
Résultats pour : "mécanisme de défense"

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Nombre de documents : 91.

Plant-to-plant defence induction in cotton is mediated by delayed release of volatiles upon herbivory. Grandi Luca, Ye Wenfeng, Clancy Mary V., Vallat Armelle, Glauser Gaétan, Abdala-Roberts Luis, Brevault Thierry, Benrey Betty, Turlings Ted C. J., Bustos-Segura Carlos. 2024. New Phytologist, 244 (6) : 2505-2517.

Cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum [Willd. ex Sprengel] Schumann) fruit development: Key genes involved in primary metabolism and stress response. Ferraz dos Santos Lucas, Santana Silva Raner José, Ludke Falcão Loeni, Moysés Alves Rafael, Marcellino Lucilia Helena, Micheli Fabienne. 2022. Agronomy (Basel), 12 (4):763, 15 p.

Metabolic responses to drought stress and rehydration in leaves and roots of three Citrus scion/rootstock combinations. Rodrigues de Oliveira Sousa Andressa, De Andrade Silva Edson Mario, Coelho Filho Mauricio Antonio, Cardoso Costa Marcio Gilberto, dos Santos Soares Filho Walter, Micheli Fabienne, Maserti Bianca Elena, Da Silva Gesteira Abelmon. 2022. Scientia Horticulturae, 292:110490, 13 p.

Rubber genotypes with contrasting drought factor index revealed different mechanisms for drought resistance in Hevea brasiliensis. Nur Cahyo Andi, Murti Rudi Hari, Putra Eka Tarwaca Susila, Oktavia Fetrina, Ismawanto Sigit, Montoro Pascal. 2022. Plants, 11 (24), n.spéc . Feature Papers in Plant Physiology and Metabolism:3563, 14 p.

Sugarcane responses to two strains of Xanthomonas albilineans differing in pathogenicity through a differential modulation of salicylic acid and reactive oxygen species. Zhao Jian-Ying, Chen Juan, Shi Yang, Fu Hua-Ying, Huang Mei-Ting, Rott Philippe, Gao San-Ji. 2022. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:1087525, 14 p.

Towards a microbiota-based understanding of sugarcane health. Sanguin Hervé, Sood Sushma, Tournier Estelle, Julian Charlotte, Fernandez Emmanuel, Mahe Frédéric, Filloux Denis, Daugrois Jean-Heinrich, Roumagnac Philippe, Rott Philippe. 2022. Sugar Journal (June), Résumé : 28-29. ASSCT 2022 Annual Meeting, Bonita Springs, États-Unis, 21 Juin 2022/23 Juin 2022.

Transcriptome responses of wild Arachis to UV-C exposure reveal genes involved in general plant defense and priming. Martins Andressa Cunha Quintana, Zotta Mota Ana, Carvalho Paula Andrea Sampaio Vasconcelos, Passos Mario Alfredo Saraiva, Gimenes Marcos Aparecido, Guimarães Patricia Messenberg, Brasileiro Ana Christina Miranda. 2022. Plants, 11 (3), n.spéc. Exploring Resilient Crop Species to Understand the Genetic Basis of Stress Adaptation:408, 23 p.

Using plant diversity to reduce vulnerability and increase drought resilience of permanent and sown productive grasslands. Lüscher Andreas, Barkaoui Karim, Finn John A., Suter Daniel, Suter Matthias, Volaire Florence. 2022. Grass and Forage Science, 77 (4), n.spéc. Topics from the General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation held in 2022 : 235-246. European Grassland Federation General Meeting (EGF 2022). 29, Caen, France, 26 Juin 2022/30 Juin 2022.

Adjustment of K+ fluxes and grapevine defense in the face of climate change. Monder Houssein, Maillard Morgan, Chérel Isabelle, Dagmar Zimmermann Sabine, Paris Nadine, Cuellar Térésa, Gaillard Isabelle. 2021. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22 (19), n.spéc. Environmental Stress and Plants:10398, 19 p.

Defense response to Hemileia vastatrix in susceptible grafts onto resistant rootstock of Coffea arabica L. Couttolenc-Brenis Edgar, Carrion Gloria, Villain Luc, Ortega-Escalona Fernando, Mata-Rosas Martín, Méndez-Bravo Alfonso. 2021. Agronomy (Basel), 11:1621, 17 p.

