
Résultats pour : "Maladie infectieuse"

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Nombre de documents : 44.


Current evidences of the efficacy of mosquito mass-trapping interventions to reduce Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus populations and Aedes-borne virus transmission. Jaffal Ali, Fite Johanna, Baldet Thierry, Delaunay Pascal, Jourdain Frédéric, Mora-Castillo Ronald, Olive Marie-Marie, Roiz David. 2023. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 17 (3):e0011153, 23 p.

Environmental spillover of emerging viruses: Is it true? Gavotte Laurent, Gaucherel Cédric, Frutos Roger. 2023. Environmental Research, 233:116416, 8 p.

Spatial spread of infectious diseases with conditional vector preferences. Hamelin Frédéric, Hilker Frank M., Dumont Yves. 2023. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 87:23, 32 p.


Crop protection practices and risks associated with infectious tropical parasitic diseases. Ratnadass Alain, Martin Thibaud. 2022. Science of the Total Environment, 823:153633, 10 p.

Eco-épidémiologie des arénavirus à l'interface rongeur-humain au Mozambique. Mapaco Lourenço. 2022. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 219 p. Thèse de doctorat : Ecologie de la santé : Université de Montpellier

Editorial: Disease ecology: Novel concepts and methods to track and forecast disease emergence, transmission, spread, and endemization. De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Lwande Olivia Wesula, Fountain-Jones Nicholas M., VanderWaal Kim, Obanda Vincent. 2022. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 3 p.

Intensification des systèmes d'élevage et risques pandémiques. Delabouglise Alexis, Guerin Jean-Luc, Lury Antoine, Binot Aurélie, Paul Mathilde, Peyre Marie-Isabelle, Roger François, Bonbon Etienne. 2022. Cahiers Agricultures, 31:16, 7 p.

Les approches One Health pour faire face aux émergences : un nécessaire dialogue État-sciences-sociétés. Olive Marie-Marie, Angot Jean-Luc, Binot Aurélie, Desclaux Alice, Dombreval Loïc, Lefrançois Thierry, Lury Antoine, Paul Mathilde, Peyre Marie-Isabelle, Simard Frédéric, Weinbach Jérôme, Roger François. 2022. Natures Sciences Sociétés, 30 (1) : 72-81.

Principles for evaluation of one health surveillance: the EVA book. Peyre Marie-Isabelle (ed.), Roger François (ed.), Goutard Flavie (ed.). 2022. Cham : Springer, 326 p. ISBN 978-3-030-82726-7

Zoonoses. The ties that bind humans to animals. Vourc'h Gwenaël, Moutou François, Morand Serge, Jourdain Elsa. 2022. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 171 p. (Enjeux sciences : Ed. Quae) ISBN 978-2-7592-3653-4

A mixed methods analysis of participation in social contact surveys. Nixon Emily, Silvonen Taru, Barreaux Antoine, Kwiatkowska Rachel, Trickey Adam, Thomas Amy, Ali Becky, Treneman-Evans Georgia, Christensen Hannah, Brooks-Pollock Ellen, Denford Sarah. 2022. Epidemics, 41:100635, 11 p.

A questionnaire survey for the assessment of wild-domestic pig interactions in a context oedema disease outbreaks among wild boars (Sus scrofa) in South-Eastern France. Jori Ferran, Petit Geoffrey, Civil N., Decors Anouk, Charrier François, Casabianca François, Grosbois Vladimir. 2022. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 69 (6) : 4009-4015.


Agro-environmental determinants of leptospirosis: A retrospective spatiotemporal analysis (2004-2014) in Mahasarakham Province (Thailand). Viroj Jaruwan, Claude Julien, Lajaunie Claire, Cappelle Julien, Kritiyakan Anamika, Thuainan Pornsit, Chewnarupai Worachead, Morand Serge. 2021. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 6 (3):115, 17 p.

Les zoonoses : ces maladies qui nous lient aux animaux. Vourc'h Gwenaël, Moutou François, Morand Serge, Jourdain Elsa. 2021. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 173 p. (Enjeux sciences : Ed. Quae) ISBN 978-2-7592-3270-3

Modulation of trypanosome establishment in Glossina palpalis palpalis by its microbiome in the Campo sleeping sickness focus, Cameroon. Ngambia Freitas François Sougal, Njiokou Flobert, Tsagmo Ngoune Jean Marc, Sempere Guilhem, Berthier David, Geiger Anne. 2021. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 90:104763, 11 p.
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PREZODE: Preventing zoonotic disease emergence. Peyre Marie-Isabelle, Vourc'h Gwenaël, Lefrançois Thierry, Martin-Prével Yves, Soussana Jean-François, Roche Benjamin. 2021. Lancet, 397 (10276) : 792-793.

