
Résultats pour : "évaluation du risque"

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Nombre de documents : 138.



Mapping potential environmental impacts of alien species in the face of climate change. Kumschick Sabrina, Journiac Lysandre, Boulesnane-Guengant Océane, Botella Christophe, Pouteau Robin, Rouget Mathieu. 2025. Biological Invasions, 27 (1):43, 14 p.

Modelling the population dynamics of Rift Valley fever virus mosquito vectors in the western Mediterranean Basin. Drouin Alex, Balenghien Thomas, Durand Benoit, Aranda Carles, Bennouna Amal, Bouattour Ali, Boubidi Saïd-Chaouki, Conte Ann Amaria, Delacour Sarah, Goffredo Maria, Himmi Oumnia, L'Ambert Grégory, Schaffner Francis, Chevalier Véronique. 2025. Ecological Modelling, 502:111013, 14 p.


Climate, altitude, yield, and varieties drive lodging in sugarcane: A random forest approach to predict risk levels on a tropical island. Christina Mathias, Heuclin Benjamin, Pilloni Raphael, Mellin Mathilde, Barau Laurent, Hoarau Jean-Yves, Dumont Thomas. 2024. European Journal of Agronomy, 161:127381, 10 p.

Diversity of biting midges, mosquitoes and sand flies at four dog shelters in rural and peri-urban areas of Central Morocco. Zahri Abderrahmane, Ahlamine Mehdi, Abou-Elaaz Fatima-Zahra, Talimi Hasnaa, El Berbri Ikhlass, Balenghien Thomas, Bourquia Maria. 2024. Parasite, 31:57, 13 p.

Epidemic intelligence in Europe: A user needs perspective to foster innovation in digital health surveillance. Bouyer Fanny, Thiongane Oumy, Hobeika Alexandre, Arsevska Elena, Binot Aurélie, Corrèges Déborah, Dub Timothée, Mäkelä Henna, Van Kleef Esther, Jori Ferran, Lancelot Renaud, Mercier Alizé, Fagandini Ruiz Francesca, Valentin Sarah, Van Bortel Wim, Ruault Claire. 2024. BMC Public Health, 24:973, 20 p.

LIPTAKOR, a participatory approach for increasing risk awareness and facilitating operational changes at artisanal gold mines. Cerceau Juliette, Maman-Illatou Oumar El Farouk, Daré William's, Abrami Géraldine, Bouillet Philippe, Vinches Marc. 2024. Extractive Industries and Society, 17:101385, 12 p.

Measurement and modelling of water flows and pesticide leaching under low-input cropping systems. Mamy Laure, Marín-Benito Jesús-María, Alletto Lionel, Justes Eric, Ubertosi Marjorie, Munier-Jolain Nicolas, Nicolardot Bernard, Bonnet Catherine, Moeys Julien, Larsbo Mats, Pot Valérie, Bedos Carole, Benoit Pierre, Barriuso Enrique. 2024. Science of the Total Environment, 957:177607, 16 p.



Analysis of livestockmMobility and implications for the risk of foot-and-mouth disease virus spread in Iran. Mirzaie Kamran, Mowlaei Shahir, Arsevska Elena, Ahmadi Bouda Vosough, Ambrosini Francesca, Rosso Fabrizio, Chevanne Etienne. 2023. Ruminants, 3 (4) : 299-323.

Dynamic and classifier-based model SARS-CoV-2 Omicron spillover risk assessment in China. Wei Hongjie, Zhao Yunkang, Qu Huimin, Wang Jing, Abudurusuli Guzainuer, Chen Qiuping, Zhao Zeyu, Song Wentao, Wang Yao, Frutos Roger, Chen Tianmu. 2023. Fundamental Research, 10 p.

Native and invasive seedling drought-resistance under elevated temperature in common gorse populations. Christina Mathias, Gire Céline, Bakker Mark, Leckie Alan, Xue Jianming, Clinton Peter W., Negrin-Perez Zaira, Arevalo Sierra Jose Ramon, Domec Jean-Christophe, Gonzalez Maya. 2023. Journal of Plant Ecology, 16 (3):rtac097, 16 p.

Nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation are not located where they are most needed across the Alps. Dubo Titouan, Palomo Ignacio, Camacho Lucía Laorden, Locatelli Bruno, Cugniet Audrey, Racinais Natacha, Lavorel Sandra. 2023. Regional Environmental Change, 23:12, 15 p.

Scientific agenda for climate risk and impact assessment of West African cropping systems. Diancoumba Madina, MacCarthy Dilys Sefakor, Webber Heidi, Akinseye Folorunso M., Faye B., Noulèkoun F., Corbeels Marc, Worou N.. 2023. Global Food Security, 38:100710, 4 p.

Serological evidence of circulation of West Nile virus in equids in Algerian eastern drylands and its epidemiological risk factors. Laabassi Farouk, Dheilly Nolwenn M., Beck Cécile, Amaral Rayane, Gonzalez Gaëlle, Gaudaire Delphine, Madeline Anthony, Lecouturier Fanny, Lecollinet Sylvie, Zientara Stéphan, Hans Aymeric, Valle-Casuso José-Carlos. 2023. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 94:101947, 7 p.


Analyse de la construction de la vulnérabilité des ménages du système irrigué de Guédé au nord du Sénégal. Sila Anne, Gérard Françoise, Daré William's, Ba Alpha, Faye El Hadji, Adamczewski Amandine, Bousquet François. 2022. Cahiers Agricultures, 31:6, 11 p.

Modelling human health risks from pesticide use in innovative legume-cereal intercropping systems in Mediterranean conditions. Zemmouri Bahia, Lammoglia Sabine Karen Djidemi, Bouras Fatima-Zohra, Seghouani Mounir, Rebouh Nazih Yacer, Latati Mourad. 2022. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 238:113590, 14 p.

Organisations and institutions regulating the risks of using genetically edited plants in Madagascar. Razafimahatratra Hanitriniana Mamy, Temple Ludovic. 2022. Recherches pour le développement. Série Sciences de l'homme et de la société (17) : 25-46.