Defining the combined stress response in wild Arachis. Zotta Mota Ana, Brasileiro Ana Christina Miranda, Vidigal Bruna S., Oliveira Thais Nicolini, Andressa da Cunha Quintana Martins, Passos Saraiva Mario A., Guerra de Araújo Ana Claudia, Togawa Roberto Coiti, Grossi-de-Sa Maria Fatima, Guimarães Patricia Messenberg. 2021. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 12 p.

Hornets and honey bees: A coevolutionary arms race between ancient adaptations and new invasive threats. Cappa Federico, Cini Alessandro, Bortolotti Laura, Poidatz Juliette, Cervo Rita. 2021. Insects, 12 (11), n.spéc. Arthropod Natural Enemies of Bees:1037, 17 p.

Quantitative proteomic analysis of the sugarcane defense responses incited by Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae causing red stripe. Zhou Jing-Ru, Sun Hui-Dong, Ali Ahmed, Rott Philippe, Javed Talha, Fu Hua-Ying, Gao San-Ji. 2021. Industrial Crops and Products, 162:113275, 11 p.

Transcriptome profiling in susceptible and tolerant rubber tree clones in response to cassiicolin Cas1, a necrotrophic effector from Corynespora cassiicola. Ribeiro Sébastien, Label Philippe, Garcia Dominique, Montoro Pascal, Pujade-Renaud Valérie. 2021. PloS One, 16 (7):e0254541, 23 p.

Fine scale spatial investigation of multiple insecticide resistance and underlying target-site and metabolic mechanisms in Anopheles gambiae in central Côte d'Ivoire. Oumbouke Welbeck A., Pignatelli Patricia, Barreaux Antoine, Tia Innocent Zran, Koffi Alphonsine A., Ahoua Alou Ludovic P., Sternberg Eleanore D., Thomas Matthew B., Weetman David, N'Guessan Raphaël. 2020. Scientific Reports, 10:15066, 13 p

Prehaustorial local resistance to coffee leaf rust in a Mexican cultivar involves expression of salicylic acid-responsive genes. Couttolenc-Brenis Edgar, Carrion Gloria, Villain Luc, Ortega-Escalona Fernando, Ramírez-Martínez Daniel, Mata-Rosas Martín, Méndez-Bravo Alfonso. 2020. PeerJ, 8:e8345, 21 p.

Resistance and susceptibility to Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis in cassava: A transcriptomic comparison (or two sides of the same coin). Ramirez Edilene, Dereeper Alexis, Bernal Adriana Jimena, Szurek Boris, López Camilo. 2020. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 112:101535, 11 p.

Water use pattern and intrinsic antioxidant machinery confer tetraploid Volkamer lemon tolerance to various water-deficit scenarios. Fasih Khalid Muhammad, Hussain Sajjad, Akbar Anjum Muhammad, Vincent Christopher, Ahmad Shakeel, Ali Muhammad Arif, Morillon Raphaël. 2020. HortScience, 55 (9), suppl., p. S386 ASHS Annual Conference, s.l., États-Unis, 10 Août 2020/13 Août 2020.

Cotton extrafloral nectaries as indirect defence against insect pests. Llandres Lopez Ana, Verdeny-Vilalta Oriol, Jean Janine, Goebel François-Régis, Seydi Oumar, Brévault Thierry. 2019. Basic and Applied Ecology, 37 : 24-34.

An imaging approach to identify mechanisms of resistance to pineapple fruitlet core rot. Barral Bastien, Chillet Marc, Lechaudel Mathieu, Lartaud Marc, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Conejero Geneviève, Schorr-Galindo Sabine. 2019. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:1065, 12 p.

Genetic study of topping-induced cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plant defense reactions, combining: Bioinformatics, VOC capture and genic expression. Villamar Torres Ronald. 2018. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 214 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie, interactions, diversité adaptative des plantes : Université de Montpellier

Epigenetic regulation of antagonistic receptors confers rice blast resistance with yield balance. Deng Yi-Wen, Zhai Keran, Xie Zhen, Yang Dongyong, Zhu Xu-Dong, Liu Junzhong, Wang Xin, Qin Peng, Yang Yuanzhu, Zhang Guomin, Li Qun, Zhang Jianfu, Wu Shuangqing, Milazzo Joëlle, Mao Bizeng, Wang Ertao, Xie Huaan, Tharreau Didier, He Zuhua. 2017. Science, 355 (6328) : 962-965.
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Fungal adaptation to contemporary fungicide applications: the case of Botrytis cinerea populations from Champagne vineyards (France). Walker Anne Sophie, Ravigné Virginie, Rieux Adrien, Ali S., Carpentier F., Fournier Elisabeth. 2017. Molecular Ecology, 26 (7), n.spéc. Microbial local adaption : 1919-1935.

