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Nombre de documents : 99.


Genome-wide association studies reveal novel loci controlling tuber flesh color and oxidative browning in Dioscorea alata. Dossa Komivi, Morel Angélique, Houngbo Mahugnon Ezekiel, Zotta Mota Ana, Maledon Erick, Irep Jean-Luc, Diman Jean-Louis, Mournet Pierre, Causse Sandrine, Nguyen Van Kien, Cornet Denis, Chaïr Hâna. 2024. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 104 (8), n.spéc. Tropical roots, tubers and bananas: New breeding tools and methods to meet consumer preferences : 4895-4906.


Association mapping of colour variation in a butterfly provides evidence that a supergene locks together a cluster of adaptive loci. Jay Paul, Leroy Manon, Le Poul Yann, Whibley Annabel, Arias Monica, Chouteau Mathieu, Joron Mathieu. 2022. Philosophical Transactions - Royal Society. Biological Sciences, 377 (1856), dossier Genomic architecture of supergenes: causes and evolutionary consequences, 14 p.

Identification of Fusarium wilt resistance loci in two major genetic backgrounds for oil palm breeding. Daval Aurélie, Pomiès Virginie, Dossa Jacques, Riou Virginie, Lopez David, Poncet Charles, Cochard Benoît, Jacob Florence, Billotte Norbert, Tisne Sébastien. 2022. Industrial Crops and Products, 187 (Part A):115291, 13 p.

Quantitative and population genomics suggest a broad role of stay-green loci in the drought adaptation of sorghum. Faye Jacques, Akata Eyanawa, Sine Bassirou, Diatta Cyril, Cissé Ndiaga, Fonceka Daniel, Morris Geoffrey P.. 2022. Plant Genome, 15 (1):e20176, 17 p.


Association mapping and genomic selection for sorghum adaptation to tropical soils of Brazil in a sorghum multiparental random mating population. Bernardino Karine C., de Menezes Cícero B., de Sousa Sylvia M., Guimaraes Claudia Teixeira, Carneiro Pedro C.S., Schaffert Robert E., Kochian Leon V., Hufnagel Maciel Bárbara, Pastina Maria Marta, Magalhaes Jurandir V.. 2021. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 134 (1) : 295-312.

Genome-wide association of rice response to blast fungus identifies loci for robust resistance under high nitrogen. Frontini Mathias, Boisnard Arnaud, Frouin Julien, Ouikene Malika, Morel Jean-Benoit, Ballini Elsa. 2021. BMC Plant Biology, 21 (1):99, 12 p.

An atypical class of non-coding small RNAs is produced in rice leaves upon bacterial infection. Reshetnyak Ganna, Jacobs Jonathan M., Auguy Florence, Sciallano Coline, Claude Lisa, Medina Clemence, Pérez-Quintero Alvaro L., Comte Aurore, Thomas Emilie, Bogdanove Adam J., Koebnik Ralf, Szurek Boris, Diévart Anne, Brugidou Christophe, Lacombe Séverine, Cunnac Sébastien. 2021. Scientific Reports, 11 (1):24141, 20 p.


Structure and sequence of the sex determining locus in two wild populations of Nile tilapia. Triay Cécile, Conte Matthew A., Baroiller Jean-François, Bezault Etienne, Clark Frances E., Penman David J., Kocher Thomas D., D'Cotta Helena. 2020. Genes, 11 (9):1017, 28 p.


Characterization of worldwide olive germplasm banks of Marrakech (Morocco) and Córdoba (Spain): Towards management and use of olive germplasm in breeding programs. El Bakkali Ahmed, Essalouh Laila, Tollon Christine, Rivallan Ronan, Mournet Pierre, Moukhli Abdelmajid, Zaher Hayat, Mekkaoui Abderrahmane, Hadidou Amal, Sikaoui Lhassane, Khadari Bouchaib. 2019. PloS One, 14 (10):e0223716, 28 p.

Genome-wide association mapping of date palm fruit traits. Hazzouri Khaled M., Gros-Balthazard Muriel, Flowers Jonathan M., Copetti Dario, Lemansour Alain, Lebrun Marc, Masmoudi Khaled, Ferrand Sylvie, Dhar Michael I., Fresquez Zoë A., Rosas Ulises, Zhang Jianwei, Talag Jayson, Lee Seunghee, Kudrna Dave, Powell Robyn F., Leitch Ilia J., Krueger Robert, Wing Rod A., Amiri Khaled M. A., Purugganan Michael D.. 2019. Nature Communications, 10 (1):4680, 14 p.

