The Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS critical zone observatory M-TROPICS dataset II: Land use, hydrology and sediment production monitoring in Houay Pano, northern Lao PDR.
Boithias Laurie, Auda Yves, Audry Stéphane, Bricquet Jean-Pierre, Chanhphengxay Alounsavath, Chaplot Vincent, De Rouw Anneke, Henry des Tureaux Thierry, Huon Sylvain, Janeau Jean-Louis, Latsachack Keo Oudone, Le Troquer Yann, Lestrelin Guillaume, Maeght Jean-Luc, Marchand Pierre, Moreau Pierre, Noble A.D., Pando‐Bahuon Anne, Phachomphon Kongkeo, Phanthavong Khambai, Pierret Alain, Ribolzi Olivier, Riotte Jean, Robain Henri, Rochelle-Newall Emma, Sayavong Saysongkham, Sengtaheuanghoung Oloth, Silvera Norbert, Sipaseuth Nivong, Soulileuth Bounsamai, Souliyavongsa Xaysatith, Sounyaphong Phapvilay, Tasaketh Sengkeo, Thammahacksa Chantanousone, Thiebaux Jean-Pierre, Valentin Christian, Vigiak Olga, Viguier Marion, Xayyathip Khampaseuth.
Hydrological Processes,
35 (5):e14126, 9 p.