
Résultats pour : "Agriculture de conservation"

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Nombre de documents : 180.

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Combined effects of cover crops, mulch, zero-tillage and resistant varieties on Striga asiatica (L.) Kuntze in rice-maize rotation systems. Randrianjafizanaka Meva Tahiry, Autfray Patrice, Andrianaivo Alain-Paul, Ratsimiala Ramonta Isabelle, Rodenburg Jonne. 2018. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 256 : 23-33.

Conservation agriculture systems alter the electrical characteristics (Eh, pH and EC) of four soil types in France. Husson Olivier, Brunet Alexandre, Babre Daniel, Charpentier Hubert, Durand Michel, Sarthou Jean-Pierre. 2018. Soil and Tillage Research, 176 : 57-68.

Conservation agriculture to buffer and alleviate the impact of climatic variations in Madagascar: Farmers' perception. Penot Eric, Fevre Valentin, Flodrops Patricia, Razafimahatratra Hanitriniaina Mamy. 2018. Cahiers Agricultures, 27 (2):25003, 10 p.

Is mulching an efficient way to control weeds? Effects of type and amount of crop residue in rainfed rice based cropping systems in Madagascar. Ranaivoson Lalaina, Naudin Krishna, Ripoche Aude, Rabeharisoa R. Lilia, Corbeels Marc. 2018. Field Crops Research, 217 : 20-31.

Agro-ecological functions of crop residues under conservation agriculture. A review. Ranaivoson Lalaina, Naudin Krishna, Ripoche Aude, Affholder François, Rabeharisoa R. Lilia, Corbeels Marc. 2017. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 37 (4):26, 17 p.

Can conservation agriculture improve crop water availability in an erratic tropical climate producing water stress? A simple model applied to upland rice in Madagascar. Bruelle Guillaume, Affholder François, Abrell Thomas, Ripoche Aude, Dusserre Julie, Naudin Krishna, Tittonell Pablo, Rabeharisoa R. Lilia, Scopel Eric. 2017. Agricultural Water Management, 192 : 281-293.

Climate-smart cropping systems for temperate and tropical agriculture: mitigation, adaptation and trade-offs. Debaeke Philippe, Pellerin Sylvain, Scopel Eric. 2017. Cahiers Agricultures, 26 (3):34002, 12 p.

Conservation agriculture and gendered livelihoods in Northwestern Cambodia: decision-making, space and access. Sumner Daniel, Christie Maria Elisa, Boulakia Stéphane. 2017. Agriculture and Human Values, 34 (2) : 347-362.
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Conservation agriculture cropping systems reduce blast disease in upland rice by affecting plant nitrogen nutrition. Dusserre Julie, Raveloson Harinjaka, Michellon Roger, Gozé Eric, Auzoux Sandrine, Sester Mathilde. 2017. Field Crops Research, 204 : 208-221.

Impacts of some upland rice-based cropping systems on soil macrofauna abundance and diversity and black beetle damage to rice. Ratnadass Alain, Randriamanantsoa Richard, Aberlenc Henri-Pierre, Rafamatanantsoa Emile, Rajaonera Tahina Ernest, Letourmy Philippe. 2017. Crop Protection, 100 : 150-156.

Trajectoires d'innovation en agriculture de conservation au lac Alaotra à Madagascar. Penot Eric, Fevre Valentin, Flodrops Patricia. 2017. Technologie et Innovation, 17 (2), dossier Innovations agro-écologiques et Développement, 21 p.

Co-designing innovative cropping systems that match biophysical and socio-economic diversity: the DATE approach to conservation agriculture in Madagascar, Lao PDR and Cambodia. Husson Olivier, Tran Quoc Hoa, Boulakia Stéphane, Chabanne André, Tivet Florent, Bouzinac Serge, Lienhard Pascal, Michellon Roger, Chabierski Stéphane, Boyer Johnny, Enjalric Frank, Rakotondramanana, Moussa Narcisse, Jullien Frédéric, Balarabe Oumarou, Rattanatray Bounmy, Castella Jean-Christophe, Charpentier Hubert, Séguy Lucien. 2016. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 31 (5) : 452-470.

Economic assessment of conservation agriculture options in mixed crop-livestock systems in Brazil using farm modelling. Alary Véronique, Corbeels Marc, Affholder François, Alvarez Stéphanie, Soria Amandine, Valadares Xavier Jose Humberto, Da Silva Fernando Antonio Macena, Scopel Eric. 2016. Agricultural Systems, 144 : 33-45.

Effect of biomass management regimes and wetting-drying cycles on soil carbon mineralization in a Sudano-Sahelian region. Yemadje Pierrot Lionel, Guibert Hervé, Chevallier Tiphaine, Deleporte Philippe, Bernoux Martial. 2016. Journal of Arid Environments, 127 : 1-6.

Agriculture de conservation et performances des exploitations agricoles en Afrique de l'Ouest. Djamen Nana Patrice, Andrieu Nadine, Zerbo Ibrahima, Ouedraogo Yacouba, Le Gal Pierre-Yves. 2015. Cahiers Agricultures, 24 (2) : 113-122.

Apports des typologies d'exploitations aux démarches de conception en agriculture de conservation : une étude de cas dans le nord du Vietnam. Hauswirth Damien, Sen Pham Thi, Wery Jacques, Tittonell Pablo, Jourdain Damien, Affholder François. 2015. Cahiers Agricultures, 24 (2) : 102-112.

Beyond conservation agriculture. Giller Ken E., Andersson Jens A., Corbeels Marc, Kirkegaard John, Mortensen David, Erenstein Olaf C.A., Vanlauwe Bernard. 2015. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6 (870), 14 p.

Dynamiques d'adoption de l'agriculture de conservation dans les exploitations familiales : de la technique aux processus d'innovation. Dugué Patrick, Djamen Nana Patrice, Faure Guy, Le Gal Pierre-Yves. 2015. Cahiers Agricultures, 24 (2) : 60-68.

Ecosystem-based adaptation for smallholder farmers: Definitions, opportunities and constraints. Vignola Raffaele, Harvey Celia A., Bautista Solis Pavel, Avelino Jacques, Rapidel Bruno, Donatti Camila I., Martinez Ruth. 2015. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 211 : 126-132.

Innovation et action collective : le semis direct des cultures pluviales au Moyen Sébou (Maroc). Labbaci Taha, Dugué Patrick, Kemoun Hassane, Rollin Dominique. 2015. Cahiers Agricultures, 24 (2) : 76-83.

L'agriculture de conservation : une innovation à l'épreuve des exploitations familiales. Dugué Patrick (ed.), Djamen Nana Patrice (ed.), Faure Guy (ed.), Le Gal Pierre-Yves (ed.). 2015. Cahiers Agricultures, 24 (2), 144 p.

Le technicien propose, le paysan dispose. Le cas de l'adoption des systèmes de culture sous couverture végétale au lac Alaotra, Madagascar. Penot Eric, Domas Raphaël, Fabre Joana, Poletti Sarra, Mac Dowall Colomban, Dugué Patrick, Le Gal Pierre-Yves. 2015. Cahiers Agricultures, 24 (2) : 84-92.

Maize crop residue uses and trade-offs on smallholder crop-livestock farms in Zimbabwe: Economic implications of intensification. Rusinamhodzi Léonard, Wijk Mark T.van, Corbeels Marc, Rufino Mariana Cristina, Giller Ken E.. 2015. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 214 : 31-45.

Short- to mid- term impact of conservation agriculture on yield variability of upland rice: Evidence from farmer's fields in Madagascar. Bruelle Guillaume, Naudin Krishna, Scopel Eric, Domas Raphaël, Rabeharisoa R. Lilia, Tittonell Pablo. 2015. Experimental Agriculture, 51 (1) : 66-84.

Short-term conservation agriculture and biomass-C input impacts on soil C dynamics in a savanna ecosystem in Cambodia. Hok Lyda, De Moraes Sa Joao Carlos, Boulakia Stéphane, Reyes Manuel, Leng Vira, Kong Rada, Tivet Florent, Briedis Clever, Hartman Daiani Cruz, Ferreira Lucimara Aparecida, Magno Tomas, Pheav Sovuthy. 2015. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 214 : 54-67.

