
Résultats pour : "HPLC"

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Nombre de documents : 52.

Article de revue

Development of a specific fluorescence post-column derivatization method coupled with ion-pair chromatography for phytate analysis in food. Akissoe Lorene, Sautot Pascale, Mertz Christian, Morel Gilles, Bohin Maxime, Avallone Sylvie, Servent Adrien. 2025. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 73 (1) : 880-889.

Repellent properties against four Ascomycota species and Reticulitermes favipes of acetonic extractives from Cedrus atlantica sapwood to inner heartwood fractions. Candelier Kévin, Jay-Allemand Christian, Dijoux Rebecca, Ducruet Romain, Aznar Dorian, Cayzac Caroline, Bidel Luc P.R., Kieny Emma. 2023. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 355 : 87-98.

Quantification of the aromatic potential of ripe fruit of Vanilla planifolia (Orchidaceae) and several of its closely and distantly related species and hybrids. Pérez-Silva Araceli, Nicolás-García Mayra, Petit Thomas, Dijoux Jean-Bernard, de los Ángeles Vivar-Vera María, Besse Pascale, Grisoni Michel. 2021. European Food Research and Technology, 247 (6) : 1489-1499.
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Aptamer assisted ultrafiltration cleanup with high performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detector for the determination of OTA in green coffee. Elsaadani Moez, Durand Noel, Sorli Brice, Guibert Benjamin, Alter Pascaline, Montet Didier. 2020. Food Chemistry, 310:125851, 6 p.
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Severe modifications in source-sink ratio influence the susceptibility of bananas to crown rot and its phenolic content. Ewané Cécile Annie, Nott Katherine, Lassois Ludivine, Lepoivre Philippe, De Lapeyre de Bellaire Luc. 2020. Plant Pathology, 69 (9) : 1740-1753.

Fast discrimination of chocolate quality based on average-mass-spectra fingerprints of cocoa polyphenols. Fayeulle Noémie, Meudec Emmanuelle, Boulet Jean-Claude, Vallverdu-Queralt Anna, Hue Clotilde, Boulanger Renaud, Cheynier Véronique, Sommerer Nicolas. 2019. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67 (9) : 2723-2731.

Analytical method validation and rapid determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in cocoa butter using HPLC-FLD. Sess Tchotch Didier Axel, Kedjebo Kra Brou Didier, Faulet Betty Meuwiah, Fontana-Tachon Angélique, Alter Pascaline, Durand Noel, Grabulos Joël, Montet Didier, Guehi Tagro Simplice. 2018. Food Analytical Methods, 11 (11) : 3138-3146.
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Characterization of taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] germplasm for improved flavonoid composition and content. Lebot Vincent, Lawac Floriane, Michalet Serge, Legendre Laurent. 2017. Plant Genetic Resources, 15 (3) : 260-268.
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Diterpenes biochemical profile and transcriptional analysis of cytochrome P450s genes in leaves, roots, flowers, and during Coffea arabica L. fruit development. Ivamoto Suzana Tiemi, Sakuray Leonardo M., Ferreira Lucia Pires, Kitzberger Cíntia S.G., Scholz Maria Brigida dos Santos, Pot David, Leroy Thierry, Vieira Luiz Gonzaga Esteves, Domingues Douglas S., Pereira Luiz Filipe P.. 2017. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 111 : 340-347.
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Comparison of phenolic and volatile profiles of edible and toxic forms of Detarium senegalense J. F. GMEL. Diop Ndiaye Nafissatou, Munier Sylvie, Pelissier Yves, Boudard Frédéric, Mertz Christian, Lebrun Marc, Dhuique-Mayer Claudie, Dornier Manuel. 2016. African Journal of Biotechnology, 15 (16) : 622-632.

