
Résultats pour : "altitude"

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Nombre de documents : 155.

A Bayesian analysis of adaptation of mountain grassland production to global change. Elleaume Nicolas, Locatelli Bruno, Oszwald Johan, Crouzat Emilie, Lavorel Sandra. 2024. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61 (6), n.spéc. The global energy transition: ecological impact, mitigation and restoration : 1426-1440.

Climate, altitude, yield, and varieties drive lodging in sugarcane: A random forest approach to predict risk levels on a tropical island. Christina Mathias, Heuclin Benjamin, Pilloni Raphael, Mellin Mathilde, Barau Laurent, Hoarau Jean-Yves, Dumont Thomas. 2024. European Journal of Agronomy, 161:127381, 10 p.

Influence of contrasting cultivation altitudes on the physicochemical, digestive, and functional properties of four Musa starches produced in Cameroon. Ngoh Newilah Gérard, Wambo Pascal, Vepowo Cédric Kendine, Ngouno Annie Takam, Ngoungoure Solange Ulrich Manjia, Tembe Tembe Jonas, Nkouandou Mama, Ngombi Ngombi Eric, Fokou Elie, Etoa François-Xavier, Dufour Dominique. 2024. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 104 (8), n.spéc. Tropical roots, tubers and bananas: New breeding tools and methods to meet consumer preferences : 4829-4837.

Integration of very high-resolution stereo satellite images and airborne or satellite Lidar for Eucalyptus canopy height estimation. Manizheh Rajab Pourrahmati, Baghdadi Nicolas, Ferraço Scolforo Henrique, Alcarde Alvares Clayton, Stape Jose Luiz, Fayad Ibrahim, Le Maire Guerric. 2024. Science of Remote Sensing, 10:100170, 12 p.

A regressive analysis of the main environmental risk factors of human echinococcosis in 370 counties in China. Wang Liying, Wang Zhiyi, Qin Min, Lei Jiaxi, Cheng Xixi, Yan Jun, Gavotte Laurent, Frutos Roger. 2024. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 18 (5):e0012131, 15 p.

Native and invasive seedling drought-resistance under elevated temperature in common gorse populations. Christina Mathias, Gire Céline, Bakker Mark, Leckie Alan, Xue Jianming, Clinton Peter W., Negrin-Perez Zaira, Arevalo Sierra Jose Ramon, Domec Jean-Christophe, Gonzalez Maya. 2023. Journal of Plant Ecology, 16 (3):rtac097, 16 p.

Responses to elevated daytime air and canopy temperature during panicle development in four rice genotypes under paddy conditions in large field chambers. Pasuquin Estela Magbujos, Eberbach Philip, Hasegawa Toshihiro, Lafarge Tanguy, Harnpichitvitaya Dome, Wade Len J.. 2023. Crop and Environment, 2 (3) : 147-156.

Contrasting nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization effects on soil terpene exchanges in a tropical forest. LLusià Joan, Asensio Dolores, Sardans Jordi, Filella Iolanda, Peguero Guillermo, Grau Oriol, Ogaya Romà, Gargallo-Garriga Albert, Verryckt Lore T., Van Langenhove Leandro, Bréchet Laëtitia, Courtois Elodie A., Stahl Clément, Janssens Ivan A., Peñuelas Josep. 2022. Science of the Total Environment, 802:149769, 15 p.

Disentangling effects of altitude and shade cover on coffee fruit dynamics and vegetative growth in smallholder coffee systems. Sarmiento-Soler Alejandra, Rötter Reimund P., Hoffmann Munir P., Jassogne Laurence, Van Asten Piet J.A., Graefe Sophie, Vaast Philippe. 2022. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 326:107786, 16 p.

Limited effects of shade on physiological performances of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) under elevated temperature. Mensah Eric Opoku, Asare Richard, Vaast Philippe, Amoatey Christiana A., Markussen Bo, Owusu Kwadwo, Asitoakor Bismark Kwesi, Ræbild Anders. 2022. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 201 : p. 104983.

Altitude and community traits explain rain forest stand dynamics over a 2370-m altitudinal gradient in Costa Rica. Hernández Gordillo Alba Loren, Vilchez Mendoza Sergio José, Ngo Bieng Marie-Ange, Delgado Diego, Finegan Bryan. 2021. Ecosphere, 12 (12):e03867, 11 p.

