Integration of cryopreservation in French plant genetic resource collections: the CRYOVEG project.
Engelmann Florent, Balsemin Emilie, Barreneche Teresa, Chatelet Philippe, Chauvin Jean-Eric, Couturon Emmanuel, Curk Franck, Dantec Marie-Ange, Dantec Jean-Paul, Decourcelles Thibault, Dussert Stéphane, Feugey Laurence, Froelicher Yann, Fouilhaux Lydie, Gamiette Franciane, Grapin Agnès, Grisoni Michel, Guérif Philippe, Guyarder Arnaud, Label Alain, Luro François, Moulin Bernard, Muller Martine, Peyrière André, Prigent Yvon, Renard Michel, Roux-Cuvelier Michel, Roques Danièle, Rubens Suzia, Sapotille Jocelyne, Souchet Catherine, Sylvestre Isabelle, Teyssedre David.
In : Proceedings of the final meeting "Cryopreservation of crop species", Agrocampus Ouest INHP, Angers, France. European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
. Luxembourg : Grapin, 139-141.
ISBN 978-92-898-0051-8