Identification and characterization of Xanthomonas albilineans causing sugarcane leaf scald in China using multilocus sequence analysis. Ntambo Mbuya Sylvain, Meng Jian-Yu, Rott Philippe, Royer Monique, Lin L. H., Zhang Hui-Li, Gao San-Ji. 2019. Plant Pathology, 68 (2) : 269-277.

The complex genetic architecture of shoot growth natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Hanemian Mathieu, Marchadier Elodie, Tisne Sébastien, Bach Liên, Bazakos Christos, Gilbault Elodie, Haddadi Parham, Virlouvet Laetitia, Loudet Olivier. 2019. PLoS Genetics, 15 (4):e1007954, 17 p.

A new multi locus variable number of tandem repeat analysis scheme for epidemiological surveillance of Xanthomonas vasicola pv. musacearum, the plant pathogen causing bacterial wilt on banana and enset. Nakato Gloria Valentine, Fuentes Rojas Juan Luis, Vernière Christian, Blondin Laurence, Coutinho Teresa A., Mahuku George, Wicker Emmanuel. 2019. PloS One, 14 (4):e0215090, 22 p.


Genome-wide association reveals novel genomic loci controlling rice grain yield and its component traits under water-deficit stress during the reproductive stage. Kadam Niteen N., Struik Paul C., Rebolledo Maria Camila, Yin Xinyou, Jagadish Krishna S.V.. 2018. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69 (16) : 4017-4032.

Genome-wide association studies of 39 seed yield-related traits in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). Zhou Rong, Dossa Komivi, Li Donghua, Yu Jingyin, You Jun, Wei Xin, Zhang Xiurong. 2018. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19 (9), n.spéc. Plant Genetics and Molecular Breeding:2794, 18 p.

Phylogeography of Monochamus galloprovincialis, the European vector of the pinewood nematode. Haran Julien, Rousselet Jérôme, Tellez David, Roques Alain, Roux Géraldine. 2018. Journal of Pest Science, 91 (1) : 241-257.
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Deciphering the Theobroma cacao self-incompatibility system: from genomics to diagnostic markers for self-compatibility. Lanaud Claire, Fouet Olivier, Legavre Thierry, Lopes Uilson Vanderlei, Sounigo Olivier, Eyango Marie Claire, Mermaz Benoit, da Silva Marcos Ramos, Loor Solorzano Rey Gaston, Argout Xavier, Gyapay Gabor, Ebaiarrey Herman Ebai, Colonges Kelly, Sanier Christine, Rivallan Ronan, Mastin Géraldine, Cryer Nicholas, Boccara Michel, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Efombagn Mousseni Ives Bruno, Peres Gramacho Karina, Clément Didier. 2017. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68 (17) : 4775-4790.

Genome-wide association analysis identifies resistance loci for bacterial blight in a diverse collection of indica rice germplasm. Zhang Fan, Wu Zhi-Chao, Wang Ming-Ming, Dingkuhn Michael, Xu Jian-Long, Zhou Yong-Li, Li Zhikang. 2017. PloS One, 12 (3):e0174598, 17 p.


New development and validation of 50 SSR markers in breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis, Moraceae) by next-generation sequencing. De Bellis Fabien, Malapa Roger, Kagy Valérie, Lebegin Stéphane, Billot Claire, Labouisse Jean-Pierre. 2016. Applications in Plant Sciences, 4 (8):e1600021, 7 p.

Rice root architectural plasticity traits and genetic regions for adaptability to variable cultivation and stress conditions. Sandhu Nitika, Raman K. Anitha, Torres Rolando O., Audebert Alain, Dardou Audrey, Kumar Arvind, Henry Amelia. 2016. Plant Physiology, 171 : 2562-2576.


Maximum-likelihood method identifies meiotic restitution mechanism from heterozygosity transmission of centromeric loci: Application in citrus. Cuenca José, Aleza Pablo, Juarez José, Garcia-Lor Andrés, Froelicher Yann, Navarro Luis, Ollitrault Patrick. 2015. Scientific Reports, 5 (9897), 11 p.

New multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis tool for surveillance and local epidemiology of bacterial leaf blight and bacterial leaf streak of rice caused by Xanthomonas oryzae. Poulin Lucie, Grygiel Pierre, Magne Maxime, Gagnevin Lionel, Rodríguez-R Luis Miguel, Forero Serna Natalia, Zhao Shuai, El Rafil M., Dao S., Tekete C., Wonni Issa, Kolta O., Pruvost Olivier, Verdier Valérie, Vernière Christian, Koebnik Ralf. 2015. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 81 (2) : 688-698.

Seeking signatures of reinforcement at the genetic level: a hitchhiking mapping and candidate gene approach in the house mouse. Smadja Carole, Loire Etienne, Caminade Pierre, Thoma Marios, Latour Yasmin, Roux Camille, Thoss Michaela, Penn Dustin J., Ganem Guila, Boursot Pierre. 2015. Molecular Ecology, 24 (16) : 4222-4237.


Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from Iguana delicatissima (Reptilia: Iguanidae), new perspectives for investigation of hybridization events with Iguana iguana. Valette V., Filipová L., Vuillaume B., Cherbonnel C., Risterucci Ange-Marie, Delaunay C., Breuil M., Grandjean F.. 2013. Conservation Genetics Resources, 5 (1) : 173-175.

A newly identified locus controls complete resistance to Microcyclus ulei in the Fx2784 rubber clone. Le Guen Vincent, Garcia Dominique, Mattos Carlos Raimunto Reis, Fouet Olivier, Doare Fabien, Condina Virgile, Seguin Marc. 2013. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 9 (3) : 805-812.


An international reference consensus genetic map with 897 marker loci based on 11 mapping populations for tetraploid groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Gautami Bhimana, Foncéka Daniel, Pandey Manish K., Moretzsohn Márcio C., Sujay Venkataswamy, Qin Hongde, Hong Yanbin, Faye Issa, Chen Xiaoping, BhanuPrakash Amindala, Shah Trushar, Gowda Makanahally V.C., Nigam Shyam N., Liang Xuanqiang, Hoisington David, Guo Baozhu, Bertioli David J., Rami Jean-François, Varshney Rajeev K.. 2012. PloS One, 7 (7):e41213, 11 p.


Polymorphic microsatellite loci from Dacryodes edulis (Burseraceae), a Central African rainforest and fruit-tree species. Benoit Laure, Born Céline, Vignes Hélène, Chevallier Marie-Hélène, Todou Gilbert, Debain Chantal, Joly Hélène. 2011. American Journal of Botany, 98 (4) : e74-e75.


Increasing accuracy and throughput in large-scale microsatellite fingerprinting of cacao field germplasm collections. Motilal Lambert A., Zhang Dapeng, Umaharan Pathmanathan, Mischke Sue, Boccara Michel, Pinney Andrew. 2009. Tropical Plant Biology, 2 (1) : 23-37.

A genomewide admixture mapping study for yield factors and morphological traits in a cultivated cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) population. Marcano Maria, Morales Sonia, Hoyer Maria Theresa, Courtois Brigitte, Risterucci Ange-Marie, Fouet Olivier, Pugh Tatiana, Cros Emile, Gonzalez Ventura, Dagert Manuel, Lanaud Claire. 2009. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 5 : 329-337.


Characterization of the Bru1 (brown rust resistance) locus; distribution in sugarcane cultivars. Royaert Stefan, Le Cunff Loïc, Costet Laurent, Raboin Louis-Marie, Hoarau Jean-Yves, Telismart Hugues, Hervouet Catherine, Garsmeur Olivier, Nibouche Samuel, D'Hont Angélique. 2008. In : Advances and challenges in sugarcane biotechnology and plant pathology : proceedings : Joint ISSCT IX Plant Pathology and VI Molecular Biology Workshop, Cali, Colombia, 23-27 june 2008. ISSCT ; CENICANA. Cali : ISSCT, Résumé, 1 p. ISSCT Plant Pathology Workshop. 9, Cali, Colombie, 23 Juin 2008/27 Juin 2008.


Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for Casearia sylvestris Sw. (Salicaceae), a neotropical medicinal tree. Cavallari Marcelo Mattos, Billot Claire, Bouvet Jean-Marc, Favreau Bénédicte, Zucchi Maria Imaculada, Palmieri A., Gimenes M.A.. 2008. Molecular Ecology Resources, 8 (4) : 802-804.