Trade-offs around the use of biomass for livestock feed and soil cover in dairy farms in the Alaotra lake region of Madagascar. Naudin Krishna, Bruelle Guillaume, Salgado Paulo, Penot Eric, Scopel Eric, Lubbers M., De Ridder Nico, Giller Ken E.. 2015. Agricultural Systems, 134 : 36-47.

Évaluer la durabilité de systèmes de culture en agriculture de conservation à Madagascar (région du lac Alaotra) avec MASC-Mada. Sester Mathilde, Craheix Damien, Daudin Gabriel, Sirdey Ninon, Scopel Eric, Angevin Frédérique. 2015. Cahiers Agricultures, 24 (2) : 123-133.

Acquis et défis de l'agriculture de conservation. Djamen Patrice, Andrieu Nadine, Bayala Innocent, Coulibaly Kalifa, Dabire Der, Diallo Amadou, Douzet Jean-Marie, Karambiri Médina, Havard Michel. 2014. Grain de Sel (63-66) : 26-27.

Adoption potential of conservation agriculture practices in Sub-Saharan Africa: Results from five case studies. Ndah Hycenth Tim, Schuler Johannes, Uthes Sandra, Zander Peter, Traoré Karim, Gama Mphatso-S, Nyagumbo Isaiah, Triomphe Bernard, Sieber Stefan, Corbeels Marc. 2014. Environmental Management, 53 (3) : 620-635.

Conservation agriculture cropping system to limit blast disease in upland rainfed rice. Sester Mathilde, Raveloson Harinjaka, Tharreau Didier, Dusserre Julie. 2014. Plant Pathology, 63 (2) : 373-381.

Profitability and opportunity of conservation agriculture in acid savannah grasslands of Laos. Lienhard Pascal, Panyasiri Khamkèo, Sayphoummie Sengpanh, Leudphanane Bounma, Lestrelin Guillaume, Séguy Lucien, Tivet Florent. 2014. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 12 (4) : 391-406.

Pyrosequencing evidences the impact of cropping on soil bacterial and fungal diversity in Laos tropical grassland. Lienhard Pascal, Terrat Sébastien, Chemidlin Prévost-Bouré Nicolas, Nowak Virginie, Régnier Tiffanie, Sayphoummie Sengpanh, Panyasiri Khamkèo, Tivet Florent, Mathieu Olivier, Levêque Jean, Maron Pierre-Alain, Ranjard Lionel. 2014. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 34 (2) : 525-533.

Conservation agriculture cropping systems in temperate and tropical conditions, performances and impacts. A review. Scopel Eric, Triomphe Bernard, Affholder François, Macena Da Silva Fernando-Antonio, Corbeels Marc, Valadares Xavier Jose Humberto, Lahmar Rabah, Recous Sylvie, Bernoux Martial, Blanchart Eric, De Carvalho Mendes Leda, De Tourdonnet Stéphane. 2013. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 33 (1) : 113-130.

No-till and cover crops shift soil microbial abundance and diversity in Laos tropical grasslands. Lienhard Pascal, Tivet Florent, Chabanne André, Dequiedt Samuel, Lelièvre Mélanie, Sayphoummie Sengpanh, Leudphanane Bounma, Prévost-Bouré Nicolas Chemidlin, Séguy Lucien, Maron Pierre-Alain, Ranjard Lionel. 2013. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 33 (2) : 375-384.

Agroecology-based aggradation-conservation agriculture (ABACO): Targeting innovations to combat soil degradation and food insecurity in semi-arid Africa. Tittonell Pablo, Scopel Eric, Andrieu Nadine, Posthumus Héléna, Mapfumo P., Corbeels Marc, Van Halsema G., Lahmar Rabah, Lugandu S., Rakotoarisoa Jacqueline, Mtambanengwe F., Pound B., Chikowo Régis, Naudin Krishna, Triomphe Bernard, Mkomwa Saidi. 2012. Field Crops Research, 132 : 168-174.

Comparative performance of conservation agriculture and current smallholder farming practices in semi-arid Zimbabwe. Baudron Frédéric, Tittonell Pablo, Corbeels Marc, Letourmy Philippe, Giller Ken E.. 2012. Field Crops Research, 132 : 117-128.

Conservation agriculture in Laos: Diffusion and determinants for adoption of direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems in smallholder agriculture. Lestrelin Guillaume, Tran Quoc Hoa, Jullien Frédéric, Rattanatray Bounmy, Khamxaykhay Chanthasone, Tivet Florent. 2012. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 27 (1), spec. : 81-92.

Conservation agriculture in the dry Mediterranean climate. Kassam Amir H., Friedrich Theodor, Derpsch Rolf, Lahmar Rabah, Mrabet Rachid, Basch Gottlieb, González-Sánchez Emilio J., Serraj Rachid. 2012. Field Crops Research, 132 : 7-17.

Failing to Yield? Ploughs, conservation agriculture and the problem of agricultural intensification: An example from the Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe. Baudron Frédéric, Andersson Jens A., Corbeels Marc, Giller Ken E.. 2012. Journal of Development Studies, 48 (3) : 393-412.

Mulch type affects soil biological functioning and crop yield of conservation agriculture systems in a long-term experiment in Madagascar. Djigal Djibril, Saj Stéphane, Rabary Bodovololona, Blanchart Eric, Villenave Cécile. 2012. Soil and Tillage Research, 118 (1) : 11-21.

Plant species diversity for sustainable management of crop pests and diseases in agroecosystems: a review. Ratnadass Alain, Fernandes Paula, Avelino Jacques, Habib Robert. 2012. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 32 (1) : 273-303.

Tailoring conservation agriculture technologies to West Africa semi-arid zones : Building on traditional local practices for soil restoration. Lahmar Rabah, Bationo Babou André, Dan Lamso Nomaou, Guero Yadji, Tittonell Pablo. 2012. Field Crops Research, 132 : 158-167.

To till or not to till? The diffusion of conservation agriculture in Xieng Khouang province, Lao PDR . Opportunities and constraints. Lestrelin Guillaume, Nanthavong Khamla, Jobard Etienne, Keophoxay Anousith, Lienhard Pascal, Khambanseuang Chanxay, Castella Jean-Christophe. 2012. Outlook on Agriculture, 41 (1) : 41-49.

Trade-offs between biomass use and soil cover. The case of rice-based cropping systems in the Lake Alaotra Region of Madagascar. Naudin Krishna, Scopel Eric, Andriamandroso A.L.H., Rakotosolofo M., Andriamarosoa Ratsimnazafy Ny Riana Solomalala, Rakotozandriny Jean de Neupomuscène, Salgado Paulo, Giller Ken E.. 2012. Experimental Agriculture, 48 (2) : 194-209.

Upland rice production under conservation agriculture cropping systems in cold conditions of tropical highlands. Dusserre Julie, Chopart Jean-Louis, Douzet Jean-Marie, Rakotoarisoa Jacqueline, Scopel Eric. 2012. Field Crops Research, 138 : 33-41.

Agronomic performance of no-tillage relay intercropping with maize under smallholder conditions in Central Brazil. Balde Alpha Bocar, Scopel Eric, Affholder François, Corbeels Marc, Macena Da Silva Fernando-Antonio, Valadares Xavier Jose Humberto, Wery Jacques. 2011. Field Crops Research, 124 (2) : 240-251.

The conundrum of conservation agriculture and livelihoods in Southern Africa. Nkala Peter, Mango Nelson A.R., Corbeels Marc, Veldwisch Gert Jan A., Huising E. Jeroen. 2011. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6 (24) : 5520-5528.

A meta-analysis of long-term effects of conservation agriculture on maize grain yield under rain-fed conditions. Rusinamhodzi Leonard, Corbeels Marc, Van Wijk Mark T., Rufino Mariana Cristina, Nyamangara Justice, Giller Ken E.. 2011. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 31 (4) : 657-673.

A research agenda to explore the role of conservation agriculture in African smallholder farming systems. Giller Ken E., Corbeels Marc, Nyamangara Justice, Triomphe Bernard, Affholder François, Scopel Eric, Tittonell Pablo. 2011. Field Crops Research, 121 (3) : 468-472.