Molecular mechanisms in the first step of aba-mediated response in Coffea ssp. Guitton Cotta Michelle. 2017. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 176 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie intégrative des plantes : Montpellier SupAgro

The architectural design of trees protects them against large herbivores. Charles‐Dominique Tristan, Barczi Jean-François, Le Roux Elizabeth, Chamaillé‐Jammes Simon. 2017. Functional Ecology, 31 (9) : 1710-1717.

Enhanced drought adaptation in African savanna crops. Lacape Jean-Marc, Loison Romain, Foncéka Daniel. 2016. In : Climate change and agriculture worldwide. Torquebiau Emmanuel (ed.), Manley David (trad.), Cowan Paul (trad.). Heidelberg : Springer, 59-71. ISBN 978-94-017-7460-4

Pathogen effectors and plant immunity determine specialization of the blast fungus to rice subspecies. Liao Jingjing, Huang Huichuan, Meusnier Isabelle, Adreit Henri, Ducasse Aurélie, Bonnot François, Pan Lei, He Xiahong, Kroj Thomas, Fournier Elisabeth, Tharreau Didier, Gladieux Pierre, Morel Jean-Benoit. 2016. eLife, 5:e19377, 18 p.

Polyploidization alters constitutive content of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and improves membrane stability under water deficit in Volkamer lemon (Citrus limonia Osb.) leaves. Souza Santana Vieira Dayse Drielly, Emiliani Giovanni, Michelozzi Marco, Centritto Mauro, Luro François, Morillon Raphaël, Loreto Francesco, Gesteira Abelmon S., Maserti Bianca Elena. 2016. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 126 : 1-9.

An epidemiologically successful Escherichia coli sequence type modulates Plasmodium falciparum infection in the mosquito midgut. Tchioffo Majoline T., Abate Luc, Boissière Anne, Nsango Sandrine E., Gimonneau Geoffrey, Berry Antoine, Oswald Eric, Morlais Isabelle. 2016. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 43 : 22-30.

Allelopathic effect of a native species on a major plant invader in Europe. Christina Mathias, Rouifed Soraya, Puijalon Sara, Vallier Félix, Meiffren Guillaume, Bellvert Floriant, Piola Florence. 2015. Naturwissenschaften, 102 (3-4):12, 8 p.

Assessing hygienic behavior of Apis mellifera unicolor (Hymenoptera: Apidae), the endemic honey bee from Madagascar. Rasolofoarivao Henriette, Delatte Hélène, Raveloson-Ravaomanarivo Lala Harivelo, Reynaud Bernard, Clémencet Johanna. 2015. Genetics and Molecular Research, 14 (2) : 5879-5889.

Etude histo-pathologique et moléculaire de la résistance des vanilliers (Vanilla spp., Orchidaceae) à Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-vanillae, agent de la pourriture des racines et des tiges. Koyyappurath Sayuj. 2015. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion, 227 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences. Biologie végétale : Université de la Réunion

How do species, population and active ingredient influence insecticide susceptibility in Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) of veterinary importance? Venail Roger, Lhoir Jonathan, Fall Moussa, Del Rio R., Talavera Sandra, Labuschagne Michel, Miranda Miguel, Pagès Nonito, Venter Gert J., Rakotoarivony Ignace, Allene Xavier, Scheid Bethsabée, Gardes Laëtitia, Gimonneau Geoffrey, Lancelot Renaud, Garros Claire, Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Balenghien Thomas, Carpenter Simon, Baldet Thierry. 2015. Parasites and Vectors, 8 (439), 9 p.

Impact of transport distance on stress biomarkers levels in dromedary camel (Camelus dromedaries). El Khasmi Mohammed, Youssef C., Mohamed F., El Hassane Tahri, Fouad F., El Abbadi Najia, Rachidai Abdellatif, Faye Bernard. 2015. Veterinariâ, 42 (2), n.spéc. Silk road camel: The camelids, main stake for sustainable development : 180-182. 4th Conference of the International Society of Camelid Research and Development/ISOCARD 2015. 4, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 8 Juin 2015/12 Juin 2015.

