
Résultats pour : "Petite exploitation agricole"

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Nombre de documents : 110.

Effects of fertilization practices and understory on soil health and oil palm performances in smallholdings: An Indonesian case study. Thoumazeau Alexis, Mettauer Romane, Turinah Turinah, Junedi Heri, Baron Victor, Chéron-Bessou Cécile, Ollivier Jean. 2024. Agricultural Systems, 213:103802, 10 p.

Exploring farmers' perspectives on agrobiodiversity management: Future options for quinoa smallholder organizations in the Peruvian high Andes. Andreotti Federico, Neher Charlotte, Speelman Erika N., Bazile Didier. 2023. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43:42, 15 p.

Assessing the efficiency of smallholder sugarcane production: The case of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Asghar Sobia, Tsusaka Takuji W., Jourdain Damien, Saqib Shahab E., Sasaki Nophea. 2022. Agricultural Water Management, 269:107643, 11 p.

Editorial: African Swine Fever in smallholder and traditional pig farming systems: Research, challenges and solutions. Penrith Mary-Louise, Depner Klaus, Jori Ferran, Dione Michel, Alders Robyn, Chenais Erika. 2022. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9:878928, 4 p.

Scenarios for an agroecological transition of smallholder family farmers: A case study in Guadeloupe. Andrieu Nadine, Blundo Canto Genowefa, Chia Eduardo, Diman Jean-Louis, Dugue Patrick, Fanchone Audrey, Howland Fanny, Ott Salomé, Poulayer Célia. 2022. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 42:95, 17 p.

Tailoring management practices to the structure of smallholder households in Sudano-Sahelian Burkina Faso: Evidence from current practices. Berre David, Adam Myriam, Koffi Christophe K., Vigne Mathieu, Gautier Denis. 2022. Agricultural Systems, 198:103369, 11 p.

Toward territorialised dairy inclusive businesses: insights from an Egyptian case study: Making dairy businesses inclusive. Daburon Annabelle, Alary Véronique, Ali Ahmed, Abdelzaher Osman Mona, Abdelsabour Taha Hosni, Tourrand Jean-François. 2022. Development in Practice, 32 (3) : 287-302.

A typology of smallholder livestock production systems reflecting the impact of the development of a local milk collection industry: Case study of Fatick region, Senegal. Habanabakize Ernest, Ba Koki, Corniaux Christian, Cortbaoui Patrick, Vasseur Elsa. 2022. Pastoralism - Research, Policy and Practice, 12:22, 14 p.


Climate change impact and variability on cereal productivity among smallholder farmers under future production systems in west Africa. MacCarthy Dilys Sefakor, Adam Myriam, Freduah Bright Salah, Fosu-Mensah Benedicta Yayra, Ampim Peter A. Y., Ly Mouhamed, Traoré Pierre Sibiry, Adiku Samuel G.K.. 2021. Sustainability, 13 (9):5191, 22 p.

Co-production of ecosystem services through agricultural practices: perception of stakeholders supporting smallholders in the Brazilian Amazon. Resque Antonio Gabriel Lima, Piketty Marie-Gabrielle, Coudel Emilie, Messad Samir, Le Page Christophe. 2021. Cahiers Agricultures, 30:20, 11 p.


Crop diversity management: Sereer smallholders' response to climatic variability in Senegal. Ruggieri Faustine, Porcuna-Ferrer Anna, Gaudin Alexandre, Faye Ndeye Fatou, Reyes-Garcia Victoria, Labeyrie Vanesse. 2021. Journal of Ethnobiology, 41 (3) : 389-408.

Developing a data collection application for following up the small-scale dairy farms' performance in rural areas. Fouad Karim, Alary Véronique, Dubron A., Bonnet Pascal, Juanès Xavier, Nigm A., Radwan Mohamed Ali Abdallah, Abdelghany Sherif. 2021. Egyptian Journal of Animal Production, 58 (2) : 63-70.

Early effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on the African dairy industry: Cases of Burkina Faso, Kenya, Madagascar, and Senegal. Vall Eric, Mburu John, Ndambi Asaah, Sall Cheick, Camara Astou Diaw, Sow Anna, Ba Koki, Corniaux Christian, Diaw Arona, Seck Djibril, Vigne Mathieu, Audouin Sarah, Rakotomalala Lovaniaina Jean Elisée, Rakotonoely Lynah Nirina, Dias Ferreira Flavio, Véromalalanirina Erica, Rajaonera Mahery, Ouédraogo Souleymane, Sodre Etienne, Tall Idrissa, Ilboudo Madeleine Diallo, Duteurtre Guillaume. 2021. Cahiers Agricultures, 30:14, 9 p.