Adoption of conservation agriculture in Europe. Lessons of the KASSA project. Lahmar Rabah. 2010. Land Use Policy, 27 (1) : 4-10. Workshop on Farm-level Adoption of Soil and Water Conservation Measures and Policy Implications in Europe, Wageningen, Pays-Bas, 1 Octobre 2006/3 Octobre 2006.

Constraints to farmers' adoption of direct-seeding mulch-based cropping systems: A farm scale modeling approach applied to the mountainous slopes of Vietnam. Affholder François, Jourdain Damien, Dang Dinh Quang, Tuong To Phuc, Morize Marion, Ricome Aymeric. 2010. Agricultural Systems, 103 (1) : 51-62.

Reconciling biodiversity conservation and food security: Scientific challenges for a new agriculture. Brussaard Lijbert, Caron Patrick, Campbell Bruce, Lipper Leslie, Mainka Susan, Rabbinge Rudy, Babin Didier, Pulleman Mirjam. 2010. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2 (1-2) : 34-42.

Conservation agriculture and smallholder farming in Africa: The heretics' view. Giller Ken E., Witter Ernst, Corbeels Marc, Tittonell Pablo. 2009. Field Crops Research, 114 (1) : 23-34.

Cotton expansion and biodiversity loss in African savannahs, opportunities and challenges for conservation agriculture: A review paper based on two case studies. Baudron Frédéric, Corbeels Marc, Monicat François, Giller Ken E.. 2009. Biodiversity and Conservation, 18 (10) : 2625-2644. Pan-African Workshop on Community-based natural resource management approaches, Niamey, Niger, 10 Mars 2008/17 Mars 2008.

Does conservation agriculture mitigate the negative effects of climatic change on crop production: a modeling analysis for a case study in Zimbabwe. Corbeels Marc, Thierfelder Christian, Delve R.J., Porter Cheryl. 2008. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 3 (3), suppl. : 837-838. Congress of the European Society for Agronomy. 10, Bologne, Italie, 15 Septembre 2008/19 Septembre 2008.

Les techniques d'Agriculture de Conservation sont elles capables de faire mieux que le Zaï manuel ou mécanique pour protéger les sols du Sahel ou les réhabiliter ? Barro Albert, Maraux Florent, Zougmoré Robert B., Lahmar Rabah. 2008. Terre Malgache (26), spec. : 81-85. Séminaire International Les sols tropicaux en semis-direct sous couvertures végétales, Antananarivo, Madagascar, 3 Décembre 2007/8 Décembre 2007.


Políticas Públicas a favor de la agroecología en América Latina y el Caribe. Sabourin Eric (ed.), Patrouilleau Maria Mercedes (ed.), Le Coq Jean-François (ed.), Vásquez Luis (ed.), Niederle Paulo André (ed.). 2017. Porto Alegre : Red PP-AL-FAO, 412 p. ISBN 978-85-88022-22-5

Processus d'innovation et résilience des exploitations agricoles à Madagascar. Penot Eric (ed.). 2016. Paris : L'Harmattan, 413 p. (Colloques et rencontres) ISBN 978-2-343-10199-6

Protection agroécologique des cultures. Deguine Jean-Philippe (ed.), Gloanec Caroline (ed.), Laurent Philippe (ed.), Ratnadass Alain (ed.), Aubertot Jean-Noël (ed.). 2016. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 288 p. (Savoir-faire) ISBN 978-2-7592-2410-4

Actors and networks of agroecology in the greater Mekong subregion. Gilard Olivier (ed.), Castella Jean-Christophe, Kibler Jean-François. 2015. Paris : AFD, 39 p. (Notes techniques : AFD, 6)

Guide tropical - Guide pratique de conception de systèmes de culture tropicaux économes en produits phytosanitaires. Le Bellec Fabrice (ed.), Bruchon Laura, Vannière Henri, Ehret Pierre, Vincenot Didier, De Bon Hubert, Marion Daniel, Deguine Jean-Philippe. 2015. Paris : CIRAD, 210 p. ISBN 978-2-87614-702-7

Towards an agroecological transition in Southeast Asia: Cultivating diversity and developing synergies. Castella Jean-Christophe, Kibler Jean-François. 2015. Nogent-sur-Marne : GRET, 92 p.

Integrated soil fertility management in Africa : principles, practices and developmental process. Sanginga Nteranya (ed.), Woomer Paul L. (ed.), Bationo André (collab.), Chianu Jonas (collab.), Giller Ken E. (collab.), Idupulapati Rao (collab.), Lesueur Didier (collab.), Merckx Roel (collab.), Mokwunye Uzo (collab.), Ohiokpehai Omo (collab.), Place Frank (collab.), Pypers Pieter (collab.), Ramadjita Tabo (collab.), Sanginga Pascal C. (collab.), Savala Canon N. (collab.), Shepherd Keith (collab.), Smaling Eric (collab.), Vanlauwe Bernard (collab.), Wambui Dorothy (collab.). 2009. Nairobi : CIAT [Kenya], 267 p. ISBN 978-92-9059-261-7

Knowledge assessment and sharing on sustainable agriculture. Lahmar Rabah (ed.), Arrue J.L. (ed.), Denardin Jose Eloir (ed.), Gupta Raj K. (ed.), Ribeiro Maria de Fatima (ed.), De Tourdonnet Stéphane (ed.). 2007. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 Cd-Rom ISBN 2-87614-646-0

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Usages agropastoraux des biomasses végétales et conséquences sur l'adoption du semis direct sous couvert végétal au nord du Cameroun. Dugué Patrick, Belchi Paul, Paresys Lise, Retif Marine, Olina Bassala Jean-Paul. 2017. In : Restauration de la productivité des sols tropicaux et méditerranéens : contribution à l'agroécologie. Roose, Eric (ed.). Marseille : IRD Éditions, 387-401. ISBN 978-2-7099-22-77-7

Application en cultures fruitières : l'expérience Biophyto. Gloanec Caroline, Deguine Jean-Philippe, Vincenot Didier, Jacquot Maxime, Graindorge Rachel. 2016. In : Protection agroécologique des cultures. Deguine Jean-Philippe, Gloanec Caroline, Laurent Philippe, Ratnadass Alain, Aubertot Jean-Noël. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 97-126. ISBN 978-2-7592-2410-4

Impact des systèmes de semis direct sous couvert végétal (SCV) sur les exploitations agricoles dans le Moyen-Ouest du Vakinankaratra : la nécessaire diversification des systèmes. Raharison Tahina, Razafimahatratra Hanitriniana Mamy, Penot Eric, Sorèze Julie. 2016. In : Processus d'innovation et résilience des exploitations agricoles à Madagascar. Penot Eric (ed.). Paris : L'Harmattan, 307-331. (Colloques et rencontres) ISBN 978-2-343-10199-6

La protection agroécologique des cultures : à l'interface de l'agroécologie, de la protection des cultures et de la gestion de la biodiversité. Deguine Jean-Philippe, Ratnadass Alain. 2016. In : Protection agroécologique des cultures. Deguine Jean-Philippe (ed.), Gloanec Caroline (ed.), Laurent Philippe (ed), Ratnadass Alain (ed.), Aubertot Jean-Noël (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 56-67. ISBN 978-2-7592-2410-4

Les paysans de l'Alaotra, entre rizières et tanety. Étude des dynamiques agraires et des stratégies paysannes dans un contexte de forte pression foncière au Lac Alaotra, Madagascar. Penot Eric, Durand Claire, Nave Stéfanie, Poletti Sarra, McDowan Colomban, Fabre Joana, Fevre Valentin, Flodrops Patricia. 2016. In : Processus d'innovation et résilience des exploitations agricoles à Madagascar. Penot Eric (ed.). Paris : L'Harmattan, 35-65. (Colloques et rencontres) ISBN 978-2-343-10199-6

Les relations agriculture-élevage au sein des exploitations des Hautes Terres. Marquant Baptiste, Salgado Paulo. 2016. In : Processus d'innovation et résilience des exploitations agricoles à Madagascar. Penot Eric (ed.). Paris : L'Harmattan, 251-274. (Colloques et rencontres) ISBN 978-2-343-10199-6