Principles for evaluation of one health surveillance: the EVA book. Peyre Marie-Isabelle (ed.), Roger François (ed.), Goutard Flavie (ed.). 2022. Cham : Springer, 326 p. ISBN 978-3-030-82726-7

Risk assessment of infectious endogenous banana streak viruses in Guadeloupe. Umber Marie, Pressat Gersende, Fort Guillaume, Plaisir Pineau Kaïssa, Giougou Chantal, Lambert Frédéric, Farinas Benoît, Pichaut Jean-Philippe, Janzac Bérenger, Delos Jean-Marie Eric, Salmon Frédéric, Dubois Cécile, Teycheney Pierre-Yves. 2022. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:951285, 12 p.


Are interactions important in estimating flood damage to economic entities? The case of wine-making in France. Nortes Martinez David, Grelot Frédéric, Brémond Pauline, Farolfi Stefano, Rouchier Juliette. 2021. Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Sciences, 21 : 3057-3084.

Ecological and health risk assessment, carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects of heavy metals contamination in the soil from municipal solid waste landfill in Central, Thailand. Thongyuan Suporn, Khantamoon Tanyalak, Aendo Paweena, Binot Aurélie, Tulayakul Phitsanu. 2021. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 27 (4) : 876-897.

External quality assessment of Rift Valley fever diagnosis in countries at risk of the disease: African, Indian Ocean and Middle-East regions. Pédarrieu Aurélie, El Mellouli Fatiha, Khallouki Hanane, Zro Khalil, Sebbar Ghizlane, Sghaier Soufien, Madani Hafsa, Bouayed Nadera, Lo Modou Moustapha, Diop Mariame, Ould El Mamy Ahmed Bezeid, Barry Yahya, Dakouo Marthin, Traoré Abdallah, Gagara Haladou, Souley Maman Moutari, Achá Sara, Mapaco Lourenço, Chang'a Jelly, Nyakilinga Denis, Lubisi Baratang A., Tshabalala Thabisile, Filippone Claudia, Héraud Jean Michel, Chamassy Sitti Bahyat, Achiraffi Abdou, Keck Nicolas, Grard Gilda, Mohammed Kareem Abdelfattah Abdelwahab, Alrizqi Abdulwahed Mohammed, Cetre-Sossah Catherine. 2021. PloS One, 16 (5):e0251263, 14 p.

Gouvernance des conditions sociétales d'évaluation de Plantes de riz Génétiquement Editées à Madagascar. Temple Ludovic, Razanakoto Onjaherilanto, Razafimahatratra Mamy Hanitriniaina, Nlend Nkott Anny Lucrèce, Ramanitrinizaka Fanilo Ny Aina. 2021. Montpellier : CIRAD, 11 p. (Note de Perspective Politique Generice)

Mapping of Ebola virus spillover: Suitability and seasonal variability at the landscape scale. Lee Cruz Larisa, Lenormand Thomas, Cappelle Julien, Caron Alexandre, De Nys Hélène, Peeters Martine, Bourgarel Mathieu, Roger François, Tran Annelise. 2021. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (8):e0009683, 29 p.

Using a participatory qualitative risk assessment to estimate the risk of introduction and spread of transboundary animal diseases in scarce-data environments. Squarzoni Diaw Cécile, Arsevska Elena, Kalthoum Sana, Hammami Pachka, Cherni Jamel, Daoudi Assia, Laoufi Mohamed Karim, Lezaar Yassir, Kechna Rachid, Seck Ismaïla, Ould Elmamy Bezeid, Yahya Barry, Dufour Barbara, Hendrikx Pascal, Cardinale Eric, Munoz Facundo, Lancelot Renaud, Coste Caroline. 2021. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 68 (4) : 1966-1978.
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Archetypes of climate-risk profiles among rural households in Limpopo, South Africa. Paumgarten Fiona, Locatelli Bruno, Witkowski E.T.F.. 2020. Weather, Climate, and Society, 12 (3) : 545-560.

Assessing the risk of occurrence of bluetongue in Senegal. Ba Gahn Marie Cicille, Niakh Fallou, Ciss Mamadou, Seck Ismaïla, Lo Modou Moustapha, Fall Assane Gueye, Biteye Biram, Fall Moussa, Ndiaye Mbengué, Ba Aminata, Seck Momar Talla, Sall Baba, Lo Mbargou, Faye Coumba, Squarzoni Diaw Cécile, Ka Alioune, Amevoin Yves, Apolloni Andrea. 2020. Microorganisms, 8 (11), n.spéc. Bluetongue Virus:1766, 18 p.

Complementarity of empirical and process-based approaches to modelling mosquito population dynamics with Aedes albopictus as an example - Application to the development of an operational mapping tool of vector populations. Tran Annelise, Mangeas Morgan, Demarchi Marie, Roux Emmanuel, Degenne Pascal, Haramboure Marion, Le Goff Gilbert, Damiens David, Gouagna Louis-Clément, Herbreteau Vincent, Dehecq Jean-Sébastien. 2020. PloS One, 15 (1):e0227407, 21 p.

Crise de la Covid-19 et perspective pour la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique. Seck Pape Abdoulaye, Brulhet Jacques, Dron Michel, De Lattre-Gasquet Marie, Rastoin Jean-Louis. 2020. In : Covid-19 et agriculture. Une opportunité pour la transition agricole et alimentaire. Dron Michel (ed.), Kim-Bonbled Philippe (ed.). Paris : Presse des Mines, 123-130. (Académie d'agriculture de France) ISBN 978-2-35671-621-7
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It's risky to wander in September: Modelling the epidemic potential of Rift Valley fever in a Sahelian setting. Cecilia Hélène, Métras Raphaëlle, Gueye Fall Assane, Lo Modou Moustapha, Lancelot Renaud, Ezanno Pauline. 2020. Epidemics, 33:100409, 11 p.

