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Nombre de documents : 112.


Central American and Caribbean population history of the Pseudocercospora fijiensis fungus responsible for the latest worldwide pandemics on banana. Carlier Jean, Robert Stéphanie, Roussel Véronique, Chilin-Charles Yolande, Lubin Adjanoh Nadia, Gilabert Aude, Abadie Catherine. 2021. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 148:103528, 10 p.
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Complex taxonomy of the 'brush tail' peregrine earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus. Taheri S., James S., Roy Virginie, Decaëns Thibaud, Williams B.W., Anderson F., Rougerie Rodolphe, Chang C.H., Brown George G., Cunha L., Stanton D.W.G., da Silva E., Chen J.H., Lemmon A.R., Moriarty Lemmon E., Bartz Marie L.C., Baretta D., Barois L., Lapied E., Coulis Mathieu, Dupont Lise. 2018. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 124 : 60-70.

Improving soil and nutrient management for cacao cultivation. Snoeck Didier, Dubos Bernard. 2018. In : Achieving sustainable cultivation of cocoa. Umaharan Pathmanathan (ed.). Cambridge : Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 225-236. (Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science) ISBN 978-1-78676-168-2

The international coconut genetic resources network – COGENT. Chapter 1. Introduction to the Global Coconut Strategy. Bourdeix Roland, Thomas George V., Allou Kouassi. 2018. In : A global strategy for the conservation and use of coconut genetic resources, 2018-2028. Bourdeix Roland (ed.), Prades Alexia (ed.). Montpellier : Biodiversity International, 22-24. ISBN 978-92-9043-984-4


Deciphering the Theobroma cacao self-incompatibility system: from genomics to diagnostic markers for self-compatibility. Lanaud Claire, Fouet Olivier, Legavre Thierry, Lopes Uilson Vanderlei, Sounigo Olivier, Eyango Marie Claire, Mermaz Benoit, da Silva Marcos Ramos, Loor Solorzano Rey Gaston, Argout Xavier, Gyapay Gabor, Ebaiarrey Herman Ebai, Colonges Kelly, Sanier Christine, Rivallan Ronan, Mastin Géraldine, Cryer Nicholas, Boccara Michel, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Efombagn Mousseni Ives Bruno, Peres Gramacho Karina, Clément Didier. 2017. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68 (17) : 4775-4790.

Fall armyworm migration across the Lesser Antilles and the potential for genetic exchanges between North and South American populations. Nagoshi Rodney N., Fleischer Shelby, Meagher Robert L., Hay-Roe Mirian, Khan Ayub, Murúa M. Gabirela, Silvie Pierre, Vergara Clorinda, Westbrook John. 2017. PloS One, 12 (2):e0171743, 18 p.


Association mapping of seed and disease resistance traits in Theobroma cacao L. Motilal Lambert A., Zhang Dapeng, Mischke Sue, Meinhardt Lyndel W., Boccara Michel, Fouet Olivier, Lanaud Claire, Umaharan Pathmanathan. 2016. Planta, 244 (6) : 1265-1276.

Impact of fermentation on nitrogenous compounds of cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao L.) from various origins. Hue Clotilde, Günata Ziya, Breysse A., Davrieux Fabrice, Boulanger Renaud, Sauvage François-Xavier. 2016. Food Chemistry, 192 : 958-964.

PCR-based identification of cacao black pod causal agents and identification of biological factors possibly contributing to Phytophthora megakarya's field dominance in West Africa. Ali Shahin, Amoako-Attah Ishmael, Bailey Rebecca, Strem Mary, Schmidt Martha, Yaw Akrofi Andrew, Surujdeo-Maharaj Surendra, Kolawole Oluwaseun O., Begoude Dider, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Goss Erica, Phillips-Mora Wilbert, Meinhardt Lyndel W., Bailey Bryan. 2016. Plant Pathology, 65 (7) : 1095-1108.
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An untargeted metabolomic assessment of cocoa beans during fermentation. Mayorga-Gross A.L., Quirós-Guerrero L.M., Fourny Gérard, Vaillant Fabrice. 2016. Food Research International, 89 (Part 2) : 901-909.


Identification of Theobroma cacao genes differentially expressed during Phytophthora megakarya infection. Legavre Thierry, Ducamp Michel, Sabau Xavier, Argout Xavier, Fouet Olivier, Dedieu Frédéric, Surujdeo-Maharaj Surendra, Garcia Dominique, Paulin Didier, Lanaud Claire. 2015. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 92 : 1-13.


Identification, characterization and mapping of EST-derived SSRs from the cacao-Ceratocystis cacaofunesta interaction. Ferreira Santos Rogério Mercês, Clément Didier, Santos Lima Livia, Legravre Thierry, Lanaud Claire, Schnell Raymond J., Pires José Luis, Lopes Uilson Vanderlei, Micheli Fabienne, Gramacho Karina Peres. 2013. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 9 (1) : 117-127.