Evasion of short Interfering RNA-directed antiviral silencing in Musa acuminata persistently infected with six distinct banana streak pararetroviruses. Rajeswaran Rajendran, Seguin Jonathan, Chabannes Matthieu, Duroy Pierre-Olivier, Laboureau Nathalie, Farinelli Laurent, Iskra Caruana Marie-Line, Pooggin Mikhail. 2014. Journal of Virology, 88 (19) : 11516-11528.

La compensation dans les interactions plantes-insectes : modélisation, simulation et expérimentation. Lebon Audrey. 2014. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier 2, 227 p. Thèse de doctorat : Ecologie, évolution, ressources génétiques, paléontologie : Université Montpellier 2

Plant root transcriptome profiling reveals a strain-dependent response during Azospirillum-rice cooperation. Drogue Benoit, Sanguin Hervé, Chamam Amel, Mozar Michael, Llauro Christel, Panaud Olivier, Prigent-Combaret Claire, Picault Nathalie, Wisniewski-Dyé Florence. 2014. Frontiers in Plant Science, 5 (607), 14 p.

Sequence variation and recognition specificity of the avirulence gene AvrPiz-T in Magnaporthe Oryzae field populations. Chen Chenx, Chen Meilian, Hu Jinnan, Zhang Wenjing, Zhong Zhenhui, Jia Yulin, Allaux Ludovic, Fournier Elisabeth, Tharreau Didier, Wang Guo-Liang, Wang Zonghua, Shen Wei-Chiang, Lu Guodong, Wang Baohua, Mitchell Thomas K.. 2014. Fungal Genomics and Biology, 4 (1), 8 p.

DNA and RNA polymerase activity in a Moniliophthora perniciosa mitochondrial plasmid and self-defense against oxidative stress. Andrade Bruno Silva, Villela Dias Cristianao, Gomes Dayane Santos, Micheli Fabienne, Goes-Neto Aristoteles. 2013. Genetics and Molecular Research, 12 (2) : 1944-1950.

Défenses constitutives. Vaissayre Maurice, Goebel François-Régis, Giordanengo Philippe, Lieutier François. 2013. In : Interactions insectes-plantes. Sauvion Nicolas (ed.), Calatayud Paul-André (ed.), Thiéry Denis (ed.), Marion-Poll Frédéric (ed.). Marseille : IRD [Marseille], 393-405. ISBN 978-2-7099-1746-9|978-2-7592-2018-2

New rice resistance genes via targeted genome editing. Baufumé Servane, Meynard Donaldo, Reschke Maik, Solé Montserrat, Cunnac Sébastien, Szurek Boris, Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Boch Jen, Koebnik Ralf. 2013. Phytopathology, 103 (6), suppl. S2 : S2.13. APS-MSA Conference, Austin, États-Unis, 10 Août 2013/14 Août 2013.

Transcriptional activity, chromosomal distribution and expression effects of transposable elements in Coffea genomes. Lopes Fabrício R., Jjingo Daudi, Da Silva Carlos R.M., Andrade Alan Carvalho, Marraccini Pierre, Teixeira João B., Carazzolle Marcelo Falsarella, Pereira Gonçalo Amarante Guimarães, Pereira Luiz Filipe P., Vanzela André L.L., Wang Lu, Jordan King, Carareto Claudia M.A.. 2013. PloS One, 8 (11):e78931, 16 p.

The rice resistance protein pair RGA4/RGA5 recognizes the Magnaporthe oryzae effectors AVR-Pia and AVR1-CO39 by direct binding. Cesari Stella, Thilliez Gaëtan, Ribot Cécile, Chalvon Véronique, Michel Corinne, Jauneau Alain, Rivas Susana, Alaux Ludovic, Kanzaki Hiroyuki, Okuyama Yudai, Morel Jean-Benoit, Fournier Elisabeth, Tharreau Didier, Terauchi Ryohei, Kroj Thomas. 2013. Plant Cell, 25 (4) : 1463-1481.

A 13-lipoxygenase is expressed early in the hypersensitive reaction of cotton plants to Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum. Sanier Christine, Sayegh-Alhamdia Majd, Jalloul Aida, Clerivet Alain, Nicole Michel, Marmey Philippe. 2012. Journal of Phytopathology, 160 (6) : 286-293.