Les relations agriculture-élevage dans les exploitations agricoles adoptant ou expérimentant les techniques d'agriculture de conservation : le cas de la région du Lac Alaotra (Madagascar). Saint-André Flore, Dugué Patrick, Penot Eric, Le Gal Pierre-Yves. 2016. In : Processus d'innovation et résilience des exploitations agricoles à Madagascar. Penot Eric (ed.). Paris : L'Harmattan, 101-128. (Colloques et rencontres) ISBN 978-2-343-10199-6

Logros y perspectivas de la intensificación ecológica. Affholder François, Parrot Laurent, Jagoret Patrick. 2016. In : Las agriculturas familiares y los mundos del futuro. Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.). San José : IICA-AFD, 351-366. (AgriculturaS y retoS mundiales) ISBN 978-92-9248-648-8

Conservation agriculture in Southeast Asia. Legoupil Jean-Claude, Lienhard Pascal, Khamhoung Anonth. 2015. In : Conservation agriculture. Farooq Muhammad (ed.), Siddique Kadambot H.M. (ed.). Cham : Springer, 285-310. ISBN 978-3-319-11619-8

Conservation agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. Corbeels Marc, Thierfelder Christian, Rusinamhodzi Léonard. 2015. In : Conservation agriculture. Farooq Muhammad (ed.), Siddique Kadambot H.M. (ed.). Cham : Springer, 443-476. ISBN 978-3-319-11619-8

Lessons and perspectives of ecological intensification. Affholder François, Parrot Laurent, Jagoret Patrick. 2015. In : Family farming and the Worlds to come. Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.). Dordrecht : Springer [Pays-Bas], 301-312.

Acquis et perspectives de l'intensification écologique. Affholder François, Parrot Laurent, Jagoret Patrick. 2014. In : Agricultures familiales et mondes à venir. Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 303-316. (Agricultures et défis du monde) ISBN 978-2-7592-2141-7

Conservation agriculture in West and Central Africa. Djamen Nana Patrice, Dugué Patrick, Mkomwa Saidi, Benoît da Sansan Jules, Essecofy Guillaume, Bougoum Harouna, Zerbo Ibrahima, Ganou Serge, Andrieu Nadine, Douzet Jean-Marie. 2014. In : Conservation Agriculture: Global Prospects and Challenges. R. A. Jat ; K. L. Sahrawat ; Amir H. Kassam. Wallingford : CABI, 311-338. ISBN 978-1-78064-259-8

Conservation agriculture in south-east Asia. Lienhard Pascal, Boulakia Stéphane, Gilard Olivier, Séguy Lucien. 2014. In : Conservation Agriculture: Global Prospects and Challenges. Eds. Ram A. Jat, Kanwar L. Sahrawat , Amir H. Kassam. Wallingford : CABI, 180-201. ISBN 978-1-78064-259-8

Ecologial intensification for crop protection. Ratnadass Alain, Barzman Marco. 2014. In : Sustainable agriculture reviews 14 : agroecology and global change. Ozier Lafontaine Harry, Lesueur Jannoyer Magalie. Heidelberg : Springer [Allemagne], 53-81. (Sustainable agriculture reviews, 14)

New opportunities for small-scale farmers of the Amazon to strengthen hazards resilience while preserving forests - field experiments combined with agent-based modelling. Bommel Pierre, Piketty Marie-Gabrielle, Sist Plinio, Burlamaqui Amaury Bendahan, Barbosa Tienne. 2014. In : Forests under pressure - Local responses to global issues. P. Katila, G. Galloway, W. de Jong, P. Pacheco,G. Mery (eds.). Vienne : IUFRO, 83-96. (IUFRO World Series, 32) ISBN 978-3-902762-30-6

Géopolitique de la recherche et de l'innovation : les méthodes alternatives production agricole en grandes cultures. Griffon Michel. 2012. In : Agriculture et alimentation : des champs géopolitiques de confrontation au XXIe siècle. Paris : Club Déméter, 109-115. (Cahier Demeter, 13)

Les objets de la nature, les pratiques agricoles et leur mise en oeuvre. Le cas de l'agriculture de conservation. Goulet Frédéric. 2011. In : Le travail en agriculture : son organisation et ses valeurs face à l'innovation. Béguin Pascal (ed.), Dedieu Benoît (ed.), Sabourin Eric (ed.). Paris : L'Harmattan, 53-69. ISBN 978-2-296-14012-7

Cotton expansion and biodiversity loss in African savannahs, opportunities and challenges for conservation agriculture: A review paper based on two case studies. Baudron Frédéric, Corbeels Marc, Monicat François, Giller Ken E.. 2010. In : Natural resource management and local development. Torquebiau Emmanuel (ed.), Taylor Russell (ed.). Heidelberg : Springer [Allemagne], 89-108. (Topics in biodiversity and conservation, 12) ISBN 978-94-007-0173-1

Natural resource management by rural citizens in developing countries: Innovations still required. Torquebiau Emmanuel, Taylor Russell. 2010. In : Natural resource management and local development. Torquebiau Emmanuel (ed.), Taylor Russell (ed.). Heidelberg : Springer [Allemagne], 1-14. (Topics in biodiversity and conservation, 12) ISBN 978-94-007-0173-1

Knowledge asessment and sharing on sustainable agriculture : Main results, gaps in knowledge and challenges in the European platform. Lahmar Rabah, De Tourdonnet Stéphane. 2007. In : Knowledge assessment and sharing on sustainable agriculture. Lahmar Rabah (ed.), Arrue J.L. (ed.), Denardin Jose Eloir (ed.), Gupta Raj K. (ed.), Ribeiro Maria de Fatima (ed.), De Tourdonnet Stéphane (ed.). Montpellier : CIRAD, 6 p. ISBN 2-87614-646-0

Knowledge assessment and sharing on sustainable agriculture : Main results, gap in knowledge and challenges in the Latin American platform. Lahmar Rabah, Denardin Jose Eloir, Ribeiro Maria de Fatima. 2007. In : Knowledge assessment and sharing on sustainable agriculture. Lahmar Rabah (ed.), Arrue J.L. (ed.), Denardin Jose Eloir (ed.), Gupta Raj K. (ed.), Ribeiro Maria de Fatima (ed.), De Tourdonnet Stéphane (ed.). Montpellier : CIRAD, 6 p. ISBN 2-87614-646-0

Knowledge assessment and sharing on sustainable agriculture : Main results, gaps in knowledge and challenges in the Asian platform. Lahmar Rabah, Gupta Raj K.. 2007. In : Knowledge assessment and sharing on sustainable agriculture. Lahmar Rabah (ed.), Arrue J.L. (ed.), Denardin Jose Eloir (ed.), Gupta Raj K. (ed.), Ribeiro Maria de Fatima (ed.), De Tourdonnet Stéphane (ed.). Montpellier : CIRAD, 6 p. ISBN 2-87614-646-0

Knowledge assessment and sharing on sustainable agriculture: Main lessons. Lahmar Rabah, Arrue J.L., Denardin Jose Eloir, Gupta Raj K., Ribeiro Maria de Fatima, De Tourdonnet Stéphane. 2007. In : Knowledge assessment and sharing on sustainable agriculture. Lahmar Rabah (ed.), Arrue J.L. (ed.), Denardin Jose Eloir (ed.), Gupta Raj K. (ed.), Ribeiro Maria de Fatima (ed.), De Tourdonnet Stéphane (ed.). Montpellier : CIRAD, 6 p. ISBN 2-87614-646-0

Knowledge assessment and sharing on sustainable agriculture: Main results, gaps in knowledge and challenges in the Mediterranean platform. Lahmar Rabah, Arrue J.L.. 2007. In : Knowledge assessment and sharing on sustainable agriculture. Lahmar Rabah (ed.), Arrue J.L. (ed.), Denardin Jose Eloir (ed.), Gupta Raj K. (ed.), Ribeiro Maria de Fatima (ed.), De Tourdonnet Stéphane (ed.). Montpellier : CIRAD, 6 p. ISBN 2-87614-646-0

Actes de congrès

Conservation agriculture and sustainable upland livelihoods innovations for, with and by farmers to adapt to local and global changes : Proceedings the 3rd International Conference on Conservation Agriculture in Southeast Asia, held in Hanoi, Vietnam, 10th-15th December 2012. Hauswirth Damien (ed.), Pham Thi Sen (ed.), Nicetic Oleg (ed.), Tivet Florent (ed.), Doanh Le Quoc (ed.), Van de Fliert Elske (ed.), Kirchhof Gunnar (ed.), Boulakia Stéphane (ed.), Chabierski Stéphane (ed.), Husson Olivier (ed.), Chabanne André (ed.), Boyer Johnny (ed.), Autfray Patrice (ed.), Lienhard Pascal (ed.), Legoupil Jean-Claude (ed.), Stevens Matthew L. (ed.). 2012. Montpellier : CIRAD, 369 p. ISBN 978-2-87614-687-7 International Conference on Conservation Agriculture in Southeast Asia. 3, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 10 Décembre 2012/15 Décembre 2012.

