
Résultats pour : "canard"

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Nombre de documents : 60.


Limited transmission of avian influenza viruses, avulaviruses, coronaviruses and Chlamydia sp. at the interface between wild birds and a free-range duck farm. Le Gall-Ladevèze Chloé, Vollot Benjamin, Hirschinger Julien, Lèbre Laëtitia, Aaziz Rachid, Laroucau Karine, Guerin Jean-Luc, Paul Mathilde, Cappelle Julien, Le Loc'h Guillaume. 2025. Veterinary Research, 56:36, 17 p.


Quantification and characterisation of commensal wild birds and their interactions with domestic ducks on a free-range farm in southwest France. Le Gall‑Ladevèze Chloé, Guinat Claire, Fievet Pierre, Vollot Benjamin, Guerin Jean-Luc, Cappelle Julien, Le Loc'h Guillaume. 2022. Scientific Reports, 12:9764, 13 p.



Assessment of drivers of antimicrobial usage in poultry farms in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam: A combined participatory epidemiology and Q-Sorting approach. Truong Dinh Bao, Doan Hoang Phu, Doan Tran Vinh Khanh, Nguyen Van Cuong, Bach Tuan Kiet, Rueanghiran Chalalai, Binot Aurélie, Goutard Flavie, Thwaites Guy E., Carrique-Mas Juan, Rushton Jonathan. 2019. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 6:84, 11 p.

Poultry population dynamics and mortality risks in smallholder farms of the Mekong river delta region. Delabouglise Alexis, Nguyen-Van-Yen Benjamin, Thanh Nguyen Thi Le, Thanh Nguyen Thi Le, Tuyet Phung Ngoc, Lam Ha Minh, Boni Maciej F.. 2019. BMC Veterinary Research, 15:205, 13 p.

Using a multi-isotope approach to understand waterfowl movement in southern Africa. Mutumi Gregory L., Cumming Graeme S., Sullivan Mazeika P., Caron Alexandre, Cáceres Carlos. 2019. Condor, 121:duz049 : 1-10.


Capturing individual-level parameters of influenza A virus dynamics in wild ducks using multistate models. Avril Alexis, Grosbois Vladimir, Latorre-Margalef Neus, Gaidet Nicolas, Tolf Conny, Olsen Bjorn, Waldenström Jonas. 2016. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53 (4) : 1289-1297.
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Agro-environmental determinants of avian influenza circulation: A multisite study in Thailand, Vietnam and Madagascar. Paul Mathilde, Gilbert Marius, Desvaux Stéphanie, Rasamoelina-Andriamanivo Harena, Peyre Marie-Isabelle, Khong Nguyen Viet, Thanapongtharm Weerapong, Chevalier Véronique. 2014. PloS One, 9 (7):e101958, 10 p.

Evaluation de la qualité des produits du canard gras. Bastianelli Denis, Bonnal Laurent. 2014. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 67 (3) : 135-136. Journées scientifiques QualiREG, Antananarivo, Madagascar, 24 Novembre 2014/28 Novembre 2014.

Long-term variation in influenza A virus prevalence and subtype diversity in migratory mallards in northern Europe. Latorre-Margalef Neus, Tolf Conny, Grosbois Vladimir, Avril Alexis, Bengtsson Daniel, Wille Michelle, Osterhaus Albert D.M.E., Fouchier Ron A.M., Olsen Bjorn, Waldenström Jonas. 2014. Proceedings - Royal Society. Biological Sciences, 281 (1781), 10 p.

Risks of avian influenza transmission in areas of intensive free-ranging duck production with wild waterfowl. Cappelle Julien, Zhao Delong, Gilbert Marius, Nelson Martha I., Newman Scott, Takekawa John Y., Gaidet Nicolas, Prosser Diann J., Liu Ying, Li Peng, Shu Yuelong, Xiao Xiangming. 2014. Ecohealth, 11 (1) : 109-119.

