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Nombre de documents : 80.

How can governance move food systems? Example of coffee value chains in Honduras and Ecuador. Dabat Marie-Hélène, Sfez Paul, Saldarriaga Gustavo, Yildirim Heval. 2024. In : VIII Scientific Wallace Conference - Proceedings. Casanoves F. (ed.), Mercado L. (ed.), Argüello M. (ed.), Abadie C. (ed.), Benegas L. (ed.), Cerda R. (ed.), Imbach P. (ed.), Madrigal R. (ed.), Martínez-Salinas A. (ed.), Muschler R. (ed.), Sepúlveda C. (ed.), Vílchez S. (ed.). CATIE. Turrialba : CATIE, p. 112. (Serie Divulgativa, 24) ISBN 978-9977-57-795-1 Scientific Wallace Conference, Transforming Food Systems in LAC. 8, Turrialba, Costa Rica, 31 Mai 2023/2 Juin 2023.
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Unravelling life cycle impacts of coffee: Why do results differ so much among studies? Chéron-Bessou Cécile, Acosta Alba Ivonne, Boissy Joachim, Payen Sandra, Rigal Clément, Setiawan Arief Ameir Rahman, Sevenster M., Tran Thierry, Azapagic A.. 2024. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 47 : 251-266.

The historical trajectory of a coffee agri-food system: A case study in Oaxaca, Mexico. Ramírez León Alejandra, Avila-Foucat Sophie, Ezzine De Blas Driss. 2024. Ambio, 53 (12) : 1847-1863.

Diverse farmer livelihoods increase resilience to climate variability in southern Colombia. Bernal Núñez Angie Paola, Gutiérrez-Montes Isabel, Hernández-Núñez Héctor Eduardo, Gutiérrez Suárez David Ricardo, Gutiérrez García Gustavo Adolfo, Suarez Juan Carlos, Casanoves Fernando, Flora Cornelia Butler, Sibelet Nicole. 2023. Land Use Policy, 131:106731, 13 p.

Dramatic consequences of two decades of intensive management on soil of coffee and black pepper plantations in Central Highlands – Vietnam: How to restore soil health for a sustainable and environmentally-friendly production before it becomes too late? Van Nguyen Long, Herrmann Laetitia, Abhi Venugopal, Nguyen Duy Quang, Aydin Enez, Phuong Nhat Thi Bui, Bräu Lambert, Lesueur Didier. 2023. . Hasanuddin University. Makassar : Hasanuddin University, Résumé, 2 p. International Conference on Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture in the Tropics (FSSAT 2023). 4, Makassar, Indonésie, 15 Février 2023/15 Février 2023.
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Effect of the improvement of microbiological and toxicological qualities regarding ochratoxin A producing fungi using of lactic acid bacteria strains on the sensorial quality of derived beverage. Beugre Guézéré Corinne, Kadjo Adobi Christian, Yao Konan Mathurin, Koné Koumba Maî, Piro-Metayer Isabelle, Poss Charlie, Durand Noël, Fontana Angélique, Guehi Tagro Simplice. 2023. In : Current perspectives in agriculture and food science. Vol. 5. Chen Chin Chang (ed.). Londres : B P International, 40-60. ISBN 978-81-19491-74-2

Modelling the transfer and degradation kinetics of aroma compounds from liquid media into coffee beans during simulated wet processing conditions. Hadj Salem Fatma, Achir Nawel, Sieczkowski Nathallie, Boulanger Renaud, Collignan Antoine. 2023. Journal of Food Engineering, 343:111303, 9 p.

No evidence of foliar disease impact on crop root functional strategies and soil microbial communities: what does this mean for organic coffee? Gagliardi Stephanie, Avelino Jacques, Fulthorpe Roberta, de Melo Virginio Filho Elias, Isaac Marney E.. 2023. Oikos, 2023 (1):e08987, 12 p.
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Patterns of shade plant diversity in four agroforestry systems across Central America: a meta-analysis. Esquivel M. Jimena, Vilchez Mendoza Sergio José, Harvey Celia A., Ospina Mayra A., Somarriba Eduardo, Deheuvels Olivier, Virginio Filho Elias de Melo, Haggar Jeremy, Detlefsen Guillermo, Cerdan Carlos, Casanoves Fernando, Ordonez Jenny. 2023. Scientific Reports, 13:8538, 12 p.