Composition of weed communities in seasonally flooded rice environments in East Africa is determined by altitude. Irakiza Runyambo, Makokha Derek, Malombe Itambo, Le Bourgeois Thomas, Chitiki Alfred K., Rodenburg Jonne. 2021. South African Journal of Botany, 140 : 143-152.

Influence of plot features and landscape structure on the epidemics of coffee berry disease (Colletotrichum kahawae Waller & Bridge) in southwest Ethiopia. Garedew Weyessa, Lemessa Fikre, Hailu Binyam Tesfau, Pinard Fabrice. 2021. International Journal of Pest Management, 67 (4) : 279-287.
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Effect of cropping system, shade cover and altitudinal gradient on coffee yield components at Mt. Elgon, Uganda. Sarmiento-Soler Alejandra, Vaast Philippe, Hoffmann Munir P., Jassogne Laurence, Van Asten Piet J.A., Graefe Sophie, Rötter Reimund P.. 2020. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 295:106887, 12 p.


The interacting effect of habitat amount, habitat diversity and fragmentation on insect diversity along elevational gradients. Dianzinga Niry Tiana, Moutoussamy Marie-Ludders, Sadeyen Joëlle, Ravaomanarivo Lala Harivelo, Frago Enric. 2020. Journal of Biogeography, 47 (11) : 2377-2391.
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Drivers of tropical rainforest composition and alpha diversity patterns over a 2,520 m altitudinal gradient. Veintimilla Dario, Ngo Bieng Marie-Ange, Delgado Diego, Vilchez Mendoza Sergio José, Zamora Nelson, Finegan Bryan. 2019. Ecology and Evolution, 9 (10) : 5720-5730.

Effect of variety, shade and altitude on sensory components of coffee: Muranga county, Kenya. Kathurima C.W., Alwora G., Gichuru E.K., Njoroge E.K., Boulanger Renaud. 2019. In : 27th Biennial ASIC Conference, Portland, 16-20 September 2018. Book of abstracts 2019. ASIC, SCA. Portland : ASIC, Résumé, 1 p. Biennial ASIC Conference. 27, Portland, États-Unis, 16 Septembre 2018/20 Septembre 2018.

Environmental filtering determines patterns of tree species composition in small mountains of Atlantic Central African forests. Gonmadje Christelle, Doumenge Charles, Sunderland Terry C.H., McKey Doyle B.. 2019. Acta Oecologica, 94 : 12-21.
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Interactive effects of altitude, microclimate and shading system on coffee leaf rust. Liebig Theresa, Ribeyre Fabienne, Läderach Peter, Poehling Hans-Michael, Van Asten Piet J.A., Avelino Jacques. 2019. Journal of Plant Interactions, 14 (1) : 407-415.

Landscape context and plot features influence the epidemics of coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) in southwest Ethiopia. Garedew Weyessa, Lemessa Fikre, Pinard Fabrice. 2019. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 52 (1-2) : 71-89.

Views from two mountains: Exploring climate change impacts on traditional farming communities of Eastern Africa highlands through participatory scenarios. Capitani Claudia, Garedew Weyessa, Mitiku Amsalu, Berecha Gezahegn, Hailu Binyam Tesfau, Heiskanen Janne, Hurskainen Pekka, Platts Philip J., Siljander Mika, Pinard Fabrice, Johansson Tino, Marchant Robert. 2019. Sustainability Science, 14 (1) : 191-203.

Disturbance regimes drive the diversity of regional floristic pools across Guianan rainforest landscapes. Guitet Stéphane, Sabatier Damien, Brunaux Olivier, Couteron Pierre, Denis Thomas, Freycon Vincent, Gonzalez Sophie, Herault Bruno, Jaouen Gaëlle, Molino Jean-François, Pélissier Raphaël, Richard-Hansen Cécile, Vincent Grégoire. 2018. Scientific Reports, 8:3872, 12 p.

Effects of fungal decay on elasticity and damping of small-diameter silver fir logs assessed by the vibrational resonant method. Barré Jean-Baptiste, Bourrier Franck, Brancheriau Loïc, Bertrand David, Rey Freddy. 2018. Wood Science and Technology, 52 (2) : 403-420.
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Phylogeography of Monochamus galloprovincialis, the European vector of the pinewood nematode. Haran Julien, Rousselet Jérôme, Tellez David, Roques Alain, Roux Géraldine. 2018. Journal of Pest Science, 91 (1) : 241-257.
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Prediction of insect pest distribution as influenced by elevation: Combining field observations and temperature-dependent development models for the coffee stink bug, Antestiopsis thunbergii (Gmelin). Azrag Abdelmutalab G.A., Pirk Christian W.W., Yusuf Abdullahi A., Pinard Fabrice, Niassy Saliou, Mosomtai Gladys, Babin Régis. 2018. PloS One, 13 (6):e0199569, 18 p.