Discovery and mapping of a new expressed sequence tag-single nucleotide polymorphism and simple sequence repeat panel for large-scale genetic studies and breeding of Theobroma cacao L. Allègre Mathilde, Argout Xavier, Boccara Michel, Fouet Olivier, Roguet Yolande, Bérard Aurélie, Thévenin Jean-Marc, Chauveau Aurélie, Rivallan Ronan, Clément Didier, Courtois Brigitte, Gramacho Karina Peres, Boland-Auge Anne, Tahi Mathias Gnion, Umaharan Pathmanathan, Brunel Dominique, Lanaud Claire. 2012. DNA Research, 19 (1) : 23-35.

Elucidation of genetic identity and population structure of cacao germplasm within an international cacao genebank. Motilal Lambert A., Zhang Dapeng, Umaharan Pathmanathan, Boccara Michel, Mischke Sue, Sankar Antoinette, Meinhardt Lyndel W.. 2012. Plant Genetic Resources, 10 (3) : 232-241.

Wide genetic diversity of Ralstonia solanacearum strains affecting tomato in Trinidad, West Indies. Ramsubhag A., Lawrence D., Cassie D., Fraser R., Umaharan Pathmanathan, Prior Philippe, Wicker Emmanuel. 2012. Plant Pathology, 61 (5) : 844-857.


Animal leptospirosis in small tropical areas. Desvars A., Cardinale Eric, Michault Alain. 2011. Epidemiology and Infection, 139 (1) : 167-188.

Comparative organoleptic evaluations of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) accessions from the International Clone Trial by three sensory panels over two years. Sukha Darin A., Seguine E.S., Assemat Sophie, Butler David R., Cilas Christian, Ribeyre Fabienne, Seni Gilles, Cros Emile, Davrieux Fabrice, Eskes Albertus. 2011. In : Collaborative and participatory approaches to cocoa variety improvement : final report of the CFC/ICCO/Biodiversity international project on "Cocoa productivity and quality improvement: a participatory approach" (2004-2010). Eskes Albertus (ed.). CFC, Bioversity International, ICCO. Amsterdam : CFC, 128-141. (CFC Technical paper, 59) ISBN 978-92-9043-884-7

Comparisons of agronomic and resistance traits for the international clone trial. Eskes Albertus. 2011. In : Collaborative and participatory approaches to cocoa variety improvement : final report of the CFC/ICCO/Biodiversity international project on "Cocoa productivity and quality improvement: a participatory approach" (2004-2010). Eskes Albertus (ed.). CFC, Bioversity International, ICCO. Amsterdam : CFC, 124-127. (CFC Technical paper, 59) ISBN 978-92-9043-884-7

Extensive settlement of the invasive MEAM1 population of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in the Caribbean and rare detection of indigenous populations. Muñiz Yudilai, Granier Martine, Caruth C., Umaharan Pathmanathan, Marchal Céline, Pavis Claudie, Wicker Emmanuel, Martínez Yamila, Peterschmitt Michel. 2011. Environmental Entomology, 40 (5) : 989-998.


Application of an early screening test for witches' broom resistance in cocoa progenies. Thévenin Jean-Marc, Holder Annelle, Butler David R., Cilas Christian, Eskes Albertus. 2010. In : 15th International Cocoa Research Conference : cocoa productivity, quality, profitability, human health and the environment = 15e Conférence internationale sur la recherche cacaoyère : Productivité, qualité, rentabilité du cacao, santé humaine et environnement ; 15 Conferencia Internacional de Pesquisas em Cacau. Cacau : produtividade, qualidade, rentabilidade, saude humanna e amb. Lagos : Cocoa Producers' Alliance, 575-584. Conférence internationale sur la recherche cacaoyère. 15, San José, Costa Rica, 9 Octobre 2006/14 Octobre 2006.

Characterization of cocoa clones from different origins for purine contents predicted by NIRS. Davrieux Fabrice, Assemat Sophie, Boulanger Renaud, Sukha Darin A., Eskes Albertus, Paulin Didier, Cros Emile. 2010. In : 16th International Cocoa Research Conference. Proceedings : towards rational cocoa production and efficient use ofr a sustainable world cocoa economy = 16e Conférence internationale sur la recherche cacaoyère.Actes ; 16 Conferencia Internacional de Pesquisas em Cacau. Actas ; 16 Conferencia Internacional de investigacion en cacao. Actas : vers une économie cacaoyère durable : quelles stratégies d'approche ? ; para uma produção racional de cacau e o seu uso eficiente para uma economia mundial sustentada do cacau ; hacia una produccion racional y un uso eficiente del cacao para la sustentabilitd. Lagos : Cocoa Producers' Alliance, 823-829. ISBN 978-065-959-5 Conférence Internationale sur la Recherche Cacaoyère. 16, Bali, Indonésie, 16 Novembre 2009/21 Novembre 2009.