Mass spectrometry-based detection and risk assessment of mycotoxin contamination of 'kankankan' used for roasted meat consumption in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. Yapo Armel Elysée, Strub Caroline, Durand Noël, Constant Ahoua Angora Rémi, Schorr-Galindo Sabine, Bonfoh Bassirou, Fontana Angélique, Koussémon Marina. 2020. Food Additives and Contaminants. Part A. Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment, 37 (9) : 1564-1578.
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Remote sensing and multi-criteria evaluation for malaria risk mapping to support indoor residual spraying prioritization in the Central highlands of Madagascar. Rakotoarison Hobiniaina Anthonio, Rasamimalala Mampionona, Rakotondramanga Jean Marius, Ramiranirina Brune, Franchard Thierry, Kapesa Laurent, Razafindrakoto Jocelyn, Guis Hélène, Tantely Luciano Michaël, Girod Romain, Rakotoniaina Solofoarisoa, Baril Laurence, Piola Patrice, Rakotomanana Fanjasoa. 2020. Remote Sensing, 12, n.spéc. Remote Sensing for Health: from Fine-Scale Investigations towards Early-Warning Systems:1585, 22 p.


Nouveaux risques dans les bas-fonds des terroirs soudaniens. Une étude de cas au Burkina Faso. Serpantié Georges, Dorée Augustine, Fusillier Jean-Louis, Moity Maizi Pascale, Lidon Bruno, Douanio Manaka, Sawadogo Abdraime, Bossa Aymar Yaovi, Hounkpé Jean. 2019. Cahiers Agricultures, 28:19, 10 p.

Spatial multicriteria evaluation for mapping the risk of occurrence of Peste des Petits Ruminants in Eastern Africa and the Union of the Comoros. Ruget Anne-Sophie, Tran Annelise, Waret-Szkuta Agnès, Ousseni Moutroifi Youssouf, Charafouddine Onzade, Cardinale Eric, Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Chevalier Véronique. 2019. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 6:455, 11 p.

Use of probabilistic expert elicitation for assessing risk of appearance of grape downy mildew. Chen Mathilde, Brun François, Raynal Marc, Debord Christian, Makowski David. 2019. Crop Protection, 126:104926, 12 p.

A simple method to estimate the number of doses to include in a bank of vaccines. The case of Lumpy Skin Disease in France. Casal Jordi, Saegerman Claude, Bertagnoli Stéphane, Meyer Gilles, Ganiere Jean-Pierre, Caufour Philippe, De Clercq Kris, Jacquiet Philippe, Hautefeuille Claire, Etore Florence, Napp Sebastian. 2019. PloS One, 14 (1):e0210317, 10 p.


Assessment of the risk factors associated to aflatoxin contamination during the marketing of peanuts in Côte d'Ivoire. Manizan Ama Lethicia, Akaki David, Piro-Metayer Isabelle, Montet Didier, Brabet Catherine, Koffi-Nevry Rose. 2018. Food and Environment Safety, 17 (2) : 183-191.

Environmental and anthropogenic factors affecting the increasing occurrence of shark-human interactions around a fast-developing Indian Ocean island. Lagabrielle Erwann, Allibert Agathe, Kiszka Jeremy J., Loiseau Nicolas, Kilfoil James P., Lemahieu Anne. 2018. Scientific Reports, 8 (1):3676, 13 p.

Identification of a hypervirulent pathotype of Rice yellow mottle virus: A Threat to genetic resistance deployment in West-Central Africa. Hebrard Eugénie, Pinel-Galzi Agnès, Oludare Aderonke, Poulicard Nils, Aribi Jamel, Fabre Sandrine, Issaka Souley, Mariac Cédric, Dereeper Alexis, Albar Laurence, Silué Drissa, Fargette Denis. 2018. Phytopathology, 108 (2) : 299-307.

Risque phytosanitaire portant sur Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense pour les départements d'outre-mer. Tassus Xavier (ed.), Balesdent Marie-Hélène, Chilin-Charles Yolande, De Lapeyre de Bellaire Luc, Makowski David, Steinberg Christian, Silvie Pierre, Castagnone Philippe, Chauvel Bruno, Desneux Nicolas, Desprez-Loustau Marie-Laure, Escobar-Gutièrrez Abraham, Gentzbittel Laurent, Jactel Hervé, Le Bourgeois Thomas, Nesme Xavier, Steyer Stéphan, Suffert Frédéric, Verdin Eric, Verheggen François, Wetzel Thierry. 2018. Maisons-Alfort : ANSES, 87 p. (Avis de l'Anses : Rapport d'expertise collective) ISBN 979-10-286-0249-9


Assessing climate adaptation options and uncertainties for cereal systems in West Africa. Guan Kaiyu, Sultan Benjamin, Biasutti Michela, Baron Christian, Lobell David B.. 2017. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 232 : 291-305.

Assessing the extent and use of risk analysis methodologies in Africa using PVS derived data. Bastiaensen Patrick, Abernethy Darrell A., Etter Eric. 2017. Revue scientifique et Technique - Office International des Epizooties, 36 (1) : 163-174.

Biology and epidemiology of Moniliophthora roreri, causal agent of Moniliophthora pod rot of cacao. Leandro Munoz Mariela Eugenia. 2017. Turrialba : CATIE, 167 p. Thesis Ph. D. : Ecological agriculture : CATIE

Crop health and its global impacts on the components of food security. Savary Serge, Bregaglio Simone, Willocquet Laetitia, Gustafson D., Mason D'Croz D., Sparks A., Castilla Nancy P., Djurle Annika, Allinne Clémentine, Sharma Mamta, Rossi Vivien, Amorim L., Bergamin A., Yuen Jonathan, Esker P., McRoberts Neil, Avelino Jacques, Duveiller E., Koo Jawoo, Garrett Karen A.. 2017. Food Security, 9 (2) : 311-327.
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Detection and differentiation of the coconut lethal yellowing phytoplasma in coconut-growing villages of Grand-Lahou, Côte d'Ivoire. Rosete Yaima Arocha, Diallo Hortense Atta, Konan Konan Jean Louis, Yankey N., Saleh M., Pilet Fabian, Contaldo Nicoletta, Paltrinieri S., Bertaccini Assunta, Scott J.. 2017. Annals of Applied Biology, 170 (3) : 333-347.
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Estudio de la dinámica de microorganismos (bacterias, levaduras y hongos filamentosos) que influyen en la contaminación del grano de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) con Ocratoxina A (OTA). Champion Martinez Elena Isabel. 2017. Veracruz : Instituto Tecnologico de Veracruz, 141 p. Tesis doctorado : Ciencias en alimentos : Instituto Tecnologico de Veracruz

Exposition des plantations de palmier à huile au risque de la pourriture du coeur dans le bassin de Quevedo, Équateur. Baron Victor, Rafflegeau Sylvain, Dubos Bernard, Flori Albert, Burgos Roberto, Louise Claude. 2017. Cahiers Agricultures, 26 (5):55002, 11 p.