Fortalecimiento de plataformas nacionales y regional de investigación y transferencia como apoyo a pequeños y medianos productores de café de países que integran el PROMECAFE. de Melo Virginio Filho Elias, Medina Bayron, Avelino Jacques, Zambolim Laércio, Somarriba Eduardo, Lizardo Cristian, Barquero Miguel, Chocooj Mario E., Grande Julio, Zamora Andrea, Pérez Quisqueya, Arjona Carmen, Gómez René León, Olbin Dulce, Chávez Xinia, Fonseca Carlos, Vargas Victor J., Funez Omar, Ordoñez Mario, Jimenez Gabriela, Hernandez Adan, Obando Miguel, Gonzales Cinthya, Bolaños Róger, Duarte Marco Tulio, Sepulveda Norvin, Say Eduardo, Cruz Ever, Marcucci José Sebastián, García Calixto, Gamboa Harold. 2021. AgroForestería en las Américas (51) : 39-54.

Fruit and vegetables. Opportunities and challenges for small-scale sustainable farming. Beed Fenton, Taguchi Makiko, Telemans Bruno, Kahane Rémi, Le Bellec Fabrice, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Malézieux Eric, Lesueur-Jannoyer Magalie, Deberdt Peninna, Deguine Jean-Philippe, Faye Emile, Ramsay Gordon (collab.). 2021. Rome : FAO-CIRAD, 196 p. ISBN 978-92-5-134238-1

Fruits et légumes. Opportunités et défis pour la durabilité des petites exploitations agricoles. Beed Fenton, Taguchi Makiko, Telemans Bruno, Kahane Rémi, Le Bellec Fabrice, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Malézieux Eric, Lesueur-Jannoyer Magalie, Deberdt Peninna, Deguine Jean-Philippe, Faye Emile, Ramsay Gordon (collab.). 2021. Rome : FAO-CIRAD, 212 p. ISBN 978-92-5-134709-6

Frutas y hortalizas. Oportunidades y desafíos para la agricultura sostenible a pequeña escala. Beed Fenton, Taguchi Makiko, Telemans Bruno, Kahane Rémi, Le Bellec Fabrice, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Malézieux Eric, Lesueur-Jannoyer Magalie, Deberdt Peninna, Deguine Jean-Philippe, Faye Emile, Ramsay Gordon (collab.). 2021. Rome : FAO-CIRAD, 212 p. ISBN 978-92-5-134709-6

Gouverner la coexistence dans une économie "en transition" : Élevage paysan et mégafermes dans le secteur laitier vietnamien. Duteurtre Guillaume, Bonnet Pascal, Hostiou Nathalie, Nguyen Mai Huong, Pham Duy Khanh, Cesaro Jean-Daniel, Pannier Emmanuel. 2021. In : Coexistence et confrontation des modèles agricoles et alimentaires. Un nouveau paradigme du développement territorial ?. Gasselin Pierre (ed.), Lardon sylvie (ed.), Cerdan Claire (ed.), Loudiyi Salma (ed.), Sautier Denis (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 273-288. (Nature et société) ISBN 978-2-7592-3242-0

Investigating the links between management practices and economic performances of smallholders' oil palm plots. A case study in Jambi province, Indonesia. Mettauer Romane, Baron Victor, Turinah, Demitria Puspita, Smit Hans, Alamsyah Zulkifli, Penot Eric, Bessou Cécile, Chambon Bénédicte, Ollivier Jean, Thoumazeau Alexis. 2021. Agricultural Systems, 194:103274, 10 p.
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Mesurer les revenus agricoles en Nouvelle-Calédonie et en Guadeloupe. Méthodes et enseignements. Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Gaillard Cédric, Bouard Séverine, Goldin Marco, Angeon Valérie, Hazoumé David, Apithy Leïla. 2021. Notes et Etudes Socio-Economiques (49) : 63-102.

Positive influence of certification on the financial performance of cocoa production models in Cameroon. Lescuyer Guillaume, Bassanaga Simon. 2021. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5:743079, 11 p.