Investing in sustainable agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop held in Phonsavan, Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR, 28th October - 1st November 2008. Chanphengxay Monthathip B. (ed.), Khamhung Anonth (ed.), Panysiri Khamkéo (ed.), Chabanne André (ed.), Julien Frédéric (ed.), Tran Quoc Hoa (ed.), Lienhard Pascal (ed.), Tivet Florent (ed.). 2010. Vientiane : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry [Laos], 288 p. Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, Phonsavan, Laos, 28 Octobre 2008/1 Novembre 2008.

Communication avec actes

Assessment of tradeoffs for biomass uses between livestock and soil cover at farm level. Naudin Krishna, Bruelle Guillaume, Salgado Paulo, Penot Eric, Scopel Eric, Lubbers M., De Ridder Nico, Giller Ken E.. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on conservation agriculture, incorporating 3rd International farming systems design Conference, 26-29th September 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra : ACIAR, 236-237. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2011/29 Septembre 2011.

CA2Africa: conservation agriculture in Africa: analysing and foreseeing its impact - comprehending its adoption. Corbeels Marc, Schuler Johannes, Ndah Hycenth Tim, Uthes Sandra, Zander Peter, Apina Tom, Koala Saidou, Triomphe Bernard, El Mouridi Mohammed, Traoré Karim, Nyagumbo Isaiah, Mrabet Rachid, Penot Eric, Gomez MacPherson Helena, De Graaff Jan, Tittonell Pablo. 2011. In : Development on the margin : book of abstracts - Tropentag 2011 : Conference on International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development, Bonn, Germany, October 5-7, 2011. eds. Mathias Becker, Christine Kreye, Christina R. Witzenhausen : DITSL, Résumé, 316-317. ISBN 978-3-9801686-7-0 Tropentag 2011, Bonn, Allemagne, 5 Octobre 2011/7 Octobre 2011.
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Candidate plants to help soil pest control in conservation agriculture: potential effects of 21 species used as cover crops in Madagascar. Naudin Krishna, Quaranta Baptiste, Husson Olivier, Randriamanantsoa Richard, Rabary Bodovololona, Rafarasoa Lala Sahondra, Michellon Roger, Fernandes Paula, Ratnadass Alain. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on conservation agriculture, incorporating 3rd International farming systems design Conference, 26-29th September 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra : ACIAR, 408-409. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2011/29 Septembre 2011.

The Conservation Agriculture Network for South East Asia (CANSEA) an initiative to develop and disseminate CA in South East Asia. Legoupil Jean-Claude, Kingkheo S.. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on conservation agriculture, incorporating 3rd International farming systems design Conference, 26-29th September 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra : ACIAR, 286-287. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2011/29 Septembre 2011.

Conservation agriculture advances with permanent rainfed cotton based cultivation with animal traction in Southern Mali. Autfray Patrice, Sissoko Fagaye. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on conservation agriculture, incorporating 3rd International farming systems design Conference, 26-29th September 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra : ACIAR, 508-509. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2011/29 Septembre 2011.

Conservation agriculture potential effects on soil erosion for rainfed crops in the Lake Alaotra region in Madagascar. Van Hulst F., Naudin Krishna, Domas Raphaël, De Graaff Jan, Visser S., Scopel Eric. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on conservation agriculture, incorporating 3rd International farming systems design Conference, 26-29th September 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra : ACIAR, 154-155. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2011/29 Septembre 2011.

Designing and disseminating conservation agriculture according to context features: theory and practices. Balarabe Oumarou, Husson Olivier, Chabanne André, Séguy Lucien. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on conservation agriculture, incorporating 3rd International farming systems design Conference, 26-29th September 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra : ACIAR, 454-455. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2011/29 Septembre 2011.

Evolution of conservation agriculture (CA) cropping systems on uplands in the lake Alaotra area since 2003. Penot Eric, Harisoa B., Domas Raphaël, Rakotondravelo Jean-Chrysostome. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on conservation agriculture, incorporating 3rd International farming systems design Conference, 26-29th September 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra : ACIAR, 420-421. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2011/29 Septembre 2011.

Farming system modelling and conservation agriculture (CA) adoption: intensification : risks, resilience and strategies: an example in the Lake Alaotra in Madagascar. Penot Eric, Bar M., Benz M., Domas Raphaël. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on conservation agriculture, incorporating 3rd International farming systems design Conference, 26-29th September 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra : ACIAR, 418-419. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2011/29 Septembre 2011.

Prototyping rotation and association with cover crop and no till. Naudin Krishna, Scopel Eric, Husson Olivier, Auzoux Sandrine, Penot Eric, Giller Ken E.. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on conservation agriculture, incorporating 3rd International farming systems design Conference, 26-29th September 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra : ACIAR, 482-483. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2011/29 Septembre 2011.

Regional Conservation Agriculture project proposal in degraded annual cropping systems areas in South East Asia. Panyasiri Khamkèo, Sen Pham Thi, Baokun L., Autfray Patrice. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on conservation agriculture, incorporating 3rd International farming systems design Conference, 26-29th September 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra : ACIAR, 324-325. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2011/29 Septembre 2011.

Short-term effect of no-tillage on profitability, soil fertility and microbiota : a case study in a tropical ecosystem (altitude plains, Lao PDR). Lienhard Pascal, Tivet Florent, Chabanne André, Séguy Lucien, Khamhung Anonth, Panyasiri Khamkèo, Maron Pierre-Alain, Ranjard Lionel. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on conservation agriculture, incorporating 3rd International farming systems design Conference, 26-29th September 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra : ACIAR, 28-29. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2011/29 Septembre 2011.
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Striga asiatica: a driving-force for dissemination of conservation agriculture systems based on Stylosanthes guianensis in Madagascar. Michellon Roger, Husson Olivier, Moussa Narcisse, Randrianjafizanaka Meva Tahiry, Naudin Krishna, Letourmy Philippe, Andrianaivo Alain-Paul, Rakotondramanana, Raveloarijoana N., Enjalric Frank, Penot Eric, Séguy Lucien. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on conservation agriculture, incorporating 3rd International farming systems design Conference, 26-29th September 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra : ACIAR, 212-213. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2011/29 Septembre 2011.

White grubs, Scarabaeidae larvae (Insecta, Coleoptera) control by plants in conservation agriculture: effects on macrofauna diversity. Rabary Bodovololona, Naudin Krishna, Letourmy Philippe, Mze Hassani I., Randriamanantsoa Richard, Michellon Roger, Rafarasoa Lala Sahondra, Ratnadass Alain. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on conservation agriculture, incorporating 3rd International farming systems design Conference, 26-29th September 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra : ACIAR, 148-149. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2011/29 Septembre 2011.

The real adoption of conservation agriculture (CA) in the Lake Alaotra area after 10 years of diffusion. Penot Eric, Fabre J., Domas Raphaël. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on conservation agriculture, incorporating 3rd International farming systems design Conference, 26-29th September 2011, Brisbane, Australia. Canberra : ACIAR, 30-31. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2011/29 Septembre 2011.

La durabilité est elle soluble dans le développement ? L'adoption des techniques de conservation de l'agriculture dans un contexte d'incertitudes multiples au lac Alaotra, Madagascar. Penot Eric, Scopel Eric, Domas Raphaël, Naudin Krishna. 2010. In : Agir en situation d'incertitude : La construction individuelle et collective des régimes de protection et d'adaptation en agriculture. Ancey Véronique (ed.), Dedieu Benoît (ed.), Antona Martine (ed.), Avelange Isabelle (ed.), Azoulay Gérard (ed.), Darnhofer Ika (ed.), Hubert Bernard (ed.), Lemery Bruno (ed.). CIRAD, INRA. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, 125-138. Colloque Agir en situation d'incertitude, Montpellier, France, 22 Novembre 2010/24 Novembre 2010.