Arms race co-evolution of Magnaporthe oryzae AVR-Pik and rice Pik genes driven by their physical interactions. Kanzaki Hiroyuki, Yoshida Kentaro, Saitoh Hiromasa, Fujisaki Koki, Hirabuchi Akiko, Alaux Ludovic, Fournier Elisabeth, Tharreau Didier, Terauchi Ryohei, Sundaresan Venkatesan. 2012. Plant Journal, 72 (6) : 894-907.

Behavioural responses of Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto M and S molecular form larvae to an aquatic predator in Burkina Faso. Gimonneau Geoffrey, Pombi Marco, Dabiré Roch Kounbobr, Diabaté Abdoulaye, Morand Serge, Simard Frédéric. 2012. Parasites and Vectors, 5:65, 11 p.

Induced systemic resistance (ISR) to control Rotylenchulus reniformis in pineapple. Soler Alain, Corbion Claudine, Marie Alphonsine Paul-Alex, Quénéhervé Patrick. 2012. Nematropica, 42 (2), Résumé : 372. ONTA Annual Meeting. 44, Cancun, Mexique, 2 Septembre 2012/7 Septembre 2012.

Involvement of phenolic compounds in the susceptibility of bananas to crown rot. A review. Ewané Cécile Annie, Lepoivre Philippe, De Lapeyre de Bellaire Luc, Lassois Ludivine. 2012. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 16 (3) : 393-404.

Resistance to Melanaphis sacchari in the sugarcane cultivar R 365. Fartek Benjamin, Nibouche Samuel, Turpin Patrick, Costet Laurent, Reynaud Bernard. 2012. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 144 (3) : 270-278.

Study of the physiological component involved in the development of crown rot in bananas and the role of phenolics in susceptibility variation mechanisms. Ewané Cécile Annie. 2012. Liège : Université de Liège, 112 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences agronomique et ingénieur biologique : Université de Liège

Catecholamine biosynthesis pathway potentially involved in banana defense mechanisms to crown rot disease. Lassois Ludivine, De Clerck Caroline, Frettinger Patrick, De Lapeyre de Bellaire Luc, Lepoivre Philippe, Jijakli M. Haïssam. 2011. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 76 (4) : 591-602. International Symposium on Crop Protection. 63, Ghent, Belgique, 24 Mai 2011.

Comparative analysis of proteome changes induced by the two spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae and methyl jasmonate in citrus leaves. Maserti Bianca Elena, Del Carratore Renata, Della Croce C.M., Podda Alessandra, Migheli Q., Froelicher Yann, Luro François, Morillon Raphaël, Ollitrault Patrick, Talon Manuel, Rossignol Michel. 2011. Journal of Plant Physiology, 168 (4) : 392-402.

Assessment of genetic variability of resistance to heartwater in Creole goats. Bambou Jean-Christophe, Vachiery Nathalie, Despois P., Giraud-Girard Ken, Arquet Rémy, Pinarello Valérie, Aprelon Rosalie, Barbier Claude, Gobardham J., Mandonnet Nathalie, Lefrançois Thierry. 2010. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 1 (2) : 408-409. International Symposium on Sustainable Animal Production in the Tropics: Farming in a Changing World, Gosier, Guadeloupe, 15 Novembre 2010/18 Novembre 2010.

Preformed expression of defense is a hallmark of partial resistance to rice blast fungal pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae. Vergne Emilie, Grand Xavier, Ballini Elsa, Chalvon Véronique, Saindrenan P., Tharreau Didier, Nottéghem Jean-Loup, Morel Jean-Benoit. 2010. BMC Plant Biology, 10 (206), 17 p.

A temporary social parasite of tropical plant-ants improves the fitness of a myrmecophyte. Déjean Alain, Leroy Céline, Corbara Bruno, Céréghino Régis, Roux Olivier, Hérault Bruno, Rossi Vivien, Guerrero Roberto J., Delabie Jacques H.C., Orivel Jérôme, Boulay Raphaël. 2010. Naturwissenschaften, 97 : 925-934.

Single-chain variable fragments antibody specific to Corynespora cassiicola toxin, cassiicolin, reduces necrotic lesion formation in Hevea brasiliensis. Sunderasan E., Kadir Rusni A., Pujade-Renaud Valérie, De Lamotte Frédéric, Yeang Hoong Yeet, Nathan Sheila. 2009. Journal of General Plant Pathology, 75 : 19-26.

ARCHIPELAGO: A dedicated resource for exploiting past, present, and future genomic data on disease resistance regulation in rice. Vergne Emilie, Ballini Elsa, Droc Gaëtan, Tharreau Didier, Nottéghem Jean-Loup, Morel Jean-Benoit. 2008. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 21 (7) : 869-878.