Transformer le lait local en Afrique de l'Ouest. Procédés et clés du développement des minilaiteries. Broutin Cécile, Goudiaby Marie-Christine. 2021. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 276 p. (Guide pratique : Quae) ISBN 978-2-7592-3396-0

The importance of the traditional milpa in food security and nutritional self-sufficiency in the highlands of Oaxaca, Mexico. Novotny Ivan P., Tittonell Pablo, Fuentes-Ponce Mariela H., Lopez-Ridaura Santiago, Rossing Walter A.H.. 2021. PloS One, 16 (2):e0246281, 21 p.

Determinants of vulnerability of bean growing households to climate variability in Colombia. Perez Lisset, Rios David A., Giraldo Diana C., Twyman Jennifer, Blundo Canto Genowefa, Prager Steven D., Ramirez-Villegas Julian. 2020. Climate and Development, 12 (8) : 730-742.
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Effect of cropping system, shade cover and altitudinal gradient on coffee yield components at Mt. Elgon, Uganda. Sarmiento-Soler Alejandra, Vaast Philippe, Hoffmann Munir P., Jassogne Laurence, Van Asten Piet J.A., Graefe Sophie, Rötter Reimund P.. 2020. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 295:106887, 12 p.

Farmers' fertilization practices in mature rubber plantations in Northeast Thailand during a period of low rubber prices. Kullawong Supattra, Aditto Satit, Chambon Bénédicte, Promkhambut Arunee. 2020. Forest and Society, 4 (1) : 1-19.


Integrating diversity of smallholder coffee cropping systems in environmental analysis. Acosta Alba Ivonne, Boissy Joachim, Chia Eduardo, Andrieu Nadine. 2020. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 25 : 252-266.

Integration and segregation in the evolution of agricultural development policies in New Caledonia. Bouard Séverine, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Zenou Benoît. 2020. Pacific Geographies (54) : 4-14.

Modelling climate change impacts on maize yields under low nitrogen input conditions in sub-Saharan Africa. Falconnier Gatien N., Corbeels Marc, Boote Kenneth J., Affholder François, Adam Myriam, MacCarthy Dilys Sefakor, Ruane Alex C., Nendel Claas, Whitbread Anthony M., Justes Eric, Ahuja Lajpat R., Akinseye Folorunso M., Alou Isaac N., Amouzou Kokou A., Anapalli Saseendran S., Baron Christian, Basso Bruno, Baudron Frédéric, Bertuzzi Patrick, Challinor Andrew J., Chen Yi, Deryng Delphine, Elsayed Maha L., Faye Babacar, Gaiser Thomas, Galdos Marcelo, Gayler Sebastian, Gérardeaux Edward, Giner Michel, Grant Brian, Hoogenboom Gerrit, Ibrahim Esther S., Kamali Bahareh, Kersebaum Kurt Christian, Kim Soo-Hyung, Van Der Laan Michael, Leroux Louise, Lizaso Jon, Maestrini Bernardo, Meier Elizabeth A., Mequanint Fasil, Ndoli Alain, Porter Cheryl, Priesack Eckart, Ripoche Dominique, Sida Tesfaye S., Singh Upendra, Smith Ward N., Srivastava Amit, Sinha Sumit, Tao Fulu, Thorburn Peter J., Timlin Dennis, Traoré Bouba Sidi, Twine Tracy E., Webber Heidi. 2020. Global Change Biology, 26 (10) : 5942-5964.
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Multi-scale assessment of the livestock sector for policy design in Zambia. Dutilly Céline, Alary Véronique, Bonnet Pascal, Lesnoff Matthieu, Fandamu Paul, De Haan Cees. 2020. Journal of Policy Modeling, 42 (2) : 401-418.
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Poultry farmer response to disease outbreaks in smallholder farming systems in southern Vietnam. Delabouglise Alexis, Thanh Nguyen Thi Le, Xuyen Huynh Thi Ai, Nguyen-Van-Yen Benjamin, Tuyet Phung Ngoc, Lam Ha Minh, Boni Maciej F.. 2020. eLife, 9:e59212, 19 p.

Productivity and biological N2-fixation in cereal-cowpea intercropping systems in sub-Saharan Africa. A review. Namatsheve Talent, Cardinael Rémi, Corbeels Marc, Chikowo Régis. 2020. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 40 (4):30, 12 p.