Determining fermentation levels and flavan-3-ol contents in dried cocoa by near infrared spectroscopy. Davrieux Fabrice, Boulanger Renaud, Assemat Sophie, Portillo Elvis, Cros Emile. 2010. In : 15th International Cocoa Research Conference : cocoa productivity, quality, profitability, human health and the environment = 15e Conférence internationale sur la recherche cacaoyère : Productivité, qualité, rentabilité du cacao, santé humaine et environnement ; 15 Conferencia Internacional de Pesquisas em Cacau. Cacau : produtividade, qualidade, rentabilidade, saude humanna e amb. Lagos : Cocoa Producers' Alliance, 1521-1528. Conférence internationale sur la recherche cacaoyère. 15, San José, Costa Rica, 9 Octobre 2006/14 Octobre 2006.

Histoire d'une collection unique aux Antilles : le manguier. Calabre Corinne, Le Bellec Fabrice. 2010. Les Antilles Agricole (19) : 24-25.

Some environmental effects on the flavour attributes of selected cocoa (Theobroma cacao l.) varieties. Sukha Darin A., Butler David R., Davrieux Fabrice. 2010. In : 15th International Cocoa Research Conference : cocoa productivity, quality, profitability, human health and the environment = 15e Conférence internationale sur la recherche cacaoyère : Productivité, qualité, rentabilité du cacao, santé humaine et environnement ; 15 Conferencia Internacional de Pesquisas em Cacau. Cacau : produtividade, qualidade, rentabilidade, saude humanna e amb. Lagos : Cocoa Producers' Alliance, 1397-1404. Conférence internationale sur la recherche cacaoyère. 15, San José, Costa Rica, 9 Octobre 2006/14 Octobre 2006.


Identification de gènes de Theobroma cacao différemment exprimés pendant une infection par Phytophthora megakarya. Legavre Thierry, Ducamp Michel, Sabau Xavier, Argout Xavier, Surujdeo-Maharaj Surendra, Paulin Didier, Lanaud Claire. 2009. In : Towards rational cocoa production and efficient use for a sustainable word coca economy : 16th International Cocoa Resarch Conference = 16ème Conférence internationale sur la recherche cacaoyère, Bali, Indonésie, 16-21 novembre 2009. s.l. : s.n., Résumé, 153. Conférence Internationale sur la Recherche Cacaoyère. 16, Bali, Indonésie, 16 Novembre 2009/21 Novembre 2009.

Inheritance of components of resistance of cocoa to vegetative infection by Moniliophthora perniciosa evaluated through agar-droplet inoculations and correlations with field. Surujdeo-Maharaj Surendra, Umaharan Pathmanathan, Eskes Albertus, Thévenin Jean-Marc, Butler David R.. 2009. In : Proceedings of the international workshop on cocoa breeding for farmers' needs, 15th - 17th October 2006, San José, Costa Rica. Eskes Albertus (ed.), Efron Yoel (ed.), End M.J. (ed.), Bekele Frances L. (ed.). INGENIC, CATIE. Reading : INGENIC, 142-155. ISBN 1-900527-04-9 International Workshop on Cocoa Breeding for Farmers¿ Needs. 5, San José, Costa Rica, 15 Octobre 2006/17 Octobre 2006.

Rapport de mission à Trinidad et Tobago. Du 25 janvier au 5 février 2009. Thévenin Jean-Marc. 2009. Montpellier : CIRAD, 16 p. N° de rapport : N°A-31 2009/01


Cocoa clones manual, version 1.1 Trial. Sankar Antoinette, Motilal Lambert A., Johnson Elizabeth S., Bidaisee Gillian, Bekele Frances L., Boccara Michel, Butler David R.. 2008. Saint Augustine : CRU, 1 Cd-Rom

Report on the mission to Trinidad and Tobago, from 7 to 17 February 2008. Thévenin Jean-Marc. 2008. Montpellier : CIRAD-BIOS, 22 p. N° de rapport : CIRAD-PERSYST N° 2187


Is genetic variation for sensory traits of cocoa pulp related to fine flavour cocoa traits? Eskes Albertus, Guarda D., Garcia L., Garcia R.. 2007. Ingenic newsletter (11) : 22-28.

Rapport de mission à Trinidad du 18 au 25 novembre 2006. Julia Jean-François, Baudouin Luc. 2007. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 44 p. N° de rapport : CP_60

The contribution of the collaborative USDA/CRU project to resolve identity issues for trees in Marper Farm with missing labels. Boccara Michel, Zhang Dapeng. 2007. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 2006. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 25-32.


Report on the mission to Trinidad from 18 to 25 november 2006. Julia Jean-François, Baudoin L.. 2006. Montpellier : CIRAD, 50 p.


Assessing the genetic diversity in the International cocoa genebank, trinidad (ICG, T) using isozyme electrophoresis and RAPD. Sounigo Olivier, Umaharan Romina, Christopher Yvette, Sankar Antoinette, Ramdahin Stacy. 2005. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 52 (8) : 1111-1120.

Relationships between black pod and witches' broom diseases in Theobroma cacao. Thévenin Jean-Marc, Umaharan Romina, Surujdeo-Maharaj Surendra, Latchman Balram M., Cilas Christian, Butler David R.. 2005. Phytopathology, 95 (11) : 1301-1307.