Activation de la voie des oxylipines chez le cotonnier en réponse à la bactériose : mise en évidence d'une 13-lipoxygénase induite lors de l'interaction incompatible Gossypium hirsutum avec Xanthomonas campestris pv malvacearum et lors de traitements hormonaux. Sanier Christine. 2008. Montpellier : UM2, 26 p. Mémoire de master : Biologie, Géosciences, Agronomie, Environnement. Biologie et évolution des plantes : Université Montpellier 2

Characterization of the model system rice Magnaporthe for the study of nonhost resistance in cereals. Faivre-Rampant Odile, Thomas Justine, Allègre Mathilde, Morel Jean-Benoit, Tharreau Didier, Nottéghem Jean-Loup, Lebrun Marc-Henri, Schaffrath Ulrich, Piffanelli Pietro. 2008. New Phytologist, 180 (4) : 899-910.

Exploiting transcript profiling data to decipher rice, Magnaporthe grisea compatibility mechanisms. Hirsch Judith, Pacaly V., Tharreau Didier, Nottéghem Jean-Loup, Morel Jean-Benoit. 2008. In : Journées Jean Chevaugeon, VIIe rencontres de phytopathologie - mycologie de la Societé française de phytopathologie, du 20 au 24 janvier 2008 [Résumés]. Fernandez Diana (ed.), Carlier Jean (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, CNRS, SFP, Bayer cropscience. Montpellier : CIRAD, 114. Journées Jean Chevaugeon, Rencontres de phytopathologie-mycologie. 7, Aussois, France, 20 Janvier 2008/24 Janvier 2008.

A Genome-wide meta-analysis of rice blast resistance genes and quantitative trait loci provides new insights into partial and complete resistance. Ballini Elsa, Morel Jean-Benoit, Droc Gaëtan, Price Adam H., Courtois Brigitte, Nottéghem Jean-Loup, Tharreau Didier. 2008. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 21 (7) : 859-868.

Susceptibility of rice to the blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea. Ribot Cécile, Hirsch Judith, Balzergue Sandrine, Tharreau Didier, Nottéghem Jean-Loup, Lebrun Marc-Henri, Morel Jean-Benoit. 2008. Journal of Plant Physiology, 165 (1) : 114-124.

Early and specific gene expression triggered by rice resistance gene Pi33 in response to infection by ACE1 avirulent blast fungus. Vergne Emilie, Ballini Elsa, Marques S., Sidi Mammar B., Droc Gaëtan, Gaillard Sylvain, Bourot S., De Rose Richard, Tharreau Didier, Nottéghem Jean-Loup, Lebrun Marc-Henri, Morel Jean-Benoit. 2007. New Phytologist, 174 (1) : 159-171.

A secondary metabolite is involved in recognition of the rice blast fungus. Collemare J., Böhnert Heidi U., Pianfetti M., Fudal Isabelle, Tharreau Didier, Lebrun Marc-Henri. 2006. In : Journées Jean Chevaugeon : VIe rencontres de phytopathologie - mycologie de la Societé française de phytopathologie du 15 au 19 janvier 2006 [Résumés]. Fernandez Diana (ed.), Carlier Jean (ed.), Tharreau Didier (ed.). CIRAD, INRA, IRD, Bayer cropscience, SFP. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 42. Journées Jean Chevaugeon, Rencontres de phytopathologie-mycologie. 6, Aussois, France, 15 Janvier 2006/19 Janvier 2006.

Assessment of antixenosis and tolerance of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) towards mirids Sahlbergella singularis Hagl. (Homoptera : Miridae). Babin Régis, Sounigo Olivier, Dibog Luc, Nyassé Salomon, Eskes Albertus. 2005. In : La recherche agricole au service des acteurs du monde rural : recueil des résumés de la revue scientifiques 2005 de l'IRAD. IRAD. Garoua : IRAD, Résumé, 33. Journées scientifiques de la recherche agricole, Yaoundé, Cameroun, 25 Juillet 2005/28 Juillet 2005.

Effect of genotype on cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) attractiveness towards mirids. Dibog Luc, Babin Régis, Amang a Mbang Joseph, Decazy Bernard. 2005. In : La recherche agricole au service des acteurs du monde rural : recueil des résumés de la revue scientifiques 2005 de l'IRAD. IRAD. Garoua : IRAD, Résumé, 34. Journées scientifiques de la recherche agricole, Yaoundé, Cameroun, 25 Juillet 2005/28 Juillet 2005.

