
Résultats pour : "imagerie par satellite"

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Monitoring the early growth of forest plantations with Sentinel-2 satellite time-series. Goral Mathieu, Le Maire Guerric, Ferraço Scolforo Henrique, Stape Jose Luiz, Miranda Evandro Nunes, Silva Ferreira Thais Cristina, Barbosa Ferreira Vitoria, Feret Jean Baptiste, De Boissieu Florian. 2025. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28 p.

Canopy height mapping in French Guiana using multi-source satellite data and environmental information in a U-Net architecture. Lahssini Kamel, Baghdadi Nicolas, Le Maire Guerric, Fayad Ibrahim, Villard Ludovic. 2024. Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 5:1484900, 21 p.

Combining UAV and sentinel-2 imagery for estimating millet FCover in an heterogeneous agricultural landscape of Senegal. Diack Ibrahima, Diene Serigne Mansour, Leroux Louise, Diouf Abdoul Aziz, Heuclin Benjamin, Roupsard Olivier, Letourmy Philippe, Audebert Alain, Sarr Idrissa, Diallo Moussa. 2024. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 17 : 7305-7322.

Disentangling the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in the Miombo landscape: A case study from Mozambique. Lisboa Sà Nogueira Mauricio, Grinand Clovis, Betbeder Julie, Montfort Frédérique, Blanc Lilian. 2024. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 130:103904, 16 p.

Effects of Eucalyptus plantation characteristics and environmental factors on GEDI waveform metrics. Manizheh Rajab Pourrahmati, Le Maire Guerric, Baghdadi Nicolas, Ferraço Scolforo Henrique, Alcarde Alvares Clayton, Stape Jose Luiz, Fayad Ibrahim. 2024. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 45 (11) : 3737-3763.

Exploring fine-scale urban landscapes using satellite data to predict the distribution of Aedes mosquito breeding sites. Teillet Claire, Devillers Rodolphe, Tran Annelise, Catry Thibault, Marti Renaud, Dessay Nadine, Rwagitinywa Joseph, Restrepo Johana, Roux Emmanuel. 2024. International Journal of Health Geographics, 23:18, 20 p.

Generating high-resolution land use and land cover maps for the greater Mariño watershed in 2019 with machine learning. Vallet Ameline, Dupuy Stéphane, Verlynde Matthieu, Gaetano Raffaele. 2024. Scientific Data, 11:915, 14 p.

High-resolution multispectral and RGB dataset from UAV surveys of ten cocoa agroforestry typologies in Côte d'Ivoire. Lammoglia Sabine Karen Djidemi, Akpa Lucette, Danumah Jean Homian, Assoua Brou Yves Laurent, N'Dja Kassi Justin. 2024. Data in Brief, 55:110664, 7 p.

Insight into large-scale LULC changes and their drivers through breakpoint characterization. An application to Senegal. Ngadi Scarpetta Yasmine, Lebourgeois Valentine, Dieye Mohamadou, Laques Anne-Elisabeth, Begue Agnès. 2024. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 132:104066, 21 p.

Integration of very high-resolution stereo satellite images and airborne or satellite Lidar for Eucalyptus canopy height estimation. Manizheh Rajab Pourrahmati, Baghdadi Nicolas, Ferraço Scolforo Henrique, Alcarde Alvares Clayton, Stape Jose Luiz, Fayad Ibrahim, Le Maire Guerric. 2024. Science of Remote Sensing, 10:100170, 12 p.

Mapping stem volume in fast-growing eucalypt plantations: Integrating spectral, textural, and temporal remote sensing information with forest inventories and spatial models. Lanzi Alo Livia, Le Maire Guerric, Thiersch Cláudio Roberto, Santos Mota Thiago, Costa Pinheiro Rafael, de Souza Passos José Raimundo. 2024. Annals of Forest Science, 81:43, 16 p.

Radiometric landscape: a new conceptual framework and operational approach for landscape characterisation and mapping. Lemettais Louise, Alleaume Samuel, Luque Sandra, Laques Anne-Elisabeth, Alim Yonas, Demagistri Laurent, Bégué Agnès. 2024. Geo-spatial Information Science, 23 p.

Analysis of four decades of land use and land cover change in semiarid Tunisia using Google Earth Engine. Kadri Nesrine, Jebari Sihem, Augusseau Xavier, Mahdhi Naceur, Lestrelin Guillaume, Berndtsson Ronny. 2023. Remote Sensing, 15 (13), n.spéc. Advances in Mapping Land Cover and Land Use Based on Remotely Sensed Data:3257, 16 p.

More than one quarter of Africa's tree cover is found outside areas previously classified as forest. Reiner Florian, Brandt Martin, Tong Xiaoye, Skole David, Kariryaa Ankit, Ciais Philippe, Davies Andrew, Hiernaux Pierre, Chave Jérôme, Mugabowindekwe Maurice, Igel Christian, Oehmcke Stefan, Gieseke Fabian, Li Sizhuo, Liu Siyu, Saatchi Sassan, Boucher Peter, Singh Jenia, Taugourdeau Simon, Dendoncker Morgane, Song Xiao-Peng, Mertz Ole, Tucker Compton J., Fensholt Rasmus. 2023. Nature Communications, 14:2258, 10 p.