Tree root dynamics in montane and sub-alpine mixed forest patches. Wang Yan, Kim John H., Mao Zhun, Ramel Merlin, Pailler François, Perez Jean-Marc, Rey Hervé, Tron S., Jourdan Christophe, Stokes Alexia. 2018. Annals of Botany, 122 (5), n.spéc. Developmental Plant Cell Biology : 861-872.
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Why are woody plants fleshy‐fruited at low elevations? Evidence from a high‐elevation oceanic island. Albert Sébastien, Flores Olivier, Rouget Mathieu, Wilding Nicholas, Strasberg Dominique. 2018. Journal of Vegetation Science, 29 (5) : 847-858.
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Abundance of pests and diseases in Arabica coffee production systems in Uganda - ecological mechanisms and spatial analysis in the face of climate change. Liebig Theresa Ines. 2017. Hanovre : Universität Hannover, 124 p. Doktorarbeit : Gartenbauwissenschaften : Universität Hannover

Altitudinal filtering of large-tree species explains above-ground biomass variation in an Atlantic Central African rain forest. Gonmadje Christelle, Picard Nicolas, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Rejou-Mechain Maxime, Freycon Vincent, Sunderland Terry C.H., McKey Doyle B., Doumenge Charles. 2017. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 33 (2) : 143-154.

Does the altitude affect the stability of montane forests? A study in the Kahuzi-Biega National Park (Democratic Republic of the Congo). Cirimwani Legrand, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Kahindo Jean-Marie, Doumenge Charles, Gonmadje Christelle, Amani Christian. 2017. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 15 (4) : 1697-1713.

Cash-based versus water-based payment for environmental services in the uplands of northern Vietnam: potential farmers participation using farm modeling. Jourdain Damien, Boere Esther, Van den Berg Marrit, Quang D.D., Thanh C.P., Affholder François. 2016. In : Redefining diversity and dynamics of natural resources management in Asia: upland natural resources and social ecological systems in Northern Vietnam, Volume 2. Mai Van Thanh (ed.), Tran Duc Vien (ed.), Leisz, Stephen J. (ed.), Shivakoti, Ganesh P. (ed.). Amsterdam : Elsevier, 43-62. ISBN 978-0-12-805453-6

Key drivers controlling stable isotope variations in daily precipitation of Costa Rica: Caribbean Sea versus Eastern Pacific Ocean moisture sources. Sánchez-Murillo Ricardo, Birkel C., Welsh Kristen, Esquivel-Hernández G., Corrales-Salazar J., Boll Jan, Brooks E., Roupsard Olivier, Sáenz-Rosales O., Katchan I., Arce-Mesén R., Soulsby C., Araguás-Araguás L.J.. 2016. Quaternary Science Reviews, 131 (Part B) : 250-261.

Accounting for the indirect area effect in stacked species distribution models to map species richness in a montane biodiversity hotspot. Pouteau Robin, Bayle Elise, Blanchard Elodie, Birnbaum Philippe, Cassan Jean-Jérôme, Hequet Vanessa, Ibanez Thomas, Vandrot Hervé. 2015. Diversity and Distributions, 21 (11) : 1329-1338.

Characterizing above- and belowground carbon partitioning in forest trees along an altitudinal gradient using area-based indicators. Mao Zhun, Wang Yan, Jourdan Christophe, Cécillon Lauric, Nespoulous Jérôme, Rey Hervé, Saint André Laurent, Stokes Alexia. 2015. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 47 (1) : 59-69.

Diversidad de los cultivos de quínoa en Chile. Bazile Didier, Chia Eduardo, Olguin Pablo. 2015. Tierra Adentro (108), n.spéc. Quínoa: Un Súper alimento para Chile y el mundo : 56-61.

Diversidad genética de la quínoa en Chile. Fuentes Francisco, Bazile Didier, Martinez Enrique A.. 2015. Tierra Adentro (108), n.spéc. Quínoa: Un Súper alimento para Chile y el mundo : 34-37.