Stakeholders' perceptions on sustainability transition pathways of the cocoa value chain towards improved livelihood of small-scale farming households in Cameroon. Vogel Claudia, Mathe Syndhia, Geitzenaeur Maria, Ndah Hycenth Tim, Sieber Stefan, Bonatti Michelle, Lana Marcos. 2020. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 18 (1) : 55-69.

Variability in the physico-chemical properties of wood from Eucalyptus robusta depending on ecological growing conditions and forestry practices: The case of smallholdings in the Highlands of Madagascar. Mevanarivo Zo Elia, Ramananantoandro Tahiana, Tomazello Filho Mario, Napoli Alfredo, Razafimahatratra Andriambelo Radonirina, Razakamanarivo Ramarson Herintsitohaina, Chaix Gilles. 2020. Maderas. Ciencia y Tecnología, 22 (4) : 425-438.

Variations in yield gaps of smallholder cocoa systems and the main determining factors along a climate gradient in Ghana. Abdulai Issaka, Hoffmann Munir P., Jassogne Laurence, Asare Richard, Graefe Sophie, Tao Hsiao-Hang, Muilerman Sander, Vaast Philippe, Van Asten Piet J.A., Läderach Peter, Rötter Reimund P.. 2020. Agricultural Systems, 181:102812, 8 p.

Which is more important to sorghum production systems in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa: Climate change or improved management practices? Adam Myriam, MacCarthy Dilys Sefakor, Traoré Pierre Sibiry, Nenkam Andrée, Freduah Bright Salah, Ly Mouhamed, Adiku Samuel G.K.. 2020. Agricultural Systems, 185:102920, 14 p.
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A respondent-driven method for mapping small agricultural plots using tablets and high resolution imagery. Masuda Yuta J., Fisher Jonathan R.B., Zhang Wei, Castilla Carolina, Boucher Timothy M., Blundo Canto Genowefa. 2020. Journal of International Development, 32 (5) : 727-748.
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A scoping review of research funding for small-scale farmers in water scarce regions. Ricciardi Vincent, Wane Abdrahmane, Sidhu Balsher Singh, Goode Cecile, Solomon Divya, McCullough Ellen, Diekmann Florian, Porciello Jaron, Jain Meha, Randall Nicola, Mehrabi Zia. 2020. Nature Sustainability, 11 p.

Are medium-scale farms driving agricultural transformation in sub-Saharan Africa? Jayne Thomas, Muyanga Milu, Wineman Ayala, Ghebru Hosaena, Stevens Caleb, Stickler Mercedes, Chapoto Antony, Anseeuw Ward, van der Westhuizen Divan, Nyange David. 2019. Agricultural Economics, 50 (51), n.spéc. New mandates and new landscapes for agriculture : 75-95.

Açai (Euterpe oleracea) in the Amazon: until when a non-timber forest product? Diniz Janaina, Cialdella Nathalie. 2019. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, 39, n.spéc., Résumé : 466. IUFRO World Congress 2019 "Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development". 25, Curitiba, Brésil, 29 Septembre 2019/5 Octobre 2019.

Beyond the stand: Reviewing landscape fragmentation dynamics on biodiversity and ecosystem services in Southeast Asia. Lo M., Laumonier Yves. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, Résumé, p. 537. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.

Coffea Arabica water use in open versus shaded systems under smallholder's farm conditions in Eastern Uganda. Sarmiento-Soler Alejandra, Vaast Philippe, Hoffmann Munir P., Rötter Reimund P., Jassogne Laurence, Van Asten Piet J.A., Graefe Sophie. 2019. In : 27th Biennial ASIC Conference, Portland, 16-20 September 2018. Book of abstracts 2019. ASIC, SCA. Portland : ASIC, Résumé, 1 p. Biennial ASIC Conference. 27, Portland, États-Unis, 16 Septembre 2018/20 Septembre 2018.

Conclusion: Putting food systems at the heart of economies and societies. Giordano Thierry, Hobeika Alexandre. 2019. In : Food systems at risk. New trends and challenges. Dury Sandrine (ed.), Bendjebbar Pauline (ed), Hainzelin Etienne (ed.), Giordano Thierry (ed.), Bricas Nicolas (ed.). Rome : CIRAD-FAO, p. 95. ISBN 978-2-87614-751-5

Dimensions of smallholder farming's attractiveness in Yucatán, with a focus on decent work aspects. Blundo Canto Genowefa, Becerril García Javier, Knerr Béatrice. 2019. In : Traditional smallholder farmers in a growing economy and a globalized world: Evidence from the state of Yucatán. Knerr Béatrice (ed.), Becerril García Javier (ed.). Kassel : Kassel University Press, 33-57. (International Rural Development, 10) ISBN 978-3-86219-906-8

