
Résultats pour : "biosécurité"

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Nombre de documents : 64.


Challenges of rabies surveillance in Madagascar based on a mixed method survey amongst veterinary health officers. Dreyfus Anou, Volasoa Marie Hermelienne, Guis Hélène, Razafindraibe Nivohanitra Perle, Razafindramparany Mino Harimbola, Arivony Lalaina, Rakotondrabe Manohisoa, Andriamananjara Mamitiana Aimé, Dussart Philippe, Kassie Daouda, Lacoste Vincent, Andriamandimby Soa Fy. 2024. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 11:1270547, 12 p.


Development of core competencies for field veterinary epidemiology training programs. Pinto Julio, Dissanayake Ravi Bandara, Dhand Navneet, Rojo-Gimeno Cristina, Falzon Laura Cristina, Akwar Holy, Alambeji Rianatou Bada, Beltrán-Alcrudo Daniel, Castellan David Mario, Chanachai Karoon, Guitian Javier, Hilmers Angela, Larfaoui Fairouz, Loth Leo, Motta Paolo, Rasamoelina Harentsoaniaina, Salyer Stephanie, Shadomy Sean, Squarzoni Cécile, Rwego Innocent, Santos Carmen Varela, Wongsathapornchai Kachen, Lockhart Caryl, Okuthe Sam, Kane Yaghouba, Gilbert Jeffrey, Soumare Baba, Dhingra Madhur, Sumption Keith J., Tiensin Thanawat. 2023. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 10:1143375, 8 p.

Evaluation survey on agreement with existing definitions of biosecurity with a focus on livestock. Saegerman Claude, Parisi Gianni, Niemi Jarkko, Humblet Marie-France, Ron-Román Jorge, Souley Kouato Bachir, Allepuz Alberto, Porphyre Vincent, Rodrigues da Costa Maria, Renault Véronique. 2023. Animals, 13 (9), n.spéc. Livestock Biosecurity in a One Health Perspective:1518, 17 p.


Intensification des systèmes d'élevage et risques pandémiques. Delabouglise Alexis, Guerin Jean-Luc, Lury Antoine, Binot Aurélie, Paul Mathilde, Peyre Marie-Isabelle, Roger François, Bonbon Etienne. 2022. Cahiers Agricultures, 31:16, 7 p.

L'enseignement vétérinaire face à l'évolution de la société et du métier de vétérinaire dans la filière porcine. Delsart Maxime, Belloc Catherine, Leblanc Maridor Mily, Waret-Szkuta Agnès. 2022. Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France, 175 : 91-94.

Organisations and institutions regulating the risks of using genetically edited plants in Madagascar. Razafimahatratra Hanitriniana Mamy, Temple Ludovic. 2022. Recherches pour le développement. Série Sciences de l'homme et de la société (17) : 25-46.

Évaluation socio-économique de la réduction d'usage des antibiotiques dans la filière porcine : le plan Ecoantibio 1. Lhermie Guillaume, Ferchiou Ahmed, Ndiaye Youba, Justinia Hanitravelo Giffona Loysel, Lisbona Damien, Koralewski Mathilde, Dardelet Line, Waret-Szkuta Agnès, Raboisson Didier. 2022. INRAE Productions Animales, 35 (4) : 345-356.




Wildlife–livestock interactions in animal production systems: What are the biosecurity and health implications? Jori Ferran, Hernandez-Jover Marta, Magouras Ioannis, Dürr Salome, Brookes Victoria J.. 2021. Animal Frontiers, 11 (5) : 8-19.


Investigation into eradication of African swine fever in domestic pigs from a previous outbreak (2016/17) area of South Africa. Van Rensburg Leana Janse, Penrith Mary-Louise, Van Heerden Henriette, Heath Livio, Etter Eric. 2020. Research in Veterinary Science, 133 : 42-47.