Characterization of microsatellites in the fungal plant pathogen Crinipellis perniciosa. Gramacho Karina Peres, Risterucci Ange-Marie, Lanaud Claire, Lima Leila S., Lopes Uilson Vanderlei. 2007. Molecular Ecology Notes, 7 (1) : 153-155.


Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from a commercial cultivar of Musa acuminata. Creste Silvana, Benatti Thiago R., Orsi Myrian R., Risterucci Ange-Marie, Figueira Antonio. 2006. Molecular Ecology Notes, 6 : 303-306.


Characterization and PCR multiplexing of polymorphic microsatellite loci for the locust Locusta migratoria. Chapuis Marie-Pierre, Loiseau Anne, Michalakis Yannis, Lecoq Michel, Estoup Arnaud. 2005. Molecular Ecology Notes, 5 (3) : 554-557.
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Contribution au clonage positionnel d'un gène de résistance à la rouille chez un haut polyploïde, la canne à sucre, exploitation des relations synthétiques avec le sorgho et le riz. Le Cunff Loïc. 2005. Montpellier : UM2, 155 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biochimie et biologie moléculaire : Université Montpellier 2

Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from Psidium guajava L. Risterucci Ange-Marie, Duval Marie-France, Rohde Wolfgang, Billotte Norbert. 2005. Molecular Ecology Notes, 5 (4) : 745-748.

A step towards association studies for amylose and protein contents in sorghum. De Alencar Figueiredo Lucio Flavio, Courtois Brigitte, Deu Monique, Rami Jean-François, Fliedel Geneviève, Mestres Christian, Davrieux Fabrice, Chantereau Jacques, Garsmeur Olivier, Grabulos Joël, Fallet Véronique, Glaszmann Jean-Christophe. 2005. In : Abstracts of Plant and Animal Genomes XIIIth Conference, San Diego, CA (USA), January 15-19, 2005. s.l. : s.n., Résumé Plant and Animal Genomes Conference. 13, San Diego, États-Unis, 15 Janvier 2005/19 Janvier 2005.


Bulk segregant analyses of (17-3/1 X 36-3/1) progeny for resistance to Phytophthora : preliminary results. Lanaud Claire, Paulin Didier, Clément Didier, Ducamp Michel, Fouet Olivier, Vezian-Bonnemayre Katia, Efron Yoel, Risterucci Ange-Marie. 2004. In : Cocoa germplasm improvement: global and participatory approaches. CFC, ICCO, IPGRI. Rome : IPGRI, Diaporama, (9 vues) CFC/ICCO/IPGRI Projects Workshop, Reading, Royaume-Uni, 28 Mars 2004/3 Avril 2004.

Genetic diversity of Tunisian date palms (Phoenix dactylifera L.) revealed by nuclear microsatellite polymorphism. Zehdi Salwa, Trifi Mokhtar, Billotte Norbert, Marrakchi Mohamed, Pintaud Jean-Christophe. 2004. Hereditas, 141 (3) : 278-287.

Genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci for black pod resistance in cocoa. Lanaud Claire, Clément Didier, Flament Marie-Henriette, Risterucci Ange-Marie, Kébé Ismael S., Nyassé Salomon, Sounigo Olivier, Motilal Lambert A., Thévenin Jean-Marc, Paulin Didier, Ducamp Michel, N'Goran Jeanne A.K., Fargeas Dominique, Cilas Christian. 2004. In : Improvement of cocoa tree resistance to Phytophthora diseases. Cilas Christian (ed.), Despréaux Denis (ed.). Montpellier : CIRAD, 147-164. (Repères) ISBN 2-87614-562-6

Linkage disequilibrium in sorghum [Workshop : allele mining. W10]. Deu Monique, Glaszmann Jean-Christophe. 2004. . s.l. : s.n. Plant and Animal Genomes Conference. 12, San Diego, États-Unis, 10 Janvier 2004/14 Janvier 2004.

Meager genetic variability of the human malaria agent Plasmodium vivax. Leclerc Marie Claude, Durand Patrick Y., Gauthier Catherine, Patot S., Billotte Norbert, Menegon Michela, Severini Carlo, Ayala F.J., Renaud François. 2004. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101 (40) : 14454-14460.

