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Nombre de documents : 43.


Appui dans la lutte contre la peste des petits ruminants et la péripneumonie contagieuse bovine au Sahel. Bordier Marion, Manso-Silvan Lucia, Bataille Arnaud, Munoz Facundo, Diallo Adama. 2024. . CILSS, Banque mondiale. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. Forum de haut-niveau sur le pastoralisme au Sahel et en Afrique de l’Ouest (Nouakchott+10), Nouakchott, Mauritanie, 6 Novembre 2024/8 Novembre 2024.
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A combined methodological approach to characterize pig farming and its influence on the occurrence of interactions between wild boars and domestic pigs in Corsican micro-regions. Dupon Liane, Trabucco Bastien, Munoz Facundo, Casabianca François, Charrier François, Laval Morgane, Jori Ferran. 2024. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 11:1253060, 12 p.

Évaluation post-vaccinale contre la peste des petits ruminants (PPR) et la péripneumonie contagieuse bovine (PPCB) : Burkina Faso – Mali – Niger - Tchad. Bordier Marion, Manso-Silvan Lucia, Munoz Facundo, Diallo Adama. 2024. . s.l. : s.n., 1 p. Atelier agro-élevage pour la région de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (Agro-Vet CICR 2024), Saly, Sénégal, 4 Décembre 2024/6 Décembre 2024.
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Description of the cattle and small ruminants trade network in Senegal and implication for the surveillance of animal diseases. Ciss Mamadou, Giacomini Alessandra, Diouf Mame Nahé, Delabouglise Alexis, Mesdour Asma, Garcia Garcia Katherin, Munoz Facundo, Cardinale Eric, Lo Mbargou, Gaye Adji Mareme, Fall Mathioro, Ndiaye Khady, Gueye Fall Assane, Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Apolloni Andrea. 2023. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2023:1880493, 13 p.


The African swine fever modelling challenge: Model comparison and lessons learnt. Ezanno Pauline, Picault Sébastien, Bareille Servane, Beaunée Gaël, Boender Gert Jan, Dankwa Emmanuelle A., Deslandes François, Donnelly Christl A., Hagenaars Thomas J., Hayes Sarah, Jori Ferran, Lambert Sébastien, Mancini Matthieu, Munoz Facundo, Pleydell David R.J., Thompson Robin N., Vergu Elisabeta, Vignes Matthieu, Vergne Timothée. 2022. Epidemics, 40:100615, 14 p.

The Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever tick vector Hyalomma marginatum in south of France: Modelling its distribution and determination of factors influencing its establishment in a newly invaded area. Bah Thierno Madiou, Grosbois Vladimir, Stachurski Frédéric, Munoz Facundo, Duhayon Maxime, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Appelgren Anaïs, Calloix Clément, Noguera Liz, Mouillaud Théo, Andary Charlotte, Lancelot Renaud, Huber Karine, Garros Claire, Leblond Agnès, Vial Laurence. 2022. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 69 (5) : e2351-e2365.

Different kettles of fish: Varying patterns of antibiotic use on pig, chicken and fish farms in Lao PDR and implications for antimicrobial resistance strategies. Poupaud Mariline, Goutard Flavie, Phouthana Vannaphone, Munoz Viera Facundo Martin, Caro Domingo, Patriarchi Alessandro, Paul Mathilde. 2022. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 69 (6) : 3940-3951.

Implementation of zoning to guide management of foot and mouth disease in Tunisia. Mtaallah Oumaima, Squarzoni Diaw Cécile, Kalthoum Sana, Bouguedour Rachid, Munoz Facundo, Tran Annelise, Coste Caroline. 2022. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 69 (3) : 1338-1348.
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Accounting for competition in multi-environment tree genetic evaluations: a case study with hybrid pines. Belaber Ector C., Gauchat María E., Schoffen Cristian D., Munoz Facundo, Borralho Nuno, Sanchez Leopoldo, Cappa Eduardo Pablo. 2021. Annals of Forest Science, 78:2, 15 p.

Cocoa breeding must take into account the competitive value of cocoa trees. Trebissou Caudou Inago, Tahi Mathias Gnion, Munoz Facundo, Sanchez Leopoldo, N'Guetta Assanvo Simon-Pierre, Cilas Christian, Ribeyre Fabienne. 2021. European Journal of Agronomy, 128:126288, 10 p.

Research perspectives on animal health in the era of artificial intelligence. Ezanno Pauline, Picault Sébastien, Beaunée Gaël, Bailly Xavier, Munoz Facundo, Duboz Raphaël, Monod Hervé, Guégan Jean-François. 2021. Veterinary Research, 52:40, 15 p.