Multisensor temporal unsupervised domain adaptation for land cover mapping with spatial pseudo-labeling and adversarial learning. Capliez Emmanuel, Ienco Dino, Gaetano Raffaele, Baghdadi Nicolas, Hadj Salah Adrien, Le Goff Matthieu, Chouteau Florient. 2023. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61:5405716 : 1-16.

Temporal-domain adaptation for satellite image time-series land-cover mapping with adversarial learning and spatially aware self-training. Capliez Emmanuel, Ienco Dino, Gaetano Raffaele, Baghdadi Nicolas, Salah Adrien Hadj. 2023. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 16 : 3645-3675.

A multi-year land use trajectory strategy for non-active agricultural land mapping in sub-humid West Africa. Castro Alvarado Enzo, Bégué Agnès, Leroux Louise, Gaetano Raffaele. 2023. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 122:103398, 15 p.

Deep species distribution modeling from Sentinel-2 image time-series: A global scale analysis on the Orchid family. Estopinan Joaquim, Servajean Maximilien, Bonnet Pierre, Munoz François, Joly Alexis. 2022. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 21 p.

Dry season forage assessment across senegalese rangelands using earth observation data. Lo Adama, Diouf Abdoul Aziz, Diédhiou Ibrahima, Bassène Cyrille Djitamagne Edouard, Leroux Louise, Tagesson Torbern, Fensholt Rasmus, Hiernaux Pierre, Mottet Anne, Taugourdeau Simon, Ngom Daouda, Touré Ibra, Ndao Babacar, Sarr Mamadou Adama. 2022. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10:931299, 15 p.

Mapping 33 years of sugarcane evolution in São Paulo state, Brazil, using landsat imagery and generalized space-time classifiers. Luciano Ana Cláudia dos Santos, Campagnuci Bruna Cristina Gama, Le Maire Guerric. 2022. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 26:100749, 12 p.

Stability in time and consistency between atmospheric corrections: Assessing the reliability of Sentinel-2 products for biodiversity monitoring in tropical forests. Chraibi Eric, De Boissieu Florian, Barbier Nicolas, Luque Sandra, Feret Jean Baptiste. 2022. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 112:102884, 14 p.

Suivi de la dynamique de deux parcs à Faidherbia albida du Nord-Cameroun, par analyse d'images Google-Earth. Akodewou Amah, Palou Madi Oumarou, Marquant Baptiste, Peltier Régis. 2022. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 353 : 43-60.

Attentive spatial temporal graph CNN for land cover mapping from multi temporal remote sensing data. Censi Alessandro Michele, Ienco Dino, Gbodjo Yawogan Jean Eudes, Pensa Ruggero Gaetano, Interdonato Roberto, Gaetano Raffaele. 2021. IEEE Access, 9:20324283 : 23070-23082.

Automatic detection of inland water bodies along altimetry tracks for estimating surface water storage variations in the Congo Basin. Frappart Frédéric, Zeiger Pierre, Betbeder Julie, Gond Valéry, Bellot Régis, Baghdadi Nicolas, Blarel Fabien, Darrozes José, Bourrel Luc, Seyler Frédérique. 2021. Remote Sensing, 13:3804, 22 p.

Empirical model for forecasting sugarcane yield on a local scale in Brazil using Landsat imagery and random forest algorithm. dos Santos Luciano Ana Cláudia, Araújo Picoli Michelle Cristina, Garbellini Duft Daniel, Vieira Rocha Jansle, Lima Verde Leal Manoel Regis, Le Maire Guerric. 2021. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 184:106063, 10 p.

Harmonized in situ datasets for agricultural land use mapping and monitoring in tropical countries. Jolivot Audrey, Lebourgeois Valentine, Leroux Louise, Ameline Maël, Andriamanga Valérie, Bellon Béatriz, Castets Mathieu, Crespin-Boucaud Arthur, Defourny Pierre, Diaz Santiana, Dieye Mohamadou, Dupuy Stéphane, Ferraz Rodrigo P.D., Gaetano Raffaele, Gély Marie, Jahel Camille, Kabore Bertin, Lelong Camille, Le Maire Guerric, Lo Seen Danny, Muthoni Martha, Ndao Babacar, Newby Terrence, de Oliveira Santos Cecília Lira Melo, Rasoamalala Eloise, Simoes Margareth, Thiaw Ibrahima, Timmermans Alice, Tran Annelise, Bégué Agnès. 2021. Earth System Science Data, 13 (12) : 5951-5967.

Landscape heterogeneity analysis using geospatial techniques and a priori knowledge in Sahelian agroforestry systems of Senegal. Ndao Babacar, Leroux Louise, Gaetano Raffaele, Diouf Abdoul Aziz, Soti Valérie, Bégué Agnès, Mbow Cheikh, Sambou Bienvenu. 2021. Ecological Indicators, 125:107481, 16 p.

Towards user-adaptive remote sensing: knowledge-driven automatic classification of Sentinel-2 time series. Arvor Damien, Betbeder Julie, Daher Felipe R.G., Blossier Tim, Le Roux Renan, Corgne Samuel, Corpetti Thomas, De Freitas Silgueiro Vinicius, Da Silva Jr Carlos Antonio. 2021. Remote Sensing of Environment, 264:112615, 27 p.

