
Résultats pour : "physiologie de la reproduction"

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Nombre de documents : 32.

A new threat to Sardina pilchardus in the northwestern Mediterranean: Genetic validation of the presence of lethal parasites in pelagic eggs and ovaries. Frigola-Tepe Xènia, Pérez-Bielsa Núria, Caballero Huertas Marta, Ollé-Vilanova Judith, Muñoz Marta, Viñas Jordi. 2024. Mediterranean Marine Science, 25 (1) : 151-159.

Exploring the effects of rearing densities on epigenetic modifications in the zebrafish gonads. Valdivieso Alejandro, Caballero Huertas Marta, Moraleda-Prados Javier, Piferrer Francesc, Ribas Laia. 2023. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24 (21):16002, 18 p.

Investigating the unaccounted ones: Insights on age-dependent reproductive loss in a viviparous fly. English Sinead, Barreaux Antoine, Leyland Robert, Lord Jennifer S., Hargrove John W., Vale Glyn A., Haines Lee R.. 2023. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11:1057474, 9 p.

A multi-level approach reveals key physiological and molecular traits in the response of two rice genotypes subjected to water deficit at the reproductive stage. Favreau Bénédicte, Gaal Camille, Pereira De Lima Isabela, Droc Gaëtan, Roques Sandrine, Sotillo Armelle, Guérard Florence, Cantonny Valérie, Gakière Bertrand, Leclercq Julie, Lafarge Tanguy, De Raissac Marcel. 2023. Plant-Environment Interactions, 4 (5) : 229-257.

Effects of seawater and freshwater challenges on the Gh/Igf system in the saline-tolerant blackchin tilapia (Sarotherodon melanotheron). Link Karl, Shved Natallia, Serrano Nabil, Akgül Gülfirde, Caelers Antje, Faass Olivier, Mouttet Farouhar, Raabe Oksana, D'Cotta Helena, Baroiller Jean-François, Eppler Elisabeth. 2022. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 13:976488, 14 p.

Forced mating an efficient tool in camel production to reduce the age at puberty and calving interval in dromedary she-camel (Camelus dromedarius). Faraz Asim, Faye Bernard, Tirink Cem, Mustafa Ayman B., AlKharusi Amal, Sani Morteza Bitaraf, Tauqir Nasir Ali, Akbar Muhammad Arslan, Saleem Muhammad Usman, Bilal Rana Muhammad, Waheed Abdul, Nabeel Muhammad Shahid. 2022. Punjab University Journal of Zoology, 37 (1) : 35-40.

Effects of maternal age and stress on offspring quality in a viviparous fly. Lord Jennifer S., Leyland Robert, Haines Lee R., Barreaux Antoine, Bonsall Michael B., Torr Stephen J., English Sinead. 2021. Ecology Letters, 24 (10) : 2113-2122.

A new method for counting reproductive structures in digitized herbarium specimens using mask R-CNN. Davis Charles C., Champ Julien, Park Daniel S., Breckheimer Ian, Lyra Goia M., Xie Junxi, Joly Alexis, Tarapore Dharmesh, Ellison Aaron M., Bonnet Pierre. 2020. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11:1129, 13 p.

Sperm motility of the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus): Effects of temperature on the swimming characteristics. Dzyuba Borys, Legendre Marc, Baroiller Jean-François, Cosson Jacky. 2019. Animal Reproduction Science, 202 : 65-72.
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Deciphering the Theobroma cacao self-incompatibility system: from genomics to diagnostic markers for self-compatibility. Lanaud Claire, Fouet Olivier, Legavre Thierry, Lopes Uilson Vanderlei, Sounigo Olivier, Eyango Marie Claire, Mermaz Benoit, da Silva Marcos Ramos, Loor Solorzano Rey Gaston, Argout Xavier, Gyapay Gabor, Ebaiarrey Herman Ebai, Colonges Kelly, Sanier Christine, Rivallan Ronan, Mastin Géraldine, Cryer Nicholas, Boccara Michel, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Efombagn Mousseni Ives Bruno, Peres Gramacho Karina, Clément Didier. 2017. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68 (17) : 4775-4790.

Décrypter l'irrégularité de production des fruitiers tropicaux via l'analyse des coûts de la reproduction. Le cas du manguier (Mangifera indica L.). Capelli Mathilde. 2017. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier. Thèse de doctorat : Ecologie fonctionnelle et sciences agronomiques : Université de Montpellier

Evaluation de la fertilité femelle des Arabusta par le niveau de ploïdie et les générations d'hybrides. Yapo Antoine, Charmetant Pierre, Legnaté Hyacinthe, Konan Ahoutou, Aidara A., Bonsson B., Traore M.S., Kéli J.. 2017. Agronomie Africaine, 29 (3) : 217-226.