Economic feasibility of six smallholder coffee farming associations implementing the Centroamericano coffee hybrid in San Pedro Yepocapa, Guatemala. Brown Taya, Ribera Luis, Lombardini Leonardo, Palma Marco, Montagnon Christophe. 2019. In : 27th Biennial ASIC Conference, Portland, 16-20 September 2018. Book of abstracts 2019. ASIC, SCA. Portland : ASIC, Résumé, 1 p. Biennial ASIC Conference. 27, Portland, États-Unis, 16 Septembre 2018/20 Septembre 2018.

Financement et activités des femmes en milieu rural au Maroc. Moisseron Jean-Yves, Ben El Ahmar Mustapha, Romagny Bruno, Alary Véronique, Aderghal Mohamed, Tebbaa Ouidad. 2019. Maghreb Machrek (240) : 53-76.

Fostering knowledge sharing about agroforestry systems through gaming and simulation in Irituia (Northeast Para, Brasil). Le Page Christophe, Perrier E., Coudel Emilie, Navegantes Lívia, Galvão Layse, Garcia Vitor, Nunes A.A., Resque Antonio Gabriel Lima. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, p. 446. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.

Impacts of FMNR on the agricultural performance of smallholder farming systems at landscape scale in Senegal. Leroux Louise, Gbodjo Jean Eudes, Djiba S., Tounkara Adama, Ndao Babacar, Diouf Abdoul Aziz, Soti Valérie, Affholder François, Tall F., Clermont-Dauphin Cathy. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, Résumé, p. 367. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.

Near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for rapid and comprehensive soil condition assessment in smallholder cacao farming systems of Papua New Guinea. Singh Kanika, Majeed Israr, Panigrahi Niranjan, Vasava Hitesh B., Fidelis Chris, Karunaratne Senani, Bapiwai Peter, Yinil David, Sanderson Todd, Snoeck Didier, Das Bhabani, Minasny Budiman, Field Damien. 2019. Catena, 183:104185, 14 p.

Poultry population dynamics and mortality risks in smallholder farms of the Mekong river delta region. Delabouglise Alexis, Nguyen-Van-Yen Benjamin, Thanh Nguyen Thi Le, Thanh Nguyen Thi Le, Tuyet Phung Ngoc, Lam Ha Minh, Boni Maciej F.. 2019. BMC Veterinary Research, 15:205, 13 p.

Produire et se nourrir dans des environnements incertains. Une analyse des stratégies mobilisées par les producteurs agricoles dans les pays du Sud. Maître d'Hôtel Elodie. 2019. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 66 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Université de Montpellier

Sensitivity of maize yield in smallholder systems to climate scenarios in semi-arid regions of West Africa: Accounting for variability in farm management practices. Freduah Bright Salah, MacCarthy Dilys Sefakor, Adam Myriam, Ly Mouhamed, Ruane Alex C., Timpong-Jones Eric C., Traoré Pierre Sibiry, Boote Kenneth J., Porter Cheryl, Adiku Samuel G.K.. 2019. Agronomy (Basel), 9 (10):639, 24 p.

Smallholders'perceptions of fire in the Brazilian Amazon: Exploring implications for governance arrangements. Cammelli Federico, Coudel Emilie, De Freitas Navegantes Livia. 2019. Human Ecology, 47 (4) : 601-612.
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Too good to be true? Permanent rubber agroforestry systems. Reality and challenges in Thailand. Thaler Philippe, Chambon Bénédicte, Tongkaemkaew Uraiwan, Penot Eric, Brauman Alain, Sajjaphan Kannika, Suvannang Nopmanee, Panklang Phantip, Thoumazeau Alexis, Béral A., Thériez Marion, Stroesser Laetitia. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, Résumé, p. 604. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.

Turning local knowledge on agroforestry into an online decision-support tool for tree selection in smallholders' farms. van der Wolf Just, Jassogne Laurence, Gram Gil, Vaast Philippe. 2019. Experimental Agriculture, 55 (S1), n.spéc. The options by context approach: A paradigm shift in agronomy : 50-66.

What barriers to the adoption of biodiversity-friendly cocoa? Ruf François. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, Résumé, p. 631. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.