Plant agronomy, leaf ecophysiology, yield and quality data of interspecific grafted Coffea arabica across an elevation gradient. Koutouleas Athina, Blunt Conor, Bregar Aljoša, Hansen Jon Kehlet, Ræbild Anders, Etienne Hervé, Georget Frederic. 2023. Data in Brief, 50:109560, 11 p.

Potential beverage quality of three wild coffee species (Coffea brevipes, C. congensis and C. stenophylla) and consideration of their agronomic use. Bertrand Benoît, Davis Aaron P., Maraval Isabelle, Forestier Nelly, Mieulet Delphine. 2023. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 103 (7) : 3602-3612.

Spatial-temporal variations of nitrous oxide emissions in coffee agroforestry systems in Costa Rica. Bentzon-Tarp Abeline, Helgadóttir Diljá, Van Den Meersche Karel, Gay Frédéric, Priemé Anders, Roupsard Olivier, Mages Carolin, Elberling Bo. 2023. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 343:108257, 11 p.

Transitioning from monoculture to mixed cropping systems: The case of coffee, pepper, and fruit trees in Vietnam. Rigal Clément, Duong Tuan, Vo Cuong, Bon Le Van, Hoang Quôc Trung, Chau Thi Minh Long. 2023. Ecological Economics, 214:107980, 14 p.

The role of governance in the performance of the domestic coffee value chains in Honduras, Ecuador, Tanzania, Angola. Saldarriaga Gustavo, Sfez Paul, Yildirim Heval, Buriticá Ana Maria, Dabat Marie-Hélène. 2023. In : Proceedings of the VCA4D Conference: Value Chain Analysis for Development: Providing evidence for better policies and operations in agricultural value chains. Agrinatura. Bruxelles : Agrinatura, 1-42. Value Chain Analysis for Development (VCA4D), Bruxelles, Belgique, 18 Janvier 2023/19 Janvier 2023.

Disentangling effects of altitude and shade cover on coffee fruit dynamics and vegetative growth in smallholder coffee systems. Sarmiento-Soler Alejandra, Rötter Reimund P., Hoffmann Munir P., Jassogne Laurence, Van Asten Piet J.A., Graefe Sophie, Vaast Philippe. 2022. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 326:107786, 16 p.

Ecosystem-based practices for smallholders' adaptation to climate extremes: Evidence of benefits and knowledge gaps in Latin America. Vignola Raffaele, Jimena Esquivel Maria, Harvey Celia A., Rapidel Bruno, Bautista Solis Pavel, Alpizar Francisco, Donatti Camila I., Avelino Jacques. 2022. Agronomy (Basel), 12 (10), n.spéc. Climate-Smart Agriculture Practices for Reducing Production Risks for Smallholder Farmers:2535, 40 p.

Mass transfer kinetics of nonvolatile compounds into coffee beans during wet processing: Study at the laboratory scale and in real conditions using two yeast strains. Hadj Salem Fatma, Vasai F., Duez C., Sieczkowski Nathallie, Boulanger Renaud, Collignan Antoine. 2022. ACS Food Science and Technology, 2 (5) : 852-861.

Multiplex CRISPR/Cas9‑mediated knockout of the phytoene desaturase gene in Coffea canephora. Casarin Tatiane, Chagas Freitas Natália, Terassi Pinto Renan, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Zebral Rodrigues Leonardo Augusto, Marraccini Pierre, Etienne Hervé, Cardamone Diniz Leandro Eugenio, Carvalho Andrade Alan, Vilela Paiva Luciano. 2022. Scientific Reports, 12:17270, 10 p.

Potential of the coffee endophytic Bacillus cereus sensu lato strain CCBLR15 to control the plant-parasitic nematode Radopholus duriophilus. Duong Benoit, Marraccini Pierre, Etienne Hervé, Villain Luc, Hoang Thi Giang, Khong Ngan Giang, Lebrun Michel, Duponnois Robin. 2022. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 32 (8) : 971-988.
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Shade effects on yield across different Coffea arabica cultivars — how much is too much? A meta-analysis. Koutouleas Athina, Sarzynski Thuan, Bertrand Benoît, Bordeaux Mélanie, Skovmand Bosselmann Aske, Campa Claudine, Etienne Hervé, Turreira-Garcia Nerea, Leran Sophie, Markussen Bo, Marraccini Pierre, Cochicho Ramalho José, Vaast Philippe, Raebild Anders. 2022. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 42:55, 13 p.