One health economics to confront disease threats. Machalaba Catherine C., Smith Kristine M., Awada Lina, Berry Kevin, Berthe Franck, Bouley Timothy A., Bruce Mieghan, Cortiñas Abrahantes Jose, El Turabi Anas, Feferholtz Yasha, Flynn Louise, Fournié Guillaume, Andre Amanda, Grace Delia, Jonas Olga, Kimani Tabitha, Le Gall François, Miranda Juan Jose, Peyre Marie-Isabelle, Pinto Julio, Ross Noam, Rüegg Simon R., Salerno Robert H., Seifman Richard, Zambrana-Torrelio Carlos, Karesh William B.. 2017. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 111 (6) : 235-237.

Quantitative assessment of the risk linked to the consumption of braised beef meat “Choukouya” contaminated with pathogenic Clostridium perfringens in Côte D'Ivoire. Dibi Diane Emmanuel, Akmel Djédjro Clément, Tano Kablan, Assidjo Nogbou Emmanuel, Akaki David, Montet Didier. 2017. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 8 (12) : 1137-1155.

Surveillance strategies for Classical Swine Fever in wild boar - a comprehensive evaluation study to ensure powerful surveillance. Schulz Katja, Peyre Marie-Isabelle, Staubach Christoph, Schauer Birgit, Schulz Jana, Calba Clémentine, Häsler Barbara, Conraths Franz J.. 2017. Scientific Reports, 7:43871, 13 p.

Une noctuelle américaine envahit l'Afrique. Germain Jean-François, Goergen Georg, Reynaud Philippe, Silvie Pierre. 2017. Phytoma (707) : 34-37.


Evaluating methods to quantify spatial variation in the velocity of biological invasions. Tisseuil Clément, Gryspeirt Aiko, Lancelot Renaud, Pioz Maryline, Liebhold Andrew, Gilbert Marius. 2016. Ecography, 39 (5) : 409-418.


Caractérisation des risques sanitaires et environnementaux des pratiques phytosanitaires dans la production de légumes dans les communes de Cotonou, de Seme-Kpodji et de Ouidah au Sud-Bénin. Ahouangninou Claude, Martin Thibaud, Cledjo Placide, Assogba-Komlan Françoise, Djogbenou Luc, Assogba Benoît S., Soumanou Mohamed Mansourou, Boko Michel, Fayomi Benjamin. 2015. Cahiers du CBRST, 2 (7) : 135-171.

Circadian activity of Culicoides oxystoma (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), potential vector of bluetongue and African horse sickness viruses in the Niayes area, Senegal. Fall Moussa, Fall Assane Gueye, Seck Momar Talla, Bouyer Jérémy, Diarra Maryam, Balenghien Thomas, Garros Claire, Bakhoum Mame Thierno, Faye Ousmane, Baldet Thierry, Gimonneau Geoffrey. 2015. Parasitology Research, 114 (8) : 3151-3158.

Detection in and circulation of Bluetongue virus among domestic ruminants in Madagascar. Andriamandimby Soa Fy, Viarouge Cyril, Ravalohery Jean-Pierre, Reynes Jean-Marc, Sailleau Corinne, Tantely Luciano Michaël, Elissa Nohal, Cardinale Eric, Sall Amadou Alpha, Zientara Stéphan, Héraud Jean Michel. 2015. Veterinary Microbiology, 176 (3-4) : 268-273.

Ethnographic context and spatial coherence of climate indicators for farming communities: A multi-regional comparative assessment. Moron Vincent, Boyard-Micheau Joseph, Camberlin Pierre, Hernandez Valeria, Leclerc Christian, Mwongera Caroline Njeri, Philippon Nathalie, Riglos Florencia Fossa, Sultan Benjamin. 2015. Climate Risk Management, 8 : 28-46.

Fièvre catarrhale ovine en Europe en 2014 : épizootie dans les Balkans, progression de la circulation en Italie et en Espagne. Arsevska Elena, Balenghien Thomas, Breard Emmanuel, Garros Claire, Lancelot Renaud, Sailleau Corinne, Zientara Stéphan. 2015. Bulletin Epidémiologique (69) : 20-24.

Global parasite and Rattus rodent invasions: The consequences for rodent-borne diseases. Morand Serge, Bordes Frédéric, Hsuan-Wien Chen, Claude Julien, Cosson Jean François, Galan Maxime, Czirják Gábor, Greenwood Alex, Latinne Alice, Michaux Johan, Ribas Alexis. 2015. Integrative Zoology, 10 (5) : 409-423.
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Guia para la vigilancia sanitaria de los animales terrestres. Brückner Gideon (ed.), Knopf Lea (ed.), Mac Diarmid Stuart C. (ed.), Munstermann Anne-Susanne (ed.), Cameron Angus, Mariner Jeffrey C., Paisley Larry, Parmley Jane, Roger François, Scott Aaron, Willeberg Preben, Wolhuter Martiens. 2015. Paris : OIE, 101 p. ISBN 978-92-9044-988-1

Guide pour la surveillance de la santé des animaux terrestres. Brückner Gideon (ed.), Knopf Lea (ed.), Mac Diarmid Stuart C. (ed.), Munstermann Anne-Susanne (ed.), Cameron Angus, Mariner Jeffrey C., Paisley Larry, Parmley Jane, Roger François, Scott Aaron, Willeberg Preben, Wolhuter Martiens. 2015. Paris : OIE, 108 p. ISBN 978-92-9044-947-4

Helping farmers to reduce herbicide environmental impacts. Le Bellec Fabrice, Vélu Alice, Fournier Pascal, Le Squin Sandrine, Michels Thierry, Tendero Agnès, Bockstaller Christian. 2015. Ecological Indicators, 54 : 207-216.