50 years of woody vegetation changes in the Ferlo (Senegal) assessed by high-resolution imagery and field surveys. Dendoncker Morgane, Brandt Martin, Rasmussen Kjeld, Taugourdeau Simon, Fensholt Rasmus, Tucker Compton J., Vincke Caroline. 2020. Regional Environmental Change, 20 (4):137, 13 p.

C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery for the classification of diverse cropping systems. Dingle Robertson Laura, Davidson Andrew M., McNairn Heather, Hosseini Mehdi, Mitchell Scott W., de Abelleyra Diego, Verón Santiago R., Le Maire Guerric, Plannells Milena, Valero Silvia, Ahmadian Nima, Coffin Alisa, Bosch David, Cosh Michael H., Basso Bruno, Saliendra Nicanor. 2020. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41 (24) : 9628-9649.

Extracting multilayer networks from Sentinel-2 satellite image time series. Interdonato Roberto, Gaetano Raffaele, Lo Seen Danny, Roche Mathieu, Scarpa Giuseppe. 2020. Network Science, 8 (51) : 526-542.
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Image-based time series representations for pixelwise eucalyptus region classification: A comparative study. Dias Danielle, Dias Ulisses, Menini Nathalia, Lamparelli Rubens Augusto Camargo, Le Maire Guerric, da S. Torres Ricardo. 2020. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 17 (8) : 1450-1454.

Land cover maps of Antananarivo (capital of Madagascar) produced by processing multisource satellite imagery and geospatial reference data. Dupuy Stéphane, Defrise Laurence, Gaetano Raffaele, Andriamanga Valérie, Rasoamalala Eloise. 2020. Data in Brief, 31:105952, 13 p.

Remote sensing products and services in support of agricultural public policies in Africa: Overview and challenges. Bégué Agnès, Leroux Louise, Soumaré Mamy, Faure Jean-François, Diouf Abdoul Aziz, Augusseau Xavier, Touré Labaly, Tonneau Jean-Philippe. 2020. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4:58, 11 p.

Temporal patterns in illumination conditions and its effect on vegetation indices using Landsat on google earth engine. Martín-Ortega Pablo, García-Montero Luis Gonzaga, Sibelet Nicole. 2020. Remote Sensing, 12 (2):211, 17 p.

Toward spatio-spectral analysis of sentinel-2 time series data for land cover mapping. Gbodjo Jean Eudes, Ienco Dino, Leroux Louise. 2020. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 17 (2) : 307-311.

Weakly supervised learning for landcover mapping of satellite image timeseries via attention-based CNN. Ienco Dino, Gbodjo Yawogan Jean Eudes, Gaetano Raffaele, Interdonato Roberto. 2020. IEEE Access, 8 : 179547-179560.

biodivMapR: An r package for α‐ and β‐diversity mapping using remotely sensed images. Feret Jean Baptiste, De Boissieu Florian. 2020. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11 (1) : 64-70.

A multirepresentational fusion of time series for pixelwise classification. Dias Danielle, Pinto Allan, Dias Ulisses, Lamparelli Rubens Augusto Camargo, Le Maire Guerric, da S. Torres Ricardo. 2020. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13 : 4399-4409.

A respondent-driven method for mapping small agricultural plots using tablets and high resolution imagery. Masuda Yuta J., Fisher Jonathan R.B., Zhang Wei, Castilla Carolina, Boucher Timothy M., Blundo Canto Genowefa. 2020. Journal of International Development, 32 (5) : 727-748.
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Combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Satellite Image Time Series for land cover mapping via a multi-source deep learning architecture. Ienco Dino, Interdonato Roberto, Gaetano Raffaele, Ho Tong Minh Dinh. 2019. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 158 : 11-22.
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Evaluating a mixed abiotic-biotic model for the distribution and host contact rates of an arthropod vector of pathogens: An example with Ixodes ricinus (Ixodidae). Estrada-Pena Agustin, Adkin Amie, Bertolini Silvia, Cook Charlotte, Crescio Maria Ines, Grosbois Vladimir, Horigan Verity, Ip Sophie, Léger Anaïs, Mastrantonio Gianluca, Maurella Cristiana, De Nardi Marco, Ru Giuseppe, Simons Robin, Snary Emma, Staerk Katharina, Taylor Rachel, Smith Graham C.. 2019. Microbial Risk Analysis, 13:100067, 9 p.

Mapping land cover on Reunion Island in 2017 using satellite imagery and geospatial ground data. Dupuy Stéphane, Gaetano Raffaele, Le Mézo Lionel. 2019. Data in Brief, 28:104934, 12 p.

Roadside collection of training data for cropland mapping is viable when environmental and management gradients are surveyed. Waldner François, Bellemans Nicolas, Hochman Zvi, Newby Terrence, de Abelleyra Diego, Verón Santiago R., Bartalev Sergey, Lavreniuk Mykola, Kussul Nataliia, Le Maire Guerric, Simoes Margareth, Skakun Sergii, Defourny Pierre. 2019. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 80 : 82-93.