Description of the CFC/ICCO/IPGRI project collection. Sounigo Olivier, Bekele Frances L., Iwaro A.D., Thévenin Jean-Marc, Bidaisee Gillian, Umaharan Romina, Sankar Antoinette, Sukha Darin A., Motilal Lambert A., Butler David R., Eskes Albertus. 2004. In : Cocoa germplasm improvement: global and participatory approaches. CFC, ICCO, IPGRI. Rome : IPGRI, Diaporama, (25 vues) CFC/ICCO/IPGRI Projects Workshop, Reading, Royaume-Uni, 28 Mars 2004/3 Avril 2004.

Evaluation of cacao disease resistance under natural conditions of infection (CFC Project). Thévenin Jean-Marc, Umaharan Romina. 2004. In : Cocoa germplasm improvement: global and participatory approaches. CFC, ICCO, IPGRI. Rome : IPGRI, Diaporama, (38 vues) CFC/ICCO/IPGRI Projects Workshop, Reading, Royaume-Uni, 28 Mars 2004/3 Avril 2004.

Evaluation of cacao germplasm for resistance to Witches'Broom disease under controlled conditions. Umaharan Romina, Thévenin Jean-Marc, Holder Annelle, Bhola Junior. 2004. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 2003. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 37-41.

Genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci for black pod resistance in cocoa. Lanaud Claire, Clément Didier, Flament Marie-Henriette, Risterucci Ange-Marie, Kébé Ismael S., Nyassé Salomon, Sounigo Olivier, Motilal Lambert A., Thévenin Jean-Marc, Paulin Didier, Ducamp Michel, N'Goran Jeanne A.K., Fargeas Dominique, Cilas Christian. 2004. In : Improvement of cocoa tree resistance to Phytophthora diseases. Cilas Christian (ed.), Despréaux Denis (ed.). Montpellier : CIRAD, 147-164. (Repères) ISBN 2-87614-562-6

Planting material screening by controlled inoculation. Thévenin Jean-Marc, Ducamp Michel, Kébé Ismael S., Tahi G.Mathias, Nyassé Salomon, Eskes Albertus. 2004. In : Improvement of cocoa tree resistance to Phytophthora diseases. Cilas Christian (ed.), Despréaux Denis (ed.). Montpellier : CIRAD, 103-145. (Repères) ISBN 2-87614-562-6

Problems and solutions adopted for clone multiplication. Iwaro A.D., Thévenin Jean-Marc, Umaharan Romina. 2004. In : Cocoa germplasm improvement: global and participatory approaches. CFC, ICCO, IPGRI. Rome : IPGRI, Diaporama, (16 vues) CFC/ICCO/IPGRI Projects Workshop, Reading, Royaume-Uni, 28 Mars 2004/3 Avril 2004.

Project populations proposed for exchange (according to local interest). Eskes Albertus. 2004. In : Cocoa germplasm improvement: global and participatory approaches. CFC, ICCO, IPGRI. Rome : IPGRI, Diaporama, (3 vues) CFC/ICCO/IPGRI Projects Workshop, Reading, Royaume-Uni, 28 Mars 2004/3 Avril 2004.

Resolving identity issues of cocoa clones using SSR markers. Boccara Michel, Motilal Lambert A., Sankar Antoinette. 2004. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 2003. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 22-25.

Ring test II. Assessment of cocoa resistance to Phytophthora : comparison of results obtained over 9 sites. Cilas Christian, Paulin Didier, Ducamp Michel, Eskes Albertus. 2004. In : Cocoa germplasm improvement: global and participatory approaches. CFC, ICCO, IPGRI. Rome : IPGRI, Diaporama, (14 vues) CFC/ICCO/IPGRI Projects Workshop, Reading, Royaume-Uni, 28 Mars 2004/3 Avril 2004.

Screening and evaluation of SSR primers in gel systems for the detection of off-types in cocoa field genebanks. Motilal Lambert A., Boccara Michel. 2004. Ingenic newsletter (9) : 21-26.

Validation studies on detached pod test and leaf disc inoculation. Iwaro A.D., Thévenin Jean-Marc. 2004. In : Cocoa germplasm improvement: global and participatory approaches. CFC, ICCO, IPGRI. Rome : IPGRI, Diaporama, (26 vues) CFC/ICCO/IPGRI Projects Workshop, Reading, Royaume-Uni, 28 Mars 2004/3 Avril 2004.

A rootstock-scion experiment with cocoa re-analysed for yield efficiency. Eskes Albertus, Lachenaud Philippe. 2004. Ingenic newsletter (9) : 43-45.


Begomovirus disease management for sustainable production to tomato in Caribbean. Annual report covering the period from 1 February 2002 to 31 January 2003 : INCO : International Scientific Cooperation Projects (1998-2002). Contract number : ICA4-2001-10002. Caruana Marie-Line (ed.), Urbino Cica (collab.), Holt John (collab.), Pavis Claudie (collab.), Umaharan Pathmanathan (collab.), Carrasco Domingo A (collab.), Martinez Zubiaur Yamila (collab.), Gomez Olympia (collab.). 2003. Montpellier : CIRAD-AMIS, 85 p.