High environmental risk and low yield of urban tomato gardens in Benin. Perrin Aurélie, Basset-Mens Claudine, Huat Joël, Yehouessi Wilfried. 2015. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 35 (1) : 305-315.

Influence of past and future climate changes on the distribution of three Southeast Asian murine rodents. Latinne Alice, Meynard Christine N., Herbreteau Vincent, Waengsothorn Surachit, Morand Serge, Michaux Johan. 2015. Journal of Biogeography, 42 (9) : 1714-1726.

Potentially zoonotic helminthiases of Murid Rodents from the Indo-Chinese Peninsula: Impact of habitat and the risk of human infection. Chaisiri Kittipong, Siribat Praphaiphat, Ribas Alexis, Morand Serge. 2015. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 15 (1) : 73-85.

Progress on research on rodents and rodent-borne zoonoses in South-east Asia. Blasdell Kim R., Bordes Frédéric, Chaisiri Kittipong, Chaval Yannick, Claude Julien, Cosson Jean François, Latinne Alice, Michaux Johan, Morand Serge, Pagès Marie, Tran Annelise. 2015. Wildlife Research, 42 (2) : 98-107.

Spatio-temporal prevalence of porcine cysticercosis in Madagascar based on meat inspection. Porphyre Vincent, Rasamoelina-Andriamanivo Harentsoaniaina, Rakotoarimanan Andriatsilavina, Rasamoelina Ony, Bernard Claire, Jambou Ronan, Cardinale Eric. 2015. Parasites and Vectors, 8 (391), 8 p.

Surveillance systems evaluation: A systematic review of the existing approaches. Calba Clémentine, Goutard Flavie, Hoinville Linda, Hendrikx Pascal, Lindberg Ann, Saegerman Claude, Peyre Marie-Isabelle. 2015. BMC Public Health, 15 (448), 13 p.

A study on African animal trypanosomosis in four areas of Senegal. Ravel Sophie, Mediannikov Oleg, Bossard Géraldine, Desquesnes Marc, Cuny Gérard, Davoust Bernard. 2015. Folia Parasitologica, 62:044, 6 p.


Brucella sero-prevalence and modifiable risk factors among predisposed cattle keepers and consumers of un-pasteurized milk in Mbarara and Kampala districts, Uganda. Nasinyama George, Ssekawojwa Edward, Opuda John, Grimaud Patrice, Etter Eric, Bellinguez Alban. 2014. African Health Sciences, 14 (4) : 790-796.

Characterising African tick communities at a wild-domestic interface using repeated sampling protocols and models. Miguel Eve, Boulinier Thierry, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Caron Alexandre, Fritz Hervé, Grosbois Vladimir. 2014. Acta Tropica, 138 : 5-14.

Diversité moléculaire du CSSV (Cocoa swollen shoot virus) et épidémiologie de la maladie du swollen shoot du cacaoyer (Theobroma cacao L.) en Côte d'Ivoire. Kouakou Koffie. 2014. Abidjan : Université Félix Houphouët Boigny, 141 p. Thèse de doctorat : Phytovirologie : Université Félix Houphouët Boigny

Guide to terrestrial animal health surveillance. Brückner Gideon (ed.), Knopf Lea (ed.), Mac Diarmid Stuart C. (ed.), Munstermann Anne-Susanne (ed.), Cameron Angus, Mariner Jeffrey C., Paisley Larry, Parmley Jane, Roger François, Scott Aaron, Willeberg Preben, Wolhuter Martiens. 2014. Paris : OIE, 93 p. ISBN 978-92-9044-842-6

Major atmospheric emissions from peat fires in Southeast Asia during non-drought years: Evidence from the 2013 Sumatran fires. Gaveau David L.A., Salim Mohammad A., Hergoualc'h Kristell, Locatelli Bruno, Sloan Sean, Wooster Martin, Marlier Miriam E., Molidena Elis, Yaen Husna, Defries Ruth, Verchot Louis, Murdiyarso Daniel, Nasi Robert, Holmgren Peter, Sheil Douglas. 2014. Scientific Reports, 4 (6112), 7 p.

Risks of avian influenza transmission in areas of intensive free-ranging duck production with wild waterfowl. Cappelle Julien, Zhao Delong, Gilbert Marius, Nelson Martha I., Newman Scott, Takekawa John Y., Gaidet Nicolas, Prosser Diann J., Liu Ying, Li Peng, Shu Yuelong, Xiao Xiangming. 2014. Ecohealth, 11 (1) : 109-119.

Réduire les pertes d'azote dans l'élevage : expertise scientifique collective. Peyraud Jean-Louis (ed.), Cellier Pierre (ed.), Donnars Catherine (ed.), Vertès Françoise (ed.), Aarts Frans, Béline Fabrice, Bockstaller Christian, Bourblanc Magalie, Delaby Luc, Dourmad Jean-Yves, Dupraz Pierre, Durand Patrick, Faverdin Philippe, Fiorelli Jean-Louis, Gaigné Carl, Girard Agnès, Kuikman Peter, Langlais Alexandra, Le Goffe Philippe, Le Perchec Sophie, Lescoat Philippe, Morvan Thierry, Nicourt Christian, Parnaudeau Virginie, Réchauchère Olivier, Rochette Philippe, Veysset Patrick. 2014. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 167 p. (Matière à débattre et décider) ISBN 978-2-7592-2245-2

Spatio-temporal patterns and landscape-associated risk of buruli ulcer in Akonolinga, Cameroon. Landier Jordi, Gaudart Jean, Carolan Kevin, Lo Seen Danny, Guégan Jean-François, Eyangoh Sara, Fontanet Arnaud, Texier Gaëtan. 2014. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 8 (9):e3123, 11 p.

Topography and land cover of watersheds predicts the distribution of the environmental pathogen Mycobacterium ulcerans in aquatic insects. Carolan Kevin, Garchitorena Andres, Garcia-Pena Gabriel E., Morris Aaron, Landier Jordi, Fontanet Arnaud, Le Gall Philippe, Texier Gaëtan, Marsollier Laurent, Gozlan Rodolphe Elie, Eyangoh Sara, Lo Seen Danny, Guégan Jean-François. 2014. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 8 (11):e3298, 11 p.