Soil moisture from remote sensing to forecast desert locust presence. Piou Cyril, Gay Pierre-Emmanuel, Benahi Ahmed Salem, Babah Ebbe Mohamed Abdallahi Ould, Chihrane Jamal, Ghaout Saïd, Cissé Sory, Diakite Fakaba, Lazar Mohamed, Cressman Keith, Merlin Olivier, Escorihuela Maria-José. 2019. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56 (4) : 966-975.

Trend-cycles of vegetation dynamics as a tool for land degradation assessment and monitoring. Easdale Marcos Horacio, Fariña C., Hara Sofía María, Pérez León N., Umaña F., Tittonell Pablo, Bruzzone Octavio A.. 2019. Ecological Indicators, 107:105545, 10 p.

A generalized space-time OBIA classification scheme to map sugarcane areas at regional scale, using Landsat images time-series and the random forest algorithm. dos Santos Luciano Ana Cláudia, Picoli Michelle Cristina Araújo, Vieira Rocha Jansle, Garbellini Duft Daniel, Camargo Lamparelli Rubens Augusto, Lima Verde Leal Manoel Regis, Le Maire Guerric. 2019. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 80 : 127-136.

A soft computing framework for image classification based on recurrence plots. Menini Nathalia, Almeida Alexandre E., Lamparelli Rubens Augusto Camargo, Le Maire Guerric, dos Santos Jefersson A., Pedrini Helio, Hirota Marina, Torres Ricardo da S.. 2019. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 16 (2) : 320-324.

A CNN-based fusion method for feature extraction from sentinel data. Scarpa Giuseppe, Gargiulo Massimiliano, Mazza Antonio, Gaetano Raffaele. 2018. Remote Sensing, 10 (2):236, 20 p.

Deep recurrent neural networks for winter vegetation quality mapping via multitemporal SAR sentinel-1. Ho Tong Minh Dinh, Ienco Dino, Gaetano Raffaele, Lalande Nathalie, Ndikumana Emile, Osman Faycal, Maurel Pierre. 2018. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 15 (3) : 464-468.

Millet yield estimates in the Sahel using satellite derived soil moisture time series. Gibon François, Pellarin Thierry, Román-Cascón Carlos, Alhassane Agali, Traoré Seydou, Kerr Yann, Lo Seen Chong Danny, Baron Christian. 2018. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 262 : 100-109.

Monitoring mangrove forests after aquaculture abandonment using time series of very high spatial resolution satellite images: A case study from the Perancak estuary, Bali, Indonesia. Proisy Christophe, Viennois Gaëlle, Sidik Frida, Andayani Ariani, Enright James Anthony, Guitet Stéphane, Gusmawati Niken Financia, Lemonnier Hugues, Muthusankar Gowrappan, Olagoke Adewole, Prospéri Maria-Juliana, Rahmania Rinny, Ricout Anaïs, Soulard Benoit, Suhardjono. 2018. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 131 (Part B), n.spéc. Indonesia seas management : 61-71.
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A two-branch CNN architecture for land cover classification of PAN and MS imagery. Gaetano Raffaele, Ienco Dino, Osé Kenji, Cresson Rémi. 2018. Remote Sensing, 10 (11):1746, 20 p.

Development of a spatial sampling protocol using GIS to measure health disparities in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, a medium-sized African city. Kassie Daouda, Roudot Anna, Dessay Nadine, Piermay Jean-Luc, Salem Gérard, Fournet Florence. 2017. International Journal of Health Geographics, 16:14, 16 p.

Dynamique centrifuge du maraîchage périurbain de Lomé (Togo) en réponse à la pression foncière. Kanda Madjouma, Badjana Hèou Maléki, Folega Fousseni, Akpavi Sêmihinva, Wala Kperkouma, Imbernon Jacques, Akpagana Koffi. 2017. Cahiers Agricultures, 26 (1):15001, 10 p.

Land cover classification via multitemporal spatial data by deep recurrent neural networks. Ienco Dino, Gaetano Raffaele, Dupaquier Claire, Maurel Pierre. 2017. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 14 (10) : 1685-1689.

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images improve habitat suitability models. Betbeder Julie, Laslier Marianne, Hubert-Moy Laurence, Burel Françoise, Baudry Jacques. 2017. Landscape Ecology, 32 : 1867-1879.

Texture-based classification for characterizing regions on remote sensing images. Borne Frédéric, Viennois Gaëlle. 2017. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 11 (3):e036028, 31 p.

Toward a general tropical forest biomass prediction model from very high resolution optical satellite images. Ploton Pierre, Barbier Nicolas, Couteron Pierre, Antin Cécile, Ayyappan Narayanan, Balachandran Natesan, Barathan Narayanan, Bastin Jean-François, Chuyong George B., Dauby Gilles, Droissart Vincent, Gastellu Etchegorry Jean-Philippe, Kamdem Narcisse Guy, Kenfack David, Libalah Moses, Mofack Gislain II, Momo S.T., Pargal S., Petronelli Pascal, Proisy Christophe, Rejou-Mechain Maxime, Sonké Bonaventure, Texier Nicolas, Thomas Duncan, Verley Philippe, Zebaze Dongmo D., Berger Uta, Pélissier Raphaël. 2017. Remote Sensing of Environment, 200 : 140-153.

Vers un observatoire agro-environnemental des territoires. Un système décisionnel multi-échelle pour le bassin de la Charente. Vernier Françoise, Miralles André, Tonneau Jean-Philippe. 2017. Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 27 (3) : 399-422.


