
Résultats pour : "Enterobacteriaceae"

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Nombre de documents : 27.


Antibiotic resistance profiles of sentinel bacteria isolated from aquaculture in Cambodia. Peng Chanthol, Moniroth Sopheavattey, Khy Panha, Chea Sopheaktra, Thanh Channmuny, Heng Oudam, Sarter Samira, Cheng Sokleaph, Caruso Domenico. 2024. Journal of Water and Health, 22 (6) : 1033-1043.



Specificity and genetic polymorphism in the Vfm quorum sensing system of plant pathogenic bacteria of the genus Dickeya. Hugouvieux-Cotte-Pattat Nicole, Royer Monique, Gueguen Erwan, Le Guen Paul, Süssmuth Roderich, Reverchon Sylvie, Cociancich Stéphane. 2022. Environmental Microbiology, 24 (3), n.spéc. Pathogen and Antimicrobial Resistance Ecology : 1467-1483.


Terroir is the main driver of the epiphytic bacterial and fungal communities of mango carposphere in Reunion Island. Taibi Ahmed, Rivallan Ronan, Broussolle Véronique, Pallet Dominique, Lortal Sylvie, Meile Jean-Christophe, Constancias Florentin. 2021. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11:619226, 19 p.


Risk factors of extended-spectrum β-Lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae occurrence in farms in Reunion, Madagascar and Mayotte Islands, 2016–2017. Gay Noellie, Leclaire Alexandre, Laval Morgane, Miltgen Guillaume, Jego Mael, Ramin Stéphane, Jaubert Julien, Belmonte Olivier, Cardinale Eric. 2018. Veterinary Sciences, 5 (1):22, 14 p.

The global distribution and spread of the mobilized colistin resistance gene mcr-1. Wang Ruobing, van Dorp Lucy, Shaw Liam P., Bradley Phelim, Wang Qi, Wang Xiaojuan, Jin Longyang, Zhang Qing, Liu Yuqing, Rieux Adrien, Dorai-Schneiders Thamarai, Weinert Lucy Anne, Iqbal Zamin, Didelot Xavier, Wang Hui, Balloux François. 2018. Nature Communications, 9 (1):1179, 9 p.


Review of antibiotic resistance in the Indian Ocean Commission: A human and animal health issue. Gay Noellie, Belmonte Olivier, Collard Jean-Marc, Halifa Mohamed, Issack Mohammad Iqbal, Mindjae Saindou, Palmyre Philippe, Ibrahim Abdul Aziz, Rasamoelina Harentsoaniaina, Flachet Loïc, Filleul Laurent, Cardinale Eric. 2017. Frontiers in Public Health, 5:162, 9 p.

Validity of somatic cell count as indicator of pathogen-specific intramammary infections. Petzer Inge-Marié, Karzis Joanne, Donkin Edward F., Webb Edward C., Etter Eric. 2017. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, 88, 10 p.


Emergence of colistin-resistant bacteria in humans without colistin usage: a new worry and cause for vigilance. Olaitan Abiola Olumuyiwa, Morand Serge, Rolain Jean-Marc. 2016. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 47 (1) : 1-3.
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Dynamics of microbial ecology during cocoa fermentation and drying: Towards the identification of molecular markers. Hamdouche Yasmine, Guehi Tagro Simplice, Durand Noël, Kedjebo Kra Brou Didier, Montet Didier, Meile Jean-Christophe. 2015. Food Control, 48 : 117-122.

In Silico analysis of usher encoding genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae and characterization of their role in adhesion and colonization. Khater Fida, Balestrino Damien, Charbonnel Nicolas, Dufayard Jean-François, Brisse Sylvain, Forestier Christianne. 2015. PloS One, 10 (3):e0116215, 24 p.

Pantoea coffeiphila sp. nov., cause of the potato taste of Arabica coffee from the African Great Lakes region. Gueule Dominique, Fourny Gérard, Ageron Elisabeth, Le Flèche-Matéos Anne, Vandenbogaert Mathias, Grimont Patrick A. D., Cilas Christian. 2015. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 65 (1) : 23-29.


Mechanisms of polymyxin resistance: acquired and intrinsic resistance in bacteria. Olaitan Abiola Olumuyiwa, Morand Serge, Rolain Jean-Marc. 2014. Frontiers in Microbiology, 5 (643), 18 p.

Production of cecropin A antimicrobial peptide in rice seed endosperm. Mireia Bundó, Montesinos Laura, Izquierdo Esther, Campo Sonia, Mieulet Delphine, Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Rossignol Michel, Badosa Esther, Montesinos Emilio, San Segundo Blanca, Coca Maria. 2014. BMC Plant Biology, 14 (102), 29 p.