Worldwide niche and future potential distribution of Culicoides imicola, a major vector of bluetongue and african horse sickness viruses. Guichard Sylvain, Guis Hélène, Tran Annelise, Garros Claire, Balenghien Thomas, Kriticos Darren J.. 2014. PloS One, 9 (11):e112491, 8 p.

Zero-inflated models for identifying disease risk factors whencase detection is imperfect: Application to highly pathogenicavian influenza H5N1 in Thailand. Vergne Timothée, Paul Mathilde, Chaengprachak Wanida, Durand Benoit, Gilbert Marius, Dufour Barbara, Roger François, Kasemsuwan Suwicha, Grosbois Vladimir. 2014. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 114 (1) : 28-36.

The threat of midge-borne equine disease: investigation of Culicoides species on UK equine premises. Robin M., Archer D., Garros Claire, Gardes Laëtitia, Baylis Matthew. 2014. Veterinary Record, 174 (12) : 301.


Agir en situation d'incertitude en agriculture : regards pluridisciplinaires au Nord et au Sud. Ancey Véronique (ed.), Avelange Isabelle (ed.), Dedieu Benoît (ed.). 2013. Bruxelles : PIE-Peter Lang, 422 p. (Ecopolis, 17) ISBN 978-2-87574-037-3

Agir en situation d'incertitude en agriculture. Dynamiques de protection et d'adaptation au Nord et au Sud : [Introduction]. Dedieu Benoît, Ancey Véronique, Avelange Isabelle. 2013. In : Agir en situation d'incertitude en agriculture : regards pluridisciplinaires au Nord et au Sud. Ancey Véronique (ed.), Avelange Isabelle (ed.), Dedieu Benoît (ed.). Bruxelles : PIE-Peter Lang, 13-17. (Ecopolis, 17) ISBN 978-2-87574-037-3

Changing distributions of ticks: Causes and consequences. Leger Elsa, Vourc'h Gwenaël, Vial Laurence, Chevillon Christine, McCoy Karen D.. 2013. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 59 (1-2) : 219-244.

Climate change and plant dispersal along corridors in fragmented landscapes of Mesoamerica. Imbach Pablo, Locatelli Bruno, Molina Luis Guillermo, Ciais Philippe, Leadley Paul. 2013. Ecology and Evolution, 3 (9) : 2917-2932.

Climate change and the spread of vector-borne diseases: using approximate Bayesian computation to compare invasion scenarios for the bluetongue virus vector Culicoides imicola in Italy. Mardulyn Patrick, Goffredo Maria, Conte Ann Amaria, Hendrickx Guy, Meiswinkel Rudolf, Balenghien Thomas, Sghaier Soufien, Lohr Youssef, Gilbert Marius. 2013. Molecular Ecology, 22 (9) : 2456-2466.

Identifying landscape features associated with Rift Valley fever virus transmission, Ferlo region, Senegal, using very high spatial resolution satellite imager. Soti Valérie, Chevalier Véronique, Maura Jonathan, Bégué Agnès, Lelong Camille, Lancelot Renaud, Thiongane Yaya, Tran Annelise. 2013. International Journal of Health Geographics, 12 (10), 11 p.

Integrative approaches to assess climate risk in irrigated rice of Senegal and Niger River valleys in Mali. Balde Alpha Bocar, Muller Bertrand, Sow Abdoulaye, Diack B.S., Bimgpong K., Manneh Baboucarr, Ndiaye O., Van Oort P.A.J., Traoré Karim, Dembélé I., Stuerz Sabine, Dingkuhn Michaël. 2013. In : La science rizicole pour la sécurité alimentaire à travers le renforcement de l'agriculture familiale et l'agro-industrie en Afrique : 3ème Congrès du riz en Afrique 2013, 21-24 octobre 2013, Yaoundé, Cameroun. Programme et résumés. Centre du riz pour l'Afrique, IRAD, FAO. Cotonou : ADRAO [Centre du Riz pour l'Afrique], 40. Africa Rice Congress. 3, Yaoundé, Cameroun, 21 Octobre 2013/24 Octobre 2013.

Once there was a lake: Vulnerability to environmental changes in northern Mali. Djoudi Houria, Brockhaus Maria, Locatelli Bruno. 2013. Regional Environmental Change, 13 (3) : 493-508.

Vulnerability of baobab species to climate change and effectiveness of the protected area network in Madagascar: Towards new conservation priorities. Vieilledent Ghislain, Cornu Cyrille, Cuni Sanchez Aida, Leong Pock Tsy Jean-Michel, Danthu Pascal. 2013. Biological Conservation, 166 : 11-22.

The diversity of microparasites of rodents: A comparative analysis that helps in identifying rodent-borne rich habitats in Southeast Asia. Bordes Frédéric, Herbreteau Vincent, Dupuy Stéphane, Chaval Yannick, Tran Annelise, Morand Serge. 2013. Infection Ecology and Epidemiology, 1 (20178), 10 p.

A geographical information system-based multicriteria evaluation to map areas at risk for rift valley fever vector-borne transmission in Italy. Tran Annelise, Ippoliti C., Balenghien Thomas, Conte Ann Amaria, Gély Marie, Calistri Paolo, Goffredo Maria, Baldet Thierry, Chevalier Véronique. 2013. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 60, suppl.S2 : 14-23.

The influence of climate change on flood risks in France-first estimates and uncertainty analysis. Dumas Patrice, Hallegatte Stéphane, Quintana-Segui P., Martin E.. 2013. Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Sciences, 13 : 809-821.


Adapting tropical production forests to global climate change: Risk perceptions and actions. Guariguata Manuel, Locatelli Bruno, Haupt F.. 2012. International Forestry Review, 14 (1) : 27-38.

Agricultural price volatility and economic models : Lessons from recent crisis. Gérard Françoise, Piketty Marie-Gabrielle, Boussard Jean-Marc. 2012. Indian Development Review, 10 (1) : 81-99.