Soilborne pests and diseases affecting both coffee and black pepper in Central Highlands in Vietnam: a complex consortium of pathogenic fungi, oomycetes, and nematodes. Nguyên Van Long, Hermann Laetitia, Dinh Le Thao, Venugopal Abhi, Nguyen Chung, Enez Aydin, Katz Mathias, Liem Van, Bernigaud-Samatan Lucas, Bräu Lambert, Lesueur Didier. 2022. In : 11th Australasian Soilborne Disease Symposium - Abstracts. ASDS. Cairns : ASDS, Résumé, 19-20. Australasian Soilborne Disease Symposium (ASDS 2022). 11, Cairns, Australie, 1 Août 2022/5 Août 2022.

Specific effects of tree species on soil carbon sequestration in a rice-tree association mesocosm experiment: Evidence from natural 13C abundance. Rasoarinaivo Angelina Rondrotsifantenana, Razafimbelo Tantely Maminiana, Blanchart Eric, Chapuis-Lardy Lydie, Chevallier Tiphaine, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Trap Jean. 2022. Rhizosphere, 21:100485, 9 p.

Bulk and rhizosphere soil properties under two Coffea species influenced by the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus. Medina-Sauza Regina M., Álvarez-Jiménez Marycruz, Ortíz-Huerta Yilian, Ruiz-Sayago Estefania, Blouin Manuel, Villain Luc, Guevara Roger, Sangabriel Wendy, Reverchon Frédérique, Barois Isabelle. 2021. Rhizosphere, 21:100458, 14 p.

Can fair trade resolve the "hungry farmer paradox"? Sirdey Ninon, Lemeilleur Sylvaine. 2021. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 102 : 81-106.
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Defense response to Hemileia vastatrix in susceptible grafts onto resistant rootstock of Coffea arabica L. Couttolenc-Brenis Edgar, Carrion Gloria, Villain Luc, Ortega-Escalona Fernando, Mata-Rosas Martín, Méndez-Bravo Alfonso. 2021. Agronomy (Basel), 11:1621, 17 p.

Enhancing the adoption worldwide of Arabica hybrids through implementation of on-farm trials, transfer of propagation techniques and stakeholder dialog platforms. Etienne Hervé, Georget Frederic, Ruiz Teresa, Bordeaux Mélanie, Leroy Thierry, Penot Eric, Marraccini Pierre, Vaast Philippe, Courtel Philippe, Turreira-Garcia Nerea, Ehabe Ejolle Eugène, Nyambi Gwendoline, Njiayouom Ibrahim, Billa Samuel, Bertrand Benoît, Do Vinh Nang, Nguyen Chang, Nguyen Van, Luu Quyen, Nguyen Hung Phi, Bueso Valera Carlos, Skovmand Bosselmann Aske. 2021. In : 28th Conference of Association for the Science and Information on Coffee - Books of abstracts. ASIC. Montpellier : ASIC, Résumé, p. 127. Conference of Association for the Science and Information on Coffee (ASIC 2021). 28, Montpellier, France, 28 Juin 2021/1 Juillet 2021.

Epidemics and the future of coffee production. Rhiney Kevon, Guido Zack, Knudson Chris, Avelino Jacques, Bacon Christopher M., Leclerc Grégoire, Aime M. Catherine, Bebber Daniel P.. 2021. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118 (27):e2023212118, 10 p.

Evaluation of genotype – environment interactions of new Coffea arabica F1 hybrids planted in North-West provinces of Vietnam. Rigal Clément, Sarzynski Thuan, Nguyen Chang, Nguyen Trung, Nguyen Kim, Nguyen Van, Lu Yen, Luu Quyen, Nguyen Hung Phi, Vaast Philippe, Etienne Hervé, Marraccini Pierre. 2021. In : 28th Conference of Association for the Science and Information on Coffee - Books of abstracts. ASIC. Montpellier : ASIC, Résumé, p. 264. Conference of Association for the Science and Information on Coffee (ASIC 2021). 28, Montpellier, France, 28 Juin 2021/1 Juillet 2021.

From the herbarium back to the forest: a successful collection of wild Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) in Guinea. Labouisse Jean-Pierre, Diabaté Moussa, Kone Falaye, Rivallan Ronan, Diabaté Mohamed. 2021. . Montpellier : ASIC, 1 p. Conference of Association for the Science and Information on Coffee (ASIC 2021). 28, Montpellier, France, 28 Juin 2021/1 Juillet 2021.