Tache noire de l'ananas : Déterminisme du processus infectieux par approches moléculaire et biochimique. Vignassa Manon. 2021. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion, 206 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biochimie et biologie moléculaire. Biologie végétale : Université de la Réunion

Using a participatory qualitative risk assessment to estimate the risk of introduction and spread of transboundary animal diseases in scarce-data environments. Squarzoni Diaw Cécile, Arsevska Elena, Kalthoum Sana, Hammami Pachka, Cherni Jamel, Daoudi Assia, Laoufi Mohamed Karim, Lezaar Yassir, Kechna Rachid, Seck Ismaïla, Ould Elmamy Bezeid, Yahya Barry, Dufour Barbara, Hendrikx Pascal, Cardinale Eric, Munoz Facundo, Lancelot Renaud, Coste Caroline. 2021. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 68 (4) : 1966-1978.
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What evidence exists on the impact of specific ecosystem components and functions on infectious diseases? A systematic map. Lugassy Léa, Amdouni-Boursier Ludivine, Alout Haoues, Berrebi Romuald, Boëte Christophe, Boué Franck, Boulanger Nathalie, Durand Thierry, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Larrat Sylvain, Moinet Marie, Moulia Catherine, Pagès Martinez Nonito, Plantard Olivier, Robert Vincent, Livoreil Barbara. 2021. Environmental Evidence, 10 (1):11, 31 p.

A one health investigation of pathogenic trypanosomes of cattle in Malawi. Chimera Elizabeth T., Fosgate Geoffrey T., Etter Eric, Boulangé Alain, Vorster Ilse, Neves Luis. 2021. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 188:105255, 9 p.


Approche intégrée de la veille sanitaire : importance de la pluridisciplinarité dans le cadre du développement de méthodes pour la collecte et l'analyse de données sanitaires. Mercier Alizé. 2020. Champs-sur-Marne : Université Paris-Est, 160 p. Thèse de doctorat : Santé publique - épidémiologie : Université Paris-Est

COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa: Impacts on vulnerable populations and sustaining home-grown solutions. Wallace Laurent J., Nouvet Elysée, Bortolussi Robert, Arthur Joshua A., Amporfu Eugenia, Arthur Eric, Barimah Kofi Bobi, Bitouga Bernard Aristide, Chemusto Harriet, Ikechebelu Joseph, Joe-Ikechebelu Ngozi, Kondé Mandy Kader, Kabakambira Jean Damascene, Kalombe Gabriel Kyomba, Karanja Diana M. S., Konje Eveline Thobias, Kouyate Sekou, Limeneh Gojjam, Mulopo Felicien Munday, Ndu Mary, Ochomo Eric, Francis Oriokot, Thiongane Oumy, Seni Jeremiah, Sheriff S. Mohammed, Singini Douglas. 2020. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 111 (5) : 649-653.

The COVID-19 pandemic should not jeopardize dengue control. Olive Marie-Marie, Baldet Thierry, Devillers James, Fite Johanna, Paty Marie-Claire, Paupy Christophe, Quenel Philippe, Quillery Elsa, Raude Jocelyn, Stahl Jean-Paul, Thiann-Bo-Morel Marie, Roiz David. 2020. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14 (9):e0008716, 7 p.

Chaos theory applied to the outbreak of COVID-19: An ancillary approach to decision making in pandemic context. Mangiarotti Sylvain, Peyre Marie-Isabelle, Zhang Y., Huc Mireille, Roger François, Kerr Yann. 2020. Epidemiology and Infection, 148:e95, 9 p.

Contagious Bovine and Caprine Pleuropneumonia: A research community's recommendations for the development of better vaccines. Jores Joerg, Baldwin Cynthia, Blanchard Alain, Browning Glenn, Colston Angie, Gerdts Volker, Goovaerts Danny, Heller Martin, Juleff Nick, Labroussaa Fabien, Liljander Anne, Muuka Geoffrey, Nene Vish, Nir-Paz Ran, Sacchini Flavio, Summerfield Artur, Thiaucourt François, Unger Hermann, Vashee Sanjay, Wang Xiumei, Salt Jeremy. 2020. Npj Vaccines, 5:66, 9 p.

Emerging zoonotic diseases: Should we rethink the animal-human interface? Magouras Ioannis, Brookes Lola, Jori Ferran, Martin A., Pfeiffer Dirk Udo, Dürr Salome. 2020. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7:582743, 6 p.

Extraction and combination of epidemiological information from informal sources for animal infectious diseases surveillance. Valentin Sarah. 2020. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 2017 p. Thèse de doctorat : Informatique : Université de Montpellier

Forests and emerging infectious diseases: Unleashing the beast within. Guégan Jean-François, Ayouba Ahidjo, Cappelle Julien, De Thoisy Benoit. 2020. Environmental Research Letters, 15 (8):083007, 22 p.

The French Epidemic Intelligence System: Comparing disease surveillance at the national and international level using data from the Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases. Mercier Alizé, Lancelot Renaud, Hendrikx Pascal, MacKinnon L., Madoff L., Lambert Y., Calavas Didier, Cauchard Julien. 2020. Revue scientifique et Technique - Office International des Epizooties, 39 (3) : 805-815.