Assimilation of LAI and dry biomass data from optical and SAR images into an agro-meteorological model to estimate soybean yield. Betbeder Julie, Fieuzal Remy, Baup Frederic. 2016. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9 (6) : 2540-2553.

Contribution of multitemporal polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data for monitoring winter wheat and rapeseed crops. Betbeder Julie, Fieuzal Remy, Philippets Yannick, Ferro-Famil Laurent, Baup Frederic. 2016. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 10 (2):026020, 20 p.

How persistent are the impacts of logging roads on Central African forest vegetation? Kleinschroth Fritz, Healey John R., Sist Plinio, Mortier Frédéric, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie. 2016. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53 (4) : 1127-1137.
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Predators, prey and habitat structure: can key conservation areas and early signs of population collapse be detected in neotropical forests? De Thoisy Benoit, Fayad Ibrahim, Clément Luc, Barrioz Sébastien, Poirier Eddy, Gond Valéry. 2016. PloS One, 11 (11):e0165362, 19 p.

Regional scale rain-forest height mapping using regression-kriging of spaceborne and airborne LiDAR data: Application on French Guiana. Fayad Ibrahim, Baghdadi Nicolas, Bailly Jean Stéphane, Barbier Nicolas, Gond Valéry, Hérault Bruno, El Hajj Mahmoud, Fabre Frédéric, Perrin Jose. 2016. Remote Sensing, 8 (3):e240, 18 p.

The development of aquaculture on the northern coast of Manila Bay (Philippines): an analysis of long-term land-use changes and their causes. Mialhe François, Gunnell Yanni, Mering Catherine, Gaillard Jean-Christophe, Gonzales Coloma June, Dabbadie Lionel. 2016. Journal of Land Use Science, 11 (2) : 236-256.
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Building a data set over 12 globally distributed sites to support the development of agriculture monitoring applications with sentinel-2. Bontemps Sophie, Arias Marcela, Cara Cosmin, Dedieu Gérard, Guzzonato Eric, Hagolle Olivier, Inglada Jordi, Matton Nicolas, Morin David, Popescu Ramona, Rabaute Thierry, Savinaud Mickael, Sepulcre Guadalupe, Valero Silvia, Ahmad Ljaz, Bégué Agnès, Bingfang Wu, de Abelleyra Diego, Diarra Alhousseine, Dupuy Stéphane, French Andrew, ul Hassan Akhtar Ibrar, Kussul Nataliia, Lebourgeois Valentine, Le Page Michel, Newby Terrence, Savin Igor, Verón Santiago R., Koetz Benjamin, Defourny Pierre. 2015. Remote Sensing, 7 (12) : 16062-16090.

Evaluation des ressources pastorales au sahel nigérien à l'aide des données NDVI issues de Spot-Végétation et Modis. Garba Issa, Djaby Bakary, Salifou Illa, Boureïma Amadou, Touré Ibra, Tychon Bernard. 2015. Photo Interpretation European Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (2015/1) : 13-28.

Movement ecology of five Afrotropical waterfowl species from Malawi, Mali and Nigeria. Takekawa John Y., Heath Shane R., Iverson Samuel, Gaidet Nicolas, Cappelle Julien, Dodman Tim, Hagemeijer Ward, Eldridge William D., Petrie Scott A., Yarris Gregory, Manu Shiiwuua, Olsen Glenn H., Prosser Diann J., Spragens Kyle A., Douglas David C., Newman Scott. 2015. Ostrich, 86 (1-2) : 155-168.

Spatio-temporal data classification through multidimensional sequential patterns: Application to crop mapping in complex landscape. Pitarch Yoann, Ienco Dino, Vintrou Elodie, Bégué Agnès, Laurent Anne, Poncelet Pascal, Sala Michel, Teisseire Maguelonne. 2015. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 37 : 91-102.

TerraSAR-X dual-pol time-series for mapping of wetland vegetation. Betbeder Julie, Rapinel Sébastien, Corgne Samuel, Pottier Eric, Hubert-Moy Laurence. 2015. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 107 : 90-98.
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ANIMITEX : analyse d'images fondée sur des informations textuelles. Roche Mathieu, Teisseire Maguelonne, Crémilleux Bruno, Gancarski Pierre, Sallaberry Christian. 2014. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 19 (3), spec. : 163-167.

Detection and characterization of hedgerows using TerraSAR-X imagery. Betbeder Julie, Nabucet Jean, Pottier Eric, Baudry Jacques, Corgne Samuel, Hubert-Moy Laurence. 2014. Remote Sensing, 6 (5) : 3752-3769.

Discrimination of tropical agroforestry systems in very high resolution satellite imagery using object-based hierarchical classification: A case-study in Cameroon. Lelong Camille, Alexandre Cyprien, Dupuy Stéphane. 2014. South-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics, 3 (2S) : 255-258. Conference on Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis. 5, Thessaloniki, Grèce, 21 Mai 2014/24 Mai 2014.

Multitemporal classification of TerraSAR-X data for wetland vegetation mapping. Betbeder Julie, Rapinel Sébastien, Corpetti Thomas, Pottier Eric, Corgne Samuel, Hubert-Moy Laurence. 2014. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 8 (1):083648, 17 p.