Qualité microbiologique des tranches de mangues (Mangifera indica L.) vendues à Dakar (Sénégal). Kasse Moussa, Cisse Mady, Toure Aminata, Ducamp-Collin Marie-Noelle, Guisse Aliou. 2014. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 8 (4) : 1611-1619.


Population dynamics of Glossina palpalis gambiensis symbionts, Sodalis glossinidius, and Wigglesworthia glossinidia, throughout host-fly development. Soumana Illiassou Hamidou, Berthier David, Tchicaya Bernadette, Thevenon Sophie, Njiokou Flobert, Cuny Gérard, Geiger Anne. 2013. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 13 (1) : 41-48.


Evidence of diversity and recombination in Arsenophonus symbionts of the Bemisia tabaci species complex. Mouton Laurence, Thierry Magalie, Henri Hélène, Baudin Rémy, Gnankine Olivier, Reynaud Bernard, Zchori Fein Einat, Becker Nathalie, Fleury Frédéric, Delatte Hélène. 2012. BMC Microbiology, 12 (1), suppl., 15 p.


Genetic diversity and population structure of the secondary symbiont of tsetse flies, sodalis glossinidius, in sleeping sickness foci in Cameroon. Farikou Oumarou, Thevenon Sophie, Njiokou Flobert, Allal François, Cuny Gérard, Geiger Anne. 2011. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 5 (8):e1281, 9 p.

Occurrence of pathogenic bacteria in traditional millet-based fermented gruels for young children in West Africa: Ben-Saalga and Ben-Kida in Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso). Akaki Koffi David, Loiseau Gérard, Vernière-Icar Christèle, Guyot Jean-Pierre. 2011. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology, 3 (6) : 446-454.


Endosymbiont metacommunities, mtDNA diversity and the evolution of the Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) species complex. Gueguen Gwénaelle, Vavre Fabrice, Gnankine Olivier, Peterschmitt Michel, Charif Delphine, Chiel Elad, Gottlieb Yuval, Ghanim Murad, Zchori Fein Einat, Fleury Frédéric. 2010. Molecular Ecology, 19 (19) : 4365-4378.


Analyse de l'antibiorésistance de la flore commensale de poisson d'élevage asiatique. Sarter Samira, Nguyen Hoang Nam Kha, Lee Sing Ratanaporn, Loiseau Gérard, Legavre Thierry, Goli Thierry, Montet Didier. 2004. In : VIème Congrès de la Société française de microbiologie, Bordeaux, France, 10-12 mai 2004. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. Congrès de la Société Française de Microbiologie. 6, Bordeaux, France, 10 Mai 2004/12 Mai 2004.


Le goût de pomme de terre du café au Burundi. Fourny Gérard, Bouyjou Bernard, Perreaux D.. 1994. Paris : CIRAD-CP, 13 p.


Le goût de pomme de terre du café arabica au Burundi. Bouyjou Bernard, Fourny Gérard, Perreaux D.. 1993. In : Quinzième colloque scientifique international sur le café, Montpellier (France), 6-11 juin 1993 = Fifteenth international scientific colloquium on coffee. ASIC. Paris : ASIC, 357-369. ISBN 2-900212-14-6 Colloque scientifique international sur le café. 15, Montpellier, France, 6 Juin 1993/11 Juin 1993.


La problématique du goût pomme de terre du café au Burundi : état actuel de la recherche, perspectives d'avenir. Bouyjou Bernard, Fourny Gérard, Perreaux D.. 1992. In : Deuxième symposium sur la recherche caféière au Burundi. ISABU. Bujumbura : ISABU, 87-104. Symposium sur la recherche caféière au Burundi. 2, Bujumbura, Burundi, 20 Octobre 1992/21 Octobre 1992.


Contamination of primary cultures in tropical areas : the case of Hevea brasiliensis. Enjalric Frank, Carron Marc-Philippe, Lardet Ludovic. 1988. In : Bacterial and bacteria-like contaminants of plant tissue cultures : a symposium in the CEC crop productivity programme. Cassells A.C. (ed.). Wageningen : ISHS, 57-65. (Acta Horticulturae, 225) ISBN 90-6605-183-3 International Symposium on Bacterial and Bacteria like Contaminants of Plant Tissue Culture, Cork, Irlande, 23 Septembre 1987/25 Septembre 1987.


Services de virologie et de bactériologie. Provost Alain, Borredon Christian, Quéval Rémy, Maurice Yves, Chamoiseau Georges, Touade M.. 1971. In : Rapport annuel 1970. N'Djamena : Laboratoire de Farcha, 60-157.

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