Selecting the quality of mule duck fatty liver based on near-infrared spectroscopy. Marie-Etancelin Christelle, Vitezica Zulma G., Bonnal Laurent, Fernandez Xavier, Bastianelli Denis. 2014. Genetics Selection Evolution, 46 (38), 7 p.


Detection of QTL controlling metabolism, meat quality, and liver quality traits of the overfed interspecific hybrid mule duck. Kileh-Wais M., Elsen Jean-Michel, Vignal Alain, Feve K., Vignoles F., Fernandez Xavier, Manse Hélène, Davail S., André J.M., Bastianelli Denis, Bonnal Laurent, Filangri O., Baéza Elisabeth, Guéméné D., Genêt C., Bernadet Marie-Dominique, Dubos F., Marie-Etancelin Christelle. 2013. Journal of Animal Science, 91 (2) : 588-604.

Estimating stop over duration in the presence of trap-effects. Choquet Rémi, Guédon Yann, Besnard Aurélien, Guillermain M., Pradel Roger. 2013. Ecological Modelling, 250 : 111-118.

Heterosubtypic immunity to influenza A virus infections in mallards may explain existence of multiple virus subtypes. Latorre-Margalef Neus, Grosbois Vladimir, Wahlgren John, Munster Vincent J., Tolf Conny, Fouchier Ron A.M., Osterhaus Albert D.M.E., Olsen Bjorn, Waldenström Jonas. 2013. PLoS Pathogens, 9 (6):e1003443, 12 p.

Host associations, biogeography, and phylogenetics of avian malaria in southern African waterfowl. Cumming Graeme S., Shepard Eric, Okanga Sharon, Caron Alexandre, Ndlovu Mduduzi, Peters Jeffrey L.. 2013. Parasitology, 140 : 193-201.

Individual variation in influenza a virus infection histories and long-term immune responses in mallards. Tolf Conny, Latorre-Margalef Neus, Wille Michelle, Bengtsson Daniel, Gunnarsson Gunnar, Grosbois Vladimir, Hasselquist Dennis, Olsen Bjorn, Elmberg Johan, Waldenström Jonas. 2013. PloS One, 8 (4):e61201, 9 p.


Comparison of two spectra acquisition conditions for the evaluation of genetic parameters of duck fatty liver quality. Bastianelli Denis, Fernandez Xavier, Bernadet Marie-Dominique, Manse Hélène, Bonnal Laurent, Marie-Etancelin Christelle. 2012. In : 15th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Edited by M. Manley, C.M. McGoverin, D.B. Thomas and G. Downey. Cape Town : International Council for Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 328-330. International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy. 15, Cape Town, Afrique du Sud, 13 Mai 2011/20 Mai 2011.

Evaluation of serological tests for H5N1 avian influenza on field samples from domestic poultry populations in Vietnam : Consequences for surveillance. Desvaux Stéphanie, Garcia J.M., Nguyen T.D., Reid S.A., Bui N.A., Roger François, Fenwick Stan, Peiris J.S.M., Ellis T.. 2012. Veterinary Microbiology, 156 (3-4) : 277-284.

Quantitative comparison and selection of home range metrics for telemetry data. Cumming Graeme S., Cornélis Daniel. 2012. Diversity and Distributions, 18 (11) : 1057-1065.

Understanding the ecological drivers of avian influenza virus infection in wildfowl : A continental-scale study across Africa. Gaidet Nicolas, Caron Alexandre, Cappelle Julien, Cumming Graeme S., Balança Gilles, Hammoumi Saliha, Cattoli Giovanni, Abolnik Célia, Servan de Almeida Renata, Gil Patricia, Fereidouni Sasan R., Grosbois Vladimir, Tran Annelise, Mundava Josephine, Fofana Bouba, Ould El Mamy Ahmed Bezeid, Ndlovu Mduduzi, Mondain-Monval J.Y., Triplet Patrick, Hagemeijer Ward, Karesh William B., Newman Scott, Dodman Tim. 2012. Proceedings - Royal Society. Biological Sciences, 279 (1731) : 1131-1141.