Communication par affiche

Evolution of conservation agriculture (CA) cropping systems on uplands in the lake Alaotra area since 2003. Penot Eric, Harisoa B., Domas Raphaël, Rakotondravelo Jean-Chrysostome. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : 5th World Congress of Conservation Agriculture (WCCA) incorporating 3rd Farming System Design Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 26-29 september, 2011. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2011/29 Septembre 2011.

The farming system modelling and conservation agriculture (CA) adoption: intensification, risks, resilience and strategies: an example in the Lake Alaotra in Madagascar. Penot Eric, Bar M., Benz M., Domas Raphaël. 2011. In : Resilient food systems for a changing world : 5th World Congress of Conservation Agriculture (WCCA) incorporating 3rd Farming System Design Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 26-29 september, 2011. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 5, Brisbane, Australie, 26 Septembre 2011/29 Septembre 2011.

Indicateurs de séquestration du carbone à l'échelle de l'exploitation agricole. Adaptation du modèle Hénin-Dupuis à l'agriculture de conservation en Tunisie. Autfray Patrice, Guillaume Patrice, Forest Francis, Chabanne André, Husson Olivier. 2009. In : Journée nationale la gestion du stock organique dans les sols de Tunisie, Le Kef, 4 juin 2009. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. Journée nationale la gestion du stock organique dans les sols de Tunisie, Le Kef, Tunisie, 4 Juin 2009.

Direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems for rice-beef production in the plain of jars, Xieng Khouang Province, LAO PDR : an example of the creation-validation methodological approach. Lienhard Pascal, Tivet Florent, Bounkhampone Bouapha, Sosomphou Thammakham, Sayphoummie Sengpanh, Phanthanivong Ienlang, Séguy Lucien. 2008. In : Investing in Sustainable Agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping system : Regional Workshop on Conservation Agricultures, Phonsavan, Lao, 28 October - 1 November 2008. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, Phonsavan, Laos, 28 Octobre 2008/1 Novembre 2008.

Communication sans actes

Economical evaluations on conservation agriculture cropping systems during a 6-year-study on maize cash-crop cropping system in Xayabury Province, Lao PDR. Khamxaykhay Chanthasone, Panyasiri Khamkèo, Autfray Patrice. 2011. In : 2nd International Conservation Agriculture Workshop and Conference in Southeast Asia, Phom Penh, Cambodia, 4-7 July 2011. s.l. : s.n., 3 p. International Conservation Agriculture Workshop and Conference in Southeast Asia. 2, Phnom Penh, Cambodge, 4 Juillet 2011/7 Juillet 2011.

Influence des facteurs sociaux sur l'organisation de l'agrobiodiversité dans un milieu semi-aride du Kenya. Labeyrie Vanesse, Leclerc Christian, Barnaud Adeline, Kamau Joseph Ireri. 2011. In : 5èmes Journées de recherches en sciences sociales SFER-INRA-CIRAD. SFER, INRA, CIRAD, AgroSup Dijon. Paris : SFER, 12 p. Journées de recherches en sciences sociales. 5, Dijon, France, 8 Décembre 2011/9 Décembre 2011.

Market access of small-scale farms and biodiversity management of food crops. The case of sorghum and pearl millet in Mali. Dury Sandrine, Vallaud Maryon, Coulibaly Harouna. 2011. In : 5èmes Journées de recherches en sciences sociales SFER-INRA-CIRAD. SFER, INRA, CIRAD, AgroSup Dijon. Paris : SFER, 38 p. Journées de recherches en sciences sociales. 5, Dijon, France, 8 Décembre 2011/9 Décembre 2011.

Non-labour, semis direct et "intensification écologique". Lecture critique. Goulet Frédéric. 2011. In : Colloque de Cerisy : Agriculture et alimentation dans un monde globalisé, Cerisy-la-Salle, France, 22-28 septembre 2011. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (34 vues) Colloque de Cerisy 2011, Cerisy-la-Salle, France, 22 Septembre 2011/28 Septembre 2011.

Quelle organisation du conseil pour accompagner l'innovation en agriculture de conservation? Le cas du Lac Alaotra à Madagascar. Faure Guy, Penot Eric, Rakotondravelo Jean-Chrysostome, Ramahatoraka Haja Andrisoa. 2011. In : 5èmes Journées de recherches en sciences sociales SFER-INRA-CIRAD. SFER, INRA, CIRAD, AgroSup Dijon. Paris : SFER, 18 p. Journées de recherches en sciences sociales. 5, Dijon, France, 8 Décembre 2011/9 Décembre 2011.

Why is legume integration important in conservation agriculture cropping systems? Lessons regarding maize direct-mulch based cropping systems (DMC) cultivated on nitrogen rich soil in Ivory Coast. Autfray Patrice. 2011. In : 2nd International Conservation Agriculture Workshop and Conference in Southeast Asia, Phom Penh, Cambodia, 4-7 July 2011. s.l. : s.n., 2 p. International Conservation Agriculture Workshop and Conference in Southeast Asia. 2, Phnom Penh, Cambodge, 4 Juillet 2011/7 Juillet 2011.

Adoption of conservation agriculture in Laos : a case study in the Mekong Corridor. Tran Quoc Hoa, Lestrelin Guillaume, Jullien Frédéric, Kongthong Khamphane, Khamxaykhay Chanthasone, Tivet Florent. 2010. In : Investing in sustainable agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop held in Phonsavan, Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR, 28th October - 1st November 2008. Chanphengxay Monthathip B. (ed.), Khamhung Anonth (ed.), Panysiri Khamkéo (ed.), Chabanne André (ed.), Julien Frédéric (ed.), Tran Quoc Hoa (ed.), Lienhard Pascal (ed.), Tivet Florent (ed.). Laos-MAF, NAFRI, CIRAD. Vientiane : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry [Laos], Résumé, 175-176. Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, Phonsavan, Laos, 28 Octobre 2008/1 Novembre 2008.

Collectifs singuliers et singularités collectives. Praticiens et objets de la nature dans les : Le cas du programme de paiements pour services environnementaux (PPSE) au Costa Rica. Demeulenaere Elise, Goulet Frédéric. 2010. In : International symposium ISDA 2010. Innovation and sustainable development in agriculture and food : Abstracts and papers = International symposium. ISDA 2010. Innovation et développement durable dans l'agriculture et l'agroalimentaire. Coudel Emilie (ed.), Devautour Hubert (ed.), Soulard Christophe-Toussaint (ed.), Hubert Bernard (ed.). UMR INNOVATION, CIRAD, Montpellier SupAgro, INRA. Montpellier : CIRAD, 18 p. International symposium ISDA 2010, Montpellier, France, 28 Juin 2010/1 Juillet 2010.

Determinants of DMC technologies adoption among smallholders in the Alaotra lake area, Madagascar. Chabierski Stéphane, Penot Eric, Husson Olivier, Dabat Marie-Hélène, Andriamalala Herizo, Domas Raphaël. 2010. In : Investing in sustainable agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop held in Phonsavan, Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR, 28th October - 1st November 2008. Chanphengxay Monthathip B. (ed.), Khamhung Anonth (ed.), Panysiri Khamkéo (ed.), Chabanne André (ed.), Julien Frédéric (ed.), Tran Quoc Hoa (ed.), Lienhard Pascal (ed.), Tivet Florent (ed.). Laos-MAF, NAFRI, CIRAD. Vientiane : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry [Laos], 177-194. Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, Phonsavan, Laos, 28 Octobre 2008/1 Novembre 2008.

Direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems for rice-beef production in the plain of Jars, Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR : an example of the creation - validation research and development methodological approach. Lienhard Pascal, Tivet Florent, Bounkhampone Bouapha, Sosomphou Thammakham, Sayphoummie Sengpanh, Phanthanivong Ienlang, Séguy Lucien. 2010. In : Investing in sustainable agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop held in Phonsavan, Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR, 28th October - 1st November 2008. Chanphengxay Monthathip B. (ed.), Khamhung Anonth (ed.), Panysiri Khamkéo (ed.), Chabanne André (ed.), Julien Frédéric (ed.), Tran Quoc Hoa (ed.), Lienhard Pascal (ed.), Tivet Florent (ed.). Laos-MAF, NAFRI, CIRAD. Vientiane : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry [Laos], 210-223. Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, Phonsavan, Laos, 28 Octobre 2008/1 Novembre 2008.