High-throughput phenotyping and improvements in breeding cassava for increased carotenoids in the roots. Belalcazar John, Dufour Dominique, Andersson Meike S., Pizarro Monica, Luna Jorge, Londoño Luis Fernando, Morante Nelson, Jaramillo Angélica M., Pino Lizbeth, Becerra López-Lavalle Luis Agusto, Davrieux Fabrice, Talsma Elise F., Ceballos Hernan. 2016. Crop Science, 56 (November-December) : 1-10.

Secondary metabolite diversity in taro, Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott, corms. Muñoz-Cuervo Ismael, Malapa Roger, Michalet Serge, Lebot Vincent, Legendre Laurent. 2016. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 52 : 24-32.

Effect of boiling on phenolic profiles determined using HPLC/ESI-LTQ-Orbitrap-MS, physico-chemical parameters of six plantain banana cultivars (Musa sp). Passo Tsamo Claudine Valérie, Herent Marie-France, Tomekpé Kodjo, Happi Emaga Thomas, Quetin Leclercq Joëlle, Rogez Hervé, Larondelle Yvan, Andre Christelle M.. 2015. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 44 : 158-169.

The distribution of coumarins and furanocoumarins in Citrus species closely matches Citrus phylogeny and reflects the organization of biosynthetic pathways. Dugrand-Judek Audray, Olry Alexandre, Hehn Alain, Costantino Gilles, Ollitrault Patrick, Froelicher Yann, Bourgaud Frédéric. 2015. PloS One, 10 (11):e0142757, 25 p.

Rapid prediction of phenolic compounds as chemical markers for the natural durability of teak (Tectona grandis Linn f.) heartwood by near infrared spectroscopy. Niamké Bobelé Forence, Amusant Nadine, Kadio Adjumane Aimé, Thévenon Marie-France, Nourissier-Mountou Sophie, Adima Augustin Amissa, Jay-Allemand Christian, Chaix Gilles. 2014. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 22 (1) : 35-43.

Validation of near-infrared spectroscopy for the quantification of cafestol and kahweol in green coffee. Scholz Maria Brigida dos Santos, Pagiatto Natalia Ferrarezi, Kitzberger Cíntia S.G., Pereira Luiz Filipe P., Davrieux Fabrice, Charmetant Pierre, Leroy Thierry. 2014. Food Research International, 61 : 176-182.

Cooccurrence of mycotoxins in maize and poultry feeds from Brazil by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Mendes de Souza Maria De Lourdes, Sulyok Michael, Freitas-Silva Otniel, Soares Costa Sônia, Brabet Catherine, Machinski Miguel, Sekiyama Beatriz Leiko, Azevedo Vargas Eugenia, Krska Rudolf, Schuhmacher Rainer. 2013. Scientific World Journal, 2013 (ID 427369), 9 p.

Coumarin and furanocoumarin quantitation in citrus peel via ultraperformance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS). Dugrand Audray, Olry Alexandre, Duval Thibault, Hehn Alain, Froelicher Yann, Bourgaud Frédéric. 2013. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61 (45) : 10677-10684.

Comparative analysis of proteome changes induced by the two spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae and methyl jasmonate in citrus leaves. Maserti Bianca Elena, Del Carratore Renata, Della Croce C.M., Podda Alessandra, Migheli Q., Froelicher Yann, Luro François, Morillon Raphaël, Ollitrault Patrick, Talon Manuel, Rossignol Michel. 2011. Journal of Plant Physiology, 168 (4) : 392-402.

Identification and quantification of carotenoids by HPLC-DAD during the process of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes H.B.K.) flour. Rojas-Garbanzo Carolina, Pérez Ana Mercedes, Bustos-Carmona Jairol, Vaillant Fabrice. 2011. Food Research International, 44 (7) : 2377-2384.

Carotenoid profiling of tropical root crop chemotypes from Vanuatu, South Pacific. Champagne Antoine, Bernillon Stéphane, Moing Annick, Rolin Dominique, Legendre Laurent, Lebot Vincent. 2010. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 23 (8) : 763-771.