Genetic structure of diploid gametes for the production of triploid citrus hybrids. Rouiss Houssem. 2017. Valencia : Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, 148 p. Thesis Ph. D. : Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

Reproductive behaviour of two tilapia species (Oreochromis niloticus, Linné, 1758; Sarotherodon melanotheron, Rüppel, 1852) in freshwater intra and interspecific pairing context. Akian Djetouan Dieudonne, Yao Kouakou, Clota Frédéric, Lozano Paul, Baroiller Jean-François, Chatain Béatrice, Bégout Marie-Laure. 2017. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 193 : 104-113.
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Unreduced megagametophyte production in lemon occurs via three meiotic mechanisms, predominantly second-division restitution. Rouiss Houssem, Cuenca José, Navarro Luis, Ollitrault Patrick, Aleza Pablo. 2017. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:1211, 16 p.

Analysis of transcripts differentially expressed between fruited and deflowered 'Gala' adult trees: a contribution to biennial bearing understanding in apple. Guitton Baptiste, Kelner Jean-Jacques, Celton Jean-Marc, Sabau Xavier, Renou Jean-Pierre, Chagné David, Costes Evelyne. 2016. BMC Plant Biology, 16 (55), 22 p.

Caractères phénologiques, morphologiques et biochimiques des fleurs impliqués dans le mécanisme de la pollinisation chez les baobabs malgaches. Razanamaro Onja. 2016. Antananarivo : Université d'Antananarivo, 178 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences de la vie. Science du végétal : Université d'Antananarivo

Combining pollination ecology and fine-scale spatial genetic structure analysis to unravel the reproductive strategy of an insular threatened orchid. Gigant Rodolphe, De Bruyn Alexandre, M'sa Tachirifa, Viscardi Guillaume, Gigord L., Gauvin-Bialecki Anne, Pailler Thierry, Humeau Laurence, Grisoni Michel, Besse Pascale. 2016. South African Journal of Botany, 105 : 25-35.

Development of taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) hybrids overcoming its asynchrony in flowering using cryostored pollen. Mukherjee Archana, George James, Pillai Reshma, Chakrabarti Swarup Kumar, Naskar Samir Kanti, Patro Rashmishree, Nayak Shubhransu, Lebot Vincent. 2016. Euphytica, 212 (1) : 29-36.
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Effect of farming system on camels calving interval in western Sudan. Bakheit Sallam Abdelfadeil, Faye Bernard, Ahmed Adam Ismail, Musa Elshafei Intisar. 2016. Turkish Journal of Agriculture. Food Science and Technology, 4 (5) : 418-423.

Plasticité phénotypique du palmier à huile: adaptation au stress et incidence sur le développement reproducteur. Jaligot Estelle. 2016. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 145 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Biodiversité, agriculture, alimentation, environnement : Université de Montpellier

Slaughterhouse survey of culled female camels (Camelus dromedarius) in southeast Algeria: Fetal wastage and pregnancy characteristics. Benaissa Mohammed Hocine, Faye Bernard, Youngs Curtis R., Kaidi Rachid. 2016. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 28 (11) : 805-812.

Field phenomics for response of a rice diversity panel to ten environments in Senegal and Madagascar. 2. Chilling-induced spikelet sterility. Dingkuhn Michael, Radanielina Tendro, Raboin Louis-Marie, Dusserre Julie, Ramantsoanirina Alain, Sow Abdoulaye, Manneh Baboucarr, Balde Alpha Bocar, Soulie Jean-Christophe, Shrestha Suchit, Ahmadi Nourollah, Courtois Brigitte. 2015. Field Crops Research, 183 : 282-293.

Maximum-likelihood method identifies meiotic restitution mechanism from heterozygosity transmission of centromeric loci: Application in citrus. Cuenca José, Aleza Pablo, Juarez José, Garcia-Lor Andrés, Froelicher Yann, Navarro Luis, Ollitrault Patrick. 2015. Scientific Reports, 5 (9897), 11 p.

The polycomb group gene EMF2B is essential for maintenance of floral meristem determinacy in rice. Conrad Liza J., Khanday Imtiyaz, Johnson Cameron, Guiderdoni Emmanuel, An Gynheung, Vijayraghavan Usha, Sundaresan Venkatesan. 2014. Plant Journal, 80 (5) : 883-894.

Evolution de l'agressivité des champignons phytopathogènes, couplage des approches théorique et empirique. Andanson Audrey. 2010. Nancy : Université de Nancy I, 162 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie végétale et forestière : Université de Nancy I

Relationship between molecular markers and incompatibility in Theobroma cacao. Macoto Yamada Milton, Faleiro Fabio G., Clément Didier, Vanderlei Lopes Uilson, Pires José Luis, Pires Melo Gilson Roberto. 2010. AgroTropica, 22 (2) : 71-74.

Breeding biology of Coquerel's Coua (Coua coquereli) in Western Madagascar. Chouteau Philippe, Pedrono Miguel. 2009. Journal of Ornithology, 150 : 55-60.

Diversité génétique, physiologie de reproduction et étude d'impact de la fragmentation sur Dalbergia monticola de la forêt orientale de Madagascar. Andrianoelina Andrianaivo Olivarimbola. 2009. Antananarivo : Université d'Antananarivo, 129 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences agronomiques : Université d'Antananarivo

High outcrossing rates in fields with mixed sorghum landraces: How are landraces maintained? Barnaud A., Trigueros G., McKey Doyle B., Joly Hélène. 2008. Heredity, 101 (5) : 445-452.

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