Institutional tools for the promotion of conservation agriculture in Lao PDR. Khamhung Anonth, Chabanne André, Tivet Florent, Jullien Frédéric, Rattanatray Bounmy, Kingkheo S., Julien P., Séguy Lucien. 2010. In : Investing in sustainable agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop held in Phonsavan, Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR, 28th October - 1st November 2008. Chanphengxay Monthathip B. (ed.), Khamhung Anonth (ed.), Panysiri Khamkéo (ed.), Chabanne André (ed.), Julien Frédéric (ed.), Tran Quoc Hoa (ed.), Lienhard Pascal (ed.), Tivet Florent (ed.). Laos-MAF, NAFRI, CIRAD. Vientiane : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry [Laos], 234-242. Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, Phonsavan, Laos, 28 Octobre 2008/1 Novembre 2008.

Maize yield and profit increase under a no-tillage system and crop rotation with legumes in southern Sayaboury province Lao PDR. Tran Quoc Hoa, Tivet Florent, Senephansiri Sompasith, Keodouangsy Chantaly, Chounlamountry Thisadee, Khamxaykhay Chanthasone, Séguy Lucien. 2010. In : Investing in sustainable agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop held in Phonsavan, Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR, 28th October - 1st November 2008. Chanphengxay Monthathip B. (ed.), Khamhung Anonth (ed.), Panysiri Khamkéo (ed.), Chabanne André (ed.), Julien Frédéric (ed.), Tran Quoc Hoa (ed.), Lienhard Pascal (ed.), Tivet Florent (ed.). Laos-MAF, NAFRI, CIRAD. Vientiane : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry [Laos], 60-61. Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, Phonsavan, Laos, 28 Octobre 2008/1 Novembre 2008.

Soil aggregation, water-holding capacity, and biological activity under no-till systems and cropping sequences in the Lao PDR. Tivet Florent, Tran Quoc Hoa, Boyer Johnny, Chabanne André, Inthavong Chansamone, Senephansiri Sompasith, Keodouangsy Laty, Chounlamountry Thisadee, Khamxaykhay Chanthasone, Panyasiri Khamkèo, Séguy Lucien. 2010. In : Investing in sustainable agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop held in Phonsavan, Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR, 28th October - 1st November 2008. Chanphengxay Monthathip B. (ed.), Khamhung Anonth (ed.), Panysiri Khamkéo (ed.), Chabanne André (ed.), Julien Frédéric (ed.), Tran Quoc Hoa (ed.), Lienhard Pascal (ed.), Tivet Florent (ed.). Laos-MAF, NAFRI, CIRAD. Vientiane : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry [Laos], 130-144. Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, Phonsavan, Laos, 28 Octobre 2008/1 Novembre 2008.

A farmer-group based approach linking research and development for the promotion of conservation agriculture in the Lao PDR. Jullien Frédéric, Tivet Florent, Lestrelin Guillaume, Tran Quoc Hoa, Lienhard Pascal, Khamhung Anonth, Rattanatray Bounmy, Panyasiri Khamkèo, Chabanne André, Julien Patrick, Séguy Lucien. 2010. In : Investing in sustainable agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop held in Phonsavan, Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR, 28th October - 1st November 2008. Chanphengxay Monthathip B. (ed.), Khamhung Anonth (ed.), Panysiri Khamkéo (ed.), Chabanne André (ed.), Julien Frédéric (ed.), Tran Quoc Hoa (ed.), Lienhard Pascal (ed.), Tivet Florent (ed.). Laos-MAF, NAFRI, CIRAD. Vientiane : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry [Laos], 196-207. Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, Phonsavan, Laos, 28 Octobre 2008/1 Novembre 2008.

How cropping and farming system modelling can help the extension of conservation agriculture ? Case study in Madagascar. Naudin Krishna, Penot Eric. 2009. In : Innovations for improving efficiency, equity and environment (book of abstracts). 4th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, 4-7 February 2009, New Delhi, India. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 396. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 4, New Delhi, Inde, 4 Février 2009/7 Février 2009.

L'innovation par retrait : recomposition des collectifs sociotechniques et de la nature dans le développement de techniques culturales sans labour. Goulet Frédéric. 2009. In : Séminaire du Laboratoire d'études rurales (LER), Lyon, France, 7 février 2009. LER. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (69 vues) Séminaire du Laboratoire d'études rurales, Lyon, France, 7 Février 2009.

Le sol des militants de l'agriculture de conservation. Goulet Frédéric. 2009. In : Séminaire Agriculture, sciences et environnement, Paris, France, 11 juin 2009. AgroParisTech ; INRA ; CNRS. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (32 vues) Séminaire Agriculture, sciences et environnement, Paris, France, 11 Juin 2009.

Outils de gestion des matières organiques en agriculture de conservation en Tunisie. Autfray Patrice, Guillaume Patrice, Forest Francis, Chabanne André, Husson Olivier. 2009. In : Journée nationale la gestion du stock organique dans les sols de Tunisie, Le Kef, 4 juin 2009. s.l. : s.n., 10 p. Journée nationale la gestion du stock organique dans les sols de Tunisie, Le Kef, Tunisie, 4 Juin 2009.

Quelle prise en compte de la biodiversité des sols pour quels acteurs? Goulet Frédéric. 2009. In : Séminaire GESSOL Connaître et gérer la biodiversité des sols, Angers, France, 5 octobre 2009. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (15 vues) Séminaire GESSOL Connaître et gérer la biodiversité des sols, Angers, France, 5 Octobre 2009.

DMC systems for rice-beef production in the plain of jars, Xieng Khouang Province, Lao PDR : an example of Creation-Validation methodological approach. Lienhard Pascal, Tivet Florent, Bounkhampone Bouapha, Sosomphou Thammakham, Sayphoummie Sengpanh, Phanthanivong Ienlang, Séguy Lucien. 2008. In : Investing in Sustainable Agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping system : Regional Workshop on Conservation Agricultures, Phonsavan, Laos, 28 October - 1 November 2008. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (42 vues) Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, Phonsavan, Laos, 28 Octobre 2008/1 Novembre 2008.

Determinants of DMC technologies adoption among smallholders in the Lake Alaotra area, Madagascar : Document de travail BV lac n° 45. Chabierski Stéphane, Penot Eric, Husson Olivier, Dabat Marie-Hélène, Andriamalala Herizo, Domas Raphaël. 2008. In : Investing in Sustainable Agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping system : Regional Workshop on Conservation Agricultures, Phonsavan, Laos, 28 October - 1 November 2008. s.l. : s.n., 17 p. Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, Phonsavan, Laos, 28 Octobre 2008/1 Novembre 2008.

Key lessons from international experiences about conservation agriculture and considerations for its implementation in dry areas. Lahmar Rabah, Triomphe Bernard. 2008. In : Conservation agriculture for sustainable land management to improve the livelihood of people in dry areas, Damascus-Syria, 07-09 may 2007. GTZ, federal ministry for economic cooperation and development, ACSAD, FAO, UNEP, AAAID. s.l. : GTZ, 123-140. International workshop on conservation agriculture for sustainable land management to improve the livelihood of people in dry areas, Damas, Syrie, 7 Mai 2007/9 Mai 2007.

A farmer-group based approach linking research and development for the promotion of Conservation Agriculture in the Lao PDR. Julien Frédéric, Tran Quoc Hoa, Lienhard Pascal, Chabanne André, Khamhung Anonth, Panyasiri Khamkèo, Rattanatray Bounmy, Julien Patrick, Tivet Florent, Séguy Lucien. 2008. In : Investing in Sustainable Agriculture : the case of conservation agriculture and direct seeding mulch-based cropping system : Regional Workshop on Conservation Agricultures, Phonsavan, Laos, 28 October - 1 November 2008. s.l. : s.n., Diaporama, (61 vues) Regional Workshop on Conservation Agriculture, Phonsavan, Laos, 28 Octobre 2008/1 Novembre 2008.