The essential role of farm capital in the sustainability of smallholder farms in West Java (Indonesia). Sembada Pria, Duteurtre Guillaume, Moulin Charles-Henri. 2019. Cahiers Agricultures, 28:15, 8 p.

A relação entre diversidade espacial e diversidade da agricultura familiar no Territorio Baixo-Tocantins. Piraux Marc, Sombra Soares Daniel, Simoes Aquiles, Bentes Tavares Francinei. 2019. In : Reinvenções territoriais: diversidade e aprendizagens sociais. Simões Aquiles (ed.), Teles Rodriguez Eliana (ed.), de Miranda Rocha Gilberto (ed.), Granchamp laurencen (ed.). Belém : NUMA-UFPA, 43-76. ISBN 978-85-88998-76-6

Agricultura familiar en Uruguay, reconocimiento y políticas públicas. De Torres María Fernanda, Arbeletche Pedro, Sabourin Eric. 2018. Raízes - Revista de Ciências Sociais e Econômicas, 38 (1):116 : 116-128.

Agricultura familiar y capitalismo agrario en las políticas públicas de Nicaragua: Entre dualidad y compomisos. Freguin-Gresh Sandrine, Perez Fransisco J.. 2018. Raízes - Revista de Ciências Sociais e Econômicas, 38 (1) : 65-79.

Circulação regional e origem das políticas públicas de DTR na Argentina. Sabourin Eric, Balestro Moises, Sayago Doris. 2018. In : A difusão de políticas brasileira para agricultura familiar na América Latina e Caribe. Sabourin Eric (ed.), Grisa Catia (ed.). Porto Alegre : Escritos Editora, 189-207. ISBN 978-85-98334-85-1

Co-designing win-win partnerships between agroindustries and smallholders in the palm oil sector in Cameroon. Haman Djouma Sadou, Feintrenie Laurène, Levang Patrice, Nji Ajaga. 2018. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 22 (3) : 136-151.

Diversity of family farming around the World. Existence, transformations and possible futures of family farms. Bosc Pierre-Marie (ed.), Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.), Bonnal Vincent (ed.), Gasselin Pierre (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.), Bélières Jean-François (ed.). 2018. Cham : Springer, 340 p. ISBN 978-94-024-1616-9

Elever des porcs dans une ville d'Afrique de l'Ouest : arrangements entre acteurs pour gérer la proximité ville-élevage. Robineau Ophélie. 2018. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 71 (1-2), dossier L'elevage porcin dans les pays tropicaux, 10 p.

Farm structures: Current shaping forces and future farms. Donnars Catherine, De Lattre-Gasquet Marie, Marzin Jacques, Piet Laurent. 2018. In : Land use and food security in 2050: a narrow road. Le Mouël Chantal (ed.), De Lattre-Gasquet Marie (ed.), Mora Olivier (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 155-178. (Matière à débattre et décider) ISBN 978-2-7592-2880-5

Income diversification for rubber farmers through agroforestry practices. How to withstand rubber price volatility in Phatthalung Province, Thailand. Stroesser Laetitia, Penot Eric, Michel Isabelle, Tongkaemkaew Uraiwan, Chambon Bénédicte. 2018. Revue Internationale des Etudes du Développement (235), dossier La résilience en pratiques : 117-145.
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L'agriculture biologique en Afrique : un levier d'innovations pour le développement agricole. De Bon Hubert, Temple Ludovic, Malézieux Eric, Bendjebbar Pauline, Fouilleux Eve, Silvie Pierre. 2018. Perspective (48) : 1-4.

Land and the SDGs. Hershaw Eva, Anseeuw Ward. 2018. In : State of land in the Mekong region. Ingalls Micah L. (ed.), Diepart Jean-Christophe (ed.), Truong Nhu (ed.), Hayward Daniel (ed.), Neil Tony (ed.), Phomphakdy Chanthavone (ed.), Bernhard Rasso (ed.), Fogarizzu Sinu (ed.), Epprecht Michael (ed.), Nanhthavong Vong (ed.), et al.. Berne : CDE-University of Bern, p. 54. ISBN 978-3-906813-78-3

Le commerce équitable améliore-t-il la sécurité alimentaire ? Le cas des ménages caféiculteurs des Andes péruviennes. Sirdey Ninon. 2018. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 384 p. Thèse de doctorat : Economie : Montpellier SupAgro

Organic agriculture in Africa: A source of innovation for agricultural development. De Bon Hubert, Temple Ludovic, Malézieux Eric, Bendjebbar Pauline, Fouilleux Eve, Silvie Pierre. 2018. Perspective (48) : 1-4.