Genomic characterization of 10 Vietnamese elite clones of Robusta (Coffea canephora). Vi Bao Tram, Cubry Philippe, Marraccini Pierre, Dinh Thi Tieu Oanh, Phan Viet Ha, Khong Ngan Giang, Poncet Valérie. 2021. In : 28th Conference of Association for the Science and Information on Coffee - Books of abstracts. ASIC. Montpellier : ASIC, Résumé, p. 163. Conference of Association for the Science and Information on Coffee (ASIC 2021). 28, Montpellier, France, 28 Juin 2021/1 Juillet 2021.

Identification and characterization of Vietnamese coffee bacterial endophytes displaying in vitro antifungal and nematicidal activities. Duong Benoit, Nguyen Xuan Hoa, Phan Viet Ha, Colella Stefano, Trinh Quang Phap, Hoang Thi Giang, Nguyen Thi Tuyet, Marraccini Pierre, Lebrun Michel, Duponnois Robin. 2021. Microbiological Research, 242:126613, 13 p.

Identification of bacterial endophytes of interest for coffee crop in Vietnam. Duong Benoit, Nguyen H.X., Phan H.V., Colella Stefano, Trinh Quang Phap, Hoang Giang Thi, Nguyen Thanh T., Marraccini Pierre, Lebrun Marc, Duponnois Robin. 2021. In : 28th Conference of Association for the Science and Information on Coffee - Books of abstracts. ASIC. Montpellier : ASIC, p. 89. Conference of Association for the Science and Information on Coffee (ASIC 2021). 28, Montpellier, France, 28 Juin 2021/1 Juillet 2021.

Molecular and environmental triggering factors of pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporum and F. solani isolates involved in the coffee corky-root disease. Gamboa-Becerra Roberto, Lopez-Lima Daniel, Villain Luc, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Carrion Gloria, Desgarennes Damaris. 2021. Journal of Fungi, 7 (4), n.spéc. Plant and Fungal Interactions:253, 23 p.

Photoperiod-dependent transcriptional modifications in key metabolic pathways in Coffea arabica. Djerrab Doaa, Bertrand Benoît, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Leran Sophie, Dechamp Eveline, Campa Claudine, Barrachina Célia, Conejero Geneviève, Etienne Hervé, Sulpice Ronan. 2021. Tree Physiology, 41 (2) : 302-316.

Rehabilitation and renovation of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) agroforestry systems. A review. Somarriba Eduardo, Peguero Felipe, Cerda Rolando, Orozco-Aguilar Luis, López-Sampson Arlene, Leandro Munoz Mariela Eugenia, Jagoret Patrick, Sinclair Fergus L.. 2021. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 41:64, 19 p.

Safeguarding the diversity of species of the genus Coffea in Réunion Island. Joët Thierry, Labouisse Jean-Pierre, Dussert Stéphane, Couturon Emmanuel, Fock-Bastide Isabelle, Seguin Marc, Lashermes Philippe. 2021. . Montpellier : ASIC, 1 p. Conference of Association for the Science and Information on Coffee (ASIC 2021). 28, Montpellier, France, 28 Juin 2021/1 Juillet 2021.

Water-use efficiency of new Coffea arabica F1 hybrids undergoing different water availability in an agroforestry system. Sarzynski Thuan, Marraccini Pierre, Etienne Hervé, Nguyen Chang, Nguyen Hai Thy Thanh, Nguyen Trung, Nguyen Kim, Nguyen Van, Lu Yen, Luu Quyen, Nguyen Hung Phi, Rigal Clément, Vaast Philippe. 2021. In : 28th Conference of Association for the Science and Information on Coffee - Books of abstracts. ASIC. Montpellier : ASIC, Résumé, p. 162. Conference of Association for the Science and Information on Coffee (ASIC 2021). 28, Montpellier, France, 28 Juin 2021/1 Juillet 2021.

5-CQA and mangiferin, two leaf biomarkers of adaptation to full sun or shade conditions in Coffea arabica L. Duangsodsri Teerarat, Villain Luc, Vestalys Ialy Rojo, Michalet Serge, Abdallah Cécile, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Bordeaux Mélanie, Villegas Andres Mauricio, Raherimandimby Marson, Legendre Laurent, Etienne Hervé, Bertrand Benoît, Campa Claudine. 2020. Metabolites, 10 (10):383, 22 p.