Determination of cocoa purine content by near infrared spectroscopy. Davrieux Fabrice, Assemat Sophie, Boulanger Renaud, Cros Emile. 2003. In : 14th International Cocoa Research Conference, 13-18 October 2003, Accra, Ghana. Montpellier : Cirad, 1 p. Conférence Internationale sur la Recherche Cacaoyère. 14, Accra, Ghana, 13 Octobre 2003/18 Octobre 2003.

Field resistance of cocoa to Witches'Broom and black pod diseases. Thévenin Jean-Marc, Umaharan Romina, Latchman Balram M., Surujdeo-Maharaj Surendra. 2003. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 2002. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 33-38.

Mass screening for resistance to Witches'Broom disease under grennhouse conditions. Umaharan Romina, Thévenin Jean-Marc, Mosca Yulgye, Bhola Junior. 2003. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 2002. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 39-43.

The collaborative CRU/USDA cocoa DNA fingerprinting project: progress report. Boccara Michel, Butler David R., Motilal Lambert A., Sankar Antoinette, Bekele Frances L.. 2003. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 2002. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 24-26.


Evaluation of cocoa germplasm for resistance to Witches'Broom disease. Umaharan Romina, Thévenin Jean-Marc, Surujdeo-Maharaj Surendra. 2002. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 2001. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 38-41.

Preliminary results from chemical analyses of selected cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) accessions: trainig experiences at CIRAD. Sukha Darin A., Cros Emile, Assemat Sophie, Davrieux Fabrice, Butler David R.. 2002. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 2001. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 55-61.

Rootstocks for cacao. Purdy L.H., Eskes Albertus. 2002. Ingenic Newsletter (7) : 15-16.

Sampling strategies for DNA extraction in the USDA fingerprinting project. Boccara Michel, Johnson Elizabeth S., Butler David R., Bekele Frances L., Motilal Lambert A., Sankar Antoinette, Sounigo Olivier, O'Connor Clare, Williams C.. 2002. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 2001. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 18-22.


Estimation of the level of heterozygosity of 570 cocoa clones using isozyme electrophoresis. Sounigo Olivier, Umaharan Romina, Sankar Antoinette, Ramdahin Stacy. 2001. Ingenic Newsletter (6) : 15-18.

Etude de la diversité génétique du cacaoyer à l'aide des RAPD. Sounigo Olivier, Ramdahin Stacy, Christopher Yvette. 2001. In : 13th International Cocoa Research Conference. Proceedings : Towards the effective and optimum promotion of cocoa through research and development = 13e Conférence Internationale sur la Recherche Cacaoyère. Actes ; 13 Conferencia Internacional de Pesquisas em Cacau. Atas ; 13 Conferencia Internacional de Investigacion en Cacao. Actas : Vers la promotion efficace et optimum du cacao par la recherche et le développement ; Para um melhor e efetivo desenvolvimento do cacau atraves da pesquisa e do aperfeicoamento ; En pos de una promocion optima y efectiva del cacao mediante la investigacion y. MCB. Lagos : Cocoa Producers' Alliance, 119-125. ISBN 983-40740-0-X Conférence Internationale sur la Recherche Cacaoyère. 13, Kota Kinabalu, Malaisie, 9 Octobre 2000/14 Octobre 2000.

Evaluation and use of the genetic diversity present in the International Cocoa Genebank (ICG,T), in Trinidad. Sounigo Olivier, Christopher Yvette, Ramdahin Stacy, Umaharan Romina, Sankar Antoinette. 2001. In : Proceedings of the International workshop on new technologies and cocoa breeding. Bekele Frances L. (ed.), End Michelle (ed.), Eskes Albertus (ed.). INGENIC. Reading : INGENIC, 65-71. ISBN 1-900527-02-2 International Workshop on New Technologies and Cocoa Breeding. 3, Kota Kinabalu, Malaisie, 16 Octobre 2000/17 Octobre 2000.

Evaluation of cocoa germplasm for resistance to Witches'Broom disease. Umaharan Romina, Thévenin Jean-Marc, Surujdeo-Maharaj Surendra. 2001. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 2000. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 30-33.

Genetic diversity assessment using RAPD. Sounigo Olivier, Ramdahin Stacy, Sankar Antoinette. 2001. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 2000. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 22-27.