Use of NIRS for the genetic study of the quality of duck fatty liver. Bastianelli Denis, Fernandez Xavier, Davrieux Fabrice, Vitezica Zulma G., Robert-Granié Christelle, Marie-Etancelin Christelle. 2012. In : 15th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Edited by M. Manley, C.M. McGoverin, D.B. Thomas and G. Downey. Cape Town : International Council for Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 331-335. International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy. 15, Cape Town, Afrique du Sud, 13 Mai 2011/20 Mai 2011.


Avian influenza and newcastle disease in three risk areas for H5N1 highlyb pathogenic avian influenza in Mali, 2007-2008. Molia Sophie, Samake Kassim, Diarra Abbas, Sidibé Maimouna Sanogo, Doumbia Lassina, Camara S., Kanté S., Kamissoko Badian, Diakité Adama, Gil Patricia, Hammoumi Saliha, Servan de Almeida Renata, Albina Emmanuel, Grosbois Vladimir. 2011. Avian Diseases, 55 (4) : 650-658.

Characterizing the interface between wild ducks and poultry to evaluate the potential of transmission of avian pathogens. Cappelle Julien, Gaidet Nicolas, Iverson Samuel, Takekawa John Y., Newman Scott, Fofana Bouba, Gilbert Marius. 2011. International Journal of Health Geographics, 10 (60), 9 p.

Direct estimation of the dynamic of contact between poultry and wild ducks in African villages using distribution modeling based on satellite telemetry and remote sensing data. Cappelle Julien, Gaidet Nicolas, Iverson Samuel, Takekawa John Y., Newman Scott, Fofana Bouba. 2011. Ecohealth, 7, suppl., Résumé, S58-S59 International One Health Congress. 1, Victoria, Australie, 14 Février 2011/16 Février 2011.

Genetic parameters of product quality and hepatic metabolism in fattened mule ducks. Marie-Etancelin Christelle, Basso B., Davail S., Gontier K., Fernandez Xavier, Vitezica Zulma G., Bastianelli Denis, Baéza Elisabeth, Bernadet Marie-Dominique, Guy G., Brun J.M., Legarra Andrés. 2011. Journal of Animal Science, 89 (3) : 669-679.

Implementing telemetry on new species in remote areas: recommendations from a large-scale satellite tracking study of African waterfowl. Cappelle Julien, Iverson Samuel, Takekawa John Y., Newman Scott, Dodman Tim, Gaidet Nicolas. 2011. Ostrich, 82 (1) : 17-26.

Persistence of low pathogenic avian influenza virus in waterfowl in a Southern African ecosystem. Caron Alexandre, Abolnik Célia, Mundava Josephine, Gaidet Nicolas, Burger Christina E., Mochotlhoane Bontsi, Bruinzeel Leo W., Chiweshe Ngoni, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Cumming Graeme S.. 2011. Ecohealth, 8 (1) : 109-115. International One Health Congress. 1, Victoria, Australie, 14 Février 2011/16 Février 2011.

Risk factors of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 occurrence at the village and farm levels in the Red River Delta Region in Vietnam. Desvaux Stéphanie, Grosbois Vladimir, Pham T.T.H., Fenwick Stan, Tollis Sébastien, Pham N.H., Tran Annelise, Roger François. 2011. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 58 (6) : 492-502.


Characteristics of poultry production systems and cost-benefit analysis of mass vaccination campaign against HPAI in poultry production systems in Long An Province, South Vietnam. Dang Thang Phan, Peyre Marie-Isabelle, Desvaux Stéphanie, Dinh Ton Vu, Roger François, Renard Jean-François. 2009. Journal of Science and Development - Hanoi University of Agriculture, 7 (1) : 62-68.

Eleven generations of selection for the duration of fertiliy in the intergeneric crossbreeding of ducks. Cheng Yu Shin, Rouvier Roger, Liu Hsiao-Lung, Huang Shang Chi, Huang Yu-Chia, Liao Chung-Wen, Liu Tai Jui-Jane, Tai Chein, Poivey Jean-Paul. 2009. Genetics Selection Evolution, 41 (1) : 1-11.