Cocoa productivity and quality improvement, a participatory approach : results from studies on cocoa attractiveness, antixenosis, antibiosis and tolerance towards mirids in Cameroon. Babin Régis, Dibog Luc, Bisseleua Hervé, Mpe Jean-Michel, Amang a Mbang Joseph, Onana Constantin. 2004. In : Cocoa germplasm improvement: global and participatory approaches. CFC, ICCO, IPGRI. Rome : IPGRI, Diaporama, (16 vues) Closing Workshop on the CFC/ICCO/IPGRI Project on Cocoa Germplasm Utilization and Conservation, a Global Approach, Reading, Royaume-Uni, 28 Mars 2004/31 Mars 2004.

A putative polyketide synthase/peptide synthetase from Magnaporthe grisea signals pathogen attack to resistant rice. Böhnert Heidi U., Fudal Isabelle, Dioh Waly, Tharreau Didier, Nottéghem Jean-Loup, Lebrun Marc-Henri. 2004. Plant Cell, 16 (9) : 2499-2513.

Efficiency and durability of partial resistance against black leaf streak disease. Abadie Catherine, El Hadrami Abdelbasset, Fouré Eric, Carlier Jean. 2003. In : Mycosphaerella leaf spot diseases of bananas. Present status and outlook : proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Mycosphaerella leaf spot diseases held in San José, Costa Rica, 20-23 May 2002. Jacome Luis (ed.), Lepoivre Philippe (ed.), Marin Douglas (ed.), Ortiz Rodomiro (ed.), Romero R. (ed.), Escalant Jean-Vincent (ed.). IPGRI, INIBAP. Montpellier : INIBAP, 161-168. ISBN 2-910810-57-7 International workshop on Mycosphaerella leaf spot diseases of bananas, San José, Costa Rica, 20 Mai 2002/23 Mai 2002.

Analyse du transcriptome du pathosystème Populus x interamericana / Melampsora laricipopulina. Duplessis Nathalie, Rouhier Nicolas, Frey Pascal, Kohler Annegret, Jacquot Jean-Pierre, Martin Francis. 2002. In : Journées Jean Chevaugeon : IVe rencontres de phytopathologie - mycologie du 13 au 17 mars 2002. [Résumés]. CIRAD-MIDEC, INRA, CNRS, SFP. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 1 p. Journées Jean Chevaugeon, Rencontres de phytopathologie-mycologie. 4, Aussois, France, 13 Mars 2002/17 Mars 2002.

Association of the porcine C3 gene with hemolytic complement activity in the pig. Mekchay S., Ponsuksili S., Schellander K., Wimmers K.. 2002. In : Second international symposium on Candidate Genes for Animal Health (C.G.A.H), Montpellier, France, August 16-18th 2002 : abstracts. CIRAD, INRA. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 1 p. International Symposium on Candidate Genes for Animal Health. 2, Montpellier, France, 16 Août 2002/18 Août 2002.

Characterization of a defensin gene expressed in oil palm inflorescences : Induction during tissue culture and possible association with epigenetic somaclonal variation events. Tregear James, Morcillo Fabienne, Richaud Frédérique, Berger Angélique, Singh Rajinder, Cheah Suan-Choo, Hartmann Caroline, Rival Alain, Duval Yves. 2002. Journal of Experimental Botany, 53 (373) : 1387-1396.

Des élicitines de Phytophthora aux LTPs végétales. Buhot Nathalie, Ponchet Michel, Douliez Jean-Paul, Mikès Valdimir, Milat Marie-Louise, Marion Didier, Blein Jean-Pierre. 2002. In : Journées Jean Chevaugeon : IVe rencontres de phytopathologie - mycologie du 13 au 17 mars 2002. [Résumés]. CIRAD-MIDEC, INRA, CNRS, SFP. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 1 p. Journées Jean Chevaugeon, Rencontres de phytopathologie-mycologie. 4, Aussois, France, 13 Mars 2002/17 Mars 2002.

Endogenous Banana streak virus sequences in Musa genome : a new risk for breeding program. Lheureux Fabrice, Carreel Françoise, Jenny Christophe, Laboureau Nathalie, Lockhart Benham E.L., Iskra Caruana Marie-Line. 2002. In : The world of microbes : XIIth International Congress of Virology, Paris, 27th July to 1st August 2002. SFM, IUMS. Paris : EDK, Résumé, 227. International Congress of Virology. 11, Paris, France, 27 Juillet 2002/1 Août 2002.