Rapport de mission à Trinidad Cocoa Research Unit, 8 au 15 février 2001. Petithuguenin Philippe. 2001. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 35 p. N° de rapport : CP_SIC 1328

Synthesis of studies on genetic basis of cocoa resistance to Phytophthora using molecular markers. Lanaud Claire, Flament Marie-Henriette, Nyassé Salomon, Risterucci Ange-Marie, Fargeas Dominique, Kébé Ismael S., Sounigo Olivier, Motilal Lambert A., Thévenin Jean-Marc, Paulin Didier, Ducamp Michel, Clément Didier, N'Goran Jeanne A.K., Cilas Christian. 2001. In : 13th International Cocoa Research Conference. Proceedings : Towards the effective and optimum promotion of cocoa through research and development = 13e Conférence Internationale sur la Recherche Cacaoyère. Actes ; 13 Conferencia Internacional de Pesquisas em Cacau. Atas ; 13 Conferencia Internacional de Investigacion en Cacao. Actas : Vers la promotion efficace et optimum du cacao par la recherche et le développement ; Para um melhor e efetivo desenvolvimento do cacau atraves da pesquisa e do aperfeicoamento ; En pos de una promocion optima y efectiva del cacao mediante la investigacion y. MCB. Lagos : Cocoa Producers' Alliance, 127-135. ISBN 983-40740-0-X Conférence Internationale sur la Recherche Cacaoyère. 13, Kota Kinabalu, Malaisie, 9 Octobre 2000/14 Octobre 2000.

Verification of clonal accessions in the ICG,T using RAPD and SSR analyses. Motilal Lambert A., Sounigo Olivier, Briggs Georgette, Sankar Antoinette. 2001. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 2000. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 11-14.

The detection of mislabelled trees in the International Cocoa Genebank, Trinidad (ICG,T) and options for a global strategy for identification of accessions. Sounigo Olivier, Christopher Yvette, Bekele Frances L., Motamayor Juan Carlos, Hosein Felicia. 2001. In : Proceedings of the International workshop on new technologies and cocoa breeding. Bekele Frances L. (ed.), End Michelle (ed.), Eskes Albertus (ed.). INGENIC. Reading : INGENIC, 34-39. ISBN 1-900527-02-2 International Workshop on New Technologies and Cocoa Breeding. 3, Kota Kinabalu, Malaisie, 16 Octobre 2000/17 Octobre 2000.


Assessing genetic diversity in the ICG,T using RAPD. Sounigo Olivier, Ramdahin Stacy. 2000. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 1999. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 28-32.

Bases génétiques de la résistance des cacaoyers aux maladies à Phytophthora : Résumés des communications. Cilas Christian (ed.). 2000. Montpellier : CIRAD, 49 p. Scientific Closing Seminar of CAOBISCO / CIRAD / CNRA / CRU / IRAD Project, Montpellier, France, 19 Septembre 2000/20 Septembre 2000.

Cacao domestication. II. Progenitor germplasm of most cultivated cacao until 1950. Motamayor Juan Carlos, Risterucci Ange-Marie, Lanaud Claire. 2000. In : 13 Conférence internationale sur la recherche cacaoyère : résumés = 13 International cocoa research conference: summaries ; 13 Conferencia internacional de pesquisas em cacau : resumos ; 13 Conferencia internacional de investigacion en cacao : resumenes. Lagos : Cocoa Producers' Alliance, 1 p. Conférence Internationale sur la Recherche Cacaoyère. 13, Kota Kinabalu, Malaisie, 9 Octobre 2000/14 Octobre 2000.

Cartographie du génome de Theobroma cacao L. et localisation de QTLs codant pour la résistance à la pourriture des cabosses causée par Phytophthora palmivora à Trinidad. Sounigo Olivier, Motilal Lambert A., Thévenin Jean-Marc, Howell M.H., Pieretti Isabelle, Risterucci Ange-Marie, Lanaud Claire. 2000. In : Bases génétiques de la résistance des cacaoyers aux maladies à Phytophthora : Résumés des communications = Genetic basis of cocoa tree resistance to Phytophthora diseases. Abstracts. Cilas Christian (ed.). CIRAD, CAOBISCO, CNRA, UWI-CRU, IRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD, 30-31. Scientific Closing Seminar of CAOBISCO / CIRAD / CNRA / CRU / IRAD Project, Montpellier, France, 19 Septembre 2000/20 Septembre 2000.

Comparaison des niveaux d'agressivité des différentes souches de Phytophthora pathogènes du cacaoyer. Ducamp Michel, Cilas Christian. 2000. In : Bases génétiques de la résistance des cacaoyers aux maladies à Phytophthora : Résumés des communications = Genetic basis of cocoa tree resistance to Phytophthora diseases. Abstracts. Cilas Christian (ed.). CIRAD, CAOBISCO, CNRA, UWI-CRU, IRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD, 9-10. Scientific Closing Seminar of CAOBISCO / CIRAD / CNRA / CRU / IRAD Project, Montpellier, France, 19 Septembre 2000/20 Septembre 2000.

Développement du test feuille à Trinidad. Thévenin Jean-Marc, Motilal Lambert A.. 2000. In : Bases génétiques de la résistance des cacaoyers aux maladies à Phytophthora : Résumés des communications = Genetic basis of cocoa tree resistance to Phytophthora diseases. Abstracts. Cilas Christian (ed.). CIRAD, CAOBISCO, CNRA, UWI-CRU, IRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD, 16-17. Scientific Closing Seminar of CAOBISCO / CIRAD / CNRA / CRU / IRAD Project, Montpellier, France, 19 Septembre 2000/20 Septembre 2000.