Smallholders' agricultural practices trajectories in Amazonia. Billard Cécile, Gond Valéry, Oszwald Johan, Arnauld de Sartre Xavier, Pokorny Benno. 2014. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (319) : 53-64.

Toward a satellite-based system of sugarcane yield estimation and forecasting in smallholder farming conditions: A case study on Reunion Island. Morel Julien, Todoroff Pierre, Bégué Agnès, Bury Aurore, Martiné Jean-François, Petit Michel. 2014. Remote Sensing, 6 (7) : 6620-6635.

A comparative study on satellite- and model-based crop phenology in West Africa. Vintrou Elodie, Bégué Agnès, Baron Christian, Saad Alexandre, Lo Seen Danny, Traoré Seydou B.. 2014. Remote Sensing, 6 (2) : 1367-1389.

Data mining, a promising tool for large-area cropland mapping. Vintrou Elodie, Ienco Dino, Bégué Agnès, Teisseire Maguelonne. 2013. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 6 (5) : 2132-2138.

Estimating deforestation in tropical humid and dry forests in Madagascar from 2000 to 2010 using multi-date Landsat satellite images and the random forests classifier. Grinand Clovis, Rakotomalala Fety, Gond Valéry, Vaudry Romuald, Bernoux Martial, Vieilledent Ghislain. 2013. Remote Sensing of Environment, 139 : 68-80.

How satellite rainfall estimate errors may impact rainfed cereal yield simulation in West Africa. Ramarohetra Johanna, Sultan Benjamin, Baron Christian, Gaiser Thomas, Gosset Marielle. 2013. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 180 : 118-131.

A statistical method for detecting logging-related canopy gaps using high-resolution optical remote sensing. Pithon Sophie, Jubelin Guillaume, Guitet Stéphane, Gond Valéry. 2013. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34 (2) : 700-711.

Analyzing the agricultural transition in Mato Grosso, Brazil, using satellite-derived indices. Arvor Damien, Margareth Meirelles, Dubreuil Vincent, Bégué Agnès, Shimabukuro Yosio E.. 2012. Applied Geography, 32 (2) : 702-713.

Crop area mapping in West Africa using landscape stratification of MODIS time series and comparison with existing global land products. Vintrou Elodie, Desbrosse Annie, Bégué Agnès, Traoré Sibiry, Baron Christian, Lo Seen Chong Danny. 2012. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 14 (1) : 83-93.

Impacts of logging on the canopy and the consequences for forest management in French Guiana. Guitet Stéphane, Pithon Sophie, Brumaux Olivier, Jubelin Guillaume, Gond Valéry. 2012. Forest Ecology and Management, 277 (1) : 124-131.

Monitoring a pioneer front using SPOT-VEGETATION time series. Oszwald Johan, Gond Valéry. 2012. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (312) : 77-83.

Object-based image analysis for operational fine-scale regional mapping of land cover within river corridors from multispectral imagery and thematic data. Tormos Thierry, Kosuth Pascal, Durrieu Sylvie, Dupuy Stéphane, Villeneuve B., Wasson Jean-Gabriel. 2012. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33 (14) : 4603-4633.

Un modèle de prévision de rendement de la canne à sucre basé sur des images satellitaires spot : l'exemple de la Réunion. Boyer Nathalie, Todoroff Pierre, Paulin Louis, Bégué Agnès. 2012. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection (197) : 76-85.

Direct estimation of the dynamic of contact between poultry and wild ducks in African villages using distribution modeling based on satellite telemetry and remote sensing data. Cappelle Julien, Gaidet Nicolas, Iverson Samuel, Takekawa John Y., Newman Scott, Fofana Bouba. 2011. Ecohealth, 7, suppl., Résumé, S58-S59 International One Health Congress. 1, Victoria, Australie, 14 Février 2011/16 Février 2011.

Integration of MODIS land and atmosphere products with a coupled-process model to estimate gross primary productivity and evapotranspiration from 1 km to global scales. Ryu Youngryel, Baldocchi Daniel, Kobayashi Hideki, van Ingen Catharine, Li Jie, Black Andy, Beringer Jason, Van Gorsel Eva, Knohl Alexander, Law Beverly, Roupsard Olivier. 2011. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 25 (4)

Multitemporal Observations of Sugarcane by TerraSAR-X Images. Baghdadi Nicolas, Cresson Rémi, Todoroff Pierre, Moinet Soizic. 2010. Sensors, 10 (10) : 8899-8919.

Potential spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 by wildfowl: Dispersal ranges and rates determined from large-scale satellite telemetry. Gaidet Nicolas, Cappelle Julien, Takekawa John Y., Prosser Diann J., Iverson Samuel, Douglas David C., Perry William M., Mundkur Taej, Newman Scott. 2010. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47 (5) : 1147-1157.

Integrating SPOT-5 time series, crop growth modeling and expert knowledge for monitoring agricultural practices. The case of sugarcane harvest on Reunion Island. El Hajj Mahmoud, Bégué Agnès, Guillaume Serge, Martiné Jean-François. 2009. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113 (10) : 2052-2061.

Phytogéographie du Parc national de Zakouma (Sud-Est du Tchad). Poilecot Pierre, Saidi Slim, Bemadjim N'Gakoutou Etienne. 2009. Sécheresse, 20 (3) : 286-295.