Environmental correlates for tree occurrences, species distribution and richness on a high-elevation tropical island. Birnbaum Philippe, Ibanez Thomas, Pouteau Robin, Vandrot Hervé, Hequet Vanessa, Blanchard Elodie, Jaffré Tanguy. 2015. AoB Plants, 7, n.spéc. Island Plant Biology-Celebrating Carlquist's Legacy:plv075, 15 p.

Facteurs biologiques et structuraux de l'invasion de la liane Merremia peltata dans les habitats forestiers de Mayotte. Tassin Jacques, Laizé Alexandre. 2015. Revue d'Ecologie (Terre et Vie), 70, suppl. 12 Espèces invasives : 151-161.

Lutte biologique contre la plante envahissante Rubus alceifolius (Rosaceae) par Cibdela janthina (Hymenoptera : Argidae) à La Réunion : Biologie et modélisation mathématique des interactions sous contrainte altitudinale. Mathieu Alexandre. 2015. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion, 277 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie des populations : Université de la Réunion

Pervasive local-scale tree-soil habitat association in a tropical forest community. Allie Elodie, Pélissier Raphaël, Engel Julien, Petronelli Pascal, Freycon Vincent, Deblauwe Vincent, Soucémarianadin Laure, Weigel Jean, Baraloto Christopher. 2015. PloS One, 10 (11), 16 p.

Facteurs déterminants du pouvoir de panification de l'amidon de Manioc modifié par fermentation et irradiation UV. Maldonado Alvardo Pedro Gustavo. 2014. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier 2, 179 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biochimie, chimie et technologie des aliments : Université Montpellier 2


Driving forces for changes in geographical distribution of Ixodes ricinus ticks in Europe. Medlock Jolyon, Hansford Kayleigh M., Bormane Antra, Derdakova Marketa, Estrada-Pena Agustin, George Jean-Claude, Golovljova Irina, Jaenson Thomas, Jensen Jens-Kjeld, Jensen Per M., Kazimirova Maria, Oteo José, Papa Anna, Pfister Kurt, Plantard Olivier, Randolph Sarah E., Rizzoli Annapaola, Santos-Silva Maria Margarida, Sprong Hein, Vial Laurence, Hendrickx Guy, Zeller Hervé, Van Bortel Wim. 2013. Parasites and Vectors, 6 (1), 11 p.

Phenological responses of upland rice grown along an altitudinal gradient. Shrestha Suchit Prasad, Asch Folkard, Brueck Holger, Giese Marcus, Dusserre Julie, Ramanantsoanirina Alain. 2013. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 89 : 1-10.

Regeneration of the East African timber tree Ocotea usambarensis in relation to historical logging. Kleinschroth Fritz, Schöning Caspar, Kung'u James B., Kowarik Ingo, Cierjacks Arne. 2013. Forest Ecology and Management, 291 : 396-403.

Which processes drive fine root elongation in a natural mountain forest ecosystem? Mao Zhun, Bonis Marie-Laure, Rey Hervé, Saint André Laurent, Stokes Alexia, Jourdan Christophe. 2013. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 6 (2) : 231-243.

Climate effects on yield components as affected by genotypic responses to variable environmental conditions in upland rice systems at different altitudes. Shrestha Suchit Prasad, Asch Folkard, Dusserre Julie, Ramanantsoanirina Alain, Brueck Holger. 2012. Field Crops Research, 134 : 216-228.

Epidémiologie moléculaire, diversité génétique et phylogéographie des bégomovirus responsables de la maladie de la mosaïque du manioc à Madagascar. Harimalala Mireille Aurélie. 2012. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion, 105 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences : Université de la Réunion

Les profils sensoriels des cafés sont liés aux terroirs en République dominicaine. Aguilar Philip, Ribeyre Fabienne, Escarramán Amadeo, Bastide Philippe, Berthiot Laurent. 2012. Cahiers Agricultures, 21 (2-3) : 169-178.

Why did Bluetongue spread the way it did? Environmental factors influencing the velocity of Bluetongue Virus serotype 8 epizootic wave in France. Pioz Maryline, Guis Hélène, Crespin Laurent, Gay Emilie, Calavas Didier, Durand Benoit, Abrial David, Ducrot Christian. 2012. PloS One, 7 (8):e43360, 14 p.