Evaluation of kahweol and cafestol in coffee tissues and roasted coffee by a new high-performance liquid chromatography methodology. Dias Rafael Carlos Eloy, Gonçalves Campanha Fernanda, Vieira Luiz Gonzaga Esteves, Pires Ferreira Lucia, Pot David, Marraccini Pierre, De Toledo Benassi Marta. 2010. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58 (1) : 88-93.

Extractives of the tropical wood Wallaba (Epeura falcata Aubl.) as natural anti-swelling agents. Royer Mariana, Stien Didier, Beauchêne Jacques, Herbette Gaëtan, McLean Jean Paul, Thibaut Anne, Thibaut Bernard. 2010. Holzforschung, 64 : 211-215.

Free and bound cinnamic acid derivatives in Corsica sweet blond oranges. Carrera Eric, Vall Ould El Kebir Mohamed, Jacquemond Camille, Luro François, Lozano Yves, Gaydou Emile M.. 2010. Natural Product Communications, 5 (3) : 435-440.

First report of Xanthomonas citri pv. citri-A causing citrus canker on lime in Ethiopia. Derso Eshetu, Vernière Christian, Pruvost Olivier. 2009. Plant Disease, 93 (2), Résumé : 203.

Phenolic compounds, carotenoids and antioxidant activity of three tropical fruits. Mertz Christian, Gancel Anne Laure, Günata Ziya, Alter Pascaline, Dhuique-Mayer Claudie, Vaillant Fabrice, Pérez Ana Mercedes, Ruales Jenny, Brat Pierre. 2009. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 22 (5) : 381-387.

Anthocyanin characterization of pilot plant water extracts of Delonix regia flowers. Adje Anoh Félix, Lozano Yves, Meudec Emmanuelle, Lozano Paul, Adima Augustin Amissa, Agbo N'zi Georges, Gaydou Emile M.. 2008. Molecules, 13 : 1238-1245.

From "Tonic-cups" to "Bitter-cups": "Kwasi bita beker" from Suriname determination, past and present use of an ancient galenic artefact. Odonne Guillaume, Bourdy G., Beauchêne Jacques, Houël Emeline, Stien Didier, Chevelot L., Deharo Eric. 2007. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 110 (2) : 318-322.

Thermal degradation of antioxidant micronutrients in Citrus juice : Kinetics and newly formed compounds. Dhuique-Mayer Claudie, Tbatou Manal, Carail Michel, Caris-Veyrat Catherine, Dornier Manuel, Amiot Marie Josèphe. 2007. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55 : 4209-4216.

Carotenoid diversity in cultivated citrus is highly influenced by genetic factors. Fanciullino Anne Laure, Dhuique-Mayer Claudie, Luro François, Casanova Joseph, Morillon Raphaël, Ollitrault Patrick. 2006. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54 (12) : 4397-4406.

Polyamines are involved in the gynogenesis process in onion. Geoffriau Emmanuel, Kahane Rémi, Martin Tanguy Josette. 2006. Physiologia Plantarum, 127 (1) : 119-129.

Analytical method for appreciation of garlic therapeutic potential and for validation of a new formulation. Arnault Ingrid, Haffner Thomas, Siess Marie-Hélène, Vollmar Angelika M., Kahane Rémi, Auger Jacques. 2005. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 37 (5) : 963-970.

Genomic DNA methylation of juvenile and mature Acacia mangium micropropagated in vitro with reference to leaf morphology as a phase change marker. Baurens Franc-Christophe, Nicolleau Joris, Legavre Thierry, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Monteuuis Olivier. 2004. Tree Physiology, 24 (4) : 401-407.

HPLC determination of the reactive lysine content of cottonseed protein films to monitor the extent of cross-linking by formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, and glyoxal. Marquié Catherine, Tessier Anne-Marie, Aymard Christian, Guilbert Stéphane. 1997. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 45 (3) : 922-926.