Genetic parameters of mule ducks meat and fatty liver performances simultaneously estimated in both parental liness : [Preprint]. Marie-Etancelin Christelle, Fernandez Xavier, Davail S., André J.M., Bastianelli Denis, Vitezica Zulma G., Baéza Elisabeth, Bernadet Marie-Dominique, Basso B., Guy G., Legarra Andrés, Brun J.M.. 2009. In : XIXe European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, 21-25 June, Tutku, Finland. WPSA. s.l. : s.n., 1-13. European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat. 19, Tutku, Finlande, 21 Juin 2009/25 Juin 2009.

L'insémination artificielle des volailles. Note bibliographique. Meyer Christian, Rouvier Roger. 2009. Montpellier : CIRAD, 22 p.

Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy for predicting lipid content in duck breast meat : [Preprint]. Bastianelli Denis, Bonnal Laurent, Chartrin Pascal, Bernadet Marie-Dominique, Marie-Etancelin Christelle, Baéza Elisabeth. 2009. In : XIXe European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, 21-25 June, Tutku, Finland. WPSA. s.l. : s.n., 1-9. European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat. 19, Tutku, Finlande, 21 Juin 2009/25 Juin 2009.

Varying circulation levels of avian influenza and newcastle disease viruses in domesric chickens and ducks of the Mopti and Sikasso regions, Mali, in 2008. Molia Sophie, Samake Kassim, Diarra Abbas, Kanté S., Kamissoko Badian, Diakité Adama, Sidibé Maimouna Sanogo, Doumbia L., Camara S., Gil Patricia, Hammoumi Saliha, Servan de Almeida Renata, Albina Emmanuel. 2009. In : 12th International Symposia on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE), Durban, South Africa, August 10-14, 2009. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 1 p. International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics. 12, Durban, Afrique du Sud, 10 Août 2009/14 Août 2009.

WinBUGS for population ecologists: bayesian modeling using markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Gimenez Olivier, Bonner Simon J., King Ruth, Parker Richard A., Brooks Stephen P., Jamieson L.E., Grosbois Vladimir, Morgan Byron J., Thomas Len. 2009. In : Modeling demographic processes in marked populations. Thomson David L. (ed.), Cooch Evan G. (ed.), Conroy Michael J. (ed.). New York : Springer [Etats-Unis], Résumé, 883-915. (Environmental and ecological statistics series, 3) ISBN 978-0-387-78150-1


Dispositif de detection de QTL chez le canard commun. Marie-Etancelin Christelle, André J.M., Baéza Elisabeth, Basso B., Bastianelli Denis, et al.. 2008. In : 8èmes Journées de la recherche sur les palmipèdes à foie gras, 30-31 octobre 2008, Arcachon, France. INRA, ITAVI, CTCPA. Paris : INRA., 17-20. Journées de la recherche sur les palmipèdes à foie gras. 8, Arcachon, France, 30 Octobre 2008/31 Octobre 2008.

Duck migration and past influenza A (H5N1) outbreak areas. Gaidet Nicolas, Newman Scott, Hagemeijer Ward, Dodman Tim, Cappelle Julien, Hammoumi Saliha, De Simone Lorenzo, Takekawa John Y.. 2008. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 14 (7) : 1-2.

Paramètres génétiques d'indicateurs du métabolisme hépatique durant le gavage, de la qualité des produits et du taux de corticostérone chez le canard, estimés dans le cadre du programme GENECAN. Marie-Etancelin Christelle, André J.M., Baéza Elisabeth, Basso B., Bastianelli Denis, et al.. 2008. In : 8èmes Journées de la recherche sur les palmipèdes à foie gras, 30-31 octobre 2008, Arcachon, France. INRA, ITAVI, CTCPA. Paris : INRA., 33-36. Journées de la recherche sur les palmipèdes à foie gras. 8, Arcachon, France, 30 Octobre 2008/31 Octobre 2008.

