
Executive summary

Rondot Pierre, Collion Marie-Hélène, Devautour Hubert. 2004. Executive summary. In : Promoting agricultural competitiveness through local know-how : a Workshop on Geographic Indication of Middle Eastern and North African Agri-Food Products. Summary of the Workshop, June 7-10 2004, Montpellier, France. Gerz Astrid (ed.), Danflous Jean-Paul (ed.), Cerdan Claire (ed.), Devautour Hubert (ed.). World Bank, France-Ministère de l'agriculture de l'alimentation de la pêche et des affaires rurales. Washington : World Bank, 7-10. Atelier sur les indications géographiques au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord, Montpellier, France, 7 Juin 2004/10 Juin 2004.

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Résumé : All over the world, rural communities have developed specific agro-food products based on the interaction of local know-how and particular agro-ecological conditions (soil, weather, etc.). The market does not necessarily give an added-value to these traditional products, and when it does, the incremental value does not always accrue to the producers. The reasons are diverse but are often due to the lack of a well-defined and recognized characterization of he product or to lack of regulations and regulation-enforcement mechanisms that would guarantee that the various actors of the supply chain respect the specifications (book of requirements or book of specifications) for the production and/or the processing of the product. Geographical Indications (GI) are distinctive signs for agro-food products with specific quality. In the case of the GI, the specific quality, reputation or other characteristics result from the interaction between the agro-ecological characteristics of a region, its people and their culture. Specific quality supplements generic quality. The latter is related to compulsory sanitary and phytosanitary standards or norms as specified in the Codex Alimentarius. Producers, processors and exporters have to comply with generic quality standards and norms such as Norm 45011, ISO 9001, ISO 1400 etc.; they can elect, in addition, to produce specific quality products. The World Trade Organization protects Geographical Indications under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS, 1994). The World Bank Group, with the support of the French Government invited producers, traders, processors and government representatives from Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia to a workshop on Geographical Indications that the consortium CIRAD/INRA/INAO2 organized in Montpellier (France). They presented case studies of products that they perceived as good candidates for Geographical Indications. Three products (Saffron from Iran, Maltaise oranges from Tunisia and olive oil from Morocco) are targeting mainstream markets: the GI qualification process could help position the product on distant markets and/or capture more added value through the recognition of the origin of the products. The remaining (Arsaal cherries from Lebanon, and dates from the Valley of Jordan) are targeting niche markets: GI could increase return to producers as well as processors and traders. The purpose of the workshop was to: (i) learn more about the status of international and European recognition of GIs; (ii) the prerequisites for GIs and their advantages, (iii) exchange experiences on the process to set them up and (iii) work on the case studies presented to identify practical ways and means to develop this type of labelling in the respective countries.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : produit alimentaire, produit transformé, contrôle de qualité, Codex Alimentarius, appellation d'origine, réglementation, norme, étude de cas

Mots-clés complémentaires : Savoir-faire

Classification Agris : Q02 - Traitement et conservation des produits alimentaires

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Rondot Pierre, CIRAD-TERA-AFM (USA)
  • Collion Marie-Hélène, World Bank (USA)
  • Devautour Hubert, CIRAD-TERA-AFM (FRA)

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