Recherche et étude des locus controlant les caractères à déterminisme génétique complexe (QTL) du palmier à huile (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) par cartographie génétique multiparentale. Billotte Norbert. 2004. Montpellier : ENSAM, 188 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie intégrative. Option Ressources phytogénétiques et interactions biologiques : Ecole nationale supérieure agronomique de Montpellier

Recombinaison homologue chez le riz (Oryza sativa L.) : développement d'un modèle d'étude de ciblage génique et caractérisation moléculaire du gène rad50. Cotsaftis Olivier. 2004. Montpellier : UM2, 95 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biochimie et Biologie moléculaire : Université Montpellier 2

A barley cultivation-associated polymorphism conveys resistance to powdery mildew. Piffanelli Pietro, Ramsay Luke, Waugh Robbe, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, D'Hont Angélique, Hollricher Karin, Jorgensen Jorgen Helms, Schuize-Lefert Paul, Panstruga Ralph. 2004. Nature, 430 (7002) : 887-891.


Identification of five new blast resistance genes in the highly blast-resistant rice variety IR64 using a QTL mapping strategy. Sallaud Christophe, Lorieux Mathias, Roumen E., Tharreau Didier, Berruyer Romain, Svestasrani P., Garsmeur Olivier, Ghesquière Alain, Nottéghem Jean-Loup. 2003. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 106 : 794-803.

Selection assisted by a BoLA-DR/DQ haplotype against susceptibility to bovine dermatophilosis. Maillard Jean-Charles, Berthier David, Chantal Isabelle, Thevenon Sophie, Sidibé Issa, Stachurski Frédéric, Belemsaga Désiré M.A., Razafindraibe Hanta, Elsen Jean-Michel. 2003. Genetics Selection Evolution, 35suppl.1, S193-S200 International Symposium on Candidate Genes for Animal Health. 2, Montpellier, France, 16 Août 2002/18 Août 2002.

A combined RFLP-SSR-AFLP map of tetraploid cotton based on a Gossypium hirsutum x Gossypium barbadense backcross population. Lacape Jean-Marc, Nguyen Trung-Bieu, Thibivilliers Sandra, Bojinov B., Courtois Brigitte, Cantrell Roy G., Burr Benjamin, Hau Bernard. 2003. Genome (Ottawa), 46 (4) : 612-626.


Detection by simple sequence repeat markers of introgression from Coffea canephora in Coffea arabica cultivars. Anthony François, Quiros O., Topart Patrick, Bertrand Benoît, Lashermes Philippe. 2002. Plant Breeding, 121 (6) : 542-544.

Efficiency of marker-aided selection for QTLs in rice. Ahmadi Nourollah, Courtois Brigitte, Shen Lishuang, Ghesquière Alain. 2002. In : Rice genetic resources and breeding for Europe and other temperate areas : proceedings of Eurorice 2001 Symposium, Cirad, Ird, Ksau, Krasnodar Territory, Vniirisa, September, 3-8, 2001, Krasnodar, Russia. CIRAD, IRD, KSAU, Krasnodar. Montpellier : CIRAD ISBN 2-87614-504-9 Eurorice 2001 Symposium, Krasnodar, Russie, 3 Septembre 2001/8 Septembre 2001.

Etude des mécanismes génétiques impliqués dans l'expression des séquences EPRVs pathogènes des bananiers au cours de croisements génétiques interspécifiques. Lheureux Fabrice. 2002. Montpellier : ENSAM, 166 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie intégrative : Ecole nationale supérieure agronomique de Montpellier

Etude du déséquilibre de liaison local chez le sorgho entre marqueurs très liés : microsatellites et RFLP. Dechesne Flora. 2002. Paris : Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 51 p. Mémoire DESS : Gestion de la biodiversité. Méthodologies d'études et de valorisation des resssources génétiques : Université Pierre et Marie Curie

Genetic relationship among 95 rice cultivars by means of AFLP and SSR markers. Berri Stefano, Spada A., Biloni Massimo, Pè Enrico. 2002. In : Rice genetic resources and breeding for Europe and other temperate areas : proceedings of Eurorice 2001 Symposium, Cirad, Ird, Ksau, Krasnodar Territory, Vniirisa, September, 3-8, 2001, Krasnodar, Russia. CIRAD, IRD, KSAU, Krasnodar. Montpellier : CIRAD ISBN 2-87614-504-9 Eurorice 2001 Symposium, Krasnodar, Russie, 3 Septembre 2001/8 Septembre 2001.