Using a participatory qualitative risk assessment to estimate the risk of introduction and spread of transboundary animal diseases in scarce-data environments. Squarzoni Diaw Cécile, Arsevska Elena, Kalthoum Sana, Hammami Pachka, Cherni Jamel, Daoudi Assia, Laoufi Mohamed Karim, Lezaar Yassir, Kechna Rachid, Seck Ismaïla, Ould Elmamy Bezeid, Yahya Barry, Dufour Barbara, Hendrikx Pascal, Cardinale Eric, Munoz Facundo, Lancelot Renaud, Coste Caroline. 2021. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 68 (4) : 1966-1978.
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Favorable conditions for genomic evaluation to outperform classical pedigree evaluation highlighted by a proof-of-concept study in poplar. Pégard Marie, Segura Vincent, Munoz Facundo, Bastien Catherine, Jorge Véronique, Sanchez Leopoldo. 2020. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11:581954, 23 p.

Seroprevalence and molecular characterization of foot‐andmouth disease virus in Chad. Abdel-Aziz Arada Izzedine, Romey Aurore, Relmy Anthony, Gorna Kamila, Laloy Eve, Metras Raphaëlle, Munoz Facundo, Blaise-Boisseau Sandra, Zientara Stéphan, Lancelot Renaud, Bakkali Kassimi Labib. 2020. Veterinary Medicine and Science, 6 (1) : 114-121.


Accounting for preferential sampling in species distribution models. Pennino Maria Grazia, Paradinas Iosu, Illian Janine B., Munoz Facundo, Bellido José María, López‐Quílez Antonio, Conesa David. 2019. Ecology and Evolution, 9 (1) : 653-663.

Culicoides Latreille in the sun: Faunistic inventory of Culicoides species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Mayotte (Comoros Archipelago, Indian Ocean). Garros Claire, Labuschagne Karien, Dommergues Laure, Ben M’sa, Balenghien Thomas, Munoz Facundo, Bakhoum Mame Thierno, Cardinale Eric, Guis Hélène. 2019. Parasites and Vectors, 12 (1), 14 p.

Deciphering hybrid larch reaction norms using random regression. Marchal Alexandre, Schlichting Carl D., Gobin Rémy, Balandier Philippe, Millier Frédéric, Munoz Facundo, Pâques Luc E., Sanchez Leopoldo. 2019. G3 - Genes Genomes Genetics, 9 (1) : 21-32.

Estimation of the spread-rate of epidemics. The case of African Swine Fever in wild boar populationsfrom Belgium. Munoz Facundo, Mercier Alize, Lancelot Renaud, Cauchard Julien. 2019. . s.l. : s.n., 5 p. Symposium de l'AESA, Liège, Belgique, 6 Mai 2019/6 Mai 2019.

Modeling Culicoides abundance in mainland France: Implications for surveillance. Villard Pierre, Munoz Facundo, Balenghien Thomas, Baldet Thierry, Lancelot Renaud, Hénaux Viviane. 2019. Parasites and Vectors, 12:391, 10 p.

Performance of alternative spatial models in empirical Douglas-fir and simulated datasets. Cappa Eduardo Pablo, Munoz Facundo, Sanchez Leopoldo. 2019. Annals of Forest Science, 76 (2):53, 16 p.

Typological analysis of public-private partnerships in the veterinary domain. Galiere Margot, Peyre Marie-Isabelle, Munoz Facundo, Poupaud Mariline, Dehove Alain, Roger François, Dieuzy-Labaye Isabelle. 2019. PloS One, 14 (10):e0224079, 22 p.


Advanced spectroscopy-based phenotyping offers a potential solution to the ash dieback epidemic. Villari Caterina, Dowkiw Arnaud, Enderle Rasmus, Ghasemkhani Marjan, Kirisits Thomas, Kjaer Erik D., Marciulyniené Diana, McKinney Lea V., Metzler Berthold, Munoz Facundo, Nielsen Lene R., Pliura Alfas, Stener Lars-Göran, suchockas Vytautas, Rodriguez-Saona Luis, Bonello Pierluigi, Cleary Michelle. 2018. Scientific Reports, 8:17448, 9 p.

Formation Biostatistics Applied in Epidemiology. Grosbois Vladimir, Munoz Facundo (collab.). 2018. Montpellier : CIRAD-BIOS-UMR ASTRE, Diaporama, 9 diaporamas (238 vues)

Genomic-based multiple-trait evaluation in Eucalyptus grandis using dominant DArT markers. Cappa Eduardo Pablo, El-Kassaby Yousry A., Munoz Facundo, Garcia Martín N., Villalba Pamela V., Klápste Jaroslav, Marcucci Poltri Susana N.. 2018. Plant Science, 271 : 27-33.