Climatic effects on the yield of upland rice grown along an altitude gradient in Madagascar. Shrestha Suchit Prasad, Asch Folkard, Ramanantsoanirina Alain, Dusserre Julie. 2011. In : International Conference on Crop improvement, Ideotyping, and Modelling for African Cropping Systems under Climate Change - CIMAC, University of Hohenheim, 7-9 February 2011 : Book of abstracts. University of Hohenheim. Stuttgart : Hohenheim University, Résumé, 77. International Conference on Crop Improvement, Ideotyping and Modelling for African Cropping Systems under Climate Change, Hohenheim, Allemagne, 7 Février 2011/9 Février 2011.

Le sapin pectiné (Abies alba Mill., PINACEAE) en contexte méditerranéen : développement architectural et plasticité phénotypique. Taugourdeau Olivier. 2011. Montpellier : UM2, 218 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie des organismes : Université Montpellier 2

Altitude, tree species and soil type are the main factors influencing the severity of Phaeoramularia leaf and fruit spot disease of citrus in the humid zones of Cameroon. Ndo Eunice Golda Danièle, Bella Manga Faustin, Ndindeng Sali Atanga, Ndoumbè Nkeng Michel, Fontem Ajong Dominic, Cilas Christian. 2010. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 128 (3) : 385-397.

Potential impacts of climate change on stable flies, investigated along an altitudinal gradient. Gilles Jérémie, David Jean-François, Duvallet Gérard, Tillard Emmanuel. 2008. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 22 (1) : 74-81.

Determination of anthocyanin biosynthesis in the CIRAD pineapple hybrid 'Flhoran41'. Soler Alain, Fournier Patrick. 2006. In : Proceedings of the fifth International Pineapple Symposium, Port Alfred, South Africa, April 11-16, 2005. Joubert P.H. (ed.), Duncan A. (ed.). ISHS-. Louvain : ISHS [Belgique], 117-122. (Acta Horticulturae, 702) ISBN 90-6605-307-0 International Pineapple Symposium. 5, Port Alfred, Afrique du Sud, 11 Avril 2005/16 Avril 2005.

Physicochemical analysis of mountain bananas from the French West Indies. Bugaud Christophe, Chillet Marc, Beauté Marie-Pierre, Dubois Cécile. 2006. Scientia Horticulturae, 108 (2) : 167-172.

Effects of slope exposure, altitude and yield on coffee quality in two altitude terroirs of Costa Rica, Orosi and Santa Maria de Dota. Avelino Jacques, Barboza Bernado, Araya Juan Carlos, Fonseca Carlos, Davrieux Fabrice, Guyot Bernard, Cilas Christian. 2005. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 85 (11) : 1869-1876.

Influence of cultivar, growth altitude and maturity stage on banana volatile compound position. Brat Pierre, Yahia Ahmed, Chillet Marc, Bugaud Christophe, Bakry Frédéric, Reynes Max, Brillouet Jean-Marc. 2004. Fruits, 59 (2) : 75-82.

Use of architectural and morphometric analysis to predict the flowering pattern of the invasive Rubus on Réunion island (Indian Ocean). Baret Stéphane, Nicolini Eric-André, Humeau Laurence, Le Bourgeois Thomas, Strasberg Dominique. 2003. Canadian Journal of Botany, 81 (12) : 1293-1301.

Haies et bocages en milieu tropical d'altitude : des pratiques au projet. Pillot Didier, Lauga Sallenave Carole, Gautier Denis. 2002. Paris : GRET, 244 p. (Les Dossiers Le Point sur : GRET) ISBN 2-86844-117-3


Les forêts de montagne de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Nasi Robert, Jaffré Tanguy, Sarrailh Jean-Michel. 2002. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (274) : 5-18.

Relations entre l'altitude et la température mensuelle de l'air dans l'ouest de la Réunion. Chopart Jean-Louis, Mézino Mickaël, Le Mezo Lionel. 2002. Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice, 80 (3 - (2002)vol.8) : 68-72. Congrès de la Sociéte de technologie agricole et sucrière de Maurice. 10, Réduit, Maurice, 27 Septembre 2002/1 Octobre 2002.

A stochastic flowering model describing an asynchronically flowering set of trees. Normand Frédéric, Habib Robert, Chadoeuf Joël. 2002. Annals of Botany, 90 (3) : 405-415.

