim, Billa Samuel, Bertrand Benoît, Do Vinh Nang, Nguyen Chang, Nguyen Van, Luu Quyen, Nguyen Hung Phi, Bueso Valera Carlos, Skovmand Bosselmann Aske. 2021. In : 28th Conference of Association for the Science and Information on Coffee - Books of abstracts. ASIC. Montpellier : ASIC, Résumé, p. 127. Conference of Association for the Science and Information on Coffee (ASIC 2021). 28, Montpellier, France, 28 Juin 2021/1 Juillet 2021.

Unravelling the metabolic and hormonal machinery during key steps of somatic embryogenesis: A case study in coffee. Awada Rayan, Campa Claudine, Gibault Estelle, Dechamp Eveline, Georget Frederic, Lepelley Maud, Abdallah Cécile, Erban Alexander, Martinez-Seidel Federico, Kopka Joachim, Legendre Laurent, Leran Sophie, Conejero Geneviève, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Crouzillat Dominique, Breton David, Bertrand Benoît, Etienne Hervé. 2021. In : 28th Conference of Association for the Science and Information on Coffee - Books of abstracts. ASIC. Montpellier : ASIC, Résumé, p. 68. Conference of Association for the Science and Information on Coffee (ASIC 2021). 28, Montpellier, France, 28 Juin 2021/1 Juillet 2021.

G x E interactions on yield and quality in Coffea arabica: New F1 hybrids outperform American cultivars. Marie Lison, Abdallah Cécile, Campa Claudine, Courtel Philippe, Bordeaux Mélanie, Navarini Luciano, Lonzarich Valentina, Skovmand Bosselmann Aske, Turreira-Garcia Nerea, Alpizar Edgardo, Georget Frederic, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Etienne Hervé, Bertrand Benoît. 2020. Euphytica, 216:78, 17 p.

BREEDCAFS (Breeding Coffee for Agroforestry Systems) project in Vietnam. Marraccini Pierre, Vaast Philippe, Nguyen Thi Thanh Hai, Nguyen Thi Quynh Chang, Vu Hong Trang, Nguyen Quang Trung, nguyen Thi Van, Nguyen Thanh Duc, Do Nang Vinh, Georget Frederic, Pruvot-Woehl Solène, Luu Ngoc Quyen, Skovmand Bosselmann Aske, Etienne Hervé, Bertrand Bertrand. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, Résumé, p. 624. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.

Coffee somatic embryogenesis, a model to decipher fundamental mechanisms associated to totipotency, somaclonal variation and photo-autotrophy acquisition. Etienne Hervé, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Bertrand Benoît, Dechamp Eveline, Marraccini Pierre, Leran Sophie, Campa Claudine, Duangsodsri Teerarat, Georget Frederic, Awada Rayan. 2019. In : 27th Biennial ASIC Conference, Portland, 16-20 September 2018. Book of abstracts 2019. ASIC, SCA. Portland : ASIC, Résumé, 1 p. Biennial ASIC Conference. 27, Portland, États-Unis, 16 Septembre 2018/20 Septembre 2018.

New varieties for innovative agroforestry coffee systems. Bertrand Benoît, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Georget Frederic, Penot Eric, Bordeaux Mélanie, Marraccini Pierre, Leran Sophie, Campa Claudine, Bonato Olivier, Villain Luc, Etienne Hervé. 2019. In : The agroecological transition of agricultural systems in the Global South. Côte François-Xavier (ed.), Poirier-Magona Emmanuelle (ed.), Perret Sylvain (ed.), Roudier Philippe (ed.), Bruno Rapidel (ed.), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 161-176. (Agricultures et défis du monde) ISBN 978-2-7592-3056-3

Starmaya: The first arabica F1 coffee hybrid produced using genetic male sterility. Georget Frederic, Marie Lison, Alpizar Edgardo, Courtel Philippe, Bordeaux Mélanie, Hidalgo Martin, Marraccini Pierre, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Dechamp Eveline, Poncon Clément, Etienne Hervé, Bertrand Benoît. 2019. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:1344, 13 p.

Unravelling the metabolic and hormonal machinery during key steps of somatic embryogenesis: A case study in coffee. Awada Rayan, Campa Claudine, Gibault Estelle, Dechamp Eveline, Georget Frederic, Lepelley Maud, Abdallah Cécile, Erban Alexander, Martinez-Seidel Federico, Kopka Joachim, Legendre Laurent, Leran Sophie, Conejero Geneviève, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Crouzillat Dominique, Breton David, Bertrand Benoît, Etienne Hervé. 2019. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20 (19):4665, 29 p.