Estimating spatial and temporal variations of the reproduction number for highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 epidemic in Thailand. Marquetoux N., Paul Mathilde, Wongnarkpet Sirichai, Poolkhet Chaithep, Thanapongtharm Weerapong, Roger François, Ducrot Christian, Chalvet-Monfray Karine. 2012. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 106 (2), spéc. : 143-151.

Evaluating the efficiency of participatory epidemiology to estimate the incidence and impacts of foot-and-mouth disease among livestock owners in Cambodia. Bellet Camille, Vergne Timothée, Grosbois Vladimir, Holl Davun, Roger François, Goutard Flavie. 2012. Acta Tropica, 123 (1) : 31-38.

First international conference on animal health surveillance (ICAHS). Doherr M.G., Calavas Didier, Cameron Angus, Dufour Barbara, Greiner M., Gustafsson Lena, Hoinville Linda, Knopf Lea, Roger François, Stark Katharina, Salman Maher. 2012. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 105 (3) : 165-168. International Conference on Animal Health and Surveillance. 1, Lyon, France, 17 Mai 2011/20 Mai 2011.

Modélisation du risque d'exposition aux moustiques vecteurs de Plasmodium spp. dans un contexte de lutte anti-vectorielle. Moiroux Nicolas. 2012. Montpellier : UM2, 251 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie santé : Université Montpellier 2

Optimizing early detection of avian influenza H5N1 in backyard and free-range poultry production systems in Thailand. Goutard Flavie, Paul Mathilde, Tavornpanich Saraya, Houisse Ivan, Chanachai Karoon, Thanapongtharm Weerapong, Cameron Angus, Stark Katharina, Roger François. 2012. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 105 (3) : 223-234.

Séroprévalence de la toxoplasmose chez les ovins à Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Bamba S., Faye Bernard, Tarnagda Z., Boly N., Guiguemdé T., Villena I.. 2012. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 65 (3-4) : 63-66.

A capture-recapture analysis in a challenging environment: Assessing the epidemiological situation of foot-and-mouth disease in Cambodia. Vergne Timothée, Grosbois Vladimir, Durand Benoit, Goutard Flavie, Bellet Camille, Holl Davun, Roger François, Dufour Barbara. 2012. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 105 (3) : 235-243.


Assessment of the Avian Influenza H5N1 surveillance system for backyard and free-range poultry production systems in Thailand. Goutard Flavie, Paul Mathilde, Tavornpanich Saraya, Stark Katharina, Roger François. 2011. Epidémiologie et Santé Animale (59-60) : 422-424. International Conference on Animal Health and Surveillance. 1, Lyon, France, 17 Mai 2011/20 Mai 2011.

Capture-recapture as a tool to assess animal disease surveillance: The example of foot-and-mouth disease in Cambodia. Vergne Timothée, Goutard Flavie, Holl Davun, Bellet Camille, Roger François, Grosbois Vladimir, Dufour Barbara. 2011. Epidémiologie et Santé Animale (59-60) : 29. International Conference on Animal Health and Surveillance. 1, Lyon, France, 17 Mai 2011/20 Mai 2011.

Des modèles pour comprendre la réponse des écosystèmes prairiaux au nchangement climatique. Martin Raphael, Gaurut M., Lardy R., Carrère Pascal, Graux Anne-Isabelle, Drouet Jean-Louis, Fiorelli Jean-Louis, Blanfort Vincent, Capitaine Mathieu, Duretz Sylvia, Gabrielle Benoît, Cellier Pierre, Soussana Jean-François. 2011. Innovations Agronomiques, 12 : 97-108.

Developing a disease prevention strategy in the Caribbean: the importance of assessing animal health-related risks at regional level. Percedo Abreu M.I., Guitian Javier, Herbert-Hackshaw K., Pradel Jennifer, Bournez Laure, Petit Sinturel Marion, Delgado Amy, Sanford Bryan, Trotman Mark, Lazarus C., Lopez J.F., Gomez L., Frias Lepoureau Maria Teresa, Depaz M., Phanord Siméon, Titus S., Parris Aaron M., Gongora Victor, Lefrançois Thierry. 2011. Revue scientifique et Technique - Office International des Epizooties, 30 (3) : 725-731.

The H-index as a quantitative indicator of the relative impact of human diseases. Marie McIntyre K., Hawkes Iain, Waret-Szkuta Agnès, Morand Serge, Baylis Matthew. 2011. PloS One, 6 (5):e19558, 6 p.

La reconversion à l'utilisation des eaux souterraines pour l'irrigation et ses risques dans le plaine du Bas-Chéliff (Nord-Ouest d'Algérie). Bradaï A., Douaoui Abdelkader, Marlet Serge, Hartani Tarik, Bouarfa Sami. 2011. Hommes la Terre, l'Eau (148) : 43-44.

Modélisation des agroécosystèmes de la simulation du fonctionnement sol-plante à celle des réseaux trophiques. Tixier Philippe. 2011. Montpellier : UM2, 86 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Université Montpellier 2

Risk factors for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 infection in backyard chicken farms, Thailand. Paul Mathilde, Wongnarkpet Sirichai, Gasqui Patrick, Poolkhet Chaithep, Thongratsakul Sukanya, Ducrot Christian, Roger François. 2011. Acta Tropica, 118 (3) : 209-216.

Surveillance épidémiologique en santé animale. Dufour Barbara, Hendrikx Pascal, Thonnat Jérôme (collab.), Calavas Didier (collab.), Moutou François (collab.), Lazard Charlotte (collab.), Toma Bernard (collab.), Lefrançois Thierry (collab.), Chaisemartin Daniel (collab.), Bouchot Alexandre (collab.), Chazel Myriam (collab.), Ouagal Mahamat (collab.), Guix Estevan (collab.), François Cyrille (collab.), Chardonnet Bertrand (collab.). 2011. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 341 p. ISBN 978-2-7592-0909-5

Use of participatory appraisal to evaluate relative incidence and impacts of Foot-and-Mouth Disease among livestock owners of Svay Rieng province in Cambodia. Bellet Camille, Vergne Timothée, Grosbois Vladimir, Holl Davun, Roger François, Goutard Flavie. 2011. Epidémiologie et Santé Animale (59-60) : 276-278. International Conference on Animal Health and Surveillance. 1, Lyon, France, 17 Mai 2011/20 Mai 2011.