Evaluation of cacao germplasm for resistance to Witches'Broom disease: preliminary screening experiments. Umaharan Romina, Thévenin Jean-Marc, Surujdeo-Maharaj Surendra, Latchman Balram M.. 2000. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 1999. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 34-38.

Field assessment of cacao germplasm for resistance to Witches'Broom and black pod diseases: year one. Latchman Balram M., Umaharan Romina, Surujdeo-Maharaj Surendra, Thévenin Jean-Marc. 2000. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 1999. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 39-46.

Strategy for germplasm enhancement at CRU, Trinidad. Iwaro A.D., Sreenivasan T.N., Butler David R., Thévenin Jean-Marc, Mooleedhar Vishnarayan, Bekele Frances L., Sounigo Olivier, Umaharan Pathmanathan, Eskes Albertus. 2000. In : Working procedures for cocoa germplasm evaluation and selection : Proceedings of the CFC/ICCO/IPGRI Project workshop, 1-6 February 1998, Montpellier, France. Eskes Albertus (ed.), Engels Johannes M.M. (ed.), Lass R.A. (ed.). IPGRI, CFC, ICCO. Rome : IPGRI, 22-28. ISBN 92-904343-4-1 CFC/ICCO/IPGRI Project Workshop, Montpellier, France, 1 Février 1998/6 Février 1998.

Strategy to establish a CFC project collection. Sounigo Olivier, Mooleedhar Vishnarayan, Iwaro A.D., Bekele Frances L., Sreenivasan T.N., Thévenin Jean-Marc, Khan N., Butler David R.. 2000. In : Working procedures for cocoa germplasm evaluation and selection : Proceedings of the CFC/ICCO/IPGRI Project workshop, 1-6 February 1998, Montpellier, France. Eskes Albertus (ed.), Engels Johannes M.M. (ed.), Lass R.A. (ed.). IPGRI, CFC, ICCO. Rome : IPGRI, 29-37. ISBN 92-904343-4-1 CFC/ICCO/IPGRI Project Workshop, Montpellier, France, 1 Février 1998/6 Février 1998.

Synthèse sur le matériel végétal sélectionné pendant le projet. Paulin Didier, Sounigo Olivier, Ducamp Michel, Bidzanga Nomo Lucien, N'Goran Jeanne A.K.. 2000. In : Bases génétiques de la résistance des cacaoyers aux maladies à Phytophthora : Résumés des communications = Genetic basis of cocoa tree resistance to Phytophthora diseases. Abstracts. Cilas Christian (ed.). CIRAD, CAOBISCO, CNRA, UWI-CRU, IRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD, 39-40. Scientific Closing Seminar of CAOBISCO / CIRAD / CNRA / CRU / IRAD Project, Montpellier, France, 19 Septembre 2000/20 Septembre 2000.

Theobroma cacao L. genome linkage map and QTLs for Phytophthora palmivora resistance. Motilal Lambert A., Sounigo Olivier. 2000. In : Cocoa Research Unit. Annual report 1999. UWI-CRU. St Augustine : UWI, 56-60.

Utilisation du test feuille pour la pré-sélection à Trinidad. Thévenin Jean-Marc, Motilal Lambert A., Howell M.H., Sounigo Olivier. 2000. In : Bases génétiques de la résistance des cacaoyers aux maladies à Phytophthora : Résumés des communications = Genetic basis of cocoa tree resistance to Phytophthora diseases. Abstracts. Cilas Christian (ed.). CIRAD, CAOBISCO, CNRA, UWI-CRU, IRAD. Montpellier : CIRAD, 37-38. Scientific Closing Seminar of CAOBISCO / CIRAD / CNRA / CRU / IRAD Project, Montpellier, France, 19 Septembre 2000/20 Septembre 2000.


Appui aux laboratoire Outre-Mer : analyse de la diversité génétique et cartographie. Risterucci Ange-Marie. 1999. In : Programme BIOTROP. Fiches-activités 1998. CIRAD-AMIS. Montpellier : CIRAD-AMIS, 75-79.

Compte-rendu de mission au Cocoa Research Unit, University of West Indies, Trinidad et Tobago, du 21/10 au 27/10/99. Petithuguenin Philippe. 1999. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 29 p. N° de rapport : CP_SIC 1186

"Sector policy and public administration reform, coffee and cocoa industry", Trinidad et Tobago, 7 au 30 octobre 1999. Duris Daniel. 1999. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 26 p. N° de rapport : CP_SIC 1195

Sector policy and public administration reform, coffee and cocoa industry, Trinidad, October 7-30, 1999. Duris Daniel. 1999. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 25 p. N° de rapport : CP_SIC 1195


Cocoa : from deforestation to reforestation. Ruf François, Zadi Honoré. 1998. In : First international workshop on sustainable cocoa growing. Smithsonian Institute. s.l. : Smithsonian Institute, 29 p. Workshop on Sustainable Cocoa Growing. 1, Panama City, Panama, 29 Mars 1998/3 Avril 1998.