Coffee somatic embryogenesis: How did research, experience gained and innovations promote the commercial propagation of elite clones from the two cultivated species. Etienne Hervé, Breton David, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Bertrand Benoît, Dechamp Eveline, Awada Rayan, Marraccini Pierre, Leran Sophie, Alpizar Edgardo, Campa Claudine, Courtel Philippe, Georget Frederic, Ducos Jean-Paul. 2018. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:1630, 21p.

Creating new coffee varieties to cope with climate changes: current knowledge and future challenges. Marraccini Pierre, De Aquino Oliveira Sinara, Torres Luana F., Alves G.C.S., Breitler Jean-Christophe, Campa Claudine, Leran Sophie, Villain Luc, Georget Frederic, De Kochko Alexandre, Poncet Valérie, Andrade Alan Carvalho, Etienne Hervé, Bertrand Benoît. 2018. In : Abstracts of 12th IPMB2018. Agropolis Fondation, MUSE, l'INRA, le CNRS, Montpellier SupAgro, l'Université de Montpellier, l'IRD, CIRAD, la SFBV, le Labex Tulip, la SPS, Molecular Plant, The Plant Cell, Communications Biology, la Région Occitanie - Pyrénées/Méditerranée. Montpellier : IPMB, 2 p. Congress of the International Plant Molecular Biology ( IPMB2018). 12, Montpellier, France, 5 Août 2018/10 Août 2018.

De nouvelles variétés pour des systèmes caféiers agroforestiers innovants. Bertrand Benoît, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Georget Frederic, Penot Eric, Bordeaux Mélanie, Marraccini Pierre, Leran Sophie, Campa Claudine, Bonato Olivier, Villain Luc, Etienne Hervé. 2018. In : La transition agro-écologique des agricultures du Sud. Côte François-Xavier (ed.), Poirier-Magona Emmanuelle (ed.), Perret Sylvain (ed.), Roudier Philippe (ed.), Bruno Rapidel (ed.), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 231-256. (Agricultures et défis du monde) ISBN 978-2-7592-2824-9

Plataforma científica sobre sistemas agroforestales a base de cultivos perennes en Mesoamérica (PCP). Avelino Jacques, Oswald Andreas, Cerda Rolando, Allinne Clémentine, Alpizar Francisco, Bagny-Beilhe Leïla, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Cerdan Carlos, De Melo Elias, Georget Frederic, Mendez Gener, Muschler Reinhold G., Rapidel Bruno, Sepulveda Claudia, Sibelet Nicole, Somarriba Chavez Eduardo, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Van den Meersche Karel, Vilchez Sergio, Villain Luc, Ngo Bieng Marie-Ange. 2017. In : Libro de resumenes: Red tematica de sistemas agroforestales de Mexico Reunion Nacional. CONACYT, CONAFOR, JALISCO. La Paz : Red SAM, Résumé, 63-64. Primera Reunión Nacional de la Red SAM. 1, La Paz, Mexique, 30 Octobre 2017/1 Novembre 2017.

Selección de variedades híbridas F1 de café arabica para los sistemas agroforestales mexicanos. Breitler Jean-Christophe, Bertrand Benoît, Etienne Hervé, Georget Frederic, Campa Claudine, Bordeaux Mélanie, Villain Luc. 2017. In : Libro de resumenes: Red tematica de sistemas agroforestales de Mexico Reunion Nacional. CONACYT, CONAFOR, JALISCO. La Paz : Red SAM, Résumé, 50. Primera Reunión Nacional de la Red SAM. 1, La Paz, Mexique, 30 Octobre 2017/1 Novembre 2017.

Somatic embryogenesis-derived coffee plantlets can be efficiently propagated by horticultural rooted mini-cuttings: A boost for somatic embryogenesis. Georget Frederic, Courtel Philippe, Garcia Eduardo Malo, Hidalgo Martin, Alpizar Edgardo, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Bertrand Benoît, Etienne Hervé. 2017. Scientia Horticulturae, 216 : 177-185.

Are genetics and epigenetic instabilities of plant embryogenic cells a fatality? The experience of coffee somatic embryogenesis. Etienne Hervé, Bertrand Benoît, Dechamp Eveline, Maurel Patrick, Georget Frederic, Guyot Romain, Breitler Jean-Christophe. 2016. Human Genetics and Embryology, 6 (136), 5 p.

A single-step method for RNA isolation from tropical crops in the field. Breitler Jean-Christophe, Campa Claudine, Georget Frederic, Bertrand Benoît, Etienne Hervé. 2016. Scientific Reports, 6 (38368), 6 p.

Assessment of genetic and epigenetic changes during cell culture ageing and relations with somaclonal variation in Coffea arabica. Bobadilla Landey Roberto, Cenci Alberto, Guyot Romain, Bertrand Benoît, Georget Frederic, Dechamp Eveline, Herrera Juan Carlos, Aribi Jamel, Lashermes Philippe, Etienne Hervé. 2015. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 122 (3) : 517-531.