Investigation of African swine fever outbreaks in pigs outside the controlled areas of South Africa, 2012–2017. Van Rensburg Leana Janse, Van Heerden Juanita, Penrith Mary-Louise, Heath Livio, Rametse Thapelo, Etter Eric. 2020. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, 91:a1997, 9 p.

Understanding African swine fever outbreaks in domestic pigs in a sylvatic endemic area: The case of the South African controlled area between 1977–2017. Van Rensburg Leana Janse, Etter Eric, Heath Livio, Penrith Mary-Louise, Van Heerden Juanita. 2020. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 67 (6) : 2753-2769.
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"Wood Security": The importance of incentives and economic valorisation in conserving and expanding forests. Dieterle Gerhard, Karsenty Alain. 2020. International Forestry Review, 22 (S1), n.spéc. John Spears - a life in forestry : 81-92.


Application of a facilitating HACCP system using two innovative methods for the production of Hibiscus syrup by a Senegalese small and medium business (SMBs). Ndiaye Ndeye Adiara, Cisse Mady, Bonne Richard, Sene Babacar, Kane N.C., Montet Didier. 2018. International Food Research Journal, 25 (1) : 376-382.

Geographical origin traceability of foodstuffs using a molecular technique PCR-DGGE. Montet Didier, Kouakou Amenan Clémentine, Hamdouche Yasmine, Teyssier Corinne, Rychlik Tomasz, Tatsadjieu Ngoune Léopold, Froeder Arcuri Edna. 2018. In : Food traceability and authenticity: analytical techniques. Didier Montet (ed.), Ramesh C Ray (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 137-154. (Food Biology Series) ISBN 978-1-4987-8842-7

Traceability and authentication of organic foodstuffs. Bigot Céline, Métivier Romain, Montet Didier, Meile Jean-Christophe. 2018. In : Food traceability and authenticity: analytical techniques. Montet Didier (ed.), Ray Ramesh C. (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 116-136. (Food Biology Series) ISBN 978-1-4987-8842-7

An overview of genetically modified crop governance, issues and challenges in Malaysia. Andrew Johnny, Ismail Normaz Wana, Djama Marcel. 2018. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98 (1) : 12-17.


Comprehensive quality and potential hazards of gowe, a malted and fermented cereal beverage from West Africa. A diagnostic for a future re-engineering. Adinsi Laurent, Mestres Christian, Akissoé Noël, Vieira-Dalodé Générose, Anihouvi Victor, Durand Noel, Hounhouigan Joseph Djidjoho. 2017. Food Control, 82 : 18-25.

Histoire des politiques alimentaires urbaines en Europe, de la ville antique a la ville industrielle. Daviron Benoit, Perrin Coline, Soulard Christophe-Toussaint, Menant François (collab.). 2017. In : Construire des politiques alimentaires urbaines. Concepts et démarches. Brand Caroline (ed.), Bricas Nicolas (ed.), Conaré Damien (ed.), Daviron Benoit (ed.), Debru Julie (ed.), Michel Laura (ed.), Soulard Christophe-Toussaint (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 43-65. (Update sciences et technologies) ISBN 978-2-8592-2617-7

La qualité sanitaire des aliments en Europe et dans les pays en voie de développement : une analyse comparative. Montet Didier. 2017. In : La sécurité alimentaire mondiale. Etat des lieux et prospectives. Rastoin Jean-Louis (ed.), Ferault Christian (ed.). Paris : L'Harmattan, 53-74. ISBN 978-2-343-12592-3

Microbiological quality of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) consumed on the streets of Maroua (Cameroon: Effect of disinfecting agents used by some vendors. Maïworé Justine, Baane Marie-Paul, Tatsadjieu Ngoune Léopold, Anyindong J., Nkongho Epaw A., Mbofung Carl Moses, Montet Didier. 2017. International Journal of Microbiology Research, 9 (8) : 913-918.