Chemometric evaluation of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) and coffee (Coffea spp.) germplasm using HPTLC. Lebot Vincent, Melteras Marie, Pilecki André, Labouisse Jean-Pierre. 2020. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 67 (4) : 895-911.
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Coffee farmers' incentives to comply with sustainability standards. Lemeilleur Sylvaine, Subervie Julie, Presoto Anderson Edilson, Souza Piao Roberta, Saes Maria Sylvia M.. 2020. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 10 (4) : 365-383.

Coffee microbiota and its potential use in sustainable crop management. A review. Duong Benoit, Marraccini Pierre, Maeght Jean-Luc, Vaast Philippe, Lebrun Michel, Duponnois Robin. 2020. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4:607935, 31 p.

Contribution to a renewed framework to analyse the interactions between family and capitalist agriculture. Pédelahore Philippe, Uwizeyimana Laurien, Wainaina Juliet, Toko Claude, Vaast Philippe. 2020. Journal of Agrarian Change, 20 (3) : 485-503.
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DynACof: A process-based model to study growth, yield and ecosystem services of coffee agroforestry systems. Vezy Rémi, Le Maire Guerric, Christina Mathias, Georgiou Selena, Imbach Pablo, Hidalgo Hugo G., Alfaro Eric J., Blitz-Frayret Céline, Charbonnier Fabien, Lehner Peter, Loustau Denis, Roupsard Olivier. 2020. Environmental Modelling and Software, 124:104609, 25 p.
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Evolutionarily conserved plant genes responsive to root-knot nematodes identified by comparative genomics. Zotta Mota Ana, Fernandez Diana, Arraes Fabricio B.M., Petitot Anne-Sophie, Paes de Melo Bruno, Lisei de Sa Maria E., Grynberg Priscila, Passos Saraiva Mario A., Messenberg Guimaraes Patricia, Brasileiro Ana Christina Miranda, Albuquerque Erika Valeria Saliba, Danchin Etienne G. J., Grossi-de-Sa Maria Fatima. 2020. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 295 (4) : 1063-1078.

Flavor precursors and sensory attributes of coffee submitted to different post-harvest processing. Good Kitzberger Cíntia Sorane, Pot David, Marraccini Pierre, Protasio Pereira Luiz Filipe, Dos Santos Scholz Maria Brigida. 2020. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 5 (4) : 700-714.

Fungal diversity and Fusarium oxysporum pathogenicity associated with coffee corky-root disease in Mexico. Lopez-Lima Daniel, Carrion Gloria, Sanchez-Nava Petra, Desgarennes Damaris, Villain Luc. 2020. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 52 (1) : 276-292.

G x E interactions on yield and quality in Coffea arabica: New F1 hybrids outperform American cultivars. Marie Lison, Abdallah Cécile, Campa Claudine, Courtel Philippe, Bordeaux Mélanie, Navarini Luciano, Lonzarich Valentina, Skovmand Bosselmann Aske, Turreira-Garcia Nerea, Alpizar Edgardo, Georget Frederic, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Etienne Hervé, Bertrand Benoît. 2020. Euphytica, 216:78, 17 p.

Gene expression in coffee. Marraccini Pierre. 2020. In : Progress in botany. Cánovas F.M. (ed.), Lüttge U. (ed.), Risueño MC. (ed.), Pretzsch H. (ed.). Cham : Springer, 43-111. (Progress in Botany, 82) ISBN 978-3-030-68619-2

Integrating diversity of smallholder coffee cropping systems in environmental analysis. Acosta Alba Ivonne, Boissy Joachim, Chia Eduardo, Andrieu Nadine. 2020. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 25 : 252-266.

Local agroforestry knowledge and development of an online decision-support tool ( for selection of trees to be associated to coffee in Southeast Asia and beyond. Phuong Mai, Mai Phuong N., Lépine Mathilde, Rigal Clément, Thuong Thi Hong Nguyen, Duong Minh Tuan, Vaast Philippe. 2020. In : FTA 2020 Science Conference: Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change: Book of abstracts. Gitz V., Meybeck A., Ricci F., Belcher B., Brady M.A., Coccia F., Elias M., Jamnadass R., Kettle C., Larson A., Li Y., Louman B., Martius C., Minang P., Sinclair F., Sist P., Somarriba E. (editors). Bogor : CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), 116. FTA 2020 Science Conference: Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change, Bogor, Indonésie, 14 Septembre 2020/25 Septembre 2020.