Development of a male sterility based reproductive system to ensure a cost effective and massive propagation of new outstanding F1 Arabica hybrids by seed. Georget Frederic, Alpizar Edgardo, Courtel Philippe, Hidalgo Martin, Dechamp Eveline, Poncon C., Etienne Hervé, Bertrand Benoît. 2015. In : Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Coffee Science. ASIC. Paris : ASIC, 42-45. ISBN 978-2-900212-24-0 International Conference on Coffee Science. 25, Armenia, Colombie, 8 Septembre 2014/13 Septembre 2014.

A booster for commercial propagation of Coffea arabica F1 hybrids: somatic embryo-derived plantlets can Be efficiently propagated in nursery via rooted cuttings. Georget Frederic, Courtel Philippe, Malo Eduardo, Hidalgo Martin, Alpizar Edgardo, Poncon C., Bertrand Benoît, Etienne Hervé. 2015. In : Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Coffee Science. ASIC. Paris : ASIC, 42-45. ISBN 978-2-900212-24-0 International Conference on Coffee Science. 25, Armenia, Colombie, 8 Septembre 2014/13 Septembre 2014.

Récipient pour la culture in vitro de matériel végétal en conditions stériles, par immersion temporaire. Etienne Hervé, Georget Frederic, Bertrand Benoît. 2014. Paris : INPI, 29 p. N° de dépôt : 1153642, N° de brevet : FR2974580 B1, N° de dépôt international : PCT/FR2012/050919, N° de brevet international : WO2012/146872 A1, N° de brevet : BR112013027846 A2, N° de brevet : MX2013012473 A

Development of coffee somatic and zygotic embryos to plants differs in the morphological, histochemical and hydration aspects. Etienne Hervé, Bertrand Benoît, Georget Frederic, Lartaud Marc, Montes Fabienne, Dechamp Eveline, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Barry-Etienne Dominique. 2013. Tree Physiology, 33 (6) : 640-653.

High genetic and epigenetic stability in coffea arabica plants derived from embryogenic suspensions and secondary embryogenesis as revealed by AFLP, MSAP and the phenotypic variation rate. Bodadilla Landey Roberto, Cenci Alberto, Georget Frederic, Bertrand Benoît, Camayo Gloria, Dechamp Eveline, Herrera Juan Carlos, Santoni Sylvain, Lashermes Philippe, Simpson June, Etienne Hervé. 2013. PloS One, 8 (2):e56372, 15 p.

Création et diffusion de variétés de caféiers Arabica : quelles innovations variétales ? Bertrand Benoît, Montagnon Christophe, Georget Frederic, Charmetant Pierre, Etienne Hervé. 2012. Cahiers Agricultures, 21 (2-3) : 77-88.

Un exemple de transfert de technologie réussi dans le domaine de la micropropagation : la multiplication de Coffea arabica par embryogenèse somatique. Etienne Hervé, Bertrand Benoît, Montagnon Christophe, Bodadilla Landey Roberto, Dechamp Eveline, Jourdan Isabelle, Alpizar Edgardo, Malo Eduardo, Georget Frederic. 2012. Cahiers Agricultures, 21 (2-3) : 115-124.

Performance of Coffea arabica F1 hybrids in agroforestry and full-sun cropping systems in comparison with American pure line cultivars. Bertrand Benoît, Alpizar Edgardo, Lara Luis, Santacreo Rodney, Hidalgo M., Quijano J.M., Montagnon Christophe, Georget Frederic, Etienne Hervé. 2011. Euphytica, 181 (2) : 147-158.

Performance of Coffea arabica F1 hybrids in comparison with Americain pure line varieties. Bertrand Benoît, Alpizar Edgardo, Llara L., Santacreo Rodney, Hidalgo M., Quijano J.M., Charmetant Pierre, Montagnon Christophe, Georget Frederic, Etienne Hervé. 2011. In : Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Coffee Science; Bali, Indonesia, October 3-8, 2010 = Actes du 23ème Colloque scientifique international sur le café, Bali, Indonésie, 3-8 octobre 2010. ASIC. Paris : ASIC, 484-496. ISBN 978-2-900212-22-6 International Conference on Coffee Science. 23, Bali, Indonésie, 3 Octobre 2010/8 Octobre 2010.