Organization of the family between a collective asset and the limitations of individual strategies: Inftroduction. Bélières Jean-François. 2018. In : Diversity of family farming around the World. Existence, transformations and possible futures of family farms. Bosc Pierre-Marie (ed.), Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.), Bonnal Vincent (ed.), Gasselin Pierre (ed.), Valette Elodie (ed.), Bélières Jean-François (ed.). Cham : Springer, 223-225. ISBN 978-94-024-1616-9

Rubber plantation labor and labor movements as rubber prices decrease in southern Thailand. Tongkaemkaew Uraiwan, Chambon Bénédicte. 2018. Forest and Society, 2 (1) : 18-27.

Sistemas integrados de produção agropecuária em pequenas e médias propriedades rurais. Burlamaqui Bendahan Amaury, Poccard-Chapuis René, De Medeiros Roberto Dantas, Mourão Filho Moisés, Da Costa Lucena Newton, Menezes Braga Ramayana, Tourrand Jean-François. 2018. In : Sistemas integrados de produção agropecuária no Brasil. Damacena de Souza Francine (ed.), Da Silva Tangriani Damian (ed.), Simioni Assmann Marco Aurélio (ed.), Carbone Carneiro Paulo César de (ed.), Faccio Carvalho Helder Barbosa Paulino (ed.). Tubarão : Copiart, 211-228. ISBN 978-85-8388-111-7

Understanding smallholders in oil palm cultivation: a case study from Sumatra. Bosc Pierre-Marie, Gaillard Cédric. 2018. In : Achieving sustainable cultivation of oil palm. Volume 2: Diseases, pests, quality and sustainability. Rival Alain (ed.). Cambridge : Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 361-382. (Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, 28) ISBN 978-1-78676-108-8

Utilisation de pratiques agroécologiques et performances de la petite agriculture familiale : le cas de la Guadeloupe. Rasse Camille, Andrieu Nadine, Diman Jean-Louis, Fanchone Audrey, Chia Eduardo. 2018. Cahiers Agricultures, 27 (5):55002, 10 p.

Which scale to understand seed fluxes in small-scale farming societies? Snapshots of sorghum from Africa. Garine Eric, Labeyrie Vanesse, Violon Chloé, Wencelius Jean, Leclerc Christian, Raimond Christine. 2018. In : The commons, plant breeding and agricultural research: Challenges for food security and agrobiodiversity. Girard Fabien (ed.), Frison Christine (ed.). Abingdon : Routledge, 159-172. (Earthscan Food and Agriculture) ISBN 978-1-138-08758-3

A cooperação do Brasil na América Latina e no Caribe. Lopes Filho Marcos Aurélio, Sabourin Eric, Sayago Doris. 2018. In : A difusão de políticas brasileira para agricultura familiar na América Latina e Caribe. Sabourin Eric (ed.), Grisa Catia (ed.). Porto Alegre : Escritos Editora, 34-53. ISBN 978-85-98334-85-1

A disseminação das políticas públicas brasileiras para a agricultura familiar na América Latina em uma perspectiva comparada. Grisa Catia, Sayago Doris, De Lima Caldas Eduardo, Sabourin Eric, Lopes Filho Marcos Aurélio, De Avila Mario Lucio, Valencia Perafan Mireya Eugenia, Balestro Moises. 2018. In : A difusão de políticas brasileira para agricultura familiar na América Latina e Caribe. Sabourin Eric (ed.), Grisa Catia (ed.). Porto Alegre : Escritos Editora, 256-281. ISBN 978-85-98334-85-1

Coffee shade tree management: An adaptation option for climate change impact for small scale coffee growers in south-west Ethiopia. Garedew Weyessa, Hailu Binyam Tesfau, Lemessa Fikre, Pellikka Petri, Pinard Fabrice. 2017. In : Climate change adaptation in Africa: Fostering resilience and capacity to adapt. Leal Filho Walter (ed.), Belay Simane (ed.), Kalangu Jokasha (ed.), Menas Wuta (ed.), Munish Pantaleo (ed.), Musiyiwa Kumbirai (ed.). Cham : Springer, 647-659. (Climate Change Management) ISBN 978-3-319-49519-4

Energy analysis and measurement of the greenhouse gas emissions of livestock systems. A comparison of different livestock systems in the eastern brazilian amazon. Pachoud Carine, Poccard-Chapuis René, Bonaudo Thierry, Tourrand Jean-François, Mauricio Rogério Martins. 2017. Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, 6 (1) : 30-37.