The bacterial microbiome of Meloidogyne-based disease complex in coffee and tomato. Lamelas Araceli, Desgarennes Damaris, Lopez-Lima Daniel, Villain Luc, Alonso-Sanchez Alexandro G., Artacho Alejandro, Latorre Amparo, Moya Andrés, Carrion Gloria. 2020. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11:136, 13 p.

An innovative automated active compound screening system allows high-throughput optimization of somatic embryogenesis in Coffea arabica. Awada Rayan, Verdier Dorothée, Froger Solène, Brulard Eric, de Faria Maraschin Simone, Etienne Hervé, Breton David. 2020. Scientific Reports, 10:810, 14 p.

Agroforestry partnerships in cocoa and coffee sectors: an opportunity for sustainable value chains? Pledran Oriane, Phélinas P., Torquebiau Emmanuel. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, Résumé, p. 306. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.

Can Insetting create a win-win partnership between chocolate makers and cocoa farmers? Pledran Oriane, Phélinas P., Torquebiau Emmanuel. 2019. In : 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. Dupraz Christian (ed.), Gosme Marie (ed.), Lawson Gerry (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, World Agroforestry, Agropolis International, MUSE. Montpellier : CIRAD-INRA, Résumé, p. 627. World Congress on Agroforestry. 4, Montpellier, France, 20 Mai 2019/22 Mai 2019.

Functional traits of coffee along a shade and fertility gradient in coffee agroforestry systems. Buchanan Serra, Isaac Marney E., Van den Meersche Karel, Martin Adam R.. 2019. Agroforestry Systems, 93 (4) : 1261-1273.
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Starmaya: The first arabica F1 coffee hybrid produced using genetic male sterility. Georget Frederic, Marie Lison, Alpizar Edgardo, Courtel Philippe, Bordeaux Mélanie, Hidalgo Martin, Marraccini Pierre, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Dechamp Eveline, Poncon Clément, Etienne Hervé, Bertrand Benoît. 2019. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:1344, 13 p.

Unravelling the metabolic and hormonal machinery during key steps of somatic embryogenesis: A case study in coffee. Awada Rayan, Campa Claudine, Gibault Estelle, Dechamp Eveline, Georget Frederic, Lepelley Maud, Abdallah Cécile, Erban Alexander, Martinez-Seidel Federico, Kopka Joachim, Legendre Laurent, Leran Sophie, Conejero Geneviève, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Crouzillat Dominique, Breton David, Bertrand Benoît, Etienne Hervé. 2019. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20 (19):4665, 29 p.


Coffee somatic embryogenesis: How did research, experience gained and innovations promote the commercial propagation of elite clones from the two cultivated species. Etienne Hervé, Breton David, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Bertrand Benoît, Dechamp Eveline, Awada Rayan, Marraccini Pierre, Leran Sophie, Alpizar Edgardo, Campa Claudine, Courtel Philippe, Georget Frederic, Ducos Jean-Paul. 2018. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:1630, 21p.

Farmer perception and utilization of leaf functional traits in managing agroecosystems. Isaac Marney E., Cerda Rolando, Rapidel Bruno, Martin Adam R., Dickinson Adam K., Sibelet Nicole. 2018. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55 (1) : 69-80.
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FertExpert-Coffee: An innovative solution to calculate the fertilizer formula most suited to the actual conditions of each plantation in a group of coffee plantations. Snoeck Didier, Laurent Jean-Baptiste, Durini Nicolas, Dromard Marine. 2018. . Portland : ASIC, 1 poster ASIC Biennal conference (Association for Science and Information on Coffee). 27, Portland, États-Unis, 16 Septembre 2018/20 Septembre 2018.

Nematode parasites of coffee and cocoa. Villain Luc, Lima Salgada Sônia M., Trinh Phap Quang. 2018. In : Plant parasitic nematodes in subtropical and tropical agriculture. Sikora Richard A. (ed.), Coyne Danny (ed.), Hallmann Johannes (ed.), Timper Patricia (ed.). Wallingford : CABI, 536-583. ISBN 978-1-78639-124-7