Quantitative assessment of the microbiological risk associated with the consumption of attieke in Côte d'Ivoire. Akmel Djedjro Clément, Aw Sadat, Montet Didier, Assidjo Nogbou Emmanuel, Degni Marie Louise, Akaki David, Moretti Christine, Elleingand Eric, Brabet Catherine, Baud Guillaume, Mens Frédéric, Yao Benjamin, Michel Thomas, Durand Noel, Assin Hubert, Berthiot Laurent, Tapé Thierry. 2017. Food Control, 81 : 65-73.

SWOT analysis of traditional skimmed milk chain around Greater Cairo. Abdelghany Sherif, Corniaux Christian, Alary Véronique, Radwan Mohamed Ali Abdallah, El-Asheeri Amal K.. 2017. Egyptian Journal of Animal Production, 54 (2) : 111-123.

The success story of the implementation of the national food safety agency in Ivory Coast. Montet Didier, Akaki David, Moretti Christine, Brabet Catherine, Manizan Ama Lethicia, Elleingand Eric, Baud Guillaume, Mens Frédéric, Yao Benjamin, Michel Thomas, Assidjo Nogbou Emmanuel, Aw Sadat, Akmel Djedjro Clément, Assin Hubert, Durand Noel, Alter Pascaline, Berthiot Laurent, Metayer Isabelle, Tapé Thierry. 2017. Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4 (4) : 366-371.


Application of PCR-DGGE to the study of dynamics and biodiversity of microbial contaminants during the processing of Hibiscus sabdariffa drinks and concentrates. Ndiaye Ndeye Adiara, Hamdouche Yasmine, Kane Ale, Cisse Mady, Berthiot Laurent, Touré-Kané N. Coumba, Montet Didier. 2016. Fruits, 71 (3) : 141-149.

Applications of metagenomics to fermented foods. Bigot Céline, Meile Jean-Christophe, Remize Fabienne, Strub Caroline. 2016. In : Fermented foods. Part I: biochemistry and biotechnology. Montet Didier (ed.), Ray Ramesh C. (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 333-346. (Food Biology Series) ISBN 978-1-4987-4079-1

Emergence de maladies infectieuses : risques et enjeux de société. Morand Serge (ed.), Figuié Muriel (ed.). 2016. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 136 p. (Matière à débattre et décider) ISBN 978-2-7592-2490-6

Innovative combination of spectroscopic techniques to reveal nanoparticle fate in a crop plant. Larue Camille, Castillo-Michel Hiram, Stein Ricardo J., Fayard Barbara, Pouyet Emeline, Villanova Julie, Magnin Valérie, Pradas del Real Ana-Elena, Trcera Nicolas, Legros Samuel, Sorieul Stephanie, Sarret Géraldine. 2016. Spectrochimica Acta. Part B, Atomic Spectroscopy, 119 : 17-24.

Innovative measures for ensuring food safety in the food value chain. Bonne Richard, Montet Didier, Zakhia-Rozis Nadine. 2016. In : Foodborne pathogens and food safety. Latiful Bari (ed.), Dike Ukuku (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 256-269. (Food Biology Series) ISBN 978-1-4987-2408-1


Current context of food safety in Vietnam: a glance at food of animal origin. Sarter Samira, Ho P.H., To K.A.. 2015. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops and Foods, 7 (1) : 57-62.

Evaluation of the safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of three capripoxvirus vaccine strains against lumpy skin disease virus. Gari Getachew, Abie Getnet, Gizaw Daniel, Wubete Alajegn, Kidane Menbere, Asgedom Hagos, Bayissa Berecha, Ayelet Gelagay, Oura Christopher, Roger François, Tuppurainen Eeva. 2015. Vaccine, 33 (28) : 3256-3261.

Facing the broader dimensions of biological invasions. Tassin Jacques, Kull Christian A.. 2015. Land Use Policy, 42 : 165-169.