Entre régulation environnementale privée et institutions publiques : les effets mitigés de la certification forestière communautaire en Amazonie. Lemeilleur Sylvaine, de Aquino Evandro Araujo, Garcia Drigo Isabel, Piketty Marie-Gabrielle. 2017. Mondes en Développement (177) : 101-119.

Modernization of domestic food chains in developing countries: what effects on small-scale farmers? The rice value chain in Senegal. Soullier Guillaume. 2017. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 250 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences Economiques : Université de Montpellier

Review of the diversity of palm oil production systems in Indonesia: Case study of two provinces: Riau and Jambi. Baudoin Alice, Bosc Pierre-Marie, Bessou Cécile, Levang Patrice. 2017. Bogor : CIFOR, 75 p. (CIFOR working paper, 219)

What shapes the governance of the dairy value chain in Vietnam? Insights from Ba-Vì milkshed (Hanoi). Nguyen Mai Huong, Duteurtre Guillaume, Moustier Paule. 2017. World Food Policy, 4 (1) : 57-81. International Conference on World Food Policy: Future Faces of Food and Farming, Bangkok, Thaïlande, 17 Décembre 2015/18 Décembre 2015.

Intensification écologique au Sud : quelles marges de manoeuvre des exploitations familiales ? Affholder François. 2016. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 92 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Université de Montpellier

Trajectories of agricultural change in southern Mali. Falconnier Gatien N.. 2016. Wageningen : Wageningen University, 219 p. ISBN 978-94-6257-759-6. Thesis Ph. D. : Wageningen University

Understanding farm trajectories and development pathways: Two decades of change in southern Mali. Falconnier Gatien N., Descheemaeker Katrien, Van Mourik Thomas A., Sanogo Ousmane, Giller Ken E.. 2015. Agricultural Systems, 139 : 210-222.

Politicas publicas para la agricultura familiar. Caracterizar para apoyar mejor. Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Bélières Jean-François, Bonnal Philippe, Bosc Pierre-Marie, Losch Bruno, Marzin Jacques. 2014. Perspective (29) : 1-4.

Políticas públicas para a agricultura familiar. Caracterizar para apoiar melhor. Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Bélières Jean-François, Bonnal Philippe, Bosc Pierre-Marie, Losch Bruno, Marzin Jacques. 2014. Perspective (29) : 1-4.

Producción sostenible de cacao. Inspirarse de la Agroforestería. Jagoret Patrick, Deheuvels Olivier, Bastide Philippe. 2014. Perspective (27) : 1-4.

Public policy for family farming. Definition for better support. Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Bélières Jean-François, Bonnal Philippe, Bosc Pierre-Marie, Losch Bruno, Marzin Jacques. 2014. Perspective (29) : 1-4.

Sustainable cocoa production. Learning from agroforestry. Jagoret Patrick, Deheuvels Olivier, Bastide Philippe. 2014. Perspective (27) : 1-4.

Lower deforestation rates in the Brazilian Amazon. Supporting farm forestry. Sist Plinio, Mazzei Lucas, Sablayrolles Philippe. 2013. Perspective (22) : 1-4.


Atividade leiteira: Um desafio para a consolidação da agricultura familiar na região da transamazônica, no Pará. Abreu de Carvalho Soraya, Tourrand Jean-François, Poccard-Chapuis René. 2012. Cadernos de Ciência e Tecnologia, 29 (1) : 269-290.

Small-scale farmer logic and modeling productive systems. The question of self-contained food supply. Benoit-Cattin Michel. 1996. In : Economics of agricultural policies in developing countries = [Economies des politiques agricoles dans les pays en développement]. Benoit Cattin M. (ed.), Griffon M. (ed.), Guillaumont P. (ed.). Paris : Revue française d'économie, 421-432.

Intensification de la caféiculture chez les petits producteurs du Guatemala : rapports entre la structure, le fonctionnement et les performances des exploitations. Mendez Barrios Juan Carlos. 1995. Montpellier : ENSAM, 234 p. Thèse de doctorat : Agro-économie : Ecole nationale supérieure agronomique de Montpellier

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