Potential of SAR sensors TerraSAR-X, ASAR/ENVISAT and PALSAR/ALOS for monitoring sugarcane crops on Reunion Island. Baghdadi Nicolas, Boyer Nathalie, Todoroff Pierre, El Hajj Mahmoud, Bégué Agnès. 2009. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113 (8) : 1724-1738.

Relative radiometric normalization and atmospheric correction of a SPOT 5 time serie. El Hajj Mahmoud, Bégué Agnès, Lafrance Bruno, Hagolle O., Dedieu G., Rumeau M.. 2008. Sensors (8) : 2774-2791.

A method for monitoring building construction in urban sprawl areas using object-based analysis of Spot 5 images and existing GIS data. Durieux Laurent, Lagabrielle Erwann, Nelson Andrew. 2008. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 63 (4) : 399-408.

Chapitre d'ouvrage

Etude des paysages agricoles par télédétection radar. Corgne Samuel, Hubert-Moy Laurence, Betbeder Julie. 2017. In : Observation des surfaces continentales par télédétection. Baghdadi Nicolas (ed.), Zribi Mehrez (ed.). Londres : ISTE, 223-246. (Collection Système Terre - Environnement, Série Télédétection pour l'observation des surfaces continentales, 3) ISBN 978-1-78405-158-7

L'imagerie satellitaire : un outil pour le développement territorial. Tonneau Jean-Philippe, Maurel Pierre. 2017. In : Observation des surfaces continentales par télédétection III : urbain et zones côtières. Baghdadi Nicolas (ed.), Zribi Mehrez (ed.). Londres : ISTE, 109-144. (Télédétection pour l'observation des surfaces continentales, 5) ISBN 978-1-78405-160-0

La télédétection au service de la lutte antiacridienne. Latchininsky Alexandre, Piou Cyril, Franc Alex, Soti Valérie. 2017. In : Observation des surfaces continentales par télédétection IV : environnement et risques. Baghdadi Nicolas (ed.), Zribi Mehrez (ed.). Londres : ISTE, 267-294. (Télédétection pour l'observation des surfaces continentales, 6) ISBN 978-1-78405-161-7

Télédétection appliquée à l'épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses : quelques exemples. Tran Annelise, Kassie Daouda, Herbreteau Vincent. 2017. In : Observation des surfaces continentales par télédétection IV : environnement et risques. Baghdadi Nicolas (ed.), Zribi Mehrez (ed.). Londres : ISTE, 295-313. (Télédétection pour l'observation des surfaces continentales, 6) ISBN 978-1-78405-161-7

Télédétection et mesure de la déforestation. Blanc Lilian, Gond Valéry, Tong Minh Dinh Ho. 2017. In : Observation des surfaces continentales par télédétection IV : environnement et risques. Baghdadi Nicolas (ed.), Zribi Mehrez (ed.). Londres : ISTE, 45-70. (Télédétection pour l'observation des surfaces continentales, 6) ISBN 978-1-78405-161-7

Uncertainty assessment and comparison of vegetation indices, surface emissivity models and split-window algorithms used to estimate surface temperature from satellite images. Kotchi Serge-Olivier, Viau Alain A., Barrette Nathalie, Gond Valéry, Jang Jae-Dong, Mostafavi Mir Abolfazl. 2017. In : Horizons in earth science research. Veress Benjamin (ed.), Szigethy Jozsi (ed.). New-York : Nova Science Publisher, 185-257. (Horizons in Earth Science Research, 15) ISBN 978-1-63485-696-6

Applications of remote sensing to locust management. Latchininsky Alexandre, Piou Cyril, Franc Alex, Soti Valérie. 2016. In : Land Surface Remote Sensing: Environment and Risks. Baghdadi Nicolas (ed.), Zribi Mehrez (ed.). Londres : Elsevier-ISTE Press, 263-293. (Remote Sensing Observations of Continental Surfaces Set) ISBN 978-1-78548-105-5

Applications of remote sensing to the epidemiology of infectious diseases: Some examples. Tran Annelise, Kassie Daouda, Herbreteau Vincent. 2016. In : Land surface remote sensing: Environment and risks. Baghdadi Nicolas (ed.), Zribi Mehrez (ed.). Londres : Elsevier-ISTE Press, 295-315. (Remote Sensing Observations of Continental Surfaces Set) ISBN 978-1-78548-105-5

Estimation and uncertainty assessment of surface microclimate indicators at local scale using airborne infrared thermography and multispectral imagery. Kotchi Serge-Olivier, Barrette Nathalie, Viau Alain A., Jang Jae-Dong, Gond Valéry, Mostafavi Mir Abolfazl. 2016. In : Geospatial Technology - Environmental and Social Applications. Imperatore Pascuale (ed.), Pepe Antonio (ed.). Rijeka : Intech Publisher, 99-141. ISBN 978-953-51-4768-8

Satellite imagery: a tool for territorial development. Tonneau Jean-Philippe, Maurel Pierre. 2016. In : Land surface remote sensing in urban and coastal areas: remote sensing observations of continental surfaces set. Baghdadi Nicolas (ed.), Zribi Mehrez (ed.). Londres : ISTE-Elsevier, 101-139. ISBN 978-1-78548-160-4