A general review and a description of the poultry production in Vietnam January 2008. Desvaux Stéphanie, Dinh Ton Vu, Dang Thang Phan, Thi Thanh Hoa Pham. 2008. s.l. : Agricultural Plublishing House, 38 p.



Genetic trends for laying traits in the Brown Tsaiya (Anas platyrhynchos) selected with restricted genetic selection index. Chen D.T., Lee S.R., Hu Y.H., Huang C.C., Cheng Yu Shin, Tai Chein, Poivey Jean-Paul, Rouvier Roger. 2003. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 16 (12) : 1705-1710.


Estimation of genetic gains in muscovy duck selected for body weight at ten weeks of age in Taiwan. Hu Y.H., Poivey Jean-Paul, Rouvier Roger, Huang A.J.F., Wang C.T., Tai Chein. 2002. In : 7th World congress on genetics applied to livestock production. Pig breeding. Poultry and rabbit breeding. Horse breeding. Fish and shell-fish breeding. Breeding of non-conventional or regional species. Reproduction. INRA-Centre de recherche de Toulouse, CIRAD. Paris : INRA, 269-272. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. 7, Montpellier, France, 19 Août 2002/23 Août 2002.


Genetic parameters of reproductive traits in Brown Tsaiya ducks artificially inseminated with semen from Muscovy drakes. Poivey Jean-Paul, Cheng Yu Shin, Rouvier Roger, Tai Chein, Wang C.T., Liu Hsiao-Lung. 2001. Poultry Science, 80 (6) : 703-709.




Incidence du type génétique et de l'âge de mise en gavage du canard mulard sur la composition chimique hépatique et sur la qualité technologique des foies gras. Husen S.. 1992. Maisons-Alfort : CIRAD-IEMVT, 48 p. Mémoire DESS : Productions Animales en Régions Chaudes : Ecole nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort

Les canards Alabios d'Indonésie : ses caractéristiques, son élevage et son rôle économique à Kalimantan du Sud. Husen S.. 1992. Maisons-Alfort : CIRAD-IEMVT, 35 p. Mémoire DESS (Synthèse bibliographique) : Productions Animales en Régions Chaudes : Ecole nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort


Elevages associés agriculture-aquaculture. Montabord D.. 1991. Maisons-Alfort : CIRAD-IEMVT, 53 p. Mémoire DESS (Synthèse bibliographique) : Productions Animales en Régions Chaudes : Ecole nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort

L'intégration agropiscicole en Thaïlande : étude bio-technique et socio-économique (projet CUSRI-ORSTOM). Montabord D.. 1991. Maisons-Alfort : CIRAD-IEMVT, 79 p. Mémoire DESS : Productions Animales en Régions Chaudes : Ecole nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort

Manuel d'aviculture en zone tropicale. CIRAD-IEMVT - FRA, Ministère de la coopération (France) - FRA, Sanders aliments - FRA. 1991. Paris : La documentation française, 186 p. (Manuels et précis d'elevage : IEMVT, 2) ISBN 2-11-002543-3


Pathologie aviaire. Fascicule 7 : canards, dindes, gibier et oiseaux de volière. CIRAD-IEMVT - FRA, Ministère de l'agriculture et de la réforme agraire (Maroc) - MAR. 1989. Rabat : Ministère de l'agriculture et de la réforme agraire, 191 p.


L'élevage du canard en chaine de production. Zwijnenberg R.. 1988. Maisons-Alfort : CIRAD-IEMVT, 41 p. Mémoire DESS (Synthèse bibliographique) : Productions Animales en Régions Chaudes : Université de Paris-Val-de-Marne


Manual of poultry production in the tropics. CIRAD-IEMVT - FRA. 1987. Wallingford : CAB International, 119 p. ISBN 0-85198-590-4



Développement de l'aviculture au Niger. Leclercq P.. 1975. Maisons-Alfort : GERDAT-IEMVT, 129 p.


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