An example of successful technology transfer: Coffea arabica propagation by somatic embryogenesis. Georget Frederic, Bertrand Benoît, Malo Eduardo, Montagnon Christophe, Alpizar Edgardo, Dechamp Eveline, Jourdan Isabelle, Etienne Hervé. 2011. In : Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Coffee Science; Bali, Indonesia, October 3-8, 2010 = Actes du 23ème Colloque scientifique international sur le café, Bali, Indonésie, 3-8 octobre 2010. ASIC. Paris : ASIC, 496-506. ISBN 978-2-900212-22-6 International Conference on Coffee Science. 23, Bali, Indonésie, 3 Octobre 2010/8 Octobre 2010.

Current applications of coffee (Coffea arabica) somatic embryogenesis for industrial propagation of elite heterozygous materials in Central America and Mexico. Etienne Hervé, Bertrand Benoît, Ribas Alessandra, Lashermes Philippe, Malo Eduardo, Montagnon Christophe, Alpizar Edgardo, Bobadilla R., Simpson J., Dechamp Eveline, Jourdan Isabelle, Georget Frederic. 2010. In : Proceedings of the IUFRO Working Party 2.09.02: "Somatic Embryogenesis of Trees" conference on "Advances in Somatic Embryogenesis of Trees and Its Application for the Future Forests and Plantations", August 19-21, 2010, Suwon, Republic of Korea. Park Y.S. (ed.), Bonga J.M. (ed.), Park S.Y. (ed.), Moon H.K. (ed.). Vienne : IUFRO, 59-67. IUFRO Working Party 2.09.02 Somatic Embyogenesis of Forest Tree Conference, Suwon, Corée du Sud, 19 Août 2010/21 Août 2010.

Current applications of coffee (Coffea arabica) somatic embryogenesis for industrial propagation of elite heterozygous materials in Central America and Mexico and for routine functional genomics. Etienne Hervé, Bertrand Benoît, Ribas Alessandra, Lashermes Philippe, Malo Eduardo, Montagnon Christophe, Alpizar Edgardo, Bobadilla R., Simpson J., Dechamp Eveline, Jourdan Isabelle, Georget Frederic. 2010. In : Advances in somatic embryogenesis of trees and its application for the future forests and plantations : IUFRO Working Party 2.09.02 : Somatic Embbryogenesis of Forest Trees Conferences, Suwon, Korea, August 19-21, 2010. IUFRO. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 54-55. IUFRO Working Party 2.09.02 Somatic Embyogenesis of Forest Tree Conference, Suwon, Corée du Sud, 19 Août 2010/21 Août 2010.

Microsatellite polymorphism in hybrids of Coffea arabia (L.) produced industrially by somatic embryogenesis. Menendez-Yuffa Andrea, Bertrand Benoît, Georget Frederic, Jourdan Isabelle, Lashermes Philippe, Malo Eduardo, Montagnon Christophe, Santoni Sylvain, Tollon Christine, Etienne Hervé. 2010. In : 12th IAPB Congress. Sustainability through agricultural biotechnology : food, biomatrerials, energy and environment, June 6-11, 2010, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA. IAPB. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. IAPB Congress 2010. 12, Saint-Louis, États-Unis, 6 Juin 2010/11 Juin 2010.

A comparative analysis of the development and quality of nursery plants derived from somatic embryogenesis and from seedlings for large-scale propagation of coffee (Coffea arabica L.). Menendez-Yuffa Andrea, Barry-Etienne Dominique, Bertrand Benoît, Georget Frederic, Etienne Hervé. 2010. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 102 (3) : 297-307.

Morpho-histological study of banana (Musa Grande naine [AAA]) cell suspensions during cryopreservation and regeneration. Georget Frederic, Engelmann Florent, Domergue Régis, Côte François-Xavier. 2009. CryoLetters, 30 (6) : 398-407.

Morphohistological study of the different constituents of a banana (Musa 'AAA', cv. 'Grande Naine') embryogenic cell suspension. Georget Frederic, Domergue Régis, Ferrière Nicole, Côte François-Xavier. 2000. Plant Cell Reports, 19 : 748-754.

Transformation of rice through polyethylene glycol treatment of protoplasts and microprojectile bombardment on scutellum of immature embryos. Chaïr Hâna, Georget Frederic, Cancade V., Legavre Thierry, Michaux-Ferrière Nicole, Guiderdoni Emmanuel. 1995. In : Symposium CIRAD/CATIE amélioration génétique et développement des cultures tropicales, 20 au 29 novembre 1995, Turrialba, Costa Rica = Simposio CIRAD/CATIE mejoramiento genético y desarrollo de los cultivos tropicales, 20 al 29 de Noviembre 1995, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Vasquez Nelly, Escalant Jean-Vincent. CATIE, CIRAD. Turrialba : CATIE, 74-79. Simposio sobre Mejoramiento genético y desarrollo de los cultivos tropicales, Turrialba, Costa Rica, 20 Novembre 1995/29 Novembre 1995.

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