Genetic diversity study of nine cocoa populations using RAPD. Sounigo Olivier, Christopher Yvette, Umaharan Romina. 1998. In : Malaysian International Cocoa Conference. 3. Paris : CIRAD-CP, 6 p. Malaysian international cocoa conference. 3, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie, 27 Novembre 1998/28 Novembre 1998.

Proposed strategy for the establishment of a "working collection" for the CFC project. Sounigo Olivier, Mooleedhar Vishnarayan, Iwaro A.D., Bekele Frances L., Sreenivasan T.N., Thévenin Jean-Marc, Khan N., Butler David R.. 1998. In : Workshop of the CFC. ICCO/IPGRI: Project on "Cocoa Germplasm Utilisation and Conservation, a Global Approach". Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 22 p. CFC/ICCO/IPGRI Project Workshop, Montpellier, France, 1 Février 1998/6 Février 1998.

Use of molecular markers to identify the genetic basis of resistance to black pod disease (Phytophthora) and identify early screening markers. CIRAD - FRA, CAOBISCO - BEL, Conseil régional (Languedoc-Roussillon) - FRA. 1998. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 106 p. Scientific workshop for CAOBISCO project participants, Montpellier, France, 25 Juin 1998/26 Juin 1998.


L'ananas dans la Caraïbe non-francophone. Une possibilité de diversification. Marie Franck, Barbeau Gérard. 1997. Fruitrop (Ed. Française) (32) : 17-19.



Booms et crises du cacao : les vertiges de l'or brun. Ruf François. 1995. Paris : Karthala-CIRAD-SAR, 459 p. (Economie et développement) ISBN 2-86537-594-3


The Moruga grasshopper in Trinidad Coscineuta virens (Thunberg 1815) (Acrididae : Proctolabinae). Popov G.B., McComie L.D., Launois-Luong My-Hanh. 1994. Journal of Orthoptera Research (2) : 49-59.

Note de visite à Trinidad et Tobago du 12 au 16 avril 94. Despréaux Denis. 1994. Paris : CIRAD-CP, 47 p.

Regional workshop on fruit diversification, Guadeloupe, April 26-28, 1993. IICA - CRI, CIRAD-FLHOR - FRA. 1994. Port of Spain : IICA, 150 p. (Regional Workshop on Tropical Fruit Crops IICA, A2/TT-93-01) Regional workshop on fruit diversification, Guadeloupe, 26 Avril 1993/28 Avril 1993.



Compte rendu de mission à Trinidad et Tobago du 8 au 14 Octobre 1992. Reynes Max. 1992. Montpellier : CIRAD-IRFA, 49 p.

Compte-rendu de mission. Atelier de travail sur les ressources génétiques du cacao Trinidad, 13-18/09/1992. Visite au Venezuela (18 au 22 septembre 1992). Eskes Albertus, Sounigo Olivier, Lachenaud Philippe. 1992. Montpellier : CIRAD-IRCC, 25 p. Atelier de Travail sur les Ressources Génétique du Cacao, Trinidad, Trinité-et-Tobago, 13 Septembre 1992/18 Septembre 1992.

La Tristeza une nouvelle menace pour l'agrumiculture caribéenne. Compte-rendu d'inventaire en Colombie, République Dominicaine, Guadeloupe, Martinique et Trinidad. Aubert Bernard, Etienne Johann, Cottin Roland, Leclant François, Cao Van Philippe, Vuillaume Claude, Jaramillo C., Barbeau Gérard. 1992. Fruits, 47 (3) : 393-404.



Coffee growing and improvement at the Caroni and Palo Seco agricultural enterprises in Trinidad. Eskes Albertus, Snoeck Jacques, Jacquet Michel. 1989. Montpellier : CIRAD-IRCC, 25 p.


Présentation d'une étude sur la banque internationale de gènes de cacaoyer de Trinidad. Mossu Guy. 1988. In : 10. Conférence internationale sur la recherche cacaoyère = 10. International cocoa research conference. Lagos : Cocoa Producers' Alliance, 903-904. ISBN 0-9507691-0X Conférence Internationale sur la Recherche Cacaoyère. 10, Santo Domingo, République dominicaine, 17 Mai 1987/23 Mai 1987.

Rapport de mission à Barbade et Trinidad du 4 au 8 Octobre 1988 à l'occasion de l'Atelier de la West Indies Central Sugarcane Breeding Station. Feldmann Philippe. 1988. Petit-Bourg : CIRAD-IRAT, 45 p. Cane Breeding Workshop West Indies Central Sugarcane Breeding Station, San Fernando, Trinité-et-Tobago, 5 Octobre 1988/7 Octobre 1988.


Le caoutchouc en Amérique du Sud (sauf Brésil). Serier Jean-Baptiste. 1987. Revue Générale du Caoutchouc et des Plastiques, 64 (672) : 149-151.



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