Questions d'enfants concernant l'alimentation : réponses aux parents et aux enfants. Montet Didier. 2015. Saint-Denis : Edilivre, 154 p. ISBN 978-2-332-89926-2

Sauvage et domestique, homme et animal : politiques coloniales et post-coloniales de surveillance au Zimbabwe. Figuié Muriel, Binot-Herder Aurélie, Caron Alexandre. 2015. Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances, 9 (2) : 163-188.

Spatio-temporal prevalence of porcine cysticercosis in Madagascar based on meat inspection. Porphyre Vincent, Rasamoelina-Andriamanivo Harentsoaniaina, Rakotoarimanan Andriatsilavina, Rasamoelina Ony, Bernard Claire, Jambou Ronan, Cardinale Eric. 2015. Parasites and Vectors, 8 (391), 8 p.

Technical guidelines for the safe movement of Musa germplasm. Thomas J.E. (ed.), Sharman M. (collab.), Lassois Ludivine (collab.), Massart Sébastien (collab.), De Clerck Caroline (collab.), Caruana Marie-Line (collab.), Chabannes Matthieu (collab.), Teycheney Pierre-Yves (collab.), Lava Kumar P. (collab.), Van Den Houwe Ines (collab.), Roux Nicolas (collab.). 2015. Milan : Bioversity International, 60 p. ISBN 978-92-9255-034-9

Transfer of pcbs to the Bactrian camels. Nurseitova Moldir, Jurjanz Stefan, Toregozhina Zhanna, Konuspayeva Gaukhar, Faye Bernard. 2015. Veterinariâ, 42 (2), n.spéc. Silk road camel: The camelids, main stake for sustainable development : 305-307. 4th Conference of the International Society of Camelid Research and Development/ISOCARD 2015. 4, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 8 Juin 2015/12 Juin 2015.

The role of proximity and standards in guaranteeing vegetable safety in Vietnam. Moustier Paule, Thi Tan Loc Nguyen. 2015. World Food Policy, 2 (1) : 52-77.


Etude préliminaire de l'importance de la cysticercose porcine en abattoir à Antananarivo, Madagascar. Rasamoelina-Andriamanivo Harentsoaniaina, Rasamoelina E.O., Porphyre Vincent. 2014. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 67 (3) : 112. Journées scientifiques QualiREG. 3, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, 19 Novembre 2013/21 Novembre 2013.

Qualité des produits animaux de l'Indianocéanie : des recherches pour la valorisation des produits et la protection des consommateurs [Editorial]. Porphyre Vincent, Bastianelli Denis. 2014. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 67 (3) : 95-96.

Surveillance of veterinary drug residues in pork meat in Madagascar. Rakotoharinome Vincent Michel, Pognon Damien, Randriamparany Tantely, Chane Ming Jimmy, Idoumbin Jean-Patrick, Cardinale Eric, Porphyre Vincent. 2014. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 67 (3) : 110-111. Journées scientifiques QualiREG. 3, Saint-Pierre, Réunion, 19 Novembre 2013/21 Novembre 2013.

A quantitative prioritisation of human and domestic animal pathogens in Europe. McIntyre K. Marie, Setzkorn Christian, Hepworth Philip J., Morand Serge, Morse Andrew P., Baylis Matthew. 2014. PloS One, 9 (8):e103529, 9 p.


Control of cysticercosis in Madagascar: Beware of the pitfalls. Rasamoelina-Andriamanivo Harentsoaniaina, Porphyre Vincent, Jambou Ronan. 2013. Trends in Parasitology, 29 (1) : 538-547.

Sanitary and microbial qualities of marketed milk and milk products : The case of the central Ethiopian highland milk shed. Yilma Zelalem, Faye Bernard. 2013. Sarrebruck : LAP, 84 p. ISBN 978-3-659-24939-6

A community-based education trial to improve backyard poultry biosecurity in rural Cambodia. Conan Anne, Ponsich Aurélia, Goutard Flavie, Khiev Ratana, Tarantola Arnaud, Sorn San, Vong Sirenda. 2013. Acta Tropica, 125 (3) : 294-302.