High-throughput sequencing for deciphering the virome of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Bejerman Nicolás, Roumagnac Philippe, Nemchinov Lev G.. 2020. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11:553109, 17 p.

L'émergence des nouvelles épidémies s'accélère, comment y faire face ? Paul Mathilde, Delaporte Eric, Roger François, Simard Frédéric, Izopet Jacques. 2020. Paris : The Conversation France, 6 p.


PADI-web: A multilingual event-based surveillance system for monitoring animal infectious diseases. Valentin Sarah, Arsevska Elena, Falala Sylvain, De Goër Jocelyn, Lancelot Renaud, Mercier Alizé, Rabatel Julien, Roche Mathieu. 2020. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 169, 105163, 5 p.
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Spatial epidemiology of Japanese encephalitis virus and other infections of the central nervous system infections in Lao PDR (2003–2011): A retrospective analysis. Rattanavong Sayaphet, Dubot-Pérès Audrey, Mayxay Mayfong, Vongsouvath Manivanh, Lee Sue J., Cappelle Julien, Newton Paul, Parker Daniel M.. 2020. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14 (5):e0008333, 18 p.

Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme Policy Brief. Build back better in a post-COVID-19 world: Reducing future wildlife-borne spillover of disease to humans. Besbes B. (collab.), Boulet Hubert (collab.), Bullon Carmen (collab.), Kuemlangan Blaise (collab.), Li Yingjing (collab.), LeJeune Jeffrey (collab.), Lipp Markus (collab.), Mansell-Moullin David (collab.), Newman Scott (collab.), Portier Bruno (collab.), Ratiarison Sandra (collab.), Rodina Kristina (collab.), Sartoretto Eugenio (collab.), Sumption Keith J. (collab.), Vähänen Tiina (collab.), Von Dobschuetz Sophie (collab.), Wertz-Kanounnikoff Sheila (collab.), Wilkie Mette Loyche (collab.), Fa John E. (collab.), Nasi Robert (collab.), Van Vliet Nathalie (collab.), Andelman Sandy (collab.), Walzer Chris (collab.), Wieland Michelle (collab.), Wilkie David S. (collab.), Billand Alain (collab.), Cornélis Daniel (collab.), Jori Ferran (collab.), Peyre Marie-Isabelle (collab.). 2020. Rome : FAO, 4 p. (SVM Policy Brief Series)

Will Covid-19 crisis trigger One Health coming-of-age? De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Binot Aurélie, Morand Serge, Kock Richard, Roger François, Wilcox Bruce A., Caron Alexandre. 2020. Lancet. Planetary Health, 4 (9) : 377-378.

A systemic approach to assess the potential and risks of wildlife culling for infectious disease control. Miguel Eve, Grosbois Vladimir, Caron Alexandre, Pople Diane, Roche Benjamin, Donnely Christl A.. 2020. Communications Biology, 3:353, 15 p.


Surveillance et épidémiologie des fièvres hémorragiques virales (FHV) : identification de l'émergence, de la séroprévelance et des facteurs de risque des FHV en Ouganda. Shoemaker Trevor. 2019. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 89 p. Thèse de doctorat : Ecologie de la santé : Université de Montpellier

The antifungal potential of (Z)-ligustilide and the protective effect of eugenol demonstrated by a chemometric approach. Rodrigues Alice M.S., Eparvier Véronique, Odonne Guillaume, Amusant Nadine, Stien Didier, Houël Emeline. 2019. Scientific Reports, 9:8729, 9 p.


Proteomics and hoste-pathogen interactions: A bright future? Biron David George, Nedelkov D., Missé Dorothée, Holzmuller Philippe. 2017. In : Genetics and evolution of infectious diseases. Tibayrenc Michel (ed.). Amsterdam : Elsevier, 227-255. ISBN 978-0-12-799942-5


16S rRNA amplicon sequencing for epidemiological surveys of bacteria in wildlife. Galan Maxime, Razzauti Maria, Bard Emilie, Bernard Maria, Brouat Carine, Charbonnel Nathalie, Dehne-Garcia Alexandre, Loiseau Anne, Tatard Caroline, Tamisier Lucie, Vayssier-Taussat Muriel, Vignes Hélène, Cosson Jean François. 2016. mSystems, 1 (4):00032-16, 22 p.

Epidemiology and dynamic of hand, foot and mouth disease in Vietnam. Duy Nghia Ngu. 2016. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 196 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie et interactions : Université de Montpellier

Migration, prospecting, dispersal? What host movement matters for infectious agent circulation? Boulinier Thierry, Kada Sarah, Ponchon Aurore, Dupraz Marlene, Dietrich Muriel, Gambe Amandine, Bourret Vincent, Duriez Olivier, Bazire Romain, Tornos Jérémy, Tveraa Torkild, Chambert Thierry, Garnier Romain, McCoy Karen D.. 2016. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 56 (2) : 330-342. Annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, États-Unis, 3 Janvier 2016/7 Janvier 2016.

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