Air-tightness of wrapped bales and resistance of polythene stretch film under tropical and temperate conditions. Paillat Jean-Marie, Gaillard F.. 2001. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 79 (1) : 15-22.

Distribuição espacial de espécies de Phytophthora no arquipélago de S. Tomé e Principe. Espirito Santo S. Neto, Deus Lima Ana Maria, Bastide Philippe. 2001. In : 13th International Cocoa Research Conference. Proceedings : Towards the effective and optimum promotion of cocoa through research and development = 13e Conférence Internationale sur la Recherche Cacaoyère. Actes ; 13 Conferencia Internacional de Pesquisas em Cacau. Atas ; 13 Conferencia Internacional de Investigacion en Cacao. Actas : Vers la promotion efficace et optimum du cacao par la recherche et le développement ; Para um melhor e efetivo desenvolvimento do cacau atraves da pesquisa e do aperfeicoamento ; En pos de una promocion optima y efectiva del cacao mediante la investigacion y. MCB. Lagos : Cocoa Producers' Alliance, 749-752. ISBN 983-40740-0-X Conférence Internationale sur la Recherche Cacaoyère. 13, Kota Kinabalu, Malaisie, 9 Octobre 2000/14 Octobre 2000.

Effects of micro-elevation, soil, and water on rice growth and yield in acid sulphate soils in the plain of Reeds, Vietnam. Husson Olivier, Mai Thanh Phung, Fresco Louise O.. 2001. Tropical Agriculture, 78 (1) : 29-36.

Relations empiriques entre l'altitude et la température dans la partie ouest de l'île de la Réunion : analyse préliminaire. Chopart Jean-Louis, Mézino Mickaël, Le Mezo Lionel. 2001. Montpellier : CIRAD-CA, 11 p.

Contrats Territoriaux d'Exploitation (CTE) pour les exploitations bananières de Guadeloupe : proposition pour une mesure "Bananeraie pérenne d'altitude". Dorel Marc. 2000. Fruitrop (Ed. Française) (74) : 6-8. Banane-ananas : nouveaux enjeux, nouvelles pratiques. Comment concilier démarche agri-environnementale et logique de marché ? Journée professionnelle, Montpellier, France, 5 Septembre 2000.

Etude des modes de croissance et de propagation de la vigne marrone (Rubus alceifolius Poiret, Rosaceae) à la Réunion. Baret Stéphane. 1999. Nancy : Université de Nancy I, 20 p. Mémoire DEA : Biologie Forestière : Université de Nancy I

Ecofisiologia de los platanos en zona de altitud de Colombia en relacion con su susceptibilidad a las cercosporiasis. Informe final, periodo del 1/06/1994 al 31/12/1997. Tézenas Du Montcel Hugues, Lescot Thierry, Grisales L.F., Valencia M.J.A., Aguirre G.M.C., Henao Toro M.C., Delvaux Bruno. 1998. Montpellier : CIRAD-FLHOR, 212 p.

Programme amélioration. Enjalric Frank. 1997. In : Rapport d'activités 1996. CATH. CATH. Libreville : CATH, 1-20.

Air-tightness of wrapped bales and resistance of strech film under tropical conditions (96F-073). Paillat Jean-Marie, Caumont Alain. 1996. In : AgEng Madrid 96. Volume 2. Soil and water use. Energy and rural electrification. Processing. Environment. Book of abstracts. Comision Espanola de Ingenieria Rural, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Espagne-MAPA, EURAGENG. Madrid : Comision Espanola de Ingenieria Rural, 948-949. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Madrid, Espagne, 23 Septembre 1996/26 Septembre 1996.

Air-tightness of wrapped bales and resistance of stretch film under tropical conditions. Paper 96F-073. Integral text. Paillat Jean-Marie, Gaillard F., Caumont Alain. 1996. In : AgEng 96 Madrid. Participation du CIRAD-SAR. Rapport de mission (22-26 septembre 1996). Caumont A., Marouzé C. Montpellier : CIRAD-SAR, 9 p. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Madrid, Espagne, 22 Septembre 1996/26 Septembre 1996.

Analyses de données d'une enquête sur la caractérisation d'une région productrice de café au Honduras. Villatoro Hernandez Juan Orestes. 1996. Montpellier : UM2, 55 p. Mémoire DESS : Méthodes Statistiques Appliquées aux Industries Agronomiques, Agro-Alimentaires et Pharmaceutiques : Université Montpellier 2

Description du poste CSN café MAE/CIRAD-CP Paksé, RDP Laos. Pichot Sylvain. 1996. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 35 p.