A qualitative risk assessment methodology for scientific expert panels. Dufour Barbara, Plee Ludovic, Moutou François, Boisseleau D., Chartier Christophe, Lancelot Renaud, Saergerman Claude, Thebault Anne, Hattenberger Anne-Marie, Toma Bernard. 2011. Revue scientifique et Technique - Office International des Epizooties, 30 (3) : 673-681.


Anthropogenic factors and the risk of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1: Prospects from a spatial-based model. Paul Mathilde, Tavornpanich Saraya, Abrial David, Gasqui Patrick, Charras-Garrido Myriam, Thanapongtharm Weerapong, Xiao Xiangming, Gilbert Marius, Roger François, Ducrot Christian. 2010. Veterinary Research, 41 (3), 14 p.

Environmental risk factors of West Nile virus infection of horses in the Senegal River basin. Chevalier Véronique, Dupressoir A., Tran Annelise, Diop O.M., Gottland C., Diallo M., Etter Eric, Ndiaye M., Grosbois Vladimir, Dia M., Gaidet Nicolas, Sall A.A., Soti Valérie, Niang M.. 2010. Epidemiology and Infection, 138 (11) : 1601-1609.

Menaces et protection. Feldmann Philippe. 2010. In : Atlas des orchidées de France. Société française d'orchidophilie. Mèze : Biotope, 48-53. (Parthénope) ISBN 978-2-914817-62-2|978-2-85653-658-2

Migración de ecosistemas bajo escenarios de cambio climático : el rol de los corredores biológicos en Costa Rica. Locatelli Bruno, Imbach Pablo. 2010. In : Adaptacion al cambio climatico y servicios ecosistémicos en America Latina : libro de actas del Seminario Internacional sobre Adaptacion al Cambio Climatico : el rol de los servicios ecosistémicos (SIAASE 2008). Martinez-Alonso Celia (ed.), Locatelli Bruno (ed.), Vignola Raffaele (ed.), Imbach Pablo (ed.). Turrialba : CATIE, 44-53. (Serie Tecnica, 99) ISBN 978-9977-57-527-8

Risk assessment in zoonotic tuberculosis in Mbarara, the main milk basin of Uganda. Byarugaba Frederick, Grimaud Patrice, Godreuil Sylvain, Etter Eric. 2010. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa, 58 (2) : 125-132.


Assessing pesticide pollution risk: From field to watershed. Houdart Marie, Tixier Philippe, Lassoudière André, Saudubray Frédéric. 2009. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 29 (2) : 321-327.

Risques sanitaires liés aux animaux et produits animaux : dossier de candidature Habilitation à diriger des recherches. Cardinale Eric. 2009. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion, 45 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Université de la Réunion

Une méthode qualitative d'estimation du risque en santé animale. Plee Ludovic (ed.), Hattenberger Anne-Marie (ed.), Boisseleau D., Chartier Christophe, Durand Benoit, Ganiere Jean-Pierre, Guillotin Jean, Lancelot Renaud, Moutou François, Saergerman Claude, Thebault Anne, Toma Bernard. 2009. Maisons-Alfort : AFSSA, 67 p. ISBN 978-2-11-098836-2

Validation of an ontology of risk and disaster through a case study of the 1923 gerat Kanto Earthquake. Provitolo Damienne, Müller Jean Pierre, Dubos-Paillard Edwige. 2009. In : 3rd International Conference on Complex Systems and Applications (ICCSA 2009), June 29 - July 02, 2009. s.l. : s.n., 11 p. International Conference on Complex Systems and Applications (ICCSA 2009). 3, Le Havre, France, 29 Juin 2009/2 Juillet 2009.


Does conservation agriculture mitigate the negative effects of climatic change on crop production: a modeling analysis for a case study in Zimbabwe. Corbeels Marc, Thierfelder Christian, Delve R.J., Porter Cheryl. 2008. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 3 (3), suppl. : 837-838. Congress of the European Society for Agronomy. 10, Bologne, Italie, 15 Septembre 2008/19 Septembre 2008.

Possible routes of introduction of bluetongue virus serotype 8 into the epicentre of the 2006 epidemic in north-western Europe. Mintiens Koen, Meroc Estelle, Mellor Philip S., Staubach Christoph, Gerbier Guillaume, Elbers Armin R.W., Hendrickx Guy, De Clerq Kris. 2008. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 87 (1-2) : 131-144.

Using remote sensing to map larval and adult populations of Anopheles hyrcanus (Diptera: Culicidae) a potential malaria vector in Southern France. Tran Annelise, Ponçon Nicolas, Toty Céline, Linard Catherine, Guis Hélène, Ferré Jean-Baptiste, Lo Seen Danny, Roger François, De La Rocque Stéphane, Fontenille Didier, Baldet Thierry. 2008. International Journal of Health Geographics, 7 (9), 12 p.

A quantitative risk assessment approach for mosquito-borne diseases : Malaria re-emergence in southern France. Ponçon Nicolas, Tran Annelise, Toty Céline, Luty Adrian, Fontenille Didier. 2008. Malaria Journal, 7 (1), suppl., 13 p.


La gestion des betteraves adventices résistantes à un herbicide : une approche par simulation. Tricault Yann, Sester Mathilde, Darmency Henry, Angevin Frédérique, Colbach Nathalie. 2007. In : Vingtième Conférence du COLUMA, Journées internationales sur la lutte contre les mauvaises herbes, 11-12 décembre 2007, Dijon, France = Twentieth COLUMA Conference, International meeting on weed control, 11-12 December 2007, Dijon, France. COLUMA, AFPP. Paris : AFPP, 213-222. ISBN 2-905550-13-9 Conférence du COLUMA : journées internationales sur la lutte contre les mauvaises herbes. 20, Dijon, France, 11 Décembre 2007/12 Décembre 2007.


Surveillance et évaluation du risque de transmission des maladies vectorielles émergentes : apport de la capacité vectorielle. Exemple de la fièvre catarrhale du mouton. Biteau-Coroller Fabienne. 2006. Montpellier : UM2, 262 p. Thèse de doctorat : Epidémiologie : Université Montpellier 2

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