Use of entomology surveillance data for Culicoides abundance modeling in mainland France. Villard Pierre, Munoz Facundo, Balenghien Thomas, Baldet Thierry, Lancelot Renaud, Hénaux Viviane. 2018. . CIRAD, ENVT, INRA. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 p. InnovSur 2018, Montpellier, France, 16 Mai 2018/18 Mai 2018.
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Use of entomology surveillance data for modeling Culicoides abundance in mainland France. Villard Pierre, Munoz Facundo, Balenghien Thomas, Lancelot Renaud, Hénaux Viviane. 2018. In : Abstract Book of the 15th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE 15). ISVEE. Chiang Mai : ISVEE, 34. International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE 15). 15, Chiang Mai, Thaïlande, 12 Novembre 2018/16 Novembre 2018.

A cost-based ripley's K function to assess social strategies in settlement patterning. Negre Joan, Munoz Facundo, Barceló Juan Antonio. 2018. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 25 (2) : 777-794.
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The impacts of CENTURY model initialization scenarios on soil organic carbon dynamics simulation in French long-term experiments. Dimassi Bassem, Guenet Bertrand, Saby Nicolas, Munoz Facundo, Bardy Marion, Millet Florent, Martin Manuel. 2018. Geoderma, 311 : 25-36.


Hybrid larch heterosis: For which traits and under which genetic control? Marchal Alexandre, Munoz Facundo, Millier Frédéric, Sanchez Leopoldo, Pâques Luc E.. 2017. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 13:92, 17 p.

Improving accuracy of breeding values by incorporating genomic information in spatial-competition mixed models. Cappa Eduardo Pablo, El-Kassaby Yousry A., Munoz Facundo, Garcia Martín N., Villalba Pamela V., Klápste Jaroslav, Marcucci Poltri Susana N.. 2017. Molecular Breeding, 37:125, 13 p.


Fishery-dependent and -independent data lead to consistent estimations of essential habitats. Grazia Pennino Maria, Conesa David, López-Quıílez Antonio, Munoz Facundo, Fernández Angel, Bellido José María. 2016. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 73 (9) : 2302-2310.

Geostatistical modelling of chemical residues on archaeological floors in the presence of barriers. Negre Joan, Munoz Facundo, Lancelotti Carla. 2016. Journal of Archaeological Science, 70 : 91-101.

Optimizing the level of service quality of a bike-sharing system. Alvarez-Valdes Ramon, Belenguer Jose M., Benavent Enrique, Bermudez Jose D., Munoz Facundo, Vercher Enriqueta, Verdejo Francisco. 2016. Omega, 62 : 163-175.
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Bayesian spatio-temporal approach to identifying fish nurseries by validating persistence areas. Paradinas Iosu, Conesa David, Grazia Pennino Maria, Munoz Facundo, Fernández Angel, López-Quıílez Antonio, Bellido José María. 2015. Marine Ecology. Progress Series, 528 : 245-255.

A novel individual-tree mixed model to account for competition and environmental heterogeneity: A Bayesian approach. Cappa Eduardo Pablo, Munoz Facundo, Sanchez Leopoldo, Cantet Rodolfo J.C.. 2015. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 11:120, 15 p.


Bayesian spatio-temporal discard model in a demersal trawl fishery. Grazia Pennino Maria, Munoz Facundo, Conesa David, López-Quıílez Antonio, Bellido José María. 2014. Journal of Sea Research, 90 : 44-53.


Estimation and prediction of the spatial occurrence of fish species using Bayesian latent Gaussian models. Munoz Facundo, Grazia Pennino Maria, Conesa David, López-Quıílez Antonio, Bellido José María. 2013. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27 : 1171-1180.

Modelling sensitive elasmobranchs habitat. Grazia Pennino Maria, Munoz Facundo, Conesa David, López-Quıílez Antonio, Bellido José María. 2013. Journal of Sea Research, 83 : 209-218.


Bovine paramphistomosis in Galicia (Spain): Prevalence, intensity, aetiology and geospatial distribution of the infection. González-Warleta Marta, Lladosa Silvia, Castro-Hermida José Antonio, Martínez-Ibeas Ana María, Conesa David, Munoz Facundo, López-Quıílez Antonio, Manga-González Yolanda, Mezo Mercedes. 2012. Veterinary Parasitology, 191 (3-4) : 252-263.


Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Conesa David (ed.), Forte Anabel (ed.), López-Quıílez Antonio (ed.), Munoz Facundo (ed.). 2011. Valence : Universitat de Valencia, 692 p. International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM 2011). 26, Valencia, Espagne, 11 Juillet 2011/15 Juillet 2011.


Geostatistical computing of acoustic maps in the presence of barriers. López-Quıílez Antonio, Munoz Facundo. 2009. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 50 (5-6) : 929-938.

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