Biochemical basis of kernel milling characteristics and endosperm vitreousness of maize. Mestres Christian, Matencio Françoise. 1996. Journal of Cereal Science, 24 : 283-290.

Measurement of free glycerol in biofuels. Lozano Paul, Chirat Nathalie, Graille Jean, Pioch Daniel. 1996. Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 354 (3) : 319-322.

Unsaponifiable matter, total sterol and tocopherol contents of avocado oil varieties. Lozano Yves, Dhuique-Mayer Claudie, Bannon C., Gaydou Emile M.. 1993. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 70 (6) : 561-565.

Dosage du gossypol par chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance, dans les dérivés des graines de cotonniers. Marquié Catherine, Bourely Jean. 1991. Coton et Fibres Tropicales, 46 (1) : 33-55.

Analyse en CLHP des substances produites par le palmier à huile au cours de l'infection par le Fusarium oxysporum f sp elaeidis. Perspectives pour la sélection. Taquet B., Diabaté Sékou, Renard Jean-Luc, De Franqueville Hubert, Reiser P.. 1990. Oléagineux, 45 (2) : 49-55. International palm oil development conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie, 5 Septembre 1989/9 Septembre 1989.


Analyse des triglycérides de l'huile d'avocat par CLHP en phase inverse : mémoire scientifique. Lozano Yves. 1983. Revue Française des Corps Gras (9) : 333-346.

Communication avec actes

Determination of anthocyanin biosynthesis in the CIRAD pineapple hybrid 'Flhoran41'. Soler Alain, Fournier Patrick. 2006. In : Proceedings of the fifth International Pineapple Symposium, Port Alfred, South Africa, April 11-16, 2005. Joubert P.H. (ed.), Duncan A. (ed.). ISHS-. Louvain : ISHS [Belgique], 117-122. (Acta Horticulturae, 702) ISBN 90-6605-307-0 International Pineapple Symposium. 5, Port Alfred, Afrique du Sud, 11 Avril 2005/16 Avril 2005.

Les tocophérols du café : dosage par chromatographie liquide haute pression. Rôle anti-oxydant. Cros Emile, Fourny Gérard, Vincent Jean-Claude. 1986. In : Onzième Colloque Scientifique International sur le Café. ASIC. Paris : ASIC, 263-271. Colloque scientifique international sur le café. 11, Lomé, Togo, 11 Février 1985/15 Février 1985.

Communication sans actes

An evolutionary background of the bananas as deduced from flavonoids diversification. Horry Jean-Pierre, Jay M.. 1988. In : Workshop on Identification of Genetic Diversity in the Genus Musa. Montpellier : CIRAD-IRFA, 26 p. Workshop on Identification of Genetic Diversity in the Genus Musa, Los Banos, Philippines, 4 Septembre 1988/10 Septembre 1988.


La biosynthèse non ribosomique chez les bactéries du genre Xanthomonas. Sabri Souhir. 2016. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 167 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie des interactions : Montpellier SupAgro

Etude des déterminants génétiques et moléculaires de la variabilité des compositions en carotenoïdes au sein du genre Citrus. Fanciullino Anne Laure. 2007. Corte : Université de Corse, 189 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biochimie et biologie moléculaires : Université de Corse


Etude des méthylpyrazines en chromatographie phase liquide haute performance (HPLC) en fonction de la torréfaction des fèves de cacao. Diaby F.. 1986. Montpellier : ENSIA, 66 p. Mémoire d'ingénieur : en Industries Agro-Alimentaires : Ecole nationale supérieure des industries agricoles et alimentaires

Chapitre de rapport

Preliminary results from chemical analyses of selected cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) accessions: trainig experiences at CIRAD. Sukha Darin A., Cros Emile, Assemat Sophie, Davrieux Fabrice, Butler David R.. 2002. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 2001. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 55-61.

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