Improvement of cold tolerance in rainfed upland rice. Poisson Christian, Puard Michel, Déchanet Roger. 1996. In : Upland rice research in partnership : proceedings of the Upland Rice Consortium Workshop, 4-13 January 1996, Padang, Indonesia. Piggin C. (ed.), Courtois Brigitte (ed.), Schmit Véronique (ed.). IRRI. Manila : IRRI, 222-230. (IRRI Dscussion Paper Series, 16) ISBN 971-22-0086-8 Upland Rice Consortium Workshop, Padang, Indonésie, 4 Janvier 1996/13 Janvier 1996.

Influence de l'altitude et de l'ombrage sur la qualité des cafés arabica. Guyot Bernard, Gueule Dominique, Manez Jean-Claude, Perriot Jean-Jacques, Giron J., Villain Luc. 1996. Plantations, Recherche, Développement, 3 (4) : 272-283.

Influence of altitude and shade on the quality of coffee. Guyot Bernard, Gueule Dominique, Manez Jean-Claude, Perriot Jean-Jacques, Giron J., Villain Luc. 1996. Coffee Research Institute Newsletter (2) : 3-5.

La culture du palmier à huile en Afrique intertropicale : les conditions du milieu physique. Quencez Pierre. 1996. OCL. Oléagineux Corps gras Lipides, 3 (2) : 116-118.

Elaboration de la qualité des bananes au champ. Détermination des critères de mesure. Chillet Marc, De Lapeyre Luc. 1995. In : Réunion annuelle du CIRAD-FLHOR : technologie et maîtrise de la qualité. CIRAD-FLHOR. Montpellier : CIRAD, n.p. Réunion annuelle du CIRAD-FLHOR : technologie et maîtrise de la qualité, Montpellier, France, 4 Septembre 1995/7 Septembre 1995.

Avance de estudios sobre la Sigatoka amarilla y negra en la zona cafetera de Colombia. Merchan V., Lescot Thierry, Grisales F., Mourichon Xavier. 1994. In : ACORBAT 91 - Memorias X reunion = ACORBAT 91 - Comptes rendus X réunion = ACORBAT 91 - Proceedings X meeting. Contreras M.A. (ed.), Guzman J.A. (ed.), Carrasco L.R. (ed.). San José : CORBANA, 623-624. Réunion ACORBAT. 10, Villahermosa, Mexique, 3 Novembre 1991/8 Novembre 1991.

Distribution géographique de Mycosphaerella musicola et M. fijiensis au Costa Rica. Tapia Fernandez Ana Cecilia, Escalant Jean-Vincent, Arauz F.. 1994. In : ACORBAT 91 - Memorias X reunion = ACORBAT 91 - Comptes rendus X réunion = ACORBAT 91 - Proceedings X meeting. Contreras M.A. (ed.), Guzman J.A. (ed.), Carrasco L.R. (ed.). San José : CORBANA, 235-246. Réunion ACORBAT. 10, Villahermosa, Mexique, 3 Novembre 1991/8 Novembre 1991.

Etude épidémiologique de la pourriture des cabosses et évolution des dégats de Bathycoelia spp. dans les cacaoyères de Sao Tome. De Jesus Costa Deus Lima A.M., Blaha Georges, Cilas Christian. 1994. In : 11. Conférence internationale sur la recherche cacaoyère. Actes = 11. International cocoa research conference. Proceedings$ENG. Lagos : Cocoa Producers' Alliance, 111-116. ISBN 0-9507691-OX Conférence internationale sur la recherche cacaoyère. 11, Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire, 18 Juillet 1993/24 Juillet 1993.

Uso del ajuste logistico en la comparacion de epifitias de roya anaranjada. Avelino Jacques, Cilas Christian. 1994. In : XIV Simposio sobre caficultura latinoamericana. IICA-PROMECAFE, IMA-Panama, Panama-MIDA. Tegucigalpa : IICA, 105-114. (Ponencias, Resultados y Recomendaciones de Eventos Tecnicos, n. A1/HN-94-002) Simposio sobre Caficultura Latinoamericana. 14, Panama, Panama, 20 Mai 1991/24 Mai 1991.

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