Biosecurity measures for backyard poultry in developing countries: a systematic review. Conan Anne, Goutard Flavie, Sorn San, Vong Sirenda. 2012. BMC Veterinary Research, 8 (240), 10 p.


New pest threats for sugarcane in the new bioeconomy and how to manage them. Goebel François-Régis, Sallam Nader. 2011. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 3 (1-2) : 81-89.


Future topics of common interest for EU and SEA partners in food quality, safety and traceability. Montet Didier, Alldrick Anton, Bordier Marion, Bresson Hervé, Chokesajjawatee Nipa, Durand Noël, Thanh Toan Ha, Sok Chea Hak, Hariyadi Purwiyatno, Jinap Selamat, Keeratipibul Suwimon, Leepipatpiboon Natchanun, Luong Hong Quang, Marvin Hans J.P., Medoc Jean-Michel, Moustier Paule, Nitisinprasert Sunee, The Dong Phan, Poms Roland, Prasertvit Saiyuod, Rakshit Sudip Kumar, Ruangwises Suthep, Shamsudin Mad Nasir, Siriwatwechakul Wanwimol, Sparringa Roy A., Stouten Piet, Stroka Joerg, Taharnklaew Rutjawate, Tayaputch Nuansri, Tongpim Saowanit, Valyasevi Ruud, Vithayarungruangsri Jongkolnee, Salètes Sloan. 2010. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops and Foods, 2 (4) : 158-164.

Good practices for biosecurity in the pig sector : issues and options in developing and transition countries. Madec François, Hurnik Daniel, Porphyre Vincent, Cardinale Eric. 2010. Rome : FAO, 74 p. (FAO Animal Production and Health Paper) ISBN 978-92-5-106507-5 ; 978-92-9044-809-9

Prima phacie: A new European Food Safety Authority funded research project taking a comparative approach to pest risk assessment and methods to evaluate pest risk management options. MacLeod Alan, Anderson H., Van der Gaag D.J., Holt John, Karadjova O., Kehlenbeck H., Labonne Gérard, Pruvost Olivier, Reynaud Philippe, Schrader G., Smith Julian, Steffek R., Viaene N., Vloutoglou I.. 2010. Bulletin OEPP, 40 (3) : 435-439.


Multivariate analysis of management and biosecurity practices in smallholder pig farms in Madagascar. Costard Solenne, Porphyre Vincent, Messad Samir, Rakotondrahanta S., Vidon Hélène, Roger François, Pfeiffer Dirk Udo. 2009. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 92 (3), Spec. : 199-209. SVEPM Conference, Liverpool, Royaume-Uni, 26 Mars 2008/28 Mars 2008.


Analyse, fonction et diversité des génomes viraux des plantes et élaboration de stratégies de lutte. Teycheney Pierre-Yves. 2008. Pointe-à-Pitre : UAG, 58 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Université des Antilles et de la Guyane

Improving microbial safety of poultry products by combined steam and lactic acid decontamination treatments. Lecompte Jean-Yves, Collignan Antoine, Sarter Samira, Portaguen Stéphane, Kondjoyan Alain. 2008. In : ICEF 10 : Tenth International Congress on Engineering and Food, Viña del Mar, Chile, April 20 - 24, 2008. s.l. : s.n., 1 p. International Congress on Engineering and Food. 10, Viña del Mar, Chili, 20 Avril 2008/24 Avril 2008.

Plant-pathogenic bacteria as biological weapons. Real threats? Young J.M., Allen Caitilyn, Coutinho Teresa A., Denny T., Elphinstone J., Fegan Max, Gillings M., Gottwald T.R., Graham J.H., Iacobellis N.S., Janse J.D., Jacques Marie Agnès, López María M., Morris Cindy E., Parkinson N., Prior Philippe, Pruvost Olivier, Rodrigues Neto J., Scortichini Marco, Takikawa Y., Upper C.D.. 2008. Phytopathology, 98 (10) : 1060-1065.


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