Importance des forêts d'Afrique centrale. Marquant Baptiste, Mosnier Aline, Bodin Blaise, Dessard Hélène, Feintrenie Laurène, Molto Quentin, Gond Valéry, Bayol Nicolas, Batti Abmed (collab.), Eba'a Atyi Richard (collab.), Chevalier Jean-François (collab.). 2015. In : Les forêts du Bassin du Congo - Forêts et changements climatiques. De Wasseige Carlos (ed.), Tadoum Martin (ed.), Eba'a Atyi Richard (ed.), Doumenge Charles (ed.). Neufchâteau : Weyrich, 17-35. ISBN 978-2-87489-356-8

The importance of Central Africa's forests. Marquant Baptiste, Mosnier Aline, Bodin Blaise, Dessard Hélène, Feintrenie Laurène, Molto Quentin, Gond Valéry, Bayol Nicolas, Batti Abmed (collab.), Eba'a Atyi Richard (collab.), Chevalier Jean-François (collab.), Doumenge Charles (collab.). 2015. In : The forests of the Congo Basin - Forests and climate change. De Wasseige Carlos (ed.), Tadoum Martin (ed.), Eba'a Atyi Richard (ed.), Doumenge Charles (ed.). Neufchâteau : Weyrich, 17-35. ISBN 978-2-87489-355-1

Analyse multiscalaire de la caractérisation des écosystèmes forestiers guyanais et des impacts anthropiques à partir de la télédédection spatiale. Gond Valéry, Bernard Jérôme Zacharie, Brognoli Christine, Brunaux Olivier, Coppel Alain, Demenois Julien, Engel Julien, Galarraga Damien, Gaucher Philippe, Guitet Stéphane, Ingrassia Florent, Lelièvre Mathias, Linarès Sébastien, Lokonadinpoulle Flora, Nasi Robert, Pekel Jean-François, Sabatier Damien, Thierron Viviane, De Thoisy Benoit, Trébuchon Jean-François, Verger Gaëlle. 2009. In : Ecosystèmes forestiers des Caraïbes. Joseph Philippe (ed.). UAG. Paris : Karthala, 461-481. ISBN 978-2-8111-0090-2 Colloque International et Pluridisciplinaire sur Les Ecosystèmes Forestiers des Caraïbes : entre Ecologie et Developpement (de la Connaissance fondamentale à la Gestion Durable), Trois-Ilets, Martinique, 5 Décembre 2005/10 Décembre 2005.

Communication avec actes

Use of very high spatial resolution imagery for mapping wood energy potential from tropical managed forest stands, Reunion island. Bley-Dalouman Hélène, Broust François, Tran Annelise. 2021. In : XXIV ISPRS Congress "Imaging today, foreseeing tomorrow". Paparoditis N. (ed.), Mallet C. (ed.), Lafarge F. (ed.), Yang M.Y. (ed.), Yang M.Y. (ed.), Jiang J. (ed.), Shaker A. (ed.), et Al.. Hanovre : ISPRS, 189-194. (ISPRS Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B3-2021) ISPRS Congress 2021 Commission III. 24, s.l., 5 Juillet 2021/9 Juillet 2021.

Agriculturally consistent mapping of smallholder farming systems using remote sensing and spatial modelling. Crespin-Boucaud Arthur, Lebourgeois Valentine, Lo Seen Danny, Castets Mathieu, Bégué Agnès. 2020. In : Earth Observation and Continuous Monitoring of Our Changing Planet: From Sensors to Decisions. Jordan T.R. (ed.), Schuckman K (ed.). Baltimore : ISPRS, 35-42. (ISPRS Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-3/W11) William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium (PECORA 21). 21, Baltimore, États-Unis, 6 Octobre 2019/11 Octobre 2019.


Télédétection et intégration de connaissances via la modélisation spatiale pour une cartographie plus cohérente des systèmes agricoles complexes : aplication aux Hautes Terres, à Madagascar. Crespin-Boucaud Arthur. 2021. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 325 p. Thèse de doctorat : Géomatique : Université de Montpellier


Estimation de la biomasse fourragère des prairies. Apports du couplage entre modèles dynamiques de croissance et imagerie satellitaire : exemple de la Réunion et du Kalahari. Alexandre Cyprien. 2017. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion, 158 p. Thèse de doctorat : Géographie : Université de la Réunion

Cartographie des couverts forestiers à partir des photographies aériennes et des données satellitaires Landsat et Spot dans une zone-test du Mali (forêt classée du Sousan) en vue de l'identification et du suivi des formations ligneuses. Yehiya Abdou. 1987. Montpellier : USTL [Université des sciences et techniques du Languedoc], 207 p. Thèse de docteur-ingénieur : Mécanique, génie mécanique, génie civil (Aménagement) : Université des sciences et techniques du Languedoc]

Document technique et de recherche

Observation spatiale pour l'agriculture en Afrique: potentiels et défis. Charrier Bertrand (ed.), Torre Claude (ed.), Bégué Agnès, Leroux Louise, Lo Seen Danny, Tonneau Jean-Philippe, Morant Philippe. 2016. Paris : AFD-CIRAD, 182 p. (Notes techniques : AFD, 12)

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