Mapping QTLs associated with drought avoidance in upland rice grown in the Philippines and West Africa. Price Adam H., Townend John, Jones Monty P., Audebert Alain, Courtois Brigitte. 2002. Plant Molecular Biology, 48 : 683-695.


Genetic mapping of resistance factors to Phytophthora palmivora in cocoa. Flament Marie-Henriette, Kébé Ismael S., Clément Didier, Pieretti Isabelle, Risterucci Ange-Marie, N'Goran Jeanne A.K., Cilas Christian, Despréaux Denis, Lanaud Claire. 2001. Genome (Ottawa), 44 (1) : 79-85.

La sélection assistée par marqueurs. Chantereau Jacques. 2001. In : Les insectes ravageurs du sorgho en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre : actes = Insects pests of sorghum in West and Central Africa : proceedings. Ratnadass Alain (ed.), Ajayi Olupomi (ed.), Marley Paul S. (ed.), Akintayo Inussa (ed.). CIRAD, ROCARS, ICRISAT. Montpellier : CIRAD, 108-116. ISBN 2-87614-446-8 Atelier de formation sur les insectes ravageurs du sorgho, Samanko, Mali, 14 Octobre 1996/23 Octobre 1996.

Quantitative trait loci for yield and yield components in an Oryza sativa x Oryza rufipogon BC2F2 population evaluated in an upland environment. Moncada P., Martinez C.P., Borrero Jaime, Châtel Marc, Gauch H., Guimaraes Elcio Perpetuo, Tohmé Joe, McCouch S.R.. 2001. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 102 : 41-52.

RFLP mapping of QTLs for photoperiod response in tropical sorghum. Chantereau Jacques, Trouche Gilles, Rami Jean-François, Deu Monique, Barro Clarisse, Grivet Laurent. 2001. Euphytica, 120 : 183-194.


Mapping QTLs associated with drought avoidance in upland rice. Courtois Brigitte, McLaren Graham, Sinha P.K., Prasad K., Yadav R., Shen L.. 2000. Molecular Breeding (6) : 55-66.

Quantitative trait loci for root-penetration ability and root thickness in rice: Comparison of genetic backgrounds. Zheng Hong-Gang, Babu Chandra, Pathan M. Safiullah, Ali Liakat, Huang Ning, Courtois Brigitte, Nguyen Henry T.. 2000. Genome (Ottawa), 43 : 53-61.


Cartographie génétique de l'hévéa (Hevea spp.) et déterminisme de la résistance au champignon pathogène Microcyclus ulei. Lespinasse Denis. 1999. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier 2, 120 p. Thèse de doctorat : Bases de la production végétale : Université des sciences et techniques du Languedoc

Genome analysis of sugarcane cultivar R570 (Saccharum spp) by AFLP in order to mark favorable traits. Hoarau Jean-Yves, Offmann Bernard Gilles, Grivet Laurent, Payet Jacques, D'Hont Angélique, Glaszmann Jean-Christophe. 1999. . s.l. : s.n., Résumé Plant and Animal Genomes Conference. 7, San Diego, États-Unis, 17 Janvier 1999/21 Janvier 1999.


Cartographie génétique de facteurs impliqués dans la résistance du cacaoyer (Theobroma cacao L.) à Phytophthora megakarya et à Phytophthora palmivora. Flament Marie-Henriette. 1998. Montpellier : ENSAM, 113 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences Agronomiques : Ecole nationale supérieure agronomique de Montpellier

Gene frequencies of BoLA-DRB3.2 locus in a zebu Brahman population of Martinique (F.W.I.). Chantal Isabelle, De Reynal M., Maillard Jean-Charles. 1998. In : International Conference on Animal Genetics. 26. Montpellier : CIRAD-EMVT, 1 p. International Conference on Animal Genetics. 26, Auckland, Nouvelle-Zélande, 9 Août 1998/14 Août 1998.

Gene frequencies of BoLA-DRB3.2 locus in a zebu Brahman population of Martinique (FWI). Chantal Isabelle, De Reynal M., Maillard Jean-Charles. 1998. Animal Genetics, 29 (1), suppl. : 25. International Conference on Animal Genetics. 26, Auckland, Nouvelle-Zélande, 9 Août 1998/14 Août 1998.

Genetic basis and mapping of the resistance to rice yellow mottle virus. 1. QTLs identification and relationship between resistance and plant morphology. Albar Laurence, Lorieux Mathias, Ahmadi Nourollah, Rimbault I., Pinel A., Sy A.A., Fargette Denis, Ghesquière Alain. 1998. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 97 : 1145-1154.

