The Ralstonia research community rejects the proposal to classify phylotype I Ralstonia into the new species Ralstonia nicotianae.
Lowe-Power Tiffany M., Sharma Parul, Alfenas-Zerbini Poliane, Alvarez Belén, Arif Mohammad, Baroukh Caroline, Bocsanczy Ana Maria, Biosca Elena G., Castillo Jose A., Cellier Gilles, Coutinho Teresa A., Drenth André, Friman Ville-Petri, Genin Stéphane, Guidot Alice, Hikichi Yasufumi, Huang Qi, Iyer-Pascuzzi Anjali S., Kai Kenji, Pecrix Yann, Poussier Stéphane, Ray Jane D., Rossato Maurício, Schomer Rebecca, Siri Maria Inés, Vinatzer Boris A., Allen Caitilyn.
3 (4) : 761-766.