Adoption of conservation agriculture in europe. Lesson of the KASSA project. Lahmar Rabah. 2007. In : COST 634 Workshop, October 1-3th 2006, Wageningen, The Netherlands. s.l. : s.n., 1-15. COST 634 Workshop, Wageningen, Pays-Bas, 1 Octobre 2006/3 Octobre 2006.

Opportunités et limites de l'agriculture de conservation en Méditerranée. Les enseignements du projet KASSA. Lahmar Rabah. 2006. In : Troisièmes rencontres méditerranéennes du semis direct : actes = Third Mediterranean meeting on no tillage: proceedings. editeurs scientifiques J.L. Arrue Ugarte, C. Cantero Martinez. Zaragoza : CIHEAM-IAMZ, 11-18. (Options méditerranéennes. Série A: Séminaires méditerranéens, 69) Rencontres méditerranéennes du semis direct. 3, Saragosse, Espagne, 23 Mars 2006/25 Mars 2006.

Physical characteristics of soil under different cropping and natural system on the plain of jars, Xieng Khouang province, Laos. Tivet Florent, Lienhard Pascal, Chabanne André, Saphanthong Vilasack, Sosomphou Thammakham, Séguy Lucien. 2006. In : 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Sloping Lands and Watershed Management (SSLWM 2006), 12-15 December 2006, Luang Prabang. s.l. : s.n., 17 p. International Conference on Sustainable Sloping Lands and Watershed Management. 2, Luang Prabang, Laos, 12 Décembre 2006/15 Décembre 2006.
[img] [img]

Réseaux d'agriculteurs autour de l'agriculture de conservation en France : échanges de savoirs et identités. Goulet Frédéric, Chiffoleau Yuna. 2006. In : Troisièmes rencontres méditerranéennes du semis direct : actes = Third Mediterranean meeting on no tillage: proceedings. editeurs scientifiques J.L. Arrue Ugarte, C. Cantero Martinez. Zaragoza : CIHEAM-IAMZ, 177-181. (Options méditerranéennes. Série A: Séminaires méditerranéens, 69) Rencontres méditerranéennes du semis direct. 3, Saragosse, Espagne, 23 Mars 2006/25 Mars 2006.

Agriculture de conservation de développement en zone soudanienne du Tchad : résultats préliminaires d'un dispositif de recherche-action. Hauswirth Damien, Naitormbaide Michel. 2005. In : Regards sur l'agriculture de conservation en Afrique de l'ouest et du centre et ses perspectives : contribution au 3ème Congrès mondial d'agriculture de conservation, Nairobi, octobre 2005. Ashburner John, Djamen Patrice, Triomphe Bernard, Kienzle Josef, Maraux Florent. FAO. Rome : FAO, 51-62. Congrès mondial d'agriculture de conservation. 3, Nairobi, Kenya, 3 Octobre 2005/7 Octobre 2005.

Example of an iterative approach conducted with smallholders in Northern Laos for the adoption of direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems. Tran Quoc Hoa, Tivet Florent, Khamxaykhay Chanthasone, Chantip Piane, Chantharath Bounsay, Julien Patrick, Séguy Lucien. 2005. In : 3rd World Congress on Conservation Agriculture : Linking Production, Livelihoods and Conservation, Nairobi, Kenya, 3rd to 7th October 2005. FAO. s.l. : s.n., 8 p. Congrès mondial d'agriculture de conservation. 3, Nairobi, Kenya, 3 Octobre 2005/7 Octobre 2005.

Principles of direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems - A holistic research approach implemented in Laos. Tivet Florent, Chantharath Bounsay, Tran Quoc Hoa, Julien Patrick, Lienhard Pascal, Panyasiri Khamkèo, Séguy Lucien. 2004. In : Poverty reduction and shifting cultivation stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR: Technologies, approaches and methods for improving Upland livelihoods: Proceedings of a workhsop, Luang Prabang, january 27-30 2004. eds. by Bounthong Bouahom, Aiden Glen. Vientiane : NAFRI, 375-388. Poverty Reduction and Shifting Cultivation Stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR : Technologies, Approaches and Methods for Improving Upland Livelihoods, Luang Prabang, Laos, 27 Janvier 2004/30 Janvier 2004.

No tillage for smallholder famers in semi-arid areas (Cameroon and Madagascar). Naudin Krishna, Husson Olivier, Rollin Dominique, Guibert Hervé, Charpentier Hubert, Abou Abba Abdoulaye, Njoya Aboubakar, Olina Jean-Paul, Séguy Lucien. 2003. In : II Congresso Mundial sobre Agricultura conservacionista = II World Congress on conservation agriculture. FEBRAPDP, CAAPAS. Ponta Grossa : FEBRAPDP Congresso Mundial sobre Agricultura Conservacionista. 2, Foz de Iguaçu, Brésil, 11 Août 2003/15 Août 2003.


Pertinence de l'agriculture de conservation pour tamponner les aléas climatiques : cas des systèmes de culture en riz pluvial au lac Alaotra, Madagascar. Bruelle Guillaume. 2014. Antananarivo : Université d'Antananarivo, 110 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences agronomiques : Université d'Antananarivo

Soil organic carbon dynamics under short-term conservation agriculture cropping systems in Cambodia. Hok Lyda. 2014. s.l. : North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 200 p. Thesis Ph. D. : Energy and environmental systems : North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Evaluation agro-économique ex-ante de systèmes de culture en agriculture familiale : le cas de l'agriculture de conservation en zone tropicale humide de montagne (Nord Vietnam). Hauswirth Damien. 2013. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 150 p. Thèse de doctorat : Agronomie : Montpellier SupAgro Centre international d'études supérieures en sciences agronomiques

Evaluation agroécologique de systèmes de culture en zone tropicale humide : Cas de la mise en valeur agricole d'une savane herbacée acide (Plaine des Jarres, Laos). Lienhard Pascal. 2013. Dijon : Université de Bourgogne, 197 p. Thèse de doctorat : Agroécologie. Ecologie microbienne : Université de Bourgogne

NUANCES and NUISANCES: Crop production intensification options for smallholder farming systems of southern Africa. Rusinamhodzi Leonard. 2013. Wageningen : Wageningen University, 233 p. ISBN 978-94-6173-573-7. Thesis Ph. D. : Wageningen University

Agricultural intensification - Saving space for wildlife? Baudron Frédéric. 2011. Wageningen : Wageningen University, 253 p. ISBN 978-90-8585-964-2. Thesis Ph. D. : Wageningen Agricultural University


Evaluation prospective de systèmes de production incluant des techniques d'agriculture de conservation dans une démarche d'accompagnement d'agro-éleveurs : application dans la région du Lac Alaotra (Madagascar). Foussat Marie-Clémentine. 2011. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 96 p. Mémoire DAA : Elevage en milieux difficiles : Montpellier SupAgro Centre international d'études supérieures en sciences agronomiques

Dynamiques techniques et apprentissages en non-labour et couverture végétale : une approche intégrant agronomie et sociologie dans deux petites régions françaises (Touraine et Drôme). Goulet Frédéric. 2004. Montpellier : CNEARC, 216 p. Mémoire d'ingénieur : Agronomie tropicale : Centre national d'études agronomiques des régions chaudes

Document technique et de recherche

Impact of Ca adoption conservation agriculture on farming systems in the region of Lake Alaotra, Madagascar. Mac Dowall Colomban, Penot Eric, David Christophe. 2011. s.l. : s.n., 67 p.

Developing a knowledge base in Conservation Agriculture in Lao PDR 2008-2009. Tivet Florent, Chabanne André, Tran Quoc Hoa, Lienhard Pascal, Jullien Frédéric, Panyasiri Khamkèo, Rattanatray Bounmy, Chantharath Bounsay. 2010. Montpellier : CIRAD, 58 p.


Rapport de mission


Document audiovisuel

Plantez couvert ! L'agriculture de conservation au Laos. Victot Denis (réal.), Tran Quoc Hoa (collab.), Lienhard Pascal (collab.), Chabanne André (collab.). 2010. Villiers-sur-Marne : Images d'écoutes, 1 DVD

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