Etude de deux sous-classes de gènes de la famille PR-10 chez le pommier : induction par des facteurs abiotiques et par l'agent de la tavelure, Venturia inaequalis. Poupard Pascal, Campion C., Parisi Luciana, Gaudin Jacqueline, Simoneau Philippe. 2002. In : Journées Jean Chevaugeon : IVe rencontres de phytopathologie - mycologie du 13 au 17 mars 2002. [Résumés]. CIRAD-MIDEC, INRA, CNRS, SFP. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 1 p. Journées Jean Chevaugeon, Rencontres de phytopathologie-mycologie. 4, Aussois, France, 13 Mars 2002/17 Mars 2002.

Etude de l'expression des gènes de sécrétion au cours de la résistance acquise. Riviere Marie-Pierre, Hugot Karine, Cozzito Joe, Arbiol Gilles, Weiss Catherine, Galiana Eric. 2002. In : Journées Jean Chevaugeon : IVe rencontres de phytopathologie - mycologie du 13 au 17 mars 2002. [Résumés]. CIRAD-MIDEC, INRA, CNRS, SFP. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 1 p. Journées Jean Chevaugeon, Rencontres de phytopathologie-mycologie. 4, Aussois, France, 13 Mars 2002/17 Mars 2002.

Importance des voies de détoxication des espèces réactives oxygènées chez le peuplier lors de l'interaction pathogène entre Melampsora larici-populina et Populus x interamericana. Rouhier Nicolas, Gelhaye Eric, Jacquot Jean-Pierre. 2002. In : Journées Jean Chevaugeon : IVe rencontres de phytopathologie - mycologie du 13 au 17 mars 2002. [Résumés]. CIRAD-MIDEC, INRA, CNRS, SFP. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 1 p. Journées Jean Chevaugeon, Rencontres de phytopathologie-mycologie. 4, Aussois, France, 13 Mars 2002/17 Mars 2002.

La reconnaissance d'éliciteurs proteiques par les cellules végétales : comparaison entre la cryptogéine de Phytophthora cryptogea et la PopA de Ralstonia solanacearum. Racapé Judith, Belbahri Lassaad, Parlange Francis, Nicole Michel, Boucher Christian, Keller Harald. 2002. In : Journées Jean Chevaugeon : IVe rencontres de phytopathologie - mycologie du 13 au 17 mars 2002. [Résumés]. CIRAD-MIDEC, INRA, CNRS, SFP. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 1 p. Journées Jean Chevaugeon, Rencontres de phytopathologie-mycologie. 4, Aussois, France, 13 Mars 2002/17 Mars 2002.

Relationship between immuno-relevant lyspzyme gene polymorphism and differentiation of serum lysozyme activity in cattle. Pareek C.S., Prusinowska I., Walawski K.. 2002. In : Second international symposium on Candidate Genes for Animal Health (C.G.A.H), Montpellier, France, August 16-18th 2002 : abstracts. CIRAD, INRA. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 1 p. International Symposium on Candidate Genes for Animal Health. 2, Montpellier, France, 16 Août 2002/18 Août 2002.

Scopoletin expression in elicitor-treated and tobacco mosaic virus-infected tobacco plants. Costet Laurent, Fritig Bernard, Kauffmann Serge. 2002. Physiologia Plantarum, 115 (2) : 228-235.

Histochemical and cytochemical investigations of phenols in roots of banana infected by the burrowing nematode Radopholus similis. Valette Catherine, Andary C., Geiger Jean-Paul, Sarah Jean-Louis, Nicole Michel. 1998. Phytopathology, 88 (11) : 1141-1148.

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Purification and characterization of two basic Beta-1,3-glucanases induced in Colletotrichum lindemuthianum infected bean seedlings. Daugrois Jean-Heinrich, Lafitte C., Barthe J.P., Faucher C., Touzé A., Esquerre Tugaye M.T.. 1992. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 292 (2) : 468-474.

Les BETA-1,3-glucanases du haricot. Leur implication dans la résistance à l'anthracnose. Daugrois Jean-Heinrich. 1989. Toulouse : Université Paul Sabatier, 94 p. Thèse d'université : Université Paul Sabatier

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