Nucleotide diversity of the coding and promoter rRegions of DREB1D, a candidate gene for drought tolerance in Coffea Species. Costa Alves Gabriel Sergio, Ferreira Torres Luana, De Aquino Oliveira Sinara, Reichel Tharyn, Freire Luciana Pereira, Gomes Vieira Natalia, Vinecky Felipe, This Dominique, Pot David, Etienne Hervé, Vilela Paiva Luciano, Marraccini Pierre, Carvalho Andrade Alan. 2018. Tropical Plant Biology, 11 (1-2) : 31-48.
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Rust and thinning management effect on cup quality and plant performance for two cultivars of Coffea arabica L. Echeverria-Beirute Fabian, Murray Seth C., Klein Patricia E., Kerth Chris, Miller Rhonda, Bertrand Benoît. 2018. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66 (21) : 5281-5292.
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Semejanza entre el crecimiento en vivero de cafetos (Coffea arabica L.) obtenidos por embriogénesis somática y por semillas. Hermoso Gallardo Luis, Suárez-Villasmil Lourdes, Etienne Hervé, Bertrand Benoît, Barry-Etienne Dominique, Menendez-Yuffa Andrea. 2018. Revista Biodiversidad Neotropical, 8 (3):156, 11 p.

Coffee fermentation. Fontana Angélique, Durand Noël. 2017. In : Fermented foods. Part II: Technological interventions. Ray Ramesh C. (ed.), Montet Didier (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 306-323. (Food Biology Series) ISBN 978-1-1386-3784-9

Differential fine-tuning of gene expression regulation in coffee leaves by CcDREB1D promoter haplotypes under water deficit. Costa Alves Gabriel Sergio, Ferreira Torres Luana, Dechamp Eveline, Breitler Jean-Christophe, Joët Thierry, Gatineau Frédéric, Carvalho Andrade Alan, Bertrand Benoît, Marraccini Pierre, Etienne Hervé. 2017. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68 (11) : 3017-3031.

Inoculation with selected Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast in coffee fermentation : Pilot- and industrial-scale evaluations of the impact on the process and coffee quality. Berthiot Laurent, Lahon Marie-Christine, Alter Pascaline, Bertrand Benoît, Durand Noel, Boulanger Renaud, Maraval Isabelle, Ortiz-Julien Anne, Sieczkowski Nathallie. 2017. . Universita Del Piemonte Orientale, Universita Degli Studi Di Torino. Turin : Universita Del Piemonte Orientale, Résumé, 1 p. International Conference on Cocoa Coffee and Tea 2017. 4, Turin, Italie, 25 Juin 2017/28 Juin 2017.

Adaptation of Coffea arabica F1 hybrids to various environmental conditions. Charmetant Pierre, Thimpson M.M., Silva Bruna S.R., Marraccini Pierre, Veiga A., Mouen J., Andrade Alan A., Pereira Luiz Filipe P., Leroy Thierry. 2016. . Kunming : ASIC, 1 poster International Conference on Coffee Science. 26, Kunming, Chine, 13 Novembre 2016/19 Novembre 2016.

Participatory simulation to test incentives for provisioning ecosystem services in agroforestry systems. Costa Rica. Bonifazi Mathide, Le Coq Jean-François, Rapidel Bruno, Sibelet Nicole, Freguin Sandrine, Ferrand Nils. 2016. In : EcoSummit 2016 - Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Change. INRA, IRD. Montpellier : INRA, Résumé, 1 p. International EcoSummit Congress 2016, Montpellier, France, 29 Août 2016/1 Septembre 2016.

Dinamica del nitrogeno en el sistema agroforestal Coffea arabica con Eucalyptus deglupta en la zona sur de Costa Rica. Avila Hector, Harmand Jean-Michel, Dambrine Etienne, Jimenez Francisco, Beer John, Oliver Robert. 2004. AgroForestería en las Américas, 11 (41-42) : 83-91.

Molecular and biochemical characterization of endo-beta-mannanases from germinating coffee (Coffea arabica) grains. Marraccini Pierre, Rogers William John, Allard Cyril, André Marie-Laure, Caillet Victoria, Lacoste Nicolas, Lausanne Françoise, Michaux Stéphane. 2001. Planta, 213 : 296-308.

Biochemical and molecular characterization and expression of the 11S-type storage protein from Coffea arabica endosperm. Rogers William John, Bezard Vincent, Deshayes Alain, Meyer Inge, Pétiard Vincent, Marraccini Pierre. 1999. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 37 (4) : 261-272.

Molecular cloning of the complete 11S seed storage protein gene of Coffea arabica and promoter analysis in transgenic tobacco plants. Marraccini Pierre, Deshayes Alain, Pétiard Vincent, Rogers William John. 1999. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 37 (4) : 273-282.

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