Genetic basis and mapping of the resistance to rice yellow mottle virus. 2. Evidence of a complementary epistasis between two QTLs. Pressoir Gaël, Albar Laurence, Ahmadi Nourollah, Rimbault I., Lorieux Mathias, Fargette Denis, Ghesquière Alain. 1998. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 97 : 1155-1161.

Mapping of quantitative trait loci controlling resistance to rice yellow mottle virus in a indica x japonica double haploid population. Albar Laurence, Pressoir Gaël, Ahmadi Nourollah, Fargette Denis, Lorieux Mathias, Ghesquière Alain. 1998. . s.l. : s.n., Résumé, n.p. Plant and Animal Genomes Conference. 6, San Diego, États-Unis, 18 Janvier 1998/22 Janvier 1998.

Molecular analysis of a complex resistance locus in the common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L. Ferrier-Cana Elodie, De Oliveira Julio Cezar, Geffroy Valérie, Sevignac Mireille, Macadre Catherine, Creusot Francine, Dron Michel, Langin Thierry. 1998. . s.l. : s.n., Résumé Plant and Animal Genomes Conference. 6, San Diego, États-Unis, 18 Janvier 1998/22 Janvier 1998.

QTLs for photoperiod response in sorghum. Trouche Gilles, Rami Jean-François, Chantereau Jacques. 1998. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter (39) : 94-97.

QTLs for root thickness and root penetration across genetic backgrounds in rice. Zheng Hong-Gang, Zhang Jingxian, Pathan M.S., Ali M.L., Tripathy J.N., Babu R.C., Aarti Aarti, Sarial A.K., Sarkarung S., Courtois Brigitte, Nguyen Henry T.. 1998. . s.l. : s.n., Résumé Plant and Animal Genomes Conference. 6, San Diego, États-Unis, 18 Janvier 1998/22 Janvier 1998.

Quantitative trait loci for grain quality, productivity, morphological and agronomical traits in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Rami Jean-François, Dufour Philippe, Trouche Gilles, Fliedel Geneviève, Mestres Christian, Davrieux Fabrice, Blanchard P., Hamon Perla. 1998. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 97 : 605-616.


Genetic mapping of resistance factors to maize viruses. Pernet Alix, Gonzalez De Léon Diego, Chavanne E.R., Dintinger Jacques, Franco Jorge, Glaszmann Jean-Christophe, Hoisington David, Jewell David, Jiang Changjiang, Khairallah Mireille, Lanaud Claire, Marchand Jean-Leu, Reynaud Bernard. 1997. . s.l. : s.n., Résumé, n.p. Plant and Animal Genomes Conference. 5, San Diego, États-Unis, 12 Janvier 1997/16 Janvier 1997.

Identification de locus intervenant dans l'expression de caractères quantitatifs au CIRAD pour l'amélioration du sorgho. Dufour Philippe, Trouche Gilles, Fliedel Geneviève, Deu Monique, Rami Jean-François, Da Sansan, Chantereau Jacques, Glaszmann Jean-Christophe, Hamon Perla. 1997. In : Amélioration du sorgho et de sa culture en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre = Sorghum improvement in Western and Central Africa$ENG. Ratnadass Alain (ed.), Chantereau Jacques (ed.), Gigou Jacques (ed.). CIRAD, ICRISAT, CIRAD-CA, Programme conjoint sorgho ICRISAT-CIRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD, 61-64. (Colloques) ISBN 2-87614-304-6 Atelier de restitution du programme conjoint sur le sorgho, Bamako, Mali, 17 Mars 1997/20 Mars 1997.

La diversité génétique du riz cultivé dans le Sud-Est asiatique. Dao T.T., Luu N.T., Le T.C.D.. 1997. Agriculture et Développement, numéro spécial Vietnam : 213-216.

Mapping genes controlling root morphology and root distribution in a double-haploid population of rice. Yadav R., Courtois Brigitte, Huang N., McLaren Graham. 1997. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 94 : 619-632.


Association of quantitative trait loci for plant height with major dwarfing genes in rice. Huang N., Courtois Brigitte, Khush Gurdev S., Lin H., Wang G., Wu P., Zheng K.. 1996. Heredity, 77 : 130-137.

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