How to predict the harvest date of tropical fruit : from simple methods to complex models.
Lechaudel Mathieu, Damour Gaëlle, Fournier Patrick, Joas Jacques, Jahiel Michel.
In : Proceedings of the International Symposium Postharvest Pacifica 2009 'Pathways to quality', Fifth International Symposium on managing quality in chains in collaboration with the Australasian postharvest horticultural conference, Napier, New Zealand, Novem. Hewett Errol W. (ed.), Johnston J.W. (ed.), Gunson F.A. (ed.). ISHS, New Zealand Institute for Agricultural and Horticultural Science
. Louvain : ISHS [Belgique], 175-182.
(Acta Horticulturae, 880)
ISBN 978-90-6605-603-9 International Symposium Postharvest Pacifica 2009, Napier, Nouvelle-Zélande, 15